LIGON HIGH YOUTH BEATEN BY MASKED GAHG SHHp* tggmk *.:-' \«L Mm * 3 - aittWW - ■YK-VZZ.Sf. Jlir WW. VCBf "*-> * WWk * ■ - HAT: RAT! -. Miss Evelyn Basket! Hendprson a rising sen iw at A*.T College. pets a hie kirk »«♦ of bring perched hicr. 09 * truck load of new mown bar. Top action took place re cruits at the college farm dor | Stale News —IN— I Brief | SLAI* AT BF.ACH ?.ST T ~ LE- ii V f.CK 5 C. ~srv 1 Fzmo r 44 s 's f ,yv;: ]ft \\ C. vs? shot and killed at At torn ~c Beach here Sunday Olfi :crs have ax rested Jesse Stanley,; Si Atlantic Beach and charged *.rn with murder He was pitted in iati at Nixon's Crossroads The sheriffs office disclosed no de rails concerning its findings, MINISTERS ASK BOYCOTT FAYETTEVILLE Negro ministers in the Fayetteville area haa-e urged (heir congre gations *o boycott the newly opened Miracle Theatre. The * preachers complained that Negro patrons were refused admission through the front arcade. Manager of <hc thea tre Janies Frazier explained that a special side entrance and separate ticket office was under construction which Mould offer more convenience for patrons of color. He also said that construction work ou the balcony had not been completed. but should he ready shortly with equal fa cilities being provided for both races. JAILED ON THEFT CHARGES j SAIVORD - Kenly Johnson. j 12, was .in c.-ter! here Monday on (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 AIA. BUS CASE TO SUPREME COURT _________ ’ ! WASHINGTON The V. S. j Supreme Court, will be called up , on when it meets in October to . overturn e lower court, decision outlawing racial segregation on Montgomery. Ah , buses. The city of Montgomery and the state of Alabama have car- j r.eri the case to the nation’s Inch-; est. tribunal. A boycott of the bus system has I been in effect, for many months, j Negroes won a decision in a spe- j era! three-judge federal court last. June 3 stating that state and city laws requiring separate seating of the races are unconstitutional. i The lower court ordered both I the Montgomery Board of Com - ; missioners and the Alabama Pub-j lie Service Commission to stop i enforcing the laws. The appeals to the Supreme \ Court were filed by Walter J, i Knabe Montgomery attorney oni behalf of the board and by state j Attorney General John Ufciterson ! for the commission. No action will be taken until the other parties to the lawsuit have a chance to file n reply, I IT MATTERS NOT HOW *j SMALL THE AD, JUST ' j KEEP YOUR NAME BE- j FORE THE PUBLIC. CALL... | TE4-5558 j ; FOR FOUR CLASSIFIED! \ in; the hev mowing season The attractive card the daughter ni Mrs Martha Basket*, is 'Mi» Roll" for the rr.irtirtc vpar and is a major in Commercial Edu cation She wants to be a secre tary tigon Youth Attacked By Masked Gang CALE'fOH ln what appeared to be * -revival of terrorism laid to the teen-age White Mask sar? , a 16-year-old Ligon High School : senior was severely beaten and ! slashed here Saturday ntghl Victim of the unprovoked as sault by three youths wearing white hoods was James Caldwell .son of Mrs, Jesse Lee Caldwell of 727 yuarry St. The attack took place on E. Lenoir St., near Ligon High at about 10:30 p tn. as Caldw ell was on his way home from an affair be bad attended on the Shaw University campus. The three youthful assailants set upon him, Caldweil reported, as one of,. them called out, 'that.s James,' indicating that at least one of them knew him He was struck a number-of vio lent blows in the abdomen and was cut on his right leg He es tCONTINUED ON PAGE 2. MINISTERS URGE THEATRE BOYCOTT FAYETTEVILLE A boycott of a new downtown theatre was' t urged by Negro ministers here on Sunday because Negro patrons \ will nor be allowed to use the front entrance. The ministers told their congre gations that the theatre manage | met had not actrcl justly" in re | fusing to allow Negroes to enter ! the theatre through thp front; ; door, | James Fraeler. theatre mana ger. said that, facilities for Negro . natrons were incomplete and that! a. .tide entrance with a separate '■ box office will be used by the Ne i tjroes when the theatre is finish ed. ! ' picture REWARD FOR SALESMAN- ■ 1 SHIP ~ These top-rank nig .car | rises a! the CAROLINIAN j Newspaper who .made, outetand- I The Carolinian 10c VOLUME IS Elks’ Rule Under Fire At Convention ii..iii ! i . . . . . fIH sHB mg |H| mhk| WSS wJR SSjSg MB '• HR i |;t: ; l"':\ -! :V ,v ~C§. if- 1 jSccmi O Vs fe- I S hS-BR. oLJV W' - EH; ■■ wLJHp IB of Rfft ' Stabbing Ends Domestic Tiff i i j FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. Annie Campbell Smith, who admitted tabbing her husband Major Smith, to death Saturday morn ing. was bound over to the Cum berland Superior Court Monday \ following a preliminary hearing ; in City Recorder's Court, Her ■ bond was fixed a! $3,000. ! The death of Smith is said to! i have been the climax of an argu-: j ment. with his wife at their home | on