SEEK SCHOOL SOPT.’S OUSTER Oberlin Bus Issue Brings I New Demand F ALE!OH A movement to lover the resignation of Jesse O. Sanderson as superintendent of Raleigh schools developed this week a:- a result of the raging ron trnveisy over the barring of Ne gro children from schools in the Oberlin section A resolution to that effect is to be presented at, next Tuesday's meeting of the Raleigh Citizens' Association, according to the Rev. v G- A. Fisher, association presi dent, Bi;ls for th p resouifton was made public at 3 meeting of the school board on Tuesday, when the F°v Mr Fisher openly ac cused Superintendent Sanderson 0: displaying "lack of integrity'' in the manner tn which hr sought to evade the U S Supreme Court's desegregation ruling by providing free bus transportation to Dgon High School for the Oberlin stu dent? I (son t think ,rt need tost tort *»f lawlessness in >h« Ra • rovTTvrr n on rtr.r 'Shot In Heart Takes life Os Father Os 4 RALEIGH Police, op Monday j were still seeking Jsmer McCuch errs. 42. who is wanted for the. fatal shooting of his friend. Leroy ! Crowder. 36, here Saturday. Crowder, father of foui. and » . resident of Sawyer's Lane. was killed instantly when shot, in the heart He was slain off old Gar ner highway when he stopped to visit, a woman, reported to be his j "girl friend " The woman. Miss Levada Ste- j pbens, said that she heard the: shot and ran to the doo;. He wasJ lying in the street beside his cor." (COVTIVIIgn ON PAGE 2) ART TATUM, PIANIST, DIES LOS A.NGELES Art Tatum, j world-famous jazz pianist, died I here monday from uremia. He was 46 Tatum, taken 111 about two weeks ago while on concert tour, : entered Queen of Angels Hospi tal shortly before midnight Sun day. Blind In one eye and with only slight vision In the other, he was * native of Toledo, Ohio. I CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) i "MISS SHAW IT.” ANT! AT TENDANTS Center is Miss Coriene Dudley, s, senior of Hallsboro, and 3 physical edu cation major who will reign as '-Mfe* -h in- University” o'«(? City Voters Stick With Ike, Nixon 10 C —| 10 C VOLTJMf Vo RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10. tdSA NUMBER ? Man, 80, Killed By Train ' -V ' ■ v ’ ‘ Man, 60, Sitting On Track, Killed Wiian Hit By Train RALEIGH - Struck by Train No, 13 near the Southern Railroad underpass, Herbert Stephenson. 60-year-old garage employee, was killed about 5:30 p.m. Saturday. According to Deputy Sheriff Earl Duke, the train's engineer, J. B. McClentock, of Greensboro, l the homecoming activities ! which will be held on Saturday, | November l". Her attendants i are, left Miss Patricia, Hall, a I junior of Fayetteville: and right i Miss Della P, Lewis, a junior of j Littleton, said that the man was sitting on the track "in an intoxicated con ; dition ” i McClentock was quoted as say [mg that he saw the man when ‘the tram was 100 feet from where he. was sitting. He said that he j blew his whistle but. that the i man did not move. : j The body was dragged about jSO feet. Death was termed acci ! dental. ONE KILLED, 5 HURT IN CRASH LTTMBERTON A 78-year-olri South Carolina, woman, Mrs. Ruthts Dupree, of Route 1, Bel-j heim, S. 0.. died Sunday of in-; juries received in an automobile! crash which injured five others, i one critically. In a critical condition in a Lauringburg hospital* is her i daughter-in-law, Mrs, Clara Du pree, 60, of the same address, j with a. fractured left leg and hip. : scalp lacerations and possible in ternal injuries. Cleveland Dupree, 63, son of the dead woman, suffered minor cuts about, the face. Walter I. Prance. > 28. of Pilot Mountain, suffered a brain concussion and cuts on the right knee. State Highway Patrolman R, A. Caudle said that the accident, occurred about 31:20 am., Sus day, about three miles south of Maxton. He said that Cleveland Dupree, driving north on Route <CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) LUCKY AUTO OWNER The iueky car last week was j the on ■ bearing the tag num ber 'XX-125 if the owner of. j that car took it to Dunn s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streels in Raleigh he received a free grease job | j This will happen every week, i Watch for your tag number. If j ; it follows the asterisk, you will I get the grease job. The num- i her will he taken from any car i bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: X• 1 92: TP-357: “XB-421: W. I 133: rx fill-: a «H TRAIN KILLS RALEIGH | MAN Police and interested j onlookers are shown here stand ing near the remains of Her bert Stephenson. 