PAGE TWELVE - 11 . I *". "" '" ' . i '■'".■•■ .'■ IMI -■■■«■ . . .1f1i."..—.. I “• ■■■ ■■ .il.—i.——-inn ii 11 i i ni ti i i .i ,*)i| i ■■ n.ii' < . i " 111 fil - ■!—- ■ r* The Hope Os The South f ROCKY MOUNT - Altho we: ms frequently humtiated, anger -! ed and discouraged by the ornerl-1 ne>« (or downright cussed m?ss.' of j many officials of the defunct CSS A . «Confused States of America) as they strive—beyond sensible iimuj. --to prevent the rise cf those A iner leans who are identified with! the colored race, wt* must turn flora the debit, to the credit side of the ledger mid ‘Count OU: many blessings and ties what God, has done”, in our bohalL We should feel proud of people: like John C. Calhoun, Atlanta; NAACP prf-.y, who dared to ;o to: iail in our behalf: also, we should gird ourselves arid shell out MUCH MORE MONEY to help «h« NAACP defend us >m Mrs. Ru by Hurley and others over the South have done. Ii timer neopi set the strong sincere backing of j you then they can carry on with ’ a deep sense of pride, >ui>ily we ran 'nnss the sununitmn’ = monf- • to them to fight our battles. A New South Abornin’ All of this is the ‘New South’ it. the making and- -as w'b have said many times before—is 'out the growing pains having their reac tion. We must NOT become dis couraged as the Prophet Elijah did when wicked Queen Jezebel was persecuting end putting to • death the Christians ot that era God had to rca.-n are him as lv fled for his life--that there were j many other followers who had: NOT "bowed a scnce to Baal ’ So it is today. There are thousands of intelligent white people of the New South who are not in accord With the persecution being handed us as members of the colored minority for no other reason whatever except the fact that we are darkskiiined. Harold A. Petit, a Palmetto i State power company ex> ctttivc, i-s quoted as telling Bern Price, AT writer, that he regards the Negro 1 as being “irrespomibte in every. degree' and admit* that "Mu basic fear” of the South is “mon-; grelization of the races and re : portedly added: "I just can't vis ualie a South which is predoin-, inantly mulatto.” That statement, from a South j Carolina white man should even make a horse hee haw if he could not muster a laugh, because that j state-— along with Mississippi- ha?. • reportedly led the nation m the. production of mulatoes. There in Charleston, writes John McCray, news columnist, was the beginn-; ing of the ‘Negro Church' durinc slavery days when it is reported that the white women got. tired o! looking up into the church gallery j of, their husband’s and son's bas tard children whose mothers were ! Negro women. The white women; arc said to have demanded that a church be built, for those inula--; toes so that the white women! would be able to worship without disquieting reminders of their menfolk s bi-racial transgressions.! Petit and others who ‘feer'f.?) j ‘mongmliantion’ delude only them selves it they feel that the world, today does not know th . piac-; tices which have continued to this day. Do they not revile that au thorities have come to the reason- j able conclusion that only 15'- of j the so-called ‘Negroes* in Ameri ca today are of pure (black* Ne*- groid ancestry while 85' . or more., are ’blended* principally with the southern white man’s blood; with very few of his white women participating in the mixing? It'S' TOO LATE TO CLOSE THE GATE NOW. While Sympathize!* A leading colored professional of an eastern Carolina town was told: recently by a white man ‘in the; know' that there were many! whites of the area wim contri buted to the financial support of the NAACP without revealing it Why can’t or won't more Negroes; do likewise when they <we) are • the principal recipients of the! benefactions of NAACP work ? j I talked with a white salesman! whom I'd never seem before, re- j ccntly. After our business was ov-'j «r we discussed politic.