Weiriger Avenue. He died at j Highsmit.h Hospital about 30 ; mtnutes after being stabbed. Mrs. smith told police that she ; bad given a party for her teen-j age niece, which ended about' midnight Friday After failing to j locate her husband she went to; the home of her sitter. Flossie, on Ellis SI reef to look for him but he wa not there The *<*m that she ! letvmni to her home and saw her husband as h aj>- Brear.hed the house He a Dec- ecirsali Pian Opposed By Greensboro Supt. I GREENSBORO Greensboro; City School Superintendent Beni L. Smith declared here, last week! ; that "The hour of desegregation j , has struck ” Head of the slate’s largest school system. Smith said. ‘The decision of the Supreme j Court is the law of the, land. The only way to meet the sit uation is to obey the law as it , is handed us. If the law is rec ognized wr will have a longer time for an adjustment to de- , segregation,” he said. In reference to the Pearsall - amendment. Smith said. ''l really believe the amendment will car Carolinian Carriers Have Fun On Jones Lake Outing RALEIGH Twenty-six top ranking newsboys who made ex cepfionaHy good records selling ir? CAROLINIAN this summer had a ! rollicking good time as guests of I toe newspaper at Jones Lake j State Park Monday, to climax j their period of freedom before go- ; ing back to school Most popular activity in the day of fun was swimming or in j some cases just, splashing around | m the cool, refreshing waters of j -»y_. .. M,».y ».;»« y, mna: 7**«g»a>3irawvn> l . ' in* records In sales during the sumn er were rewarded Monday with » free day** outing at Jones L-R.ks State Park eg guests of 2L-Jsiff— — ~™~ - RALEIGH, N. C. edl.v asked her where she had been and an argument ensu ed. He began to beat her and when he knocked her across a table she said that she saw a knife on the floor, grabbed it and swung at him. After swinging at him with the knife the woman said that her husband fold her that, he was go ing to get, his rifle and kill her. : She then is alleged t© have va~ : cated the house in favor of her sister, Josephine’s, residence on , Silk Lane. Another sister. Floss!?. soon j ; camp to thp Silk Lane address, and informed Mrs Smith that; h»=r husband was in the hospi- 1 tal Mrs Smith said that she went j to the hospital to gee him. but: , w«s met by William Mfyers. a! boarder in the Smith home, who j informed her that her husband! <CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ; rv. I believe in majority rule I jdo not think majorities are al- I ways right, but tn a Democratic j society* the majority must gov-' ' ern ”1 am in favor of three of the four amendments to the state constitution to be vot ed upon.” he continued. “1 j' am opposed to the one auth- 1 orized by the special session j | of the legislature.’' He indi cated that he does not believe !' in using public funds to sup- ■, port private schools. "If the i Pearsall Plan is simply a mat- ' I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) I ’he 230-acre lake. ; There was also a bit of fishing ome apetite-building softball, ano ; t ; horseshoe pitching. But whatever activity the I boys liked he&t, they all went i strong for the abundance of 1 food and refreshment*. i ■ They ate their fill of delicious i , hotdogs. provided through cour- i i fesy of the Jesse Jones Sausage I Co, and roasted over one of the j j many convenient barbecue ovens : ihe publisher. At left, some of . ■ ih« carrier* from Raleigh and j vicinity are shown about to ; ! board the bus which took them. 1 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1956 ... L : ’ ••••• ••• .... ■ >-!U.,-..v ' • ' .»■ WORK BEGINS FOR STATE BUILDING The Old Soldiers' Home Field, located In the ea tern section of the city Is beins readied for a state office build ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD Memo to local P-TA groups: Raleigh city schools wall open next. Tuesday morning to begin the work of another school year As a rule, the local Parent- Teacher Association here takes a recess in May and does not meet, again until after the schools begin to operate in the fall. This (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) available at the lake. With the "dogs." of course '.vent tasty Dandee sandwich bread from another of the cooperating firms Pepsi-Colas from the local Pep si-Coia Bottling Co were so pier tiful that the boys began to kid each other about how many toe. drank, and they topped off th feed with delicious Squarp-C Nabs from the Taylor Biscuit Co. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 1 with ©the?* from the Fay etieyille area, t© and fro® the pScMie. Center phot© thaw* * grnip a i ihs youngster# having me. scheduled t« be completed by July. 11*57. Excavation work was begun several days a;-v The field was formerly user! as a recreation area for thp set V eteran Carolinian Journalist Dies NASHVILLE, Tr.nn Cecil D 1 Halliburton. 