name TH PC mrc ll n m i itii \ Diiiilt ■ IU ■ Bt iiii*d (N iiKftii SayFianee E i Critical Cccdition !• IX 3 CHER Two women one r.; hr.'i bride-to-be the >< hes mot! - :*: of two children vr; c V led in * crr-t.ucl. collision that i-/i fivr other persons injured c: i Saturday mornins Dead are Mu Mae Hail Si *hp bride-i‘i-be. of Asheville. ■■■ d M:.x Sarah Cm. Singleton »•?*s. of Slater. B C Admitted to Mai gain R Par ec? Memorial Hospital at Hender sonville \> i , e John H Sinslrton. 35. of Slater. Mrs Singleton's husband: Ulysses More, 38. of Asheville, and James Arthur McMillan, of Asheville, Miss Hall's fiance. The conditions of Moore and McMillan were reported critical and Singleton, serious Treatment Giver Given dispensary treatment wrte Mr:- Roberta Moore of Ash eville. and her husband. James :>g •State Highway Patrol Pfr Dan prady reported the south bound auto skidded on the ram y...r pavement and turned ode •!s’ inthe path of the truck driven by -Singleton In the auto. Frady said. were Mrs Hall. McMillan, and th*- three Moores. With UJ.vsses Moore driving, they nere headed for Greenville S. c., foi the wedding scheduled ifONTIMTO ON PAGE TWO • n AT TV ANGIE BROOKS as. -,si int attorney general. Depart ment of Justice. Monrovia, Li •" ■<, has arrived in America foi diplomatic duty. Miss Brooks re turns to her post as delegate to foe United Nations at. the request of Liberian President VV V S. Tubman This is her third term at the International body, nr is a graduate of Shaw University, Kalelgb V (' ... CANT! Appreciate Heritage Shaw Students Urged RALEIGH -Shaw University's 91;H anniversary was observed on Friday, when student. 1 . faculty, staff, alumni and friends from all over the country paid tribute to Dr. Henry Martin Tapper who founded tire school in LBSS. At (he grave ceremony the trad itional v reath was placed upon &A‘> ;£& lEHslfe■} ■ -, ; -? " **!*' ' >*’ ** j fvv V 'Vi# ': FOUNDER’S DAY RITES—The pf, ’« Day ceremonies at Shaw Univer the glare of Henry Martin Topper s«'f( trt right they are Dr IV. R. Sira former president and now head of ' t • and Dr P. ,t, ftMtop, prcsidrn of .V. c,, Inc. + f 4* 1" i 4 + -f f . Seek Bosses In Smuggling Ring The Carolinian 10c v--H 'OtevbL lOc > VOLUME 16 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1956 " * NUMBER*9 ’ D. S. Calls Bus Showdown -4 “j U. 8. Moves Up Bus JC j WASHINGTON —TT ?, aim:- | rtrys from 14 South,un states are I scheduled to meet, here on Dec 10 with Attorney General Herbert, Brownell Jt to consider “those measures most appropriate’' for the Justice Department to use in | enforcing the end of bus segroga i tion. The states which still have bus segregation laws on their statute books are: Alabama. Arkansas, Florida, Georgia. Kentucky, Lou ! isiana. Maryland. Mississippi. North Carolina, Oklahoma South j Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and I (f'ONTIM'KD ON P.lOfi I) : j Dr. Tapper’s tomb by Coriene i: Dud’ey, a senior of Hailsboro who • | is Miss Shaw University for 1956- :p?. ii The Founder’s Day address was ■ made by Dr Robert P. Daniel, . president ot Virginia State Col i i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) e main participants in the Found rsity last Friday are shown here at |; r, founder of the university, From j assner, president; Dr. R. P. Daniel, | Virginia State College, Petersburg, I it of the Baptist State Convention j l 'v- 2 >x , HIT PEARSALL PLAN—These three Salisbury youths discuss the ; rearsail Plan during a break after the Student Senate passed a bill repealing the plan during mock legislature in Raleigh last week. Left j to right : Edward C. McLean and Leon Watts of Livingstone College | and Ervin Watts of Catawba College. | TURKEY DAY GRID CLASSICS A fls T. Aggies vs. N. C. College Eagles, at. Durham ; Howard U. Bisons vs. Lincoln U. Lions, at Washington Va. Union Panthers vs. Hampton Inst. Pirates, at Hampton Morgan State Bears vs. Va. State Trojans, at Petersburg Kickoff Time for All Games: 2 P.M. Cite Alabama U. Trustees! In Lucy Case Contempt i BIRMINGHAM. Ala. of Arturs of contempt in the • case. They are Dr. O. C.’Carmich > a el. president, who announced las, work that he is quitting the post oext .lanu***. William F. Adams, di in of admissions, and Rufus (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) ficers sa.v that they found Sam Gaines, 40, of 9i6J Burch Ave.. standing in the street, blood i streaming from his face Gaines told them that Mrs.! Queonle Thompson, so. of 913 Wil-j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ] Slays