Raleigh Merchants Ready For Home Fashion Display fSKsi *a3k ;djsjPSft .r'jE? ic-SfeSmirej £* " if® •*?s ’’s£'/? J*u ' '» y ".' %% i“r f 'V • Jvv wKf) * ’*' '"' .*'•*■s , V *'■/&'«$& V»9f' Saif jifiiS 'L'.ffl Sals ®. Rrovij|d» vf^ ; I&2& gjUifi uHIP sfefc **B JH-™ W?f ry?p* ySlfa ffijgi T«|o s;' ?&& j,*A' triftw. S{SB ' ' INFF-GRATED CIAS(S—HAIF EMPTY—Thin sparsely tended c'*yws ;V,w>9 hf-w the )n*o<7r,?!<x! elctsv-e* lr>»k«d on Jho first doy at Cilust-jd H’dh School in Clinton. Ten**. Os llu* ever 800 gfudowU nw!V. only ahoui 350 cHanded ?fe« Br&. drry's session, Th* s. P pn-'f t(-rd I" iy!.--.-'i thru n?ms o{ the nhsorU while enrp!<*<» )'<rd ori/'O0 ri/ 'O threei'tened nrd irttimifiokvj." fNefWSPRFJiS PHOTO) Sleeping Mart Dies jf-r* i if% & (T* * #•- * * f<* * A I V •*• fcf V ' V'i A ill COVE CITY A 24-vear-oid Cov? City resident was burned to death early Sunday morning when a fire of undetermined ori gin destroyed the frame farm dwelling where he lived with other members of his family. Close relatives of the vie tim Roy Sutton, lr.. said that they were no*, aware, (hat he was at home when they found the house enveloped in fast spreading flames and fled for tb? 5 !? lives. The dead man ?, father manae-. c-d tc get the younger children to safety a?, the house was being re duced to ashes Sutton's charred j boner were found in the ruins, v'b.en the embers had cooled The possibility that he might have ignited bed clothing with a lighted cigarette has been dis-. counted by the fact that, he was not a, smoker. Craven Coroner R. Clyde Smith reported Smith said that a friend who brought Sutton home a short (CONTESTED ON PAGE 2) | LUCKY AUTO OWNER I j The lucky car last week was' ! the on a bearing the tag num-1 her 'W3T If (he owner of, (hat car took It to Dunn s Esso Sendee, corner Cabarrus sod; Bloodworth Streets in Raleigh 1 fee received a. free grease Job. j j This will happen every week, j | Watch for your tag number. If i it fellows the asterisk, you will i get the grease job. The num- j ber will be taken from any car; bearing a N. C. license, The numbers this week are: ! TF-35U W-323; -XX-683; X | m-i 8Y*6232: and AC-528. j - v / • GETTING WISE COUNSEL Miss Barbara Ingram of Greens bwfQ”, Ns C,. tilks over & 1 km with Mrs, David D. Jones, i ||| lilt ■ DR DEBORAH PARTRIDGE ! Dr. Partridge Woman’s Day Speaker Here RALEIGH The guest, sp-aktr ! lor Woman’s Day Services at the | First Baptist Church Sunday. September 23, will be Dr. De borah Cannon Partridge She will I speak at the 11 AM. service. Dr. Partridge is an educator i of much hole, having held ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i t director of admissions, as Ben- j I nett College last week bee an ! ! registration and orientation of . THE CAROLINIAN 10c *, H dSj&Ajf&M# h*«7 10c X i f JSSHi VOLUME 15 RALEIGH. NC. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1056 NUMBER 52 | 4- 4- + “f 4” + + 4* + 4* + State NAACP Sets Winston -Salem Meet Merchants | Ready For H/utss Stow RALEIGH Sixteen of this city's leading furniture dealers are participating in the annual celebration of Horae Fashion Time, which gets underway Mon da v morning at 9 a m. and closes' Tuesday night at 9 o'clock. Complete furnishings for the home will he on display and is priced in cost and terms to iit every budget. Open House will he observed at all of the stores listed on an inside page •d this newspaper. Furniture men of many year's experience will he on hand to help in planning and will answer ques •: CONTINUED ON FAG?' 2> Pupils Yield In Kentucky Mixing Fight CLAY Ky. Parents of four Negro children whose attendance at a previously "white" school here had inspired ugly racial in cidents this week yielded to a de lay in local school integration. Mrs James Gordon and Mrs Catherine Copeland withdrew James. 10, and Theresa Gordon,s; 1 and Bobbie Carl, 12 and Lee : Copeland. 