* and the, race issue cordially, but pointed- j ly, He was born in Columbia, S. C. and under fifty year.- of age. He travels for a national concern! and resides in Tarhoelia. He was j open-minded and conceded the; need for amends on the part oi j the white populace of the ‘Old; South' in order to bring about the j the inevitable change in social i and economic relations fcondi- i turns if you prefer) in the emerg-, ing ‘New- South' so that the region | may take its proper place in A-j merican and world affairs. Thu man, while not in complete j accord witn all the functions of ; the NAACP, was nonetheless re-1 sponsive to the ambition of the i Negro to secure for himself every j opportunity to improve his status as a citizen. Neither did this man fear the attendance of his child at school along with a colored; child of comparable culture and; behavior. He did indicate a dis like for interracial marriage, how-j ever, altho he felt the matter - could bo guided when the time' coma for it. This man—and thousands of i others with like views-- while not; audibly campaigning for us. are,) nevertheless, helping to form this ‘New South’ which MUST and WILL ULTIMATELY COME to assure ALL Americans- -as people from other countries axe shown— that we TRULY have a Democ racy with the big D in it, We < must encourage these young fair minded white southerners in their attempt to build a ,'Nevv South’ i which we ALL can be PROUD OF THINK and ACT on this ax we ; approach the season of the birth of the. Christ child who inau-ji gurated the greatest system of |; democracy in the world; ‘‘LOVE < ! THY NEIGHBOR. AS THYSELF. ' The Chinese said: “The Gone i j That You Would That Men Doj : Unto You, Do Ye Also Unto; Them.” Support the NAACP. -HAPPY YULETIDE Rocky Mt. Personals fIS; BV f. 15. HARKEN RAKL&-HAB r NT 1 11 U - SET ROCKY M- VNT—Plans are fe o- j ! ms; forward i • the posf-ChnMr.t.i* l > vwathiig oi tV Mary Lillian Buu •«r!oMr XJ «•* Simpson Hart.! ..•‘.•Ill • i-i.i-r, of. the Killj,;-b(iro ! ; coimnurdy, Route Two. Rocky : | Mymvsi j The announcement was irv-d ■ , ; last weal' hen Mr. and Mrs j | Carlo* Baker brother ami sin. . . ; the invitation* for tin. wedding . set for Decern in**- ?Bih T nr.;,! >n : ce.ity circle!: have- had lilt- eoupst ! !;i,try]A f(>|- quit, so:?.. . time and the .•misyimen-ent .-..i : ! not a surprise to the » v fri-rmi-- J i of tin- popular coup U.-. ELKS -a im W \KNS Oi HGLTII HAZARDS ; HOCKV MOUNT -■ Dr J it. ; ; Jones or Elizabeth City. Au Tam I i Grand Medical Director of the j i IBrOTAV Health Department bar j i calk'd ■ on the Bills and Da ugh- j j tors of i ikdorn as well a* all citi- j j yens t. be on guard concerning j ; their hr. Ith during the winter sea- i I sort If the ravages ot disease ! creep m during this period Sir Jones particularly warn ed against the mistaken be - lief that over-indulgence of iu t.-\! ding drinks w ould s< rve i to v rd off disease He e-a Med for the advice of doctor be ing obtained before resorting to such use. | Dr, Jones urged the wearing o! : •ui.iU clothing rind good w<-li-5..»l- ; ; ed she--, s to protect the body along > : with getting fully eight (8) hoi: -: 1 of slc-‘-p to recoup one’s strength 1 j since this is the period, he stated j when we arc more susceptible to ; ! colds and other ailments which lead to serious maladies, I Jones concluded that th! ■ i of thr many ways in which I can 'contribute better citiy-n --i ship. Man!y Street Church Mews Mrs B. V, Sturdivant Morning worship began a 1 (hi : Man’y Street Ch: is!nr, Church a1 the regular time, .Sunday .las;,-: j was sponsored by the Morning: ' and Junior Choirs The Scriplur. • i lesson was taken lima the i Psalms. A wonde; ful sermon was dfe- * ! livvcri by the pastor. Rev. T. C. • I Humans. I‘he Tot Jlaven j • Chcli gave four selectior . The ’ I fololwiog sang solo;; Joseph : son, A'r-ldon Edgerton, Linds Fay ' ; Davis sod Carlyn Watson. • They were under the directions! ; of Ivo s. A, G. Logan, We v- r. : i '■cry in.ppy to have than worship ! | wil.H us. : The Church Council met W< .J- , i no.sday night in the Fellowship! j room ot the Church. A delicious . : dinntr. consisting of turkey and! : potatoes and gravy, cranberry ! I sauce, ice cream and cake, wax i : served The Rev, Hannans, was host, i i A very nice time was witnessed! j by each person present, j A strict} cakd sale will be held i at Davidson's Jewelor... Docembr r j •9- Orders will be accepted by i phone. South Nash School Notes SPRING HOPE- - Choir slngins : ; was sponsored by the PTA at the' ! school recently. Mrs. Ester Stokes,; ; program chairman, presided | The welcome address was given; ! by Mr. K. Z. Chavis principal. A; ; response was marie by Mr. H. E.' i Dhbnam, principal of Spaulding ; ; High. I Participating choirs were St. j i Bethel, Middlesex; St. Mary, Bai-j jlcy; Mt Carmel, Bailey, First j Baptist Junior Choir, Bailey; fit.! | Paul, Rocky Mount; Elizabeth, j | Spring Hope and the Smith Sing-; I ers, Zebuion. Pricer, were given to choirs col lacting the largest offering. W;n jno vs; first prize, First Baptist I Junior Choir, Second, St. Marv, | Bailey. The faculty held its December i profesional Study meeting, Mon day at 4:00 p.m, Mrs. M. B. Jor ; dan, chairman presided, Guest ! ' speaker was Rev. C. E. Askew, pas- ! ! tor emeritus of the Third Baptist! | Church, Detroit, Mich. He dis cussed the topic, “The Fundomen i tals of Community Improvement." iHa declared that the community j and Us closeness to nature and its ; j usefulness Is the basic develop ! ment for true character and citi zenship,. Panel participants were; Mrs. E. E. Barfield, Mrs. K. N. Cumbo, and Miss E. Y. Sylver. The guest speaker was introduced by Mrs. K. N. Cumbo The Chormeltes held their Pi-e- Christmas social Thursday night. December 13, under the supervis ion of Mrs K. N. Cumbo. dean of girls. 'Mrs. Elsie Perry and Mrs. Vashti Perry, grandmothers, were in charge of refreshments. A chapel program, "The Christ mas Story’’, was presented by the second grade, under the direction J of MSf.s Delia Herndon. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HI SCHOOL NEWS Superintendent Visits School , We were happy to have Super- . intendent J. O. Sanderson visit our j < school and witness our Christmas i WARNER LOOKS ’EM OVER CHARLOTTE The Wacho.'ia ’ Baiiiv and Trust Co a -pa ay gave their anctisl Ctiristtnas party c-n ; Tiiur.,u..‘V i:\tnrig, Decernbei (J. .it, V, V. e A. THcu guest foi lUo ; . ..ccf;.-t;)p was Mr. Fresca Browa, • rice lucsideni and cusluor the ! ’ Coßipai:}. AT-. Brown gave « very j 1 inspiring speech. He expressed his i ippn .auiion for the job done. 1- ‘ the end furthe r stated ! ' 'Oct hv !••}* that the person ml i unikih;; up the t-oiT'.prtn.y was rli.,: ; .Hi. O.u,J;rksoti. now retiri-u I on (‘and to exchange won!,, 1 on-,I oi it,;, pi ri uiigs. Mr. Jackson i 1 ‘.’as hi • n -i friend of Mr. Brown’s ‘.m- yours The occasion was w ll :dl» r.U.-o. Mt. Eugene Riindcu brought .so i-i tings as the head of sin mainteiuincc departittahi, A!’!, licm-ing from our guests of . ' J'":* others, a buffet dinti ! ;;- ls l«<• pared and served by Mir ! TeeUu-. Ariel to add •* ptfir ••- t. RoL. i (iraham nod in . 1 ‘”' !Tnb,i n r ’Ve out wtih same met 1 ■ M.-n.-is The employers an- ... f, : ! low"-' Charlie Marshal! J0,,,',! i.iiiA.vt i, z\iion Hobt. * v—* >v * * ton. Hoy \\i Wi ]] t • i 1 Hr;::;.