Girl |Friend On Third Try j . H rintJT - - Thomie John? son is in the local jail awaiting trial for murder after making I good his threat to kill his girjJ friend. Miss Madeline Daniel. AS. here Saturday, According to Police Chief W j B Rich. Miss Daniel had previous- : !ly told him that Johnson had ; stabbed her on two ot her occas | ions. “He's a mean man.” she whs j quoted as saying. "He said he was J going to kill me and he'll do it. I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2» ' U. S. Judge W ould Throw Out New School Plan In Virginia ODDS -ENDS I | By ROBERT Q. SHEPARD j Thanksgiving: “T ha u crownest j ! tha year with thy goodness ... " Psalm tio: 11. When we allow our- j ; selves to look above and beyond I ! the: fading forms of mallei ann ! material ideals, we can see and I ; behold the goodness of the Lord 1 i By (his goodness we are shielded • j and protected from all evil and ! i I harm. When we. daily lift, om i' | hearts in gratitude, to » loving : : i father arid strive to obey His com- ! i ! mandmonts, our efforts are crown- i i ed with success and our “cup run- i S neth over. As a racial group, w. « : (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1 gg COMMITTEE PREPARES FOR STATE CONVENTION --These •t W, Elgon High School stu dents are shown making prejta- Arrest Os 3 May Touch Ring Heads RALEIGH -AJt’nouli three men I have been arrested no charges of ; of smuggling merchandise valued : i at $30,000 from a local warehouse. : ■police ue still looking tor tin ; white men who are heln ved to be the ieadrrs of (be the!: :n:r. Arrested bv sheriffs denut • following an inve-s'ieaUon n > i ■ era! weeks were; Tom Jnri •: j Route 2. Wake Forest; Chsiier, ■ Frank Smith of Washington Ter ■ rare and John Wesley Hinton of i 103* Fowler Stvef All are pm plovees of the Raleigh raiier Company and are being l?<= Irl in 1.1,000 bond earn. Treded for Whiskey Jce Batchelor, hea-i of ihe de fective agency, '..lid ihai Hinson confessed taking articles end (f hVTivrm on rv.s ii Ex-Cage Star To Hospital After Melee RALEIGH - William T Shyne former Notre Dame University basketball -far. Tas fined $lO and costs Monday a.- the rrsult of or altercation with Mis," Henrietta .-. j 1 host to (he sixth annua! e.onven-; tion of the North Carolina Asso- 1 ; eiation of Student Councils on;; December fi-7 This convention is j expected to attract approximately ! > 500 sponsors, principals, and stu- 1 dents from all over North Caro lina. - ■} .# it * rations for the annual N. C Student Convention which will convene here December S and 1. Kf.STIVE >sool!—Pretty Miss Gl. ; Hinton, daughter of Mrs. VI a hi? Hinton, .’>Bi V, ( abam.i* Street appears amte satisfied sine*’ she lias the main dish of her Thanksgiving dinner in ham!. She. was caught by a photographer this week on the lawn of R. >|. (.tudup, US n, State Street, who raises turkey-. The 1.8-year-old lass is a graduate of f.ignn High School hero and attended North f'aroiinj rollc-cr, Durham. ST AH' PHOTO R! fIIAS R .fOMS.;. Quiet Thanksgiving Predicted For City Thanksgtruic Day will e? eele brated ouiei'•” in ihe •-ity this yeai a■:• ol survey by ’Vie! CAROLINIAN ! , eveals, j Services have been scheduled as • First Baptist, and Davie Street ■ Presbyterian Churches- for ! Thanksgiving morning at 11 o - 1 clock. Stores, banks, schools, si.ile and federal agencies will he closed for the day. t nr some schools the holiday »i!i e\- iend titiiil Monday morning st tugusiine's dosed on Wednesday and will resume 'CONTINUED ON PACE ’ day, I would have to throw ii mil the window." Judge Hoff man said on Saturday after bearing arguments on ino- J lions to dismiss desegregation (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i To State uncils The theme ’The Student, Council-- An Answer to Juvenile 1 Delinquency’', will be explored in ; panels, discussion groups and problem clinics Dr. Marguerite Cartwright, not ed educator and lecturer of Hun ter College, New York, will ari (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 :•.■.■ ••'NSU";--"'.'..'., \V NETS HOLD 3 CONFERENCES RALEIGH Three sessions of Annual Conferences of the AMK Zion Church will be held through ! out the state this week, it was ! announced Tuesday (CONTINUED ON PAG I * ' SEABROBK ACTS AS SMITH PIXY CHARLOTTE. N C Dr J. Ward Sea brook of Fayette villa was elected acting president of Johnson C. Smith University at (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 : Latta, Seated: Martha Duets. ! Erneet Ratliff. Student Cm* I cil President mad Betti* BMiesr,