KLANSMEN BURN CROSS IN S. C. The Carolinian 10c T~ty** 10c VOLUME 15 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 25. 1956 NUMBER 18 Dr, Edmonds Seconds Ike’s Nomination jljjj jUjjji 0- &■ nap Jp|p 'ife eglA B|§ 'sSsS. ?d!|L»*k %ss•:■■ *lsp '.O ■<s!£ jM Ipß »j|jf A§ Jl|? I|||j 111 IHI -Japp wB I! SB jVI m. Hr® i .'H II B Si liwi S Hii lire H si iii i I #» 11 1 1 H H a Jilt |i feM mBl IsS p .jfflß 2?|| Wet; sss *4BfaWMK just |P| .'v’Vi, W® "tS uM £gs? §sg S|j& Wii ajßg&jfc |g§ s||| |l|fc ; ijjjjl 9s jUH mu Bn vfejSsl JoS® tiusPiL y l * > < '^f : ‘i l . ' ’'"'iv \‘i'S*fi- ( „s\3 c-s wHilS uA ?Vgwi, •r'jSGNr ‘■i'sL • ■' , i*J(T' |ggSgg I|||P - - H'b ®|l| /sa> Kfaii Burns ! Fiery Cross Near Conway CONWAY. S. C. While they , oii-ned a 30-foot cross in a field j gear here Saturday night., some \ 30 hooded and masked KuKlux ' Kiancmen heard their leader * Mead for 'understanding of klan activities by the press.' The leader, unidentified, but' rearing a flowing robe, told some . 300 persons who attended the ral ly: "I pray God that when I pick i up the newspaper tomorrow, f will j be able to find a fair and unbi- ; ■ ed account, of the meeting here tonight" | He said that his organization: is for "white supremacy,’' but! added that “the newspapers! would not. dare to report the facts | of a klan meeting.” rovmtf.n on ptot twoi Stale News j! —JN Brief f - - ——>n n HELD IN GAS THEFT RALEIGH Miss Mary Liza Gardner. 27. 321 W. South Street, was tailed here Saturday and j charged with not paying for five j gallons of gasoline which she re-] reived from a service station here' Saturday, A, E, Kornegay, mana- 1 1 ger of a service station located! at SOI S Sanders Street, told of-; - f.'cers that the woman drove into. his service station in a converts : ole automobile and got. five gal- j j lons of gas. He added that she did : 3 not pay for it. and drove off. The i young lady was apprehended five ' i minutes following the reporting : of the incident to police. She is i being held on a charge of lar-: < erny, J ! i GUEST SPEAKER j t RALEIGH Rpvprend Frank I C, Shirley, It., nf the Synod of New Jersey, 1f153 graduate (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWOI NAACP Again Asks Review Os SIOO G Fine MONTGOMERY Ala - A SftC- j end request that it review a SIOO.- 000 cor tempt of court fine against the NAACP was considered here Tuesday by the State Supreme Court. Also requested was a review of j the injunction banning the orgari* ' ration in Alabama as an afiei rnath of the Autherine Lucy riots \ and the Montgomery bus boycott. J Attorneys for the- NAACP filed an amended petition with the court on Monday after their first : petition for a review was turned . down last week. A second coui t •efusal would leave the NAACP vith only the U. S. Supreme Court or a further appeal No date for a hearing on the second petition was immediate' iy set. Unlike the first petition, j the one filed on Monday asked the court lo review a circuit i court injunction issued June 1 temporarily banning the NA ACP in Alabama. Circuit Judge Walter B. Jones i granted the injunction at the re- j West of Attorney General John : Patterson on grounds that the NA- I ACP was improperly chartered and j has conspired to break Alabama j taw. When the organization refused■ to produce on Jones' order, its Ah j amaba membership lists for use j as state’s evidence, the jurist fined ! toe NAACP SIOO,OOO for contempt, j %... -V- - ' Eir :i- ■ -Z, ..v , , S ,; V ' • ;-■ - ' ■Vk«Sg®«d6£.-':•'•• ••:'*-:■••' 'Li • V^-. >;>. :<■s#&*<■<: .