-,. Claude Counts. ’ Mori.,-, i ' im " Kt;,lcn Puk-.-ne t. : blHHien. M B Ellington. Annie Harry Miller, John Hoover.; mu .Jn sier Johnson. ] * lUmtiKHI’M Cl S’TEH NEWS •;>, ivednesday, December 20. |! B- ild .htvn Cento moved to i;, ; *>-<W home, located on Bui- ' ‘ I U ' ‘-t in the center of th* i->ro,ii.,miiviil‘- and the South Side tio/rtei, I m the part sixteen years the location ha- been in the old Sand- 1 -■rs ‘i-jiei. 301 South Caldxve!). Su.-er!. its staff has been charged fui.-time members, including a 1 u. b:t work with boys and men, and studenls from Johnson C ! : Liiii tlx L'nivcvsily, j ' Miss Margaret Hodklr.s, direc- { ! toi .o’ ihe center, is now in In-;- | fotu-th year. Others on the staff « are Mis. Virginia Fundcrbi.ik. . Miss Dorothy Mahdiiey, and Mr. i Rambling In Chatham GOLDSTON —.— PITTSBGRO SILER CITY By D. W. Header* P. O. Box S 5 Goidston, North Carolina GOLD AVON Hello rtieV. ' ,-very.vherf. Yes. your old Ramo irr is with a hit more joi 'i xs I’iom Chatham County and 1 h ip. you "-d! enjoy reading them By the time you have finished reading this article Christmas will he alo.osi here, or .should I say ,;g!ii £.; your linger tip. And l do wish all my faithful readers a ve"-y Happy and Merry Holiday eeiebraUnn, J. Edgar Hoover, director, Fed eral Bu/eau of Investigation, once said in .-■» u- article "Christtuvs i: a lin t fur reflecting. Difft-icnt vultures mark the event in vai}- . wriys.’ »>it underlying all the observance is the one theme of the fullfilment oi the prof-hc-i ivs of old— Unto us is born so*, ioni Who is Christ the Lord. The years have wrought man:,, s in many respects. Out complex culture seems to nave lost a lot of the simplicity of former years. The real meaning of Chml irms u too often drowned in me tidal wave of material tbi;i;::‘ which erode the spiritual signsli canto of the day.” Ye,*, my frii lids, the Chriitmiis bells are ringing now and nil jjif hits rue looking forward to seeing Santa Claus. This year let us rt> mcmbi r the great blessings of our freedom and opportunities, our livi .s, health and other things that po to make life a blessing let in. make ihls Christmas one of tm* of our expetic-ncr-s. KEV A. T. ALSTON TO PASTOR AT GOLDSTON CHURCH Rev. A T Alston, recording sec retary ot the Deep River Baptist Ministers and Deacons Union, has accept* <i the pastorate of the Rob ■ <ns c hapc-l Baptist Church s! Golciston. He assumed bis duti* Sunday, Lev Alston preached n vvrv wonderful sermon, using for his text .St. Matthews 2:2. Speaking on the theme: ‘Where Is He?' Rev, Alston pointed out that two thousand years ago these words were uttered: “Where Is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his Star in the east, and are come to worship Him ” And on through the years up to the present day people of all ria- Holly Springs News hi P.OY LEE WOMBLE UHURCH NEWS FIOLLY SPRINGS -- Sun Dec HSU*, vas regular pnstorial day st the Christian Cnurch. As usual. R v. Albright preached a v,-. ,- soul-slining sermon and the jun ior- choir sang very graceful virile the s mor ushers served on the floor duty A lot of visitors were present. A;; a whole, ii was a good day .v the Ch istian Church even if tns wt.-alhf-r conditions wasn't so lav orabte Sunday, Derembe-r 23rd, will he pasUirial day at the Baplist Chuch. So let us come out ji.J hoar. The Reverend James Avery, pastor, will bring out his version of the Christmas message, CLUB NOTES On Monday night. December 10th, the Christian Fellowship Ushers Union held its last, business meeting for the year at the Cbns tian Church of Holly Springs. The meeting was very inspiring a.