60-year-old resident of Hunter Street, who was struck by a train Sat urday. Photo at lower right, shows Stephenson in 1952. : I ? Jm "H^, wWijß' : $b(&£?& i£&y*Q&vi£-. '&* ■■ ,JlHh!l HERBERT STEPHENSON ODCS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD STANDSTILL: "Stand ve still and see the salvation of the Lord." That command, given by God to an Old Testament leade- when he was pressed on all sides by a seem ingly over-powering foe, should be the watch word of the Southern Negro today, God has always proven him self to be on the side of RIGHT We know of no better present day example of this trsith than what is going on now on the school front in the Obcrbn section <>f Raleigh. The real impact of the significance of (CONTINUED ON FAGE 2) Predicts Desegregation Will Begin In Winston CHARLOTTE A prediction that a start toward public school desegregation in North Carolina will be made in September, A957. was made here Friday night, by Reed Surratt executive editor of the Winston-Salem Journal and Twin City Sentinel. Mr Surratt, made the predic tion in a talk before the North Carolina Couhcil on Human Re - Methodist Church Hit By Blast RJSIDn VILLE —A small wintry church was rocked bv * blast, be lieved caused by dynamite Mon day right An explosion !:» the Topla? Grove Methodist Church, lo cated north of Greensboro on the old Reidsvllle Road se verely damaged the church building- The blast was. beard by several residents in the ru fCONTINUED ON PAGE J) Man Thought Lynch Victim Found Alive WILDWOOD. Fia, ... Jesse ] reported bv FBI nrrpt.. wh<- Woods, farm worker, missed for rated him as Heine in -and roo st* davs after being dragged from j ditioo.’ Woods was flogged hv ihr the local jail by a mob of white ; mob after he allegedly railed men. was found alive Saturday' '‘Hello, there baby" m , , V )vt e at Andalusia. Ala. I school teacher. Presumed to have beer, a lynch victim, the 39-year-old man was (CONTINUED on page I Suicide Threat Charged To Noted DC Woman Educator WASHINGTON— (ANP) Dr Margaret Just Butcher, a professor at Howard University and former member of the District Board of Education, was admitted to D C. General hospital last week for mental observation. Mrs. Butcher wa» booked by Metropolitan police who had been summoned to her home after she A&T INAUGURAL SET FOR FRIDAY GREENSBORO Warmouth T. Gibbs will be inaugurated as the fourth president of A&T College, in a day long celebration to be held her e on Friday, Nov. 3. t. M. Marlcena, dean of far ulfirs at the college and chair man of the cntnmiHre on ar rangements for the inaugura tion, said more than 150-per sons, delegates from leading colleges, universities, learned societies, and national educa tional and professional organ isations are among the out-of town guests expected to he present. Registration for the event is I CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) lations, The editor, the Rev. Henry G. Rurak, pastor of First, Methodist Church, Laurinburg, and Dr. Carl E. DeVane, head of the social science division at, Shaw University, Raleigh, took part in a symposium on "Citizen ship Responsibility lr> the Pre sen* Crisis in Race Relations" (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?> Ike Nearly 2-1 0 Favorite Over Stevenson Voters in Raleigh'.* two pre dominantly Negro precincts Tues day gave President Dwight D. Eisenhower almost a 2-1 icari ov er A dial Stevenson for President of the United States, A check with (ho two pre cincts showed fh* following results: Precinct 20, Inerted a* Crosby-Garfield School, gave Eisenhower 520 rot. s to 253 for Stevenson. Precinct 2t;, Lucille Hunter School, gave Eisenhower <SO vnfps io jsg foe .Stevenson The city's three other precincts which have nniy n few Negro vot ers, showed these results Pre fCONTENUEn ON PAGE j» 4 Children Saved From lead Poison SOUTHERN PINES Quick | action by members of the staff a? St, Joseph of the Pines- Hospital is credited with saving the live - .of four youngsters who gulped handfuls ofß nink : powder that, they found in a"ho ; in a garage. j Hospitalized on Wednesday I night, the children on Monday | were believed out. of danger from I arsenic-lead poisoning They are : Johnnie Harrington, ft. his sir,{era Brenda. 