Make-Up Try Fails, Fort Bragg Sergeant Kills Wile | icck'V tv to owner The lU'Vs r , *a: t U'3.5 i the "ti' heart’! ih c tar 011m bev ”AL-3?50 If the owner of that cat took It id Dunn » Esso, Service, cornet Cabarrus and: filoodwerth Streets to Raleigh ;h y i' f • " fS a ffrr- FCC? *.“ tob. This <rt.ll happen e v ptv »• eek 1 j W’atr-h for vour tag number. If I !t fellows. the asterisk, you will j ret the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. Ift-ense. The number? thi? week tte; X-129; wu-ryv ZY-4.722; •CY-3M*; 8.-88’i. Mother Never Sou) Child; CS WXi iftJ : w *|P •^v ,v -l S* •*?£* '•'&*•***& . j&l W: ; : :: Ss. s§§L m m .» **. n. m 'r-TT^T , T , R , R «iT« Fa, Schools Must Desegregate By Sept, 4 ¥a. City Must Open Schools To All Sept. 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va. -. A written order, substantially that of the oral opinion which he handed down on July 12. was giv en to the city of Charlottesville Tuseday. by Federal Judge John Paul, ordering racial desegrega tion by the opening of the local schools on Sept. 4. J. Lindsay Almond. Jr., attor ney general. *aid in Richmond i that he would appeal, Ths order an joins the Char lottesville school officials from j 'any end all action that regulates j o affects on the basis of race or | color, the admission, enrollment j or education" of the Negro plain-j 'iff: in the ease "or any otherj Negro child similarly situated"' is the public schools. y j Is is the. earliest date for eri- j forcing desegregation thus far I ■ordered by any court in the sev- j eral segregation case* pending in j Yii giniß. There are !« the local schools, iroNTIVT EH ON PAGE 2 > State News!' —IN— Brief 1 r*wiAae««u»> . - _t ; ACTING HEAD NAMED GOLDSBORO — Dr, M. M. Vi tots. 35, » native of Latvia, has j taken over as acting sgperinten- : dent, of the State Hospital for Ne-1 frees her*. He .succeeds Dr. N. B. Kyles, who served in that capac- ] sty since the illness of Dr. Ira C. 1 Long, hospital superintendent, last! fall. Dr, Kyles has been given an I extended leave of absence. Dr. I VitoK a forme: staff physician! at the State Hospital, Butner. j joined the Goldsboro hospital staff as clinical director in June.! * . . DRUNK DRIVERS SENTENCED WENDELL Two defend ants. convicted in the local Herorder's Court of drunken tCONTINUED ON PAGE 21 j ' 'fans'airn ■—h „ t*n*t ! ‘ brew’' .of th« fa Kies* JBtem in Columbia, ! S C-, listen to speakers trt a GmM-bttm&igr rally recently, Speakers <rt the fe«to sseefeg/ Psnwidesl. Eisenhower Jc-’rts and Cathofe* fe osUhsq fag more tsemlMni te swell srccabt- (VEWSPmm IPHOTO) THE CAROLINIAN 100 y—f 10 '.' VOLUME lb RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 NUMBERA6 ĵdjfdf,,, RALEIGH’S “MISS YWCA" Members of the Y-Hostess Club of the Sojourner Truth Branch j of the VWCA recently sponsored i a Miss YWCA popularity contest for the purpose of adding finance to the group's treasury. Shown in picture are several members of the V-Hostess Club who spon j Barnes Sees N, C. Voters j Swinging To GOP In Fall j DURHAM - A swing to the creasing thousand? of North Car-. ■ oluift Negro voters was predicted j here Friday by Alexander Barnes, ■ GOP candidate for the State Sen | ate from Durham County, Speaking before a called meet ing of the county Republican Ex | ecutive Committee, Barnes said ithat a major factor in this trend! | was reaction to the General As-; jsembly's hearings on the Pearsall! [program to prevent public school ■ integration. “The recent public hearings in Raleigh.” he declared, “opened the eyes of every North Carolinian, white as well as colored, to Che fact that leadership is very badly j needed in the state; and that sored MISS VWCA Contest. Ist Row. left to right, Miss Olina j Richardson, winner of Miss Iff : CA title; Miss Argatha Watson, 2nd runner up crowning Miss I VVC'A; Mrs. Anne Rivers, 3rd runner up and vice president of I Hostess Club: and Mrs. Rehee i oa I‘ahron, Sec'y. Second row. the Democrats are flounder ing around like fish out of water.' Colored people as a whole are pointing to those televised hear ing?, and l don’t think you're go ing to find many of them voting for Governor Hodges." Barnes further predicted that another 5,000 Negroes would reg ister in Durham County before the November election, to swell the 9.000 already on the