- usual. Officers for the year were elected as follows: Miss Odell Rog ! ers ol Rogers Chapel Church, I MusioaU. which v, ,e held on Dec. | 13th at the regular scheduled Far- ! , ent-leaeher Association meeting. ! Pei sens responsible for this pro- i By Leroy VYdrmur Thwiias J. Hatshaw. The Charlotte Cento:-, iike the fifteen Methodist -sponsored organ izatiocs in the south, *s the third one Miss Hodkins has directed. The annual Christmas candle light •’» rviec will be held at the Center ou Deeombci 23 as s rti) o M. Music will be rendered bv die and youth groups us u tlentHi Assisting with the music will b.. tiie intuits ot 'ihe Girl Scout .mu Bo.y Scout CoiiuniUees and ti.e Parenis' Club Participating in tin serviu: will be the ' Rev h. 1.,. Counts ul Johnson (' Smith uni vcisity. Minister-iieiper nt kip Cenlu: th- Rev. K H. Mi.-h-i. i J’nstor of tin. Litrh Rock A. M ■: Zion Church; and C D, Kippv H. rector of the Center. To odd more beauty and mean mg to the servii-ft » Tu-e*. p;-,,-;,-. ]'■' ! .- - V ti.ansforni , e ’ v -' l ''' r the mto a breampanoiaiD?* nt r . iovenesi story ever told. This a.v inspin.ig religious scene will * Ohasize the true meaning of Chnv:- 1 bis, e\ », -.o at iiiis service the mem ory of he late Miss Jessi„ M L-m w.l o,- potpefusted in an appro ijri,,te mam>'i, Mrs A V Russell. DVK. and Mrs. Mildred Sanders are in charge ,f the services You b«ve the asour-.nic that your family and you will receive a blessing by .it tcndiiq this service Can you think of a ortiof way to prepare for the coining of the Christ Child? SECOND CALVARY BARTIS I CHURCH NEWS Sunday Morning the men was delivered by the k-.-v Aaron Moore, a visiting minister He spoke from the subject. Tv , Great Questions Speci.,l Christmas music w.c presented by the Senior Choir vritn Mr, Albert Heath at the (<•-. San On Sunday afternoon at 4YO o'clock the W. I. C. Club beta ns Annual Christmas meeting at ihe home of Miss Nancy ’Warner. A lions, ail lounges, all races and in i • all walks of life are still asking j • this Same question He concluded I his soul-stirring sermon which was i touching to the much-concerned j i audicii'. <• by pointing out that we j 11 do not have to travel long juur- j beys like the wise men of old. i > If we are true Christians, he dr- j i elated, we can find Jesus in our ! ’ hcauf, our homes and everyday! lives. Roberts Chapel has previous -1 ly seen pa. '.ored by such outstand- { 1 ing men as Rev. T. V. Rhoe. Dr. j : J. T, Ilarriston. Rev. C C. Tayio., i Rev. A T Tuck, the late Dr. G W. j Moore and the late Rev, Crump- ; ter, ’ | This church has produced and sent ou, ministers like Rev A, T Tuck of Sanford, Rev. F. P, Tn--n --er bumbo?ton, Rev, Ed, J. Gold- . Hon of Newark, N. J. Rev. Carl L j U- ridi o of Washington. D C. and ! Others, V«-;-t i (ntiy the following j Crown and Scepter members were ! • a- e,* d certificates. Miss Dclois Wpresident; Cart Hearten. J vi- * pi evident; Miss Remonia Ty- i • »<:i tctrii-y; Miss Sylviaiem - loidsion, assistant secretary: Kara-1 Hprujll, r--i«onor; Camilla j ; j Lane, treasurer; Hubert, Mctnturh, i Margaret Alston. Dorthy Worn bb . •; B(-itio Chalmers, Banner Dowdy j Janice Turner, Jarome Saunders, i : | and Virginia Chavis. , j Ihf officers and member.