Hate Blamed For Burning Os Fayetteville Homes picture WANT HANDS HELPED—-Bertha Akira, a 25-year-old teacher frtMß Tanganyika. Airica. is shown upon arrival of New York'# Idlewild airport, on route from London to Mount Holyoke Col» te Massachusetts, She’ll study child guidance there for a yea?, 3Homes Burned In Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE—The burning cf three small, empty frame dwel lings in the Massey Hill section near bske is believed to have been motivated by racial prejudice, the owner of one of the houses, said Monday night, George Bell, owner of rme of 3 HOMES BURNED the houses, said that a Negrro family ha.d been scheduled to move into the.. dwelling Monday morning but if was burned to the ground Sunday night, E, C. Hill, owner of two house#, one of which was des troyed by fire and another severWy damaged, said that he hid not planned to move Vr-r-ws in. He has offered sinn reward for information leading to the conviction of the persons responsible. All of the 'houses were purchas ed at auction and mnvd from an other section of town They wore Man Slain In Firing Pit FORT BRAGG Sp. 3-r Robert T Wilson, 21, a paratrooper, was found fatally wounded in a firing range pit nn this Army reservation post last week, (CONTINUED ON* PAGE ?,) - - j Carolinian Plans Big Outing For |i News Carriers At Jones’ Lake RALEIGH Carriers of the CAROLINIAN throughout eastern North Carolina will have the treat of the *eason on Monday. Aug. 27, in the form of a grand all-day out ing at beautiful Jones’ Lake. They will spend the day heating, fishing swimming, and faking part in whatever other outdoor sports their hearts and youthful energv ®?r cal) for. _ r.''en the grownups among CAR OLINIAN representatives will find a variety of pleasures to their lik ing | Best of all, everything will he j WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front JUDGE DELAYS HEARING ON GA LAW SCHOOL CASE j ATLANTA .< ANP >—U. S. Dis- i trlct Judge rank A. Hooper has further delayed Horace Ward's fight to enter the all-white Uni versity of Georgia Law School. He declined last week to set i July'3o as a hearing date for * Ward’s entrance suit, virtually! ending his chances for this year.; since new students are accepted 1 only in September. SEGREGATION CAN COST OHIO SCHOOLS HEAVILY COLUMBUS. Ohio (ANP) ; The State Board of Education here was told last week that it has the authority to withhold; state funds from any school dis- i trie or board that permits segre- I ?ation. A tty. Gen C. William O'Nc-ili pointed out that “the revised code! of Ohio forbids distribution of! state funds to school districts i The Standard Printing C®* 220-226 S. First Sit, Louisville, e being prepared for occupancy at. - i the time of the fires, nj Chief P. A, Reeves of the n I Pearce's Mill Fire Department e. said that, the fires "must, have d been deliberately .set." and refer red. to a, ' strong odor of kern (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?! ’I i|Man, Woman ! Held In Juke 1 ; i Box Murder -1 ; NEW BERN - Albert. Sutton. ; i 33. of Farmville and his girl ■ friend. Miss Bernice Evans, 26, of j | this city are being held in Craven i ! County jail charged with the. fa- 1 • tal knife-slashing of a Florida ' man here Saturday morning, I William Louis Seals, 36, of; | Lakeland. Fla , died on the ope-! j rating (able at Good Shepherd, j Hospital after being disembowledh ; allegedly by Sutton, at, Henry j 1 Singleton's Bloomfield Street store at 1:30 a.m. The victim’s abdo- • I was ripped open from side to! ■ side ■ 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) free, including transportation to and from the famous resort, food and refreshments. Qualifying for the big outing wi) be simple and easy, through moderate increases in sales over the five-week period beginning next week. The CAROLINIAN manage ment has agreed to open the festivities even to new carriers, under terms that any boy. girl or adult can meet with very little effort. Details of the qualifying contest j will be in the hands of all present i carriers before the end of the week. f which have not conformed with i the law.” He added that the term embraces the equal protection (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) IT MATTERS NOT HOW SMALL THE AD. JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. CALL... TE-4-5558 FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED.’ 10c S —tgEiL Kkzd&zL jq c l - RALEIGH. N. G WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1956 NUMBER 43 Didn t Know It Was Loaded; jggfo. ffltffffiillW b Wk SH mt m mmaam m mmt LIY.W.T-. • -V a* - m L? V. : r b> 1 .J.y •■ ■ ■ A i■ .