*•>•%'. L »:’• •:■■ L %S. "' -■■■ “• •> ... t,.., . ' GUN Rl. AST DAMAGES - >irs. Mahie Morrison of IfLl (,ihhs Street Gharlotle. is p|e Denied Entry, Fires Into Charlotte Home CHARLOTTE -- An unideiuifjr 1 , gunman fired into the home of j Mrs. Mable Morrison, 11504 uibbs j St-. A 16 gauge shot.gun bias through the window barely missed a sister who was asleep or. a p 1 let. about !3 feet from tbs. win dov, Inc shot is believed to her, h« n inlendto for Naomi Patron, tic. ter, who is m hiding. it is reported that .a friend of Mrs Patton called at the home laic in the evening and was i< nvnynr n on pAfif: TWO> SS* *?••»-«* 2* i£S.‘ l K. <, &SLr»SS to js zzz ii&EZzx ssraSstsuissS’ litre t above pointing vo damages done by a shotgun blast fhai rip p-d into her w inflow last week’ NEB SEND 1? TO WOES.D COUNCIL CHARLOTTE Bishop W J. vV.-ll.''. rwert-mn of the Board of Bishops. A. M E Zion Church rcleascil a list here this week that contained ihe names of 17 North Carolinians who will represent, the denomination at tire World Meth odic Council that will meet hi Like .lun.iiu J-: i. Kept. 1 -10. three of the persons, Bishop ft B Shaw, Wilmington, ami ft W R, Lovell, Charlotte, Bi-hop ti L. -.Jones, Salisbury, are of fir ta! members. Bishop W. IV Slade, Charlotte, Dr, W (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) • I Dr, Edmonds i j | [ Seconds Ike ! !! Nomination i ! j j DURHAM Dr Helen G Ed monds, professor of history at North Carolina College made one. of the seconding speeches after the nomination of President Eisenhow er at the Republican national con vention in San Francisco Werines j day | Sherman D Adams, White House | | aide, issued the invitation last week. Her appearance marked the I first tune that s Negro from a i Southern state has ever seconded I the nomination of a presidential I cat,didate. Dr. Edmonds, who has gained a worldwide reputation as a speaker, j writei and educator, is a native of i LawrenceviUe, Va She receivi d ; i her A. B. degree from Morgan i i (CONTINUE!> ON PAGE TWOI i j _ What Demos And GOP |: Say On Civil Rights ! Democrats EDITORS NOTE; Follow ins is the text of the civil ! rights plank adopted by Demo crats ai their national conven tion in Chicago last week.) 1 The Democratic Party is com | rrsitted to support and advance the individual rights and liberties of ail Americans. Our country ;s founded on the proposition that ah j men are created equal. This means j that all citizens are equal before j the law and should enjnv equal i rights They should have equal op- [ i portumlies for education, for cc- i j oromie advancement, and for de '! cent living conditions. 2. We will continue our efforts i to eradicate discrimination based j on race, religion or national oiigin. j Wo know (his task requires action, j not just in one section of the na- ; tion. hut in all sections. Tt require; j the co-operative efforts of inrirvjd (CONTINUED ON PAGE TtVO! WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front °'d'' MAKES SECONDING SPEECH —Dr. Helen G. Edmonds, a mem ber of ihe faculty of North Car olina College, Durham, made i one of the seconding speeches j after President Eisenhower vas nominated hy the Republican Party this week tn San Fran i cisco, California. Republicans (Excerpts from the civil rights plank adopted this week by the Republican Party in San Francisco follow,. The Republican Party accepts the decision of the U. S Supreme ; Court that racial discrimination m : publicly supported schools must be ’ progressively eliminated. We con- j ; cur in lh= conclusion of ihe Su- ' j pretne Court that its decision <ll- j i j fCONTINUED ON PAGE TWOi ; i Goldsboro Man |, Held In Murder | GOLDSBORO Held in city ; .iail without bond is James 1...! j Stevens. 