14 t,o return them to Rosemvald school in Providence. ■ which they formerly attended. Both indicated that they ex* . peered to re-enter their children j at, the. Clay school next year. Clay j is nearer to their west Kentucky | mining community of Wheatcroft. i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> i freshmen. Miss Ingram, one of 135 freshmen, is following s family tradition, A sister, Lois, j was graduated last May. jh' a;:,! | Jr -1 iTOrii! STILL MISSING—Mary Pat terson 13. of 517 Hicks Alley, is i still being sought b.y local pn- | lice officers. The young giri was I last seen Sunday, September 2, f when she attended B.T.U. ser- ; vices at the First Baptist Church. Her aunt, Mrs. Jose phine Miller of the Hicks Alley 1 address has expressed concern for Mary's safety and urges any «ne having information nrt the j girl's whereabouts to eontaei law officers a l once. The girl is in the Bth gride as the Oher tin School, WHITE MAN CUT AT RALEIGH CAFE RALEIGH Frank Stokes. 23- j year-old white man of Zebulon. i ■ Route 4, was painfully cut across I i his back Saturday night after he | 1 ; and a companion entered a col - 1 i or ad case here at the corner of Railroad and Johnson Streets, Stokes fold police that be and Horace Morgan. also white of the Zebulon address, went to Sarah's Case Satur day night i© see the owner, ' who is believed to he Mrs. •Sarah Harrison. A group of Negroes asked him what he wanted Stoke* ! claimed, and the, owner told , the men to shut up—that the 1 white men were friends of hers. Morgan is alleged to havp been , ’old by Stokes, at this time, to j 'get ouside and start the car in! •which they were riding, and | | (CONTINUED ON PAGE ' I'' " ~ Wake Man Nearly Severs Wife's Arm With Ax Blow WILLOW SPRINGS Mrs.; Mary Lilli? McArthur 25, whose left arm was smashed with an | axe held by her husband Sunday! afternoon, was reported in "fair"! condition at. a hospital in Dunn late. Tuesday afternoon. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front MIXED GROUP TO URGE STATE- BT-STATE FOLIC Y MIAMI. Fla.—A new interracial organization was chartered here Monday for the expressed pur pose of engineering a Constitu tional amendment which would permit each state to determine i whether it is to have iegai segre-! | Ration. Known as the National At soda-1 scion for the Protection of Whit#' I N. C. Prexy Plans Civil Rights Talk ' Specia i i WINSTON - SALEM - State NAACP president Keliv M Alex- : ander of Charlotte, and other i NAACP workers are cooperating with the Winston-Salem NAACP branch in planning to execute an outstanding civil rights program for the forthcoming annua! NA-j • ACP convention for Tarheelia.l scheduled for the -Camel City" October 19-21. The “Twin City” becomes the second city in Tarheeiia | to repeat on the NAACP con ventkm burins it* 13-year history. Rocky Mount was host to the 3rd convention in 1946 and the 10th in 1953. Wins ton-Salem hosted the second state convention of NAACP (CONTINUED ON PACK i\ State News —IN— Brief I’ ! 1 TRUCK FALL FATAL CONCORD Johnnie. Benja min, 26, of this city was fatally injured when he fell from the back of 8 pickup truck while helping a city building contractor | move t« 8 new home at, Harris* | burg. Benjamin, who lived at 413 I Princess. Street, was rushed to the Cabarrus Memorial Hospital ’ where he died Monday afternoon of a brain concussion, City police : men who investigated the acci j dent reported that Benjamin was | riding in the hack of the truck I being driven by Edgar James (CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 The woman was struck bv hubby James McArthur at a house near the Kennebec Community where they were j visiting. Doctors who hare (CONTINUED ON TAGE 2) People and Fair Treatment of Ne- | groes, the organization anticipate i ns chapters in every state of the! Union. Although its president, Robert : tree Davis, Indicated that the! group's primary aim is to main-1 tain segregation, it was announc ed that Negroes would be admit ted to membership Former Gov ; (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) ' THOMAS OR All AM. . . . murdered here GASTONIA SCHOOL ACCEPTS DURHAM COUNTY STUDENT GASTONIA John Lynn 33- vear-old Army veteran enrolled Monday In the Gastonia Techni cal Institute in Oa.vtoma amid some grumbling on (he part of white students. Lyon thus became ihe first Nemo to enter the school l and his acceptance made the in | stitute the last part of the Con (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> '' ' ( . .