* *,f ! • j Dili dob are highly honored for - their scholastic ability, character ; I and sei vice, . A pro-Christmas social was ?i - cr» in the .school dining hall test - Friday evening, The Alumni As- j sociaLon wall not have Us regular meeting for December, i MAItbH-MARKH VOWS SPOKEN Mrs. Emma Roberts Marsh re cently announced the marriage of : her daughter, Hazel, to Mr. Gra-j ham Marsh of Siler City The ecu- j pie's marriage took place on Sep-I lumber J 9, | The pride is a graduate of Chat- i ham High School, Siler City arid Mr, Marsh is also a former *t,u I dept oi Chatham High School and Nurses School in New York, is the son of Mr. and Mr* Ous Marsh of Siler City, At the present 'they ~,-n residing in Siler City, ' president: Mrs Emma Fee Worn ble of First Baptist Church. Holty Spring:;, vice president; Mrs ! Eleanor Roberson, also of tiie Bap tist church, secretary: Mrs. Annie j V. Beard. Christian Church, Hole j Springs, treasurer; Mr. John y ■ I Young of First Baptist * uquay ] j Spnga, financial secretary. Oil id : officers will be elected Lorn U»« I : Individual boards i At ine close of the businew meet* j ing the group ascended to th-: ; Cburdi Hut where they were mu* j ved ail types of Christmas goodie*. The Junior Ushers of The Bap j list, Church of Holly Springs a,:-: asked 1o please be prepared to usher on Sunday morning, Decem ber 23rd Please be in the pastor's ; study at eleven o'clock. All members of the Buds of Pro ! mi sc Truth Club are asked to meet | at the home of Roy Lee* Wamble I nn Saturday night, December 29th, | at 7.30 o’clock. - BUY BONDS itTK CAHOLMTAK gram were; Mrs Coley, public schooi music teacher of Washing- School; Hugh Jenkins who assistt d Mrs. Coley with the Glee Club; • report for the year was given by Miss Dorothy Alien .secretary of ; the group. Refreshments w.v, i j servcci jftei ihe meeting (.hits i were i xchanged between lh e - | mem Ik is ot the group Mr.* r ■ j cos I‘iinlips is the president of Us. | W 1 v Ciicle. ' ' During fnt e* eiiing v* er.- i: ; hour a c.imahi ' c,n Hun: ana Joy,’’ ; ! '-'-'as p*esented by the senior r-ho:i- ! i Muritc tor the cantata was furm.-m - i i : t-d oy tne junior find senior choiis, 1 ‘ I with Mi. Joseph Walker at ta,' j pifil'n and Mr. Albert Heath nt 3.0 , i organ .oOKosi for the program us. ! j Miss AHzarof Jones. Among the . ; numbers she sang were: ‘‘Oh !;oi\ , ! Night" and “Ave Maria."' [ , j'-'lfua Vinson was the narrator .... : Mlie program. The birth of cm i ( 'res p)itr;r ; f-rj ihrouuhout tee can . lata. 'j Gifierir.- of the senior choir sir: Minnie Jordan •”-r -r, • j Mr. Johnson,*president; Mi : Evclyv Ka.'inor Sverclary; Mi. v ■ O. Fcaster, treasurer On Friday night the rime - • Christmas party for the S .eu;.,- School will be hi Id In the ment i.f the church at 7:00 o'en -!* . i A pane! discussion on "!>,.i,. . j .u.'l Mating" '-veic- the highlight:,! ! at a meeting or the Hi-Y and in .. ! IV Clubs hold at the Mr( 'me ! Branch YMCA lasi Sundav a t 4-J.) ; P. M, j Ihe Liev Coleman W Kerry. J. ; pastor of the Friendship Baptist ; l Churcr, lean the discussion \ ii!. ; ur> ‘ Doting. Do’s and Den ts' ; presented at the meeting. Other members of the p.-i •i i l ucre Eva Torranc* and Mary | j Davis, Y-Teen rm-mbois; Ronald ; i Lnncy and Clarc-nce McKand. | i Ht-Y members of the Torronc. 1 ! Lytle High School; Voncile V/il j hams, and Rosa Crawford, Y-Tec.n | | members; und Willi? Cuthbeit-! | son and Aaron Maxwell, Hi-Y i members of the J If. Gunn High ; | School, The Boys Choir of hv.: i j YIvK. A. under the direction of Mi s ; | Biondeli Car>-, presented a nvte f cal program. REV ( ,1. Ni:i.\ I s FUN'ERALIZEI) Rev Commie J Nelves. < native t ot Goii.ston, v,:i.s kilted in an atnu acciocM white driving his car ir Philadelphia, Pa., last week. L < body was snipped home rot- burial. Funeral services were held at M:. j Zinio Holy Chur -h w ith ihe v. tor, jhider J, (I. Lowderrnilk, of ficiatttig. UR.H. i- ROME L TAYLOR Oil s Funeral services for Mrs. ! Lee Taylor, 84. were held at Mon cure mst week. She is survived • 2 ions < ,n d 3 daughters. Mrs. Tay lor w„s » resident of Piftsboro and hod Ji.ed in the noith some siso ■d'-* Mr. Couve: fan of Fayett.eviile wa* m charge of the funeral s.-r --vices. ... •****»«*»Otßß*•**»■*x*.