24. charged with the fat-! 1 al stabbing of Bobby Darden, 13. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) TENS. COUNTY SCHOOL ENROLLS 12 NEGROES CLINTON. Term. f ANP)— Ir? | obedience to the U. 8. Supreme Court public school Integration' decree, the principal of an all-! white high school here has an-1 nounced he will enrol! 12 Negro students for the fall term, Acting while his school hoard j poked along on the integration; decision, D J. Brittain, one of the Anderson County School of -1 ficials named in a recent court | ruling ordering Negroes admitted j to the Anderson County high schools, said "I intend to obey ibpfc order.” A memorandum calling for in - j tegration of Anderson County: high schools was issued last Jan uary by Federal Judge Robert L Taylor of Knoxville, who speci fied that; integration was to take place nc> later than the fall of this year. (CONTINUE© ON PAGE TWO) IT MATTERS NOT HOW | SMALL THE AD. JUST j KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. . CALL... TE-4-5558 j FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED! j | LUCKY AUTO OWNER | ! The luck) ear last week was j the oac bearing the tag mini- 1 her *A-2950. If the owner of that car took tt tn Dunns Esso* Service, corner Cabarrus and j j Bloodworth Streets in Raleigh* jhe received a free grease .mb I j This wiil happen every week. * ! Watch for your tag number. If j j it follows the asterisk, yon will; . get the grease job. The mini- i ; her will be taken from any car j heating a N. C. license. I The numbers this week are: i WAV 175. X• 192. ZV t;:’\ CV | 7517, R-SR72, .tod AT-ttfHl Ousted Coed Seeks flight To Re-Enter BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Mrs A - Lucy Foster, whose enrol: menl at. the University of Alaliar. was blocked hy rat ial riots. vi„ ask a federal court ordet permit ting her to re-enter the all-whid university. "Permanently expelled” fur charging and not proving that u. university "conspired with rioters' to force her withdrawal from the university, Mrs. Foster's attorney filed a motion for re-admitlauec immedaitely after her Feb. 29 ex pulsion. The bearing, scheduled i •>;• August 29, was announced last V'cck. It will be before IT S Dishrict •fiidgr Hobart Crooms, who ru:< •• s year ago that the university could no!, refuse to enrol! any per son because of his color. Auto Hits Bike; Boy, 14, Killed HAMLET Samuel Bolton. 14, of Route 2. was killed instant*'- Saturday afternoon when the bi cycle on which he and Donnie Hicks, 10-year-old white boy, were riding was struck by a car. Police are holding Sam Lilly, if), of High Point, said to have (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) White W U Says Men Attacked Her FAYETTEVILLE John Luther, Mcßryde. 44 or Route 4. Fayette ville has been charged with t apt ‘ in connection with the alleged at tack or. a Fort Bragg WAC private, 19-year-old Rosie M. Si.anbr-rry .lames Earl MeKeUnr, 18, Mr, Brvde's companion, has b< n (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWOt I ESCAPED THE AVENGER—Th* first lomwg® gaoc t wetr. dbararr. uku*g racial line®, orapted rtwronilv along Now York's teenomg lower East Side. A lucky victim was William V«scp>«r. (shawm her® with his mother. MmL Cslia Vtwpierl ft tnembor of ! the all-Puerto Rteam gong colled the Dragons. He was ahoi in i the leg by the "tospodo" of the rival Drago«?s. An j (xmion el Vasgusa was mare eoriausly input d." (NSfVSPSESS j photo I ' '' ■/' ' ' ~ j W m *• - M -■&■'% a ■&' fa^/is{/i\. *- ~' , '•*s>■ j* < ; .Jr f S-* ._„ . . 