STUDENTS. TEACHERS FIRED AT S. C. STATE * • • 131 Am GOLDEN VISIT OB A treat for (ha eyes, Edna Goldan, ! fi. -wcrwes pertly on arrived at Idlewiid airport recently, SbeV bsr« as Miss Virgin Islands” to vie for the coveted "‘Miss United States" crown in New York. The winner will get m all* ex’penses-paid trip to the Caribbean. (Newspress Photo) Dixie Solons* T rick r Decays Civil Rights * I?" ALICE A DT’NNIGAN wA S HIN GT O N < ANPR Through, shrewd parliamentary maneuvering the smooth operat ing' Southern politicians pulled a Xirk trick" in the House Rules Committee last Thursday in an effort to further delay action on civil rights legislation. The committee has previously voted to hold a two-da.v hearing on the civil rights measure, after which a vote would be taken to determine whether tne bill should be reported to the House Floor for action. The committee had agreed to devote one full day to hearing proponents of the measure and a second day to the opposition. Sep. Howard Smith of Vir ginia, chairman of the com mittee, got off to a. late start TWO DROWNED • OVER WEEKEND RALEIGH Two person* mot death by drowning over the past weekend Clifton Brown, 20. was drowned Friday in the Northeast Cape Fear River, about five miles east of Wallace. The victim, who lived near Chinquapin, had been swim ming with friends. The body was recovered about two hours after B’own disappeared. James Wallace, IS. of Route 3, Laurinburg, was drowned in an irrigation pond on the Melton Townsend farm near heue on Sun day. A tobacco field worker, Wallace, and two companions, none of whom could swim, sought to "cool off’ in the water of what they thought wgs a shallow stream. Wallace stepped In beyond his depth, and drowned despite efforts of companions to reach him with poles. The water where the body was recovered was said to be IS feet deep. V " v L *” ' mm* rl '-’-A MlSW&m&mm? ■■ Wfmr"' "' l *& i *' ~ s , •■ •| -. v T NgCtejjji^ TO HONEYMOON AFTER 49 YEARS—EIder and Mrs. Charles W, Alston, 101 Cuba Street, who PIH have Thursday, July g, on on Thursday, railing the com mittee to order at 10:45. and announcing that 18 witnesses had requested to be heard. He j stated that he didn’t know whether the committee would ha vp time to hear all of the i witnesses since it had ruled to vote before. 6:00 p,m. The first Witness, Rep E L. Forrester of Georgia, consumed the entire morning, ranting a gainst civil rights. At the con clusion of his testimony the com-1 mlttee adjourned for lunch. Don’t’ Have Quorum Immediately following the lunch period. Rep. Edward Willis of Louisiana took the stand. About! half way through his testimony | Rep, William Colmer of Missis-! sippi. a member of the Rules Com -1, interrupted to ask wheth er there was a quorum present. Chairman Smith took a count. Finding that there were only five members present, he. adjourned j the hearings for the lack of a 1 quorum. With this movement, the chair- j man and his Mississippi colleague I walked out of the committee with- j out further explanation. It war. learned that nnt> member of the committee had j asked the chairman to be ex- j cused for a half-houv in keep (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> ' Married 49 Y ears Ago Couple To Leave On Honeymoon Next Week By CHARLES R. JONES , RALEIGH—A 77-year-old m!n- I ister and his bride of 49 years are j making final preparations to leave next Thursday on their first honeymoon, a two-week jaunt which will take them into six states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Elder Charles W. Alston of the Seventh Day Adventist their first honeymoon, if be El der la the only living male char ter member of the Raleigh Sev enth Day Adventist Church, Mrs. 10c ioc VOLUME lb RALEIGH, ff. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 30, lO.Sfi NUMBER 40 , - - ijßg£T r ■■■% Wh/'/ -V'\; if - V&* j- y J HJA. . •#»>** - -■ ..*Z, - ••• JmpA oEH S9H Xtyj' -j'vA sKWot jm, Jmjßfigjßft, ”■> ' \ • iwj ffV.;, ’*•? . ; f4k w’.tfC /?'-• • ■. • '-,?