* . . . W . •■■V. r.. it.* *S Vs • i*4V* ; '-h-.v' • ... „ jaw sSf» STfflJSs • vAW-.rx- *■ c&ftsß I? -1 - -SSB&- tsSt 'lkbbl jPi* »1H ‘gasjS 2* Ifi'WiiV gl&i jgflHp' 4 'ttrafiL cyulrc SJSSEi 3P» fR B It©? mi W. fit s£& SSI Ml il « fa let £§B? dfe « mg gs ra JB|h mm SB mm IS B' WL «| jm .m • -Hk M sßsSk ' gl’ §§»& '•■•k if *£?*?< aeSf. ->>o.., ?uy« T'Sct -,•••«£ &|BB •;*4Sfr Shm' a?Ki smER i«3& ‘yt A ;' ; ■'•/Ft && .tsf."' EKB -aw? Isffll s!*;., '"?wS :®‘k? Sacs ''^WraSsp ***** ***** ****** ****** ***** Carolinian Sees Hodges On Schools NO Governor Reveals Plans For Jim Grow! By ( HARLES R. JONES RALEIGH This states three iop exponents of the voluntary ‘ i segregatior,' plan hold an open ais : mission Saturday with members of I , the press, radio and television in j ; the Hall of the. House at. the Capi j to!. Governor I.other Hodges. At- j tnrney General William B | Rodman and Thomas .*. Pear- ' sail. Chairman of the Advisory j Committee on Education, out lined hills which they plan to present a! the Special General Assembly Session on July 23. The purpose of the conference ; ; was to explain to the public the i steps that would be taken to ahgttfe. ■inn the public schools in the event ' ; haf the Negroes tr North Carolina j ■ decide not to segregate themselves j "voluntarily . an act which wuoid • pe in direct violation to the ruling of the u. S. Supreme- Court out lawing jim crow in the public iUONTINTED ON PAGE 2! NAACF Saves ! Membership List MONTGOMERY, Ala. (ANP)~- The NAACP won somewhat of a moral victory in Alabama last, week when it was not, required to show its membership files, al though Circuit Judge Waite:' B Jones issued a court, order direct-! mg the civil rights group to show part, of its activity files. Attv. lien. John Patterson of Alabama had tried to force I the organization to provide j a list of names of ail con- 1 trihotors and the amount giv (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) il 3 j and new carriers may get all ne- ! 1 cessary information by phoning, j ! writing or calling at the office of j ? j the CAROLINIAN, 513 E. Martin j i ■ St. The. phone number is TE 4- j r 5553. | 5 Here is a chance to wind up the j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 4 I TO DEDICATE MOiNTSMKRTS—Cknv Senjcomn tX Dkmis (Bat.X left po&eg with ofhftr tnembars of the Baitfc* Monuments axmmvmtm aboard the S/S United Staten, on which they cailftd recently to dedicate sek 0. S. aaiHtOTf cemetery utOHumerite it* three countries. In addition to Gett Davis, the member* are (L to t.h Admiral Thomas C. Kincaid. Mrs! Theodore B. Roosevelt and Leslie Biffo* former secretary of She Senate. {ftEVVSPKESS jp-hf©TO.) picture PRETTY FOR THE SPORT OF IT The beautiful lines on the low slung sports car above had rivals in the line of Summer School beauties perched on the snazzy chassis on North Carolina Rat Poison Kills Girl, 2, j In Goldsboro Ry HENRY C. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO -- Mattie Lee ; Flannagan, 2-year-old daughter’ of Mr and Mrs. Jasper Flaruia-j gan. 603 School St., died at 1 Wayne Memorial Hospital Sat urday, after eating rat poison by mistake. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 College’s campus last week. Miss j "NOD Summer Queen” is shown ,\t left with her attendants Left j to right: Miss Bessie Massey, j Monroe, N. C. (queen), Mrs. j | Dr. Rudolph Jone New Fayetteville President FAYETTEVILLE ~ Dr. Rudolph , « •lonti. teacher and dean of the | institution since 1952. was ijairtea % : President of the Fayetteville Slat" I Teachers College when the Board I i of Trustees met, on July It to se- § lect a successor to Dr. J Ward I ; Sea brook, The action of the Board f 1 saw History repeat itself, for in I ! July, 1933. Dr, Seabrook war ele* t; 1 valed from the deanship to the 1 presidency of the college and has I held the position since that time, p Th* newly-elected successor to j 'CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) , i Theresa Savage, Fairhope, Ala.; ; Mrs. Irma Hosier. Gaffney, S. C.. , and Miss Mary Oxcdin, Rocky j | Mount. Beauties reigned during j Summer Picnic, activities last I I week. ODDS-InDiT ! j By ROBERT G. SHEPARD I \ I mamurnKmanmaKomanmuri » When Southerners say that seg regation Is good for the Negroes, they are saying that Negroes are something less than human be ings because segregation means deprivation To take things or to deny to one group the things con-j sidered necessary and beneficial j for other groups and then to say j that these denials are good is not j only unchristian but is barbaric,! heathernish, short sighted and, costly. An ex'arnple of the "beneficial" i efforts of segregation that the | Army may deny, but which is | based on such reliable informs -; tion that it. will have to be ac- ’ eepted until disproved: i On one of the Great Armed 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE Si ' *Unloaded ? Cun Is Death Weapon (Special to Carolinian! SANFORD - Said lo have bren angert d because her husband stay ed away from home ail weekend and refused t,r, tell her where he had been Mrs. Lorraine Perrv. 2°. shot, him '•> death here Sunda; ntglu The v.cttm Paul Pcrty. ,33, was shot in his right side as he sat in a chair eating a canteloupe. He slumped lo the floor and v- as dead on arrival at Lee County Hospital. Sheriff I) E. Holder reported that Mrs. Perry told him that her husband told her that a 32. caliber pistol wouldn't shoot' 1 because if had no bul lets He said that she polled ihe trigger three times before ibc fatal shot was ftrrd. Mrs Perry was taken to iat! shortly* after the shooting and col lapsed in a roll She was then “NAMES” In The NEWS ar ¥ ..* <^- •Jlji&V-- • ;, ' r ? ’^dEMaSl? gL|;\ * ‘ '-X;.' NEW BOARD MEMBER ; John H, Wheeler, Durham presi- | dent of the Mechanics and Farm- ; crs Bank, was added to the. Gem era! Board of the AME Church last week during the three-day j meeting of the Bishops’ Council and general board of the Church, j at. a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, j (Se? story this issue). Itflll liSiPli r ■•■* ••• Wft&m ,':x '* >. 't'-jovy.-- .xjfsiSS&jg •*3HB*P‘- :'" ' ,-•# -!lro ‘■.- m -v i c v&%- &, - ,>•' - wmemm N x ssnfflp ■ 4 v H' I fSiWtt NAMED TO RECREATION j COMMMISSION -- Allen E. j Weatherford who was recently i named by Governor Luther j Hodges to the N. C. Recreation i Commission, Weatherford be- j came the, second Negro to hold j this position when he succeeded ; W. J. Kennedy of Durham. The j new board member is chairman I of the department of physical ed ucation and recreation at North Carolina College, Durham, (See (Story this issue!, r liL'CK.Y AUIO Oh'vEß ’1 The lucky rar last »cb, Th» will happen every «eefc.! [ Watch for jour tag Dumber. If ! ** follows the asterisk, vow wt|j : k«t the sroase Job. Th- rum-; hep will he taken fr«’in any car bear in* a N. C, license. The number? this week - v r<> WP-342; -H'VT. 125; (~K-4“95; , ■ . VX-?ftfi4, 14-3812; A- /Y-4?’2, : " n to L—New York ast, week opened Its heart to Al - Gibson, the tall, lithe Har em Negro girl, whose exploits on he tennis court in India, Asia, md finally Wimbledon in Eng and. won her worldwide fame, as he came home to a gala city wel ome. Althea, who lost in her bid to win the single® champion ship, but became the first of her race to win a Wimbledon title, was to he honored along with other members of the A* merican team in s ticker tape parade down Fifth Ave nue. Mayor Wagner and a host of city dignatarics, as well as officials of the United States Lawn Tennis Association and the American Tennis Assoel*,- {CONTINUED ON PAGE Z)