1 11 ! SO IN.TUR.IES were reported in either nf the tv, o a.-eidenl , shown in above two photos. In tile lop photo the auto of Frank Cross white, of Raleigh, alontsl ran into the front bedroom of the home of Mrs. Maggie Wade. *9l S. Blount 'street. Damage to the brick wall was estimated at ssfi. Cross claimed that he was involved in a collision • at the corner of Blouot and South Streets and was forced onto the sidewalk This photo war. taken by diaries Hill. The 1951 Kaiser, shown In bottom photo was driv en by Ailrn McNeil of Raleigh, Route 5 It was struck from he hind by a i;ts6 OHsmobile and Young Woman Charges Rape To Rocky Ms. Man WtLSOS A.n initia I hea nng has been set for next Monday 10, ! .fames Donald Terrell. 29, charged with raping Miss Lena Aldridge, • 26. of Craven County Saturday 1 night. Terrell of near Rocky' Mount ! waive preliminary hearing .Mon day morning in city court, and was bound vovet 1 to Superior Court Miss Aldridge said that the al : lege.u attack took place after she 1 had a; • e-v,i vnieri Tent'll to «> p .a hurled info a ravine "ii 111 c M.sy l.iA shoot 1! miles south «f >' .Srisrh it around X;3fl Friday ttlffM, In the car with Mr yt Veil iu'it his thu daughters, fitrnda .foyer 4, and Vickie Annf . 2. and tun friends. Frank IJuivphrey and Odei Woodson '•irfcir Anne received minor scratches. IMrsNeH reported to investigating officers that h- tjr»s signalling for x left turn into a private drive when another ,- ar also southbound and t*»,vel :,f a Mg-h rale of = .jeed, struck his auto, knocking it a cross the hlghvi ay and refers *»'C its rtjr^rtjon described as a ' joint wheie ‘he.’- dunk bee. and danced Lat er. she continued, Terrell help i her to find a room for the nignt .and iKMS'od on paying the bill. I “Alter m ! got my linens and fixed the bed”, she testified, T thanked him tor helping me. but he kept iCONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) ODPS-EKDS By ROBERT C». SHEPARD ; »OTKOai ; i■■ mi'red - - Gov I.other Hori^- OS 1 r j.,. - . ■ : ell-)il*JStraiC«. jby a reiTj.v ' he vs alleged V> ha.c ! made to Jr - -than Daniels at the j Democratic National Convention in i Chicago last week, j Daniels, editor of a Raleigh : newspaper had said in a wonven ; tton d?-patch that Negro Congress j man Da « son of Illinois and Gov. Hodges had seconded (he nomina tion of Adlai Stevenson as th* Democratic Presidential Nominee Although Mr. Daniels was cor j m;t m hit reporting. Mr. Hodges ! is alleged to naVe become so in censed that his name was linked 1 with That of a Negro that he told I Mr. Daniels that he (Gev Hodges' consid«ied ■he story “a damned I discout n Ml we know about the irs j rtdent is w hat the newspapers say about, it, but if true, and it has not been denied, it gives j a ‘.linking portrays! of the na ture nf (he man now occupying ill- Governor’s Mansion here i in Raleigh. It shows Hodge* is cut irons the same cloth as the late Smith Carolina Sen. '•Cotton” Ed Smith oho ones walked out of a Democratic convention rather than have a Negro minister pray ''over 1 him." 1 Os oeurse the Negroes in i ibis state have known for * j lone .time that their governor ha.* no love for them This Chicago Incident merely prove* his universal dislike for all Ne | grocs. * * * j Those- who have recently psi' their membership fees in the NA ACP and have not received the', membership cards can expect h receive pieir cards within the ne:f 1 feu- days. .In answering a prole, j from local officials over this tfi ; lay. the National office gave U j reasons, ier the delay. The untUd ! (CONTINUED ON FAGS TWAD

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