Don Newcombe Fails Again In Series Bid sp f^ ' . ■■'. .■ '%s&** g|s^ Jpv; |£i&,v ■ ■ *lllß Iwi t*/ j f§ '"' '' ■; wiMKaf r- «*.«-. 7•• '/>'• - .■■•■. ■; >; : .\Y ‘ %DHp ~ c -; \; ;.:V Mg*. xgmc mm> gmm ms mm mg m* «—mmb aw mmm mm mm a* ■ .-Ag -. . BBR SMgjfc jCHI IBM ■ grealSßß §33b bK fSLJSw M'finK Replace ‘Off -4 " ~ A i j_-A.N ] A— A npu- Si’-:^.000 hocl m L?R ! i/. : .n.' County stands ' 'H!s. the Negro children for wham i ti Ci?n - - or.ur.Mf- to 1 attend " dilapidated an- ‘ r r id: „ . ;-. u„ . r\>f . nn - f h e b•■ Idl n s v. a > on his ; t ..,>,,... j While ihp controversy over | proper!’’ rights raged. other I n lute-, began a series of threats ; .o Vi|n\v up the building if N< yrees ' rrr allotted to attend >t. 0/fsc.ils feared lege) action through the NAACP because the eM »choo!s tmw brine attended by } . ; ero popof. were u> tmeiuosfiori- f ably inferior As 9 way, the State Boa.cij rkiucatan met MoncT and vot- | ed - rper-d .SfiSO.OOO to build a i substitute budding on a is-acre ! site rr,-' a!ri by one of its members. State Sonatoi tiem-hd Lovett : Lovett a Healthy landowner, do scribed the buddings now attended i by some WO Negro pupils as *de-; pt"cable cold and leaky shacks.! With bad roofs pot-bellied stoves and no toilet GcUitifts. I State Workers Honor Dr. Walter Hughes RALEIGH The employees of the state of' North Carolina who have charge of affairs affect-ins Negrces met at the Stale School for Negro Blind and Deaf here' 'Tuesday, and after a morning ■cs&ioß which featured the pur ' ,j ‘ ,%fc iJwfS?x3li\ ■> - : • • 3tn!9ratfa3tt«Btt.y>Wßmg?EKtfVyyßaC v yj- '-i'#s£ '''(of^y^fffiy/' - ■ *''■ V '' 9&HHHHm|' \ I «wße .^WBMBR;'j ..ire Lj^Lg^LAy■■ jj -, t ..* ' HONORED BY STATE WORK ERS Pictured during a lunch- 1 cob honoring Dr. Waiter .1. Hughes, former health officer TIED UP SERIES Jaijkie Robinson, veteran star rtf the Brooklyn Dod gers, has a reason to smile because it was his two-base Wow in the bottom of the Stub inning of Tuesday's crucial game which sent Jim Gilliam across the plate with the. run that gave the de fending champions a J-fl victory By winning this game Brooklyn squared the scri-.s with the Yankees at three games .piece, nrc ' ing a seventh game, neecsna. - Defmsivel.v throughout tv the series. l-«ckie j»l» .•.*•<•> flawlessly, making outs of what seem, d to be sure Yankee hits BENNETT I'RESIDKNT - Dr. Will a B. Playci who will Sip ; n augurated as president of Ben nett College, Greensboro. Sun day afternoon at -? o’clock. The college trustees last October j named her to the post after granting the retirement request j of her predecessor the late Dr. 1 David I). Junes. .See story on 1 page 5). pose of the meeting, by John R Larkins, welfare consultant, went into the business R. F. Jones State Farm Agent presided over the fust session. (CONTINUED ON PAGE !> : which featured a meeting o? •-late w orkers at the Blind School Tuesday are, left <9 right; John ! R. Larkin*, welfare consultant; 1 BROOKLYN. N Y.—Big Don fdewcombe, strong man. of the. Dodger pitching staff whose 27 victories helped the Bums to their second consecutive National League pennant, failed completely in two attempt’s to "in a World Series game, Yankee bats knocked him out. after two innings of the re- nnt ! I GA ROLINI \ JSI [ VSA. I ,• i-ow .. - —— " “ io»w. •• -s.r *• . I VOLUME Ift |»| |H1»» IMWJTT4W '■ ■—» ww ■»»«.. —.--T-!- nn n-ir~~ -, rTn—n-iwiiovrt » ■ — ■ ■■. . ... ,- ■-■■■, M , ,-. .. [ r imn ■ . . ~ '"" " ' ''' '* ” J ' ! )- —-4* i ‘Please Save Mylife,’ Ala. R> UFWNDER BARNES i t«i;Et!NSBORO The most sor- j ? did st,ay of life in an Alapama I i prison camp was unfolded heir on t ; To. , by Albert "Willie Duke” i i Thom:.:, a reported escaped con vict ;n !h‘- car? of fudge T G. ■ I Warnr.’ in Municipal Court Thomas is quoted as saying, rh v'il hitl me ii i go ha Ih. He pii ad with the court to per ■ mi; him to remain here, where j he ;> is lived a model tiic and has been regular!? employed sine:- December Tbrn .igh his sttw ncy he asked ; :■ ft a ru ■ v pus hearmc. He bsseti ■ his pica on .’no fact. that, he had been Knoc'-u-d off of » read repair truck ~-,ci a tar-bc^ trailer at : Ramilton Ga He further stated : that tt;o truck ran ovc. his head. ■ causing multiple injuries jo nis His testimony also revealed thr.t alter spendinE three ITONTIM ti• ON PAGE 2> 1 i %A(i l 8 -IN I AtT.S GUN STEALING RAP RALEIGH Robert F. Collins. 