i 1! J <5, i FATAL FIRE Driven fi Jhrir h n *7i hv 3 rinrfh* ,' .*••." TOY-SALEM - Two trus *;■- :•• c.-m the Forsyth County Pris- : : '.» ere charged with coro * .:, £ crime against nature this fIMJAR USED ON HUBWS HEAD HIGH POINT Mrs Maeola j Willingham. 24. remained in jail; he-e Wednesday in default of j So.Of'O bond awaiting a hearing -n 1 the Domestic Relations Court on a charge of attempting in kill hei husband b : . breaking * pickle jar over his head. i k Mrs. Willinrham told officers that hrr husband was going to hurt her and that "I (list beat him to it,” She was arrested «-irly Mondav morning after officer* found the husband in ♦hr home with a severed art- C's near his tempie Attendants at 4 he High Foinl Memorial Hospital described the i husband, Eddie Willingham, as be- | in z in a serious condition although j he had teen taken off the critical ! Sis’ ’ I Mr* Willinrham told officers | that she threw the jar a> her bus- I band Kovevc- cuts on the wo- J man's hand indicated thru she had j '• o', holding the jar when it 1 sl'd. k her husband. Stale News , Brief ELECTROCUTED ON CRANE POCKY MOUNT Gi-v H Marrow .12. was electrocuted here ! at 5:55 a m Monday when the. j crane that he was operating at the I Cardura Steel Company came in ; contact with a high tension wire, j J. P Fi'rjperalri. Gar' 1 Carolina i n anager .said that Marrow, who : had been with thr company since- | 1052. vas attempting to iowej the; boor- on the crane and raised it instead Fire department employ- ; h s rushed to the scene, but the ■ i? an was dead upon arrival at a h Ispital } if TEMPI f D RtTM CHARGED DUI HAM ~ Amos l. Royster, t. s r local resident, was •lrrested Monday and rhargrd w,h assault on a livr-jear old ri'l The complaint was marie i' -he rh lid's mother, ivhn stated 'hat -uhli* slip was a "av from home her daughter bad been moli-ird by Royster. ' The woman told police that when she returned home her child was crying She added (hat the child said that the '-yr came into th» house and molested her COMM UNIT Y C H URC'H ORGANIZED RAIEIGH Residents of Cha- 1 vis Heights: and nearby comnvjn- 1 xEit-s v.iU have a chance to attend 1 church services in their own I neighborhood starting on Sunday (CONTTKTTED ON PAGE 2! men buttle the eaylv-tnnrvtiii,. blare Three of the dead had jumped from third-story win -■icu i to escape smoke anr| flame* T levr n weVe injured— \ NIT ID PRESS TFT F-FHOTO week Freddie Saunders 22, of Win aton-Salem. and la.* tt Rim 24. of Reidsrillt, were placed in the City Tail {lending hear togs on the chaise In Munici pal Court Official* of Hie prison camp said the pair were caught in the act at the camp by Guard 'V. t, Drsher Prison records indicate iha> ; Saunders was sentenced from t'or i syth Superior Court on Oct. i:i, I ; 1350, to 10 to 1.5 years for assault | with intent to commit rape Blair, according to the files, was sentenced from Rockingham Su ! perior Court on March 17, 1955, to ; three yeats for breaking and en- j I tering and larceny first AIRLINE STOWAWAY TRY fails for Anthony Hill IS, who is Being waved in Irani the (fight, area a* the St. Loui?, air port ny Patrolman Bartel Scales, who taught him trying to -|>p onto i plane, bound ter Los An gels* Sunday. H:H who has run may - Ham home sis time# In f Mk&M.3UL& MSiI<© if CgM.JiSfeii A* CM if. I jy&OXj* Urge fegro Off icial For H.C. Prison; j BA” CHARLES TL JONES RALEIGH - State Prisons Di-‘ rector William p Bailey this week l came facfi-to-face with one of the biggest decisions of his career— whether fir not to appoint rt “com petent' Negro woman to the staff at, Women's Prison, whose duties would be to supervise closely the activity.'- of colored inmate: there., Baiiey admitted to this re- j porter Wednesday that the j proposal bv a group of Raleigh ministers, that he hire a wo man, experienced in discipli nary work a n d place her at Women’s Prison, was the first such proposal that he had been confronted with in his three year* as boss of V C prisons. The action of the imnidt-ei? came so;.!, on the heels of a riot -nd ■ -rape by six inmates on Sat urday. September 22 Twenty-six iros’Tfvnr.n on page ?