books; and that they would vote over whelmingly for Republican can didates. T think we're going to surprise some people." he said. As tn his own chances /nr election, he said if might take CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) | ALEXANDER BARNES | WHATS HAPPENING ON THE | Desegregation Front NAACP ASKS STRONG CIVIL RIGHTS CLANK WASHINGTON The NA.ACP j i national office revealed this week : ! ( h at ' it will ask both the Demo j era,tic and Republican national conventions to endorse strongly j the U. S. Supreme Court’s deci- j i ston outlawing, segregation in the i public schools. The proposed integration plan, is one of sir; controversial plat-' Mrs .1. A. Boyer, YWCA Direc- | fur; Mrs. Tula Mae Holden. Miss j Vivian Burt. Miss Freddie Mae Williams and Miss Irene Dun ston Back row, Mrs. Helen ! Wafts, Miss Georgia Mae Hen- | | derson, Miss Mary L. Kittrell. | .Miss Doric Williams and Mrs. i j Isabel Strickland. FEARED SOMEONE ! WOULD KILL HER, ; WOMAN SUICIDE j I KINSTON (Mlßi—Suicide has: j been ruled in the death of a, local j | woman found dead near Kenans- j i ville Wednesday. 1 The victim was identified as | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> ; Goldsboro Cross Burning Said Work Os Prankster ! GOLDSBORO *MIRf A i cross burning in the Sugar Hill, [section of the city stirred this 1 i peaceful community last week. In what Chief of Police H. A. j Lane termed 'the work of prank ster’ a cross was discovered at’ about 1115 p. in. Wednesday.! burning tn front of the home ofj William Henry Spruill, 415 ; Creech Street. The cross was dls- 1 covered by a neighbor who called j Spruill who has living with him ; in the house a nephew. James! Johnson, his wife and two chil- j dren, to tell them the gate to! their fence was afire. At about the. I ■same, time another neighbor. El-; bert Reid who saw the incident, called the police. Ll. Simon Hare, Officers O. L. Jones and Amizah How ell of (he Golds bore police force Invesigated the Incident and found the cross leaning against the wooden fence. The blaze had been extiffi- ■ form recommendations that Roy ; Wilkins, executive secretary., will [make to the. two conventions. He will appear before the Democratic platform committee in Chicago next week and before the GOP platform committee in San Fratt j cisco two weeks later j Both parties are being asked to I Pledge the full support of the 1 (continued"'ow page ?> j Baby's Birth, Adoption Rock Chatham County I B? ALEXANDER BARNES i PITTSBORO The birth of 9 j baby to Miss Lucy Farris, who has j lived, in a white home for 13 j years, at. the Mathiesen Clinic | here, and its adoption by a Dur- 1 ham couple kept tongues wagging, officials tight mouthed' and the CAROLINIAN scurring over the county to unravel the facts. It was definitely established that there was a baby born at the I local medical center to a girl who lives in the home of Mrs. Leola j Buckner, white, in the Snow ; Camp section of the county, near . ! the Randolph County lino. Mrs. Buckner expressed be -1 lief that (he father of the child is J. tv Buckner. IS, v bite, and * relative of Mr*. Buckner's late husband' If is further established that Mias Farris was given to the Buck- j ner family when she was 13 years! old, and has lived in the house hold since that time. NabNCMan ! In NJ Crime j GATESVHJLE Clyde Boyce, i 38. wanted in New .Jersey on a 1 I rape-murder charge, was arrest- j ! ed at a sawmill near here Tburs- { day night, Jailed at Elisabeth City, he was | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i Faulkner Urges Fight For Rights ; CHICAGO Novelist William ! Faulkner said here Monday that I If he were a Negro, he would fight | for equal rights "'until the white, I man became sick and tired of fighting it" (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ruished by .Inhnsoti and hie i broken* and the short piece tied', wf ft when officers arrived across the rest of the broom. The!' The cross was made from a! stick broom The handle was' (CONTINUED ON PA OK 2) i O XttVY NLTM!«»MnI ©*s*** Stfflwut «t Meaw ?«ik whs ®ri»i?<f is cos, ambulance w* * Mawanw "wife |»f «t *«**»* fe»r fin# atafw, Mowing ' bapfum ’ by ap rbm! I®od«r "Daddy * Gree* dbra*?* * bmm m&im ■*&»& mcentJy waribad <b« sad o? she SS-r| A-v-mcd Ccmaasetilaij. bi tb® Js»***» nl ft«*f«sr dinsjim, B»abw> <*nK» used « #?