> •;^ ! ' 'vV'V f'-v ■ ? t '■ - CO TEACH AT WAYNE STATE j UNIVERSITY Dr. Alvin W Roe*, pcofes&or of Sociology at North Carolina College, has been granted one semester's leave of absence to serve as visiting pro- i IN RALEIGH IT S Home Fashion Time ! MONDAY and TUESDAY j Qp ro[orn K zsr 0A _O K ! 'W ]>._/ Lvi AJL Jk_y i. dLj mt w Second t ' Elderly Man’s Death Baffles County Cups By Charles F Jones RALEIGH Who faced the shot that killed Thoms? Gra- H ham? / This perplexing question has haunted deputies of th» sher iff'; department since Sunday when the 60-year-old ex-c ?nvict fell wounded from a shotgun blast that ripped 4 hole t! rough his body The tragedy or cured in Joe Louis Park a Raleigh s iburb, while Graham was visiting a neighbor. Mrs. Mozelie Griffir s. and is alleged to have been the climax nf a drinking party, al hough the man appeared to have been sober at the tunc >f his dc, th According to earlier rumors. . Deputy Sheriffs Jake Turner and ’ Colon Doan, who arc investigating the case, were reportedly holriim; a Miss Aloise Williams, 23. of Ra ' IGph in connection with the murder. A check with Turnet it ONTINUED ON PAG! ? Clinton Officials To Check On Absentees ! CLINTON. Tenn. < ANP' -With 1 attendance now of more than 8n ’ ircont of the school's BOG pupils, - Clinton officials this week began - io check on the approximately 130 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) feasor of sociology at Wayne Sta t e University in Detroit. Mich Prof, It os formerly serv 'd on interracial (acuities at , Trooklyn College. St. Louis Uni versity and at Valparaiso Vtui i veraity. F> * f'l i i-JY Charges Assault After Auto Wreck YADKINVILLE Two men, both of whom are pauenr-' at the Lula Conrad Hoots, Memorial , Hospital here, claim that the:-’ were beaten up early Monday ; morning following an accident ! on Highway 421 neai the Cvc's community State Highway Patrolman R. L. i Carpenter was told by the parr I that the accident was caused when j they were forced off the road by : a car driven by a white man. When the Negroes' ear turn ed over after being forced off (he pavement, the white men ate --»iH f>, baie alighted from their auto and proceeded to j beat them up. Carpenter re ported. i | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j Transient Worker Held For Murder ROCKY MOUNT (Special To CAROLINIAN) In Enfield, 20 miles north of here, a transient worker has been charged with murder and is being held in lieu of $3,500 bail in connection with ! the. death of a 60-year-old man j who lived alone and was beaten |in death and apparently robbed (CONTINUED ON PACE U ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G SHEPARD Financial hardship: It is rather disturbing when a Negro institu tion of “higher learning” pleads “financial hardship” as an excuse for blocking the paving of a street running by its property It (a equally disturbing when the Ra leigh City Council defers the need ! ed paving of that street because of that plea. Shaw University has long been a citizen of this community—a valued citizen. It has contributed much, it. has received much. As a leading citizen It should point i the way to good cit izenship In all | the areas of life bv its example, ft- should point out the duties and the responsibilities of citizenship j by willingly accepting them. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 51

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