21, of i’i'ij S Blouni Si. was being held In the Wake County Jail here ibis >tn charges of stealing 12 pistols from Kill's. Inc.. 105 S. Wilrrimgton Si. Detect ive Lt. W Ci. Yladdrev said that Collins ad mitted breaking a front glass a: the M'tablishment Saturday mgih. but denied taking more than five , pistols. Three of the 12 weapons. i all valued at 5418, have been re-. . ove- .-u. Maddrey n ported Col-i I I It;-.' bend ,\a- set at SI,OOO He is si - eduied to hs given a prelimi nary hranng in City Court, on (CONTINUED OX PAGE 21 Mrs. Haftic Hughes,, wife of the hoooree. Dr. Hughes, S. B. Sim I ttton.v of the. Extension Service, | and M. H. Crockett, principal. j RALEIGH, N. C. 1 f ”•■ JfIMMMtt 4 ’ '• v •’BK-. • • ’ ' nw **'£ c sS39f ! I. I I ■< 7* ’ e. VRRANGF PROJECT MAN \GEMINT H M Mirliaux : standing), Durham real estate magnate, points out to Samuel T. Gibson, manager of the Acme NAACP Pays SIO,OOO In Libel Suit In So. Carolina SUMTER, S. C. -• The local Dranc-h of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People agreed last, week to a $ l O.- 000 settlement, with S. K. Nash, white school board attorney, to end trial of his $120,000 libel suit. Nash a former state senator, had accused the association of libeling him >r, a letter published in the Sum to t Daily Item The letter, Nash cnarged. inferred that he may Racial Equality Ruling In Park Upheld By Court WASHINGTON - Last-ditch forts in preserve racial segrega tion u- ihe only one of nine Vir ginia State parks bordering on vne Atlantic Ocean failed here Mon day when the U. S. Supreme Court flatly refused to review a lowes court ruling that it must he open equally to all races. Seashore State Park located in Princess Anna County near Cape Henry. Vs.. ha? been closed since the end of the 1054 season. State officials declined to re-open it af ter Federal Judge Walter Hoffman WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE i Desegregation Front AUTHERINE LUCY FIGHT REVIVED IN ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM—U, S. District- Judge Hobart Grooms was asked last week to cite University of Alabama officials for contempt of court for their action last Feb ruary in expelling Mrs. Auf.henne Lucy 'Foster) from the univer LUC’KY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was the on bear ins the tag num ber “XX-683. If the owner of that car took It to Dunn * Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Rloodworth Streets to Raleigh he. received a free grease job. This will nap pen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N C. license. The numbers this week are: AC-52*; JR-291; X-m; TVY-62- 3S; TR-J 57, and W-32T ending Saturday. October ta. toss ennd gam* cf the 19S‘> senes here last Thursday, and again after three :n the final game Wednesday, Although Don .Larsen s history-making perfect no-hitter for the Yanks on Monday was the big thrill of the entire series, Negro players on both teams did their bit (Cwstlnued Fa?* ’■ \ Rca.ity Co, of Raleigh, terms of thr agreement under which the latter will manage Hip affairs of Washington Terrace Apartments, bought by Michaux recently. have coot red several persons io remove their names from a schooi integration petition He further said ihe letter ac cused him of inducing a Sum ter County citizen to make ‘false and untrue assertions statements " The. letter was sign ed by XAACP branch officials. The ease went to trial in Sumtei (CONTINUED ON PAGE %) of Norfolk, Va„ ruled that it could , not be operated on a segregated ; basis. Virginia has eontimied to j operate Hs eight other stale parks on a segregated basis. j These park* lean more toward ramping and hiking, while Sea- j shore p&ik has camping areas, cabins ami beach facilities, 1* has served as a, summer sea- ! Tnore playground for while Virginians throughout the i for many .Tear* After the fedeeral court, banned , toy | Mrs. Foster’s, attorney, Arthur ! D. Shores, asked that the expul-. Sion order he revoked, as well a &• ; any other order designed to bar; -her from the university. The defendants. President 0,1 C. Carmichael, Dean of Admis sions William F. Adams, and in j dividual members of the univer j slty’s trustee board, were given 30, I days in which to answer the! ; charges. j TENN, SUPREME COURT O UTLLA W S SEGR EGATION NASHVILLE The State Su preme Court of Tennessee last week followed those of Florida and Texas in striking down state laws against mixing of the races in public schools. The ruling came on an appeal from Anderson County Chancel lor Joe M. Carden's refusal to grant an injunction barring 12 Negro students from the former-! ly white school in Clinton,, where; I (CONTINUED ON PAGE Tlie otondaru prTnTin.®; 7;07 820-226 3, First St* Lo a iaville ■% «,■ *>/ NUMBER 1 |say 300-ib. ! iCop Shot in Self Defense i i j AKOSKIE A 300-pound r-'- | liceman who shot and killed hi | second man m the Jinn of duly i here Saturriav ni 4 ht was freed w, the around that he acted in v J defense i A coi oner - jury wirolvrd Pa trolmer. Abner S'■seems. ); y the at shooting of Wright Askew Jr 31. follow inc an altercation .on downtown Main Street Sessom?, only Negro ors the force hr- > found Wright \~kcw. :~j m !: .e street -inn arrested him tor p-u.vir j drunkenness When S kew resi-’rd he re i |fhrted bluet, .lacked hint As kesv’s son is then *»jd to h»v< leaped on Sessmis from he- i hiii'l with a Barlow knife. j slabbing him several times Sessonts then wheeled and shot , Askew m the stomach The tatter died en mute to a hospital A■; soms was also admitted to the hos pital where he received stitcher for the wound in his bark The tCONTIMKII ON PA Os ?.) Baby Perishes In Home Fire FA\ FTTKVILI.F - Ma i y J,. James. 20-month -old daughter of j Mrs Benjamin Joseph James of Mount Olive, was burned to rt> ath in a toe which gutted a three i tCONTINUED ON PAGE i ; segreg-Lon there. Virginia otliei,..- 1 trier) to lease it to a private opt r j a1 or tr> nHet to keep from mixing I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) COURTESY CALL Mrs. Portia Washington Pittman, daughter of the late Or. Ranker T, Wash - j inglon, is greeted by President Eisenhower as she paid a courtesy call ni the White House last week. ’ Mrs, Pittman, who lives In Washington, told newsmen that she thanked the Presitol for the '‘many J things he has done" to honor the memory of her father and promised that she would support him for re-election— UNlTED PRESS PHOTO. . v "e " ,ss*? : . . ■ <• •'’. *•..u' • v * Ji ***&&* m « . •. . v.- : wy SO NEAR, VET >.O PAP Sunlight • 4 re ms f 5: rou&h the win - dow of this new* hut e??.ipH cbi jcsrooiri bottom of remit]'' built wing on rural a. huoi at RrnvUm, Georgia, while children still attend classes in dilapidated and ancient, Urur.jhjre, «:Bh litlle pro-* tec ll on as-Hnst weather ?ud heated by an *-id pot* bellied flop). rxrnn pki-ss tht:? no. 2 Brothers Who Sold Dope Gat Jail Terms HALEiwH -T' hr,: ■ ■ , fi'F-’Siffly-is and H>.r: i...-n .J John son, of FavetteviUe A' sveir sent v w:! 'in Tt •■ ■• i-. > to, feta of " o’s I' 1 -:' ■ ~>Gt:or of the federal narcotic:' Saw The men, who o r r' seutfhe fd t>> V. S. District Court So, Garc!ina NAACP Man's Horae Burned M..XMING Although n ; ~:•!■ uro rent that fire dcstf-.yi-o ii: home ul a minister, loach: in :i fight for integialior-,. here sis d-..y ago. iarendon County Six-rdf , J lackson said last week ihat it was 'i. «vs to him " NAACP headquarters in New York !.:.ueri a statement that the home of the Rev .famo - W, ; wf Manning. a founder of the Clar endon County h'AACP branch, v. :<> > trn' t d by fire OH 2 white the mmr.'.ii-i was visiting relatives it Ne w tork Jat.ks.on told a press service the; ; no such lire has been reported n> . rev off.o and 1 know nothing a bo i• t i.l The NAAOP said that the Rev Mi : e;,js bad "received various : Ik: because of his NAM. !' ai, I,v '.'ter and ' also has been soiveef ed in economic pressure' tot I h, (CONTINUED ON PAGE V t-j ■ Don Gilhiittt ‘were ■>y\- fjnrtj ?. tots! of s,l 599 la«’ cp;.i*.-jr f ]*i£ £ el'Y nr» thf: oi -mo*her man ssjs* o d -lo h n-• *i& “—fedc t •?. I n r c n lies .»r,fi>t \ nthcr? y Johr«.aon The a.3s»'nt ir• ■*, he bru-^h 4 .