*;>& vL^y-VV % '• . ’• ■•/jfw. "* * • ’ 'A WkM X’T ' ‘ l 1 / N, C, Man Heads Newspaper Association Raleigh Mm Is Sentenced For Shooting Pistol shootings here, over the weekend resulted in a baby being treated at St Agnes Hospital and Leroy Uiie.v being, sentenced to 12 months on ( he roads of Wake County Two-year-old Charles Edward Taylor was left in the house by his mother Mrs. Taylor, while he took a nap Upon returning to the house located at. 531 Davie St.. Mrs, Taylor found the child bleeding from the scalp. Both shootings caused quite a stir in the neighborhood, due to the fact that, the identity of the person who shot, the child has not been established. It is still a mys tery as to how and by whom he was shot Officer W. F Crocker who had been called to investigate another shooting says shat he wao hailed by the child’s mother and aided in getting the child to the hospital Utley is said to have become enraged while having a drink in the kitchen of the home of Mrs. Lena Dover, 305 S. East Street, with James Dover and others. The CAROLINIAN j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1-Month-Old Baby j Burned To Death ; WALLACE Fire, which des l troyed a farm home six miles west | of Wallaceof Wallace last Friday. ! took the life of four-month-old I Dans Lee Andrews, son of Mrs. ' (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Church disclosed that he had planned to take his wife on a honeymoon Immediately af ter they were married in January. 1907, ‘hut kept put ting it off. Then the children came,’ he continued, and we’re just getting around to taking our trip.’ (CONTINUED ON PAGE 551 Alston was employed by the Sea board Railway for 1R years (inti* her retirement recently (STAFF PHOTO EY CHAS. S. JONES). |" T ~ LEROY IJTLEY . , .shooting suspect i State News j Brief u FACES FEDERAL RAP SMITHFIELD—ProbabIe cause was found Thursday against Judge C. McNeill of Smithfield at a preliminary hearing befeve U. S. Commissioner Henry A. Bland in Raleigh on a charge of inter cepting a letter and taking * check from it. McNeill, 24. alleg edly got hold of the letter ad dressed to Mrs. Effie M. Penny, who lives in Smithfield, and at tempted to cash the $7 draft for his own use last Tuesday. He was bound over under a. S3OO bond for trial in the October 8 term of Federal Court.. HIS AIM WAS OFF" RALEIGH—Waymon Cnop (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> NEW WAY TO RAISE MONEY FOR AFRICA BROOKLYN. N. Y.—-Because of the interest of the AME Zion Church in. expanding the Chris tian religion in Africa, Bishop W, J. Walls, who presided over the 135th session of the New York Conference, which closed here at First Church, Sunday, introduced a unique system to aid the Afri can work. The prelate has asked all mem bers of the denomination who »♦.- (CONTINUED ON PACE 21 WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front CONTINUE HUS STRIKE IN FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE. Fla.--The five week old strike against the local bus company will continue, lead ers of the movement said here on IT MATTERS NOT HOW SMALL THE AD, JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. CALL... 4-5558 FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED! T. G.jgrvay New NNPA President I PITTSBURG - Tlie 18th Annua) Convention of the National News ; paper Publishers Association came I to a close here Saturday afternoon iat a luncheon in the Pittsburg ; Press Ciuh in the Hotel Sherwyn. when C. C Deloie. editor of the ! Louisiana Weekly of New Orleans, outgoing president, handed the ’ gavel to T C Jcway, publisher ! of the WILMINGTON JOURNAL. I A. day earlier Jervay had been i elevated from the vice-presidency I to the. top post in the Association | which is com-^ ■« r which he said "* ' “the Ncjgro press JERVAY must encourage registration and urge Negroes, especially outside the South to use their ballot to win support in Congress for much (CONTINUED QN PAGE 21 High Point Man 1 Heads Mortician# j KINSTON—The North Carolina Funeral Directors and Morticians took a, two-day leave of absence from their businesses for the 29th. Annua! Convention of the Colored Funeral Directors and Morticians Association which met here June 20 and 21, (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) Education Will Survive Crisis, Says Dr. Elder DURHAM—“As long as there is only general assembly in Duke hope that the young of our gen eration will have a future, educa tion must go on.” That was the word given to some 1.030 summer school stu dents attending North Carolina College this term by the school’s president, Dr. Alfonso Elder. “Teaching in these times." Dr. Elder continued. "presents a challenge to people of integrity, intelligence, courage and devo tion.” Speaking at the summer term's Monday. Dan Speek, chairman of the transportation committee of the Intercity Civic Association, re vealed that the boycotters have at their disposal a 25-passenger bus, two station wagons and 74 automobiles. So far, the bus company, which is losing money daily, has re fused to meet the demands of the local citizens which include: Ending segregated seating, em ploying colored drivers and in structing white drivers to treat, ail passenegrs with courtesy, re gardless of race or color. * *■ * BALTIMORE NOW HAS INTEGRATED POOLS BALTIMORE For the first time in the history of the Monu mental City ail city swimming pools are operating on an inte grated basis. When the pools opened on S&t (CONTINUED ON PAGE ») ; .1 • •:trr ?