3. and Anita. 2. and their cousin. Robin Ann Jacob The Harrington children’* mo ther came home from work ?.o find all four covered with a oink : i*h dust which she found had i come from a bag on the top shelf ‘ in the garage. She rushed them j a!! to Dr. C. H Daughters' who ; took them to the hospital where their stomachs were washed out j fbri medical,ion applied. ’ (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2: had threatened to jump from the window' of her seventh-floor &■ paitment. Ihe 4,>-year-old educator, author and lecturer, is reported as having Pees under tremendous nervous strain due to overwork She had been advised by physicians to fake » rest and had entered a hos pital at Philadelphia two weeks ago She returned to Washington last week on personal business. Early Sunday she had been arrested at the Washington '' ' jjpjjlraDp H' -j : ; Tp - . . £&■<'' j 1 - •' V, CHURCH DAMAGE EXAMIN I ED— The Rev. M. L Johnson, ! above left, »«d Sheriff John Wai ters of Reids ville. examine a hole j n#fl i ® -.' •'*' <Mf ’ '' > “ ' ' *wßHr^ : ‘ •gViU *■?* Y -I* j| "* ; *" * S " ~s Hm “JfflKM&M# W&# feft«B<B* ft *«»» vW -r rv : ;,- •• ; T- ': : U£-Y i '’2 'NO AFTER VOT ING Miss Marjorie Williams .« private secretary, in top photo, pprai.'d to hr pondering the v Lous impact of her vote as she entered a booth at Raleigh's precinct 26, Tuesday Mr and Use "fear Gas To Halt Rock V Roll Riot FAYETTEVILLE ‘Tear gas was used here Thursday night to break up a near riot at a rock 'n' roll dance featuring Fats Dorm no and tus band. Trouble broke out. it i report ed. when an unidentified whit man tru’d L dance with son'.- Negro women No serious inju; >e: were reported Domino receiv'd treatment for cuts on hn hand Arcording to reports tin, is the third time that dances featur ing Domino and his orchestra have broken up in this fa.-Inon NASHVILLE, Term A report that 4(52 Negro teachers have ins* their jobs as result .-J dr Ration of public schools in south ern border states was made here Monday bv Southern School News Oklahoma, with 3(14 led the list followed b.v Kentucky. West Virginia, Missonii and Texas The News, published by a board of newspaper editors and educators, also reported the addition of 22 M ON S IVri-.n ON PAGE 2' National airport and charged with drunkenness, disorderly conduct and assaulting an off! rcr. She was released under a .>250 bond pending a hearing on Nov. 20. before a United Males Commissioner in Alex andria. ! Airport police reported tiidl | Mrs Butcher slapped an officer alli r nr and another policeman I had warned her to talk less sou | fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) in the floor of the Poplar Grove | Methodist Church, which vas by an explosion Monday nigh* ! torn hv an explosion Monday | Mrs. G. J,. t«K 71 fi E, Marita street in hoi ton* photo, seemed well pleased with their decision *s the emerged front a voting hootH at the *>?'< -,- precinct (STAFF photos RV "rHAS', R JONES, —I? l. "" C ~ i ' ''' I TOPS* N \B FATHER. SON n m,eigh A l ether and >or: team wa. biokcn up here Monday nr lit. The father. Eugene Will is, ’• v ms nabbed it. hi- home in the 700 block o’ d We-jt Street, and officers discovered three quart; of il]c'.:;i| liquor jp his pe; sort-ion, the son. Edcll Willis, of the 400 block oi tv Ler u Htreet.. vjj chn :: cd it L pc, : ,r in : four quarts of illegal whiskey. CAR Kill S ANSON VOUTH WADISBORO Wilbert Mackey. 6. war tilled Sutrdav nigbl when hji by n ,ntn. mobile ‘>n < secondary bich <CONTINUED ON" P SCI: M High Court Turns Down Paul Robeson WASHINGTON - The U 3. Supreme Court here Monday de nied Singer Paul Robeson a re new of his efforts to compel the State Department to issue him a passport for European travel. Turned down by the depart ment. Robeson war t.oid that be could ask foi a •.•nrw bv com plying with certain regulations, including the filing of a non communist affidavit, which he re fused f.o do Tn hi,s appeal for a high court hearing. Robeson said that he was "the victim of an economic black list, imposed by reason of his po litical views and associations’' night Police theorize that the explosion wa* the work of a group of “wild kb!&*’

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