56 re s&trar and di rector of admissions at, Fisk Uni . versify here, collapsed on the Thursday afternoon at. 1, •!.4:30 and died one hour later at 5 j the Hubbard Hospital, apparent ly of a,heart, attack. j Mr. ' Hallibur- MMppi 1 ton, a native of , j was a columnist * | j for the CARO- ; : j | LINIAN. pub-Vapi; | j lished in Raieigh, | | ed his A R. do- | gree at Lincoln ! University (Pa a*/ the M A. degree ji if • from the Univer- halubiirton ,-ity of Pittsburgh and was ted from the New York School of Social Work. He was associated, with St. Au rustine’6 College in Raleigh for 20 years, eight of which he serv ed as dean of the college. He also served as professor of social . science and r,s assistant to the i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) tax Bear the ahore »f the 239- , acre. lake Iji which most of then* j spent the grater part of the day. | At right, member# of the group I linn. Vn definite nlaiis have ‘pen announrert so; .mother :>'.irarminri. although the Gai lins property on E. Martin St.. has hern proposed. < !»fyff Photo by Chas. (t. tones) Cion Bishop Scores Dixie ASHEVILLE A man who was ! once flogged by the Ku Kiux ; Klan. Bishop C. E. Tucker, told ■ the Wednesday night session of the 1956 Connections! Council.! j AME Zion Church, which met! j here yesterday, at Hopkins Chap- i j el that the south is not. only hold i in? back the onward march of de j mocracy at. home, but is giving 1 America a black eye in world af fairs. He recited what- an Indian rep resentative told an American dele- I CONTINUE D ON PAGE 7'• WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front i shown gathered around one ,« of the picnic table# where they 1 < had their fill of food *r>d soft i i drinks throughout the dav- J LUCKY AUTO OWNER | i The lucky car last week w*j j j the am bearing the tag aan ! ber ZY’-4?22. If the owner of ! j that, car took it to Loan s Essoj Service, corner Cabarrus and! RJoodworth Streets to fUleigh be received a free gretoe job. This will happen ev try vre**% Watch for your tag item he*. If it follows the asterisk, yoo nofll get (he crease job. The auta ; her will be taken fron /toy car i hearing a N. C. liccntc. i The number* this week are; R-291: BY-6232. W-323, fit-557, J *AC-S 2H. and XX-6A.3. 10c NUMBER 49 I | Elks' Rule j Under Fire l M Confab Spprm! *<* THE CAROL!.VIA.V j LOS ANGELES. CaLf—Whethe* ! -Jesse Vann'.- effort to Agthront Robert Johnson from the top of the kingdom of Elkdfi-o will fizzle like Harold Sfassen'j effort fc ■ dump Nixon ir- San Francisco lac wec;< haci n.>) hroo detorminec Vl ’ rirmsdaj- bur the fiery Brooklyn N V fraternal leader >-»s«r here wi>!i a fanfare that h»» nm bee? e.vubued j t the annua! of the Antlered Herd (TBFOE •* IV, since the d-'-. of Rober j: S-e-j an.r Casper Holstem j Vann ran.? to s he convent:os I early and immediately set «ip he *4 i qiisi ter* with i running «<t.ack .<s» f the Grand He charged that Johnson *vas not 1 only epenciioj ’ money kin to* he v i* , 0 conducting M* offrre that ‘lorr than 60 lodge* hsv* closer) since he took over frw the late "Little Ceasar. J. Fin!#*- Wilson, He further charged M costs almost twice a* wtAKh ’** run the office of f H« Ora t?H I CONTINUED ON P AGE >i First Tenn, School Now Integrated CLINTON, Tenn, Clinton High School opened Its doors to Negro students here on Monday to become the first state-support, ed secondary achool in Tennessee to integrate. A handful of boys picketed the I school grounds, carrying pro-seg ! rogation signs, but no attempt, ; was made in prevent any Negro hoys and girls from entering Sheriff Joe Owen said that, e, : crowd of about 350 persons gath ered outside the school hut made no attempt to molest anyone. Anderson County school au thorities nnened the school to Ne groes on orders of u s. District (CONTINUED ON PAGE 51 EXPECT NO TROUBLE AS SCHOOLS REOPEN RALEIGH —Dr Charles F. Carroll, state superintendent of public instruction, said here this week that North Carolina's pub lic schools are not expecting any difficulties fron the segregation issue as they prepare for their biggest year in history. Carroll said that he did not know of any local school unit that has admitted a Negro to a whit* school "or contemplates” such action Tire bulk of the schools open for the fall term after La bor Day. Some fiOO to 900 teachers have been added and enrollment, la ex pected to climb by 25,000 over last year's record high of 1.021.000. Carroll expressed the opinion that the school assignment act adopt ed by the 1955 legislature wil. take care of the segregation prob lem. WON'T ADMIT EVEN ONE, SAYS VIRGINIA GOVERNOR RICHMOND, Va, Governor Thomas B Stanley said here ob Saturday that he hopes that M.« w ithhol cling -fur; ds plan does not close any public school in Vir ginia. but he would close feme schools before permitting ettea one Negro pupil to integrate (CONTINUED ON PAGE «

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