> 2 SLAIN AFTER CRAP GAME Old Fort Case Nears Showdown RICHMOND. ■> The dr sea re gallon ra.se of Montgomery County. M r u .... r-mtereod ,T. the United Fourth Circuit < nirt. of Ap !•• h-re G.g work with the rh;,: y.- that. North Carolina * ?rv Mitchell, ;n an hour, arui a h if of arguments, toid the j : coina ;.t.at his client hadn't ex- ‘ hai;x‘ j the. administrative reme dies ret up ;n the program, because ihe snia. ‘lt all hocus pocus.' He ! iils-i contejided in his brief that the j plan ts unconstitttUonal. I CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) the past year, admitted being I sought by juvenile authorities whom he had evaded Saturday on being returned from Chica j so He- had cone there by train, i then switched to an airline for ji i trip le Dallas where pallet first i i piohed him up. UNITED PRESS i ! TELEPHOTO. .-)< |Durham Mm Buys Terrace The Carolinian VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5, i?S6 NUMBER ?, + -f 4- + ~f- 4 + 4 Asheville Man Faces Double Murder Count ASHEVILLE - A 46-year-old Asheville man was held without bond here today on charges of slaying two men following a map game Monday. Ppiicr identified the prisoner as Vincent Curry of Asheville The slain men were identified as Rob ert Brown, 53. and Benny Tiggc-A. 5b both Ashevi)!** " • o-j g Detective Han»ld J*. Bro-wntee said Taggart w a * kiiled w ith * ,?.? caliber pistol “at the conclusion of % crap game,” Thi officer said Brorvp was killed ''sometime later” at the viclini a bouse Brownlee said Mrs. Brown told (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3? Bishop Reid To Speak At Apex School APEX - The Rt Rev Frank Madisor. Reid. Kittrell. presiding bishop of the Second Episcopal. District of the AME Church, will speak at the Apex Junior High School, Sunday afternoon. Oct. 7, j at three o'clock. ! Music for the occasion will he I | furnished by the combined choirs: ! of St. T’aui Church, Raleigh, and ■ | the 45-voice glee club of Kfttreii ; I CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) I Wake Farmer Fails In Attempt To Murder Landlord Over Wages FUQCAY VARINA - Exodli* Walter Ray. 27-year-old Holly! Sprngs tenant fanner, is under $5,000 bond on a charge of as sault. with Intent, to gill because. he fried to settle n dispute over division of tobacco sale proceed? with a shotgun Monday. His wife. Mrs Virginia Lee Ray. 1 is under similar bond on a eherge of aiding and abetting in the as sault Both will face trial in Wake Superior Court. Ra.v. according to investi gating officers, took a shot at his white landlord. 1,. N. Rouse, with a .Hi guage shot gun after the latter withheld SI4O of the S'!47 due Ray from the sale of a load of tobacco that day. Rouse claimed (he MO covered a debt Ray owed '• t WHAT'S HAPPENING ON THE j Desegregation Front ; TEXAS MOB GETS ROUGH IN | BARRING TECH STUDENTS BEAUMONT,Tex. -- A mob of j approximately 150 White Citizen* j Council member* was reported to j have, "toughed up" two unidenti- } Led Negro students who sought to ■ enter evening classes at. Lamar j Tech here Monday. Police said the victims were not injured, but were forced to leave . the vam pus. Members of the mob carried banners reading. "Keep Our Edu- . cation System. White," 'Tor the Good of the Nation and the Wei- ' . fare of tfc* Individual. Segregate j : and Educate." and "Hebe!* with a j Causa.' J ipf„ v j . | ■BBS* f«| ' i !IfeLv,, 11 gf* - , rflßjmrr 111 -*.W. ■•", IK®*'"-* ■ i* ■ . gpp. amßeMlßmaml ■ 4fc& ; ' jHp. pWtfl Jp ■ ill * \. ‘ ;i '-ik—' ■ I il 'P J X;V-- ? «’f : ¥'}.i/nR/' ,if A' f j?fe I *t. ,r.tfe* w HATE FIRING VICTIM Dr. Deborah Coggins, white Madi son, Ft®., who lost her S(S7S a month job as public health of ficer for three counties be cause shs ate lunch with Mrs i Ethel Kirkland, Negro public 1 health nurse, in a private din- him, The landlord escaped intury by, ducking behind the hood of hi? automobile. The shooting occurred about 4 30 p.m. on the Rouse farm after; Mrs Ray is said