*^v-«r r %w- '-'JT-' j •;. '> v-^'' '' - ••■'■:• ■•:■•>' ' . | ->i^ f yx ' v?^' MASTER'S IN FRENCH Miss Helen Virginia McLean, 1954 graduate of North Caro lina College at Durham, receiv ed the master's degree in French at the recent commencement ex ercises of the University of Pennsylvania. She is the daugh ter of Mrs. Norma McLean, 154 Gaines St., Southern Pines. A sister, Mrs. Mary McLean Auditorium, Dr. Elder continued:! “Education has been challenged j before and It has survived. “Tea- i chers in the past have been chal-! lenged and they met their chal- j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i PERSON ITS Af* HONOR—SksraHsy Baric, ?r,, left etar «*! ife« Broadway hit show. "Mr, Woado*. faP*' and Warren HtiH, right, ete of the CBS-TV show "Strike it Rich,” recently were guest* cl the annual Donor luncheon of the Brooklyn chapter. National Feundcslioo for Musculo* Dystrophy, Inc, Both were honored for their time cmd effort ea behalf of handicapped chi* tfcstt, and wtte.pmNse&fodi with life eeettfeerehips by Uod Goidsteio, center. exfoitiv? rice* of HEFWb. (NarwfcpuMM Photojf Townes, also an alumna of NCC. teaches biology ai NCC At NCC, Miss McLean in her , senior year served as president of the campus chapter of Delta : Sigma Theta Sorority, She was i also a senior counselor, student j assistant in the News Bureau, ! and active in student govern i ment affairs, the French Club, and campus publications. Seek Mother Os Two Tots RALEIGH Local police have j i been asked to aid m locating Mrs. I ] Josephine Austin, 22. of E Eden-j I ton Street, who reportedly left a j | premature three-week-old baby in ! a hospital and another child, one I I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) LUCKY AUTO OWNER 'I he lucky car last week was the one bearing the tag num ber -'CK -4295. If the owner of that car took it to Dunn’s ELso Service, corner Cabarrus and IHoodworth Streets in Raleigh he. received a free grease job. ThW will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If if, follows the, asterisk, yon will get the grease job, Tb* nure her will he taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week »»*: XX-2864; wr-'UV.X-T/’.. *R -28??„ Wit t's and F-5549. Wliulesale Firings At tj. C, Csilsgs ORANGEBURG. S. C -At least r< students nt S c Binte College l»’rc have been .Led “not. to re turn ’ next fall and a half dozen faculty members have not, had their contracts renewed, it was revealed Futp f.-his week. Obsrtoer.s i - in these two in cident.:-: repris J' acamst. students who too!' mart in 'he anti-segre gation hut April and a gainst faculty members who are thought, i.o have sympathized with their rause. .Secretary W C. Bethea of the board nf tm.-ter-. -,atd that the student' had been notified after the end of the school term, so tbev were not expellee.” He .said further that three faculty mem bers did not cs r. renewed contracts and th t -,-fvera! orhct.s' had said they did not Want thru : re newed NA ICP Probe Pending Investigation of Urged NAACP ooi-ivitie:- at. the coliege, said Be thea. will bet in “soon'’ The lr quirv has been pending for more (ban a month since the legisla ture authorized it. In New York last week. Rep Ad orn Clavum Powell D. N.Y.I irttro {CONTINUED ON PAGE ?* ODDS-ENDS «v ROBERT G. SHEPARD The Tot. Haven Nursery, now located in the Mary Talbert Home on E. Davie st . is seeking new quarters because of inade quate sanitary facilities at tne Davie Street location. The nur sery must move in order to con form to health and sanitary pro visions of the County and State boards of health. The nursery board of directors is hopeful that a suitable location can be secur ed by September first in order that this vital and needed project may he continued. Since it began its operation, many years ago, the Tot Haven Nursery has provided supervised care for the small children of working mothers, thereby reliev ing these mothers of the dread ful anxiety of wondering what was happening to their unprotect ed children while they were away from them. The need for the con (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11