*4».^ FOR CHRISTMAS^ ■. c l ' ''{L r ' See Us For Quick Loans Royal Finance Co. DIAL 4921. 139 S. GARNETT ST. HENDERSON, ,\\ C. Your Headquarters fir^ For Christmas GIFTS Mr *»»*» jj, :1. :g|7 FRIGID AIRE f ' / APPLIANCES X, ZENITH L|n 1 J TV and RADIO ■ll AND OTHER .sx STA ND ARD fa&Ss** o ** AreUANCKS * fef S Electric Products Co. 131 S. Garnet! Si. Henderson, N. C. — i Miss C Grady, director of elcmen- ! tary On .■* Club and Mrs. Bouiw/i ■ ! director oi String Musk in the Uak'ir.r city schools. Ben mi fill U'- jj gan u usic iugh'.igiHed the occasion.! Many ihanks to the P. T. A. voc gr».m commiUea for sponso: big: sucit a delightful program Miss Hunter's Science Classes Most ol the science classes . * • studying in different areas. Thf-j' seventh graders are studying p!ar.:r j and animals, They are!! out inl< 11 st projects in the area. At the picseiil. time, pupils earn; ; watching plane.: gnuv inr-ide tight jr,ts. The pupils have 7 tropica. n.-.ji in then- new I t nation apiuounmi The;, have a frog, tail!': arid s, vt • al ouiet diffeien*. i.vp-.; of p'.m; i. vjsr t-ssioti oi 3> :r,p;tt!n Pupils and tejehora ..ibi is press then sincere sympathy 1 Mrs. M. liie |v ~j ~; t . I ' aii'.l Albeit Wh'lr, a sixth grader in the passing <-•; ' ■ • , '<'ir toother and xrumlmmht t Mi s. Be: tha Bute V. Glee Club Shu* The I-’k’nientsiy Glee Club seated a pvoaivm of Christuv! Music during both fisr- mbly hom;- for the week of Dec 10-14 Tnc I program included the follow my : V Bmls.- -Frosty. The «*•:.-.•• '■ hi h..t;tips," - vVinter Woncit-r- i Irmd." "ThirtyTwo Feet and K-.1.u PiUk 'i mis", -A Perkin All Night'' ' Go fell It On The Mountain' and “Christmas Circeiinu" Mcuibeis from trie Glee Club. come from grades 3-6 | Soloists for the group were Be: hara iVicK.oy, Natalie Wtigr.n .... ■ Poole and Joseph Guess It is dim ' ectfid i.v Miss Cliff* irr.ia Gi. Write Letters lo Santa Mrs. SlTyers" second s ‘ studying the duties and aeUv-ittcs i of ■he postr-mm as a ccaimunitv] help: ; in their Social Studies 1 . i: -. They are M'rit.ire lei err io v. , i ta. visiting th<- post Ol' ,> are: making booklets in the study ot ; the postman This group has- romp;- n o .-tiuli' of other community helm r». re i electing the Pole email Fin-map. l Farm-, r and Milkman Washington's pupiis and faculty i wish for every obv A M.n cy Cni i.r ■ - I re us and A Hi-piit- New V< a: Rush Memorial Church News Hi Mils. ANNIi if. TUOKPI Qur serviced began last Sunday tnonuuß with church school at 9:45 a.m. A very appreciative | number was in attendance. Each Sunday morning &t the dose of 1 the study period by groups a res ume ot the lesson gone over is| given by the pastor or another! appointee, made po&slbie bv the I Supt.. Mr. Leslie Campbell. We invite you to v: .! our!; church school sonn-ikm"' at earliest convenience. The choirs 1 opened the 11 o ’clock set vices l with their processional, sinttng '| "Am I A Soldier of tin- Cross"., The Ist Hymn, No 301 “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”, was ing. : lad by our pastor, the Rev tv Du Carson. The responsive reading' was tor the Slh Sunday. The scripture lesson wag read by the pastor, from the 119!.h P-.nimi;. 9th through the 16m ' verse:-.. Prrw.r was mb.: a by Bro fhomas Jones. Our 2nd hymn, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, J 936 No. 31.7. "From Every Stormy Wind That Blows”, was sung +V „ ~ i— .t.r ....... MM. M«.-n- | .U..UiL M» •*. “ vout meditation. The minister then gave a sermpnatte lo the junior church. The cisiidr;;u recit ed the passage of scripture they had learned io: this particulai Sunday. After the shut inn of the spirit ual “Is It Weil With Your Soul", the minister chose hi*, text, from St. Lukt'a gospel, the 2nd chapter and the 9th verse. “Ret Mary kepi all these thing.