to have called I Rouse across the road to the to bacco barn, where her husband was waiting with hi* shotgun. When Rouse came within range.; officers said Ray fired, but- his landlord ducked in time. The Rays drove off in their cat ' hut, were apprehended about 9 p.m. near Kennebec and brought! to Fuquay Springs for preliminary! hearing before Justice of the : Peace J. C Harland. Jr. Rouse’s son-in-law. Deputy j Sheriff W. L. Pritchett, was one of the investigating officers. No arrests were reported. TEACHERS BALK AT STAFF INTEGRATION SAN FRANCISCO tANP.t —I Negro teachers in El Centro are J resisting faculty integration, ac- i cording to Lester Bailey, NAACP | field secretary. Integration in El Centre schools, i » agreed to by stipulation before the | , District Court at. San Diego, pro- j < vided for desegregation of both | '■ student bodies and teaching staffs, j 1 Two Negro teachers have been : I assigned to formerly all-white- • 1 schools Bailey reported and five i (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?i ’ 1 ing room T)r. Coggins who maintained th3t the lunch pen -.NOO— M> Robbie Moore. 30-year-old sc hits Memphis telephone company on •rator, who collected SbMM) from Rock ‘n* Roll King Elvis Presley in an out of-enur* settlement because be Ge He? sandwich in 2, case Miss Moore charged inva sion of privacy, alleged that ad ditmn to helping himself in her lunch, Presley Gy hb- head op her shoulder while nbeGrraeh ers snapped pictures which !a --t'-r appeared In » Presley on*, shot publication "Elvis Fresl r i- Speaks"—-UNITED PRESS TEL EPHOTO, h\l y« r r«n Ail-Negro RALEIGH Samuel T Gib son. manager of th« Acme Resit--' Company, here may soon be come the -u manager of Wash* : inf ton Terrace Apartments, pur chased last week by H M Mich • a-ux- Durham real prtate man. When contacted by trip phone Wednesday morning Gibson assured a reporter that, his company would mere ly act as a rental agent for the project and that he had no intention of leaving his post with Acme altogether We would handle the project in almost the same manner as we rent houses in the eitv, he said. He neither verified nor denied the fart fh*> he had been chosen to hand!* the proiert, however. Michaux revealed that 'more than 3 million dollars" was paid for the project, although he would not. give the exact amount of I money that was involved He is ! the executive vice-president of the Union Insurance and. Realty Corn | pany in the “Bull City”. ' Washington Terrace was sold b;v J. W. York for Cameron Vi!* (CONTINUED ON CAGE >1 •Mmnmffai v rawM* ■•ws *' >.wwrars ms«w» o-wmsius-ezna^v -ODE3-ENOS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD Hocus, Poeus: When Raleigh Attorney Samuel ? Mitchell call ed North Carolina's school inte gration “evasive law 1 ' just so much "hocus poena”, he hit the nail squarely on the head Argu ing before the 4th U s Circuit Court, of Appeals in Richmond, Va this week. Attorney Mitchell • old the three-man court, ‘ You could have ’OO standards for as j signing pupils if you end up with ; an arbitrary ruling, then you j have no standards." Judge Par- I Iter's reminder that '‘somebody j had to administer the school's 1 affairs” is beside the point when it is remembered that these 'somebodies" are attempting to run the schools in open defiance of the law. It is oui contention that not. only is this state's re cently-adopted evasion law a lot of "hocus poeus” but that the rulings of the IT. s Supreme Court, on the school segregation (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3! LUCKY AUTO OWNER 1 The lucky car last week was I the mi'- bearing the tag a am- j her ‘XX-683. If the owner of ( that car took It to Duns? 5 Esao Service, corner Cabarrus and Klowiworth Streets in Raleigh he received a. free grease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If j it follows the asterisk, you will, get the grease job. The muss- j ! her will fee taken from a,ay car j > bearing a N. C. license, ; The numbers this week are; i AC-SSS; R-291; X-193; "BT-RS- j |j32; TR-357; and W-333. !