•«* hoae i« "baptise’’ 106 naavvris. tmd s&&> !fa«s *fe§KMid 9 V 'vmidn Meovqry" of « crippfmg malady, (KLW3- FSJOfO) Investigation revealed that the girl is considered a member of the household and, according to Mrs. Buckner, has been treated as such. Up until the time the ba - by came she a tended the white church, Rocky River Baptist, of i which Mrs. Bucknci is a. member. Mrr. Buckner told the CARO LINIAN that, she had no!, had any trouble with Lucy since she had (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) DURHAM DISTRICT 2ION ELDER DIES DURHAM—Rev. W W. Lon-: 73. believed to bold <rie longest record for continuous service on one district, in any Methodist church, died at his home. 400, Formosa Avenue. Tuesday morn ing after an extended illness. He fCONTINUED ON PACE 2' /. • - _ ■ -ipiiyi % f. REV. W. W LONG ■ - «• •’• '•*’' • ' -■' *■• -’^i. . :'-j^';feßS£ C?:W?. y . A ?.\ GETS TEACHING POST Miss I oreitsi Free, of Greens boro, IftSfi graduate of < oi!pir»>. who h;<s berrt named Wife Spurns Bid To Make Up, Slain ROCKY Iff. HOST TO COO FELLOWS RV 1. B. IIAEBEN 1 ROCKY MOUNT Rocky I Mount Lodge No. 1840 Grand j Order of Odd Fellow;,, Major CJ ! ' Marshall, Moot Noble Grand. and! ; Household of Ruth N<> 87K. M:r. | Lillie Jackson. Most, Noble Gover-: i ness, were host,;, t.o the North • Caroline Grand Lodce of G.U.O. i of O F.. July 31—August 2 the I St. James Baptist, Church on j Thomas Street. Approximately 400 delegates were in attendance. Leader;-' of the grand lodge are Jesse W. Podges-* of Williamston 1 and Mrs. Rachel Dudley, head of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2t -FLASH!- Atty. Walker Convicted | | JACKSON—Atty. Jaw F. Walk- j : er, Jr was convicted of- assault i j on a female'* and fined SSOO anti I ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE U) | in -a fTfj.r.hjnr pn&f xi the y«- Gitin Jualof I!?;;h School in her i : >,rn c r. \i v r? rsf! tr]ii WgHj| f?:si'irs >fi <hp FREDERICKSBURG, Va. A Fort Brace, N. c Arm v master sergeant, who police say surren dered Sunday night after killing in; '-.ui ,v,’d criticslly wounding her si anmnoihe: .• if being held here without; hail. | M ,', 't Charles Henri Scott of ficer here reported related that, he had come here on leave on j August, i t.c« fry a reconciliation ! with liis wife, but that a family ar :ument ensued dm mg which | both women were shot Officers i r,unci wife. J'-an ' dead on the kitchen fioos. .M. Carrie Sorrell, ths grandmother. in a critical con dition, it a jbospi’a! here. Police Supt. A G. Kendal! said •hat no charge• have been placed against Scott, who reportedly ! save local officers s 33 caliber revolver when he surrendered. wiu«ri((«wr«t<viK(wt fttstmaKssusastaK* OSB3-ENOS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD * Undet the enlightened concept of public schooling as. recently ) defined by the U S Supreme ! Court, the plight of the Negro i high school student; in the Ober | iin area is plainly sigrdfscant In j Oberliii. Negro high school stu i dent,, are compelled to leave the I vicinity of their homes -where | there are ? high schnol.-. ' Brough i ton Senior ana Darnels Junior' l land travel 6 mile,; in order to ! err, to a segregated school. No i type of transporafion is furnish - i ed these children and they must jhe exposed to the hazards of ! weather and u a ffit dangers and | leave their homes an hour or more earlier due to the uncer tainties of the public burses that they must travel to and from school on. One of the ironies of ttah trag ic. situation is that these two white” schools arc- located m a section of Raleigh developed pri marily by Negroes. Hardy Negro pioneer;' went into that section long before if was a part of Ra leigh. cut down the trees, built homes and established churches and schools. Now the descendants of those pioneers with children of high school age. must send their children several miles away to school while ’•> hlte children at tend schools built on land their ancestors wrestled from the for* (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) IT MATTERS NOT HOW SMALL THE AD, JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. C ALL... TE-4-SSSB FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED!

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