-; »na pondered them m her heart.” The minis! or led off b? relating the story of how she told mat she was to conceive and utw a son who whs to be the Savun- of the world. He sa*d also that Mary v. ■ a devout woman. She wax :> r.ood woman. also a wo* man of devotional love. This wax indeed an inspirational msssave. At the 7 o ck*vT nour l.tre iwi .*,ti. Ci.iev *us sc. ijit lire i i-~-iici tlie , dSncl chapter of Bxoou.s compris | ine ij vhti¥. He moke from the - twist-ape. “Who is on the Lord's i Hide s The minister said it, was a i tr.e ' thins.- *»> be the ~• Yi'-ie. It is also fine thirn;- to i;ve i -’ ; o '-hal God r.:t; use y-i-i :nd kt'eii | you on the eight side. Thu again was a very fis.e ■nessnf'c We are afiftin extending yon an inviu®sm I e VI ;t ,) :i I t :, ■ -y, f v th.,-,. ; , . ,11.. s ,y w< ' look forward to ymrr visit this I Sunday? Good luck aori a haps'-y Yuio tide. Bland High NEWS •SCOTLAND NEC-! The Rr;.",- ley rigor- opened their b" ;k, Tx,h sesittß by roll ins; to a o uv'fi' il. :{jiota'den VMcats oi Kc- Tufisday .uight, The T : : b"v,'ii ;-:: eav-y burst o' specu ,>-■ Uk.v sprang to a KM lead in the first yuaru-1. •In ■- -• reg.-ifui Quarter the iniv don began to iirfd tfi* i-,.;,.: 1 ti ■ (h o V to 'A-■ ' at one stag*-, but the Tiger-; eif-' hmiwamm-ttwwNMiuirXiaMNft: MMumr-w is«b«*w . ww«.v«v vy*.**- PERSONAL . . EXTRI r# f FOR CHRISTMAS PTTJ STANDARD 4^) FINANCE CO., INC. j|.:. Miss Mamnp. Tiluitson Manager i 12 S. Ganu-tt St., Henderson, N. C. Os • ■ ••• .-••-•••»• - •-•V4 'r.vM. .. - - •■■■■,-Iff, gy » OLDSIAGG KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON g sQoq VllOw - T V ?6 FROOf .31AGG DIST. CO.. fFANKFORT, KY. ' f T _ """ , ■m.w.wm—w, HM—lMiii » mmmJ I ', joyd .; .--1-25 lead al the end of uie ; first u- il ol the game-. HBWWBWUkBWWWWWWBWbMSWHWI .»*< ‘“«•« »' 1.-Jlltu <> ■ find away to penetrate the En • field o< icnst- an they c.-gan piiii up points again in the third q;un ! tor aiu> ltd 53-38 after thv thlra. ■j Brawiey defotisv stopped ,t.' TVipl., to rail. I ,' and rb.ui:- ! o-;f up » 70-Yl score as the it i< d. Leonidas Anthony led Brav • | icoriiig with 20 poin’r; Smiih i 9. Lrtbio Hi.-ks IT. Ci>-1- i : r.t.jorvv... io.'i-nsiv; men were:Ai • : thin biaith. Loonidns Aruhon and lericliek Pai-ker. . Hit Trawley Tigcretles snrp.-s , r:.l ,>reiycne by winnine a dot;- . oonlesu-d “nine from Kr.fiold To ■ dn - . i., ■: i * 'J’iie girls opened the gam. started -cotinp right away a- U. held ... i-2 lead after the fii - it; The final half >.vas almost r-v Contes'./, d as the score nv.d 16‘-L after die third quarter ended. Yi - Enfold team jumped to « . i 22-16 lire! ,-,i on-- pen t dttrUlg t. .< final ouart/r as the Enfield root .: ers wen l wild L Tie Pi j\v!.-y fans begaii lo cl> . ; n.S Doll:-- -Oil Lopped the l-,.' 'jin and Ciit the Fnfu-id Wd to i ,'j pun-.;-:. Lola •Whih/ko-. who I.T | tl'iD Br«\v!e,v scoriri'i' with V ;: point:-, lied the .-'/ore ivrh "t i : u M ! h .J- ioi :,-un>.(ig, i,. Mini: M'.or--, as newynmer. soemvd w ifsnioK points for Brawn y TJ-;- >:.O!C e',ls ?\ 22. nobjHM'tl, Keporler. North Carolina's colion prod / imn is estimated at 38,000 bales ■' : 300 pounds gross weight, aeeori:- : ing t.o specialists with the Noi d • V .-r.Jimi Crop Keporiins Set vie? \ This iKdb crop is 9,000 bales or 2.t : pec c.-iii ab'»'<.' tho 1953 production' but ii is 97 »00 halos or 21.2 c. :,( below 1945-s>l averages. Thi e«tt;:u-,i'i d 440,Ci)0 acres oi' cotton ; hankv-toi.i this year is the icove : since IdftS, The- 1956 harvt .T < | ovrov:.: is f..S m r rent under Ism* year nod 53 i not r- rit be;>ov Ire !:»4r-i4 average. SAFELY!

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