WEEK ENDING- SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1956 ‘ Federal Must Prelect Human Rights,” Harvsrd University Professor Tells iorgsn Body BALTIMORE, MD UnMis. j the states tnemsrlvpj m»kp a de- ‘ tar mined effort within the next | few year* nr end "outrageous dr- ; nrais nr human rights hy their own \ laws," residua- power to step in ; s,nd v.-t V'.il have to be exerted *oy Uv nationa! ;o-.r-ino -nt if A merira is in preserve u? leadership in the free world. To;:. warning was given '.'Doceir. | her by 2-echt>r.9b Oiißi'ye : Jr.. diotirpiiished. Harvard bid- ■ ve . pjofessor emeritus, a? hy i adyocai- d a residual power plon. • c ■-,-i eo the ena'-rttneijt of f v <;- • at !*- „• i-iuVon to pros«-rvc. human; r'p.ht: ii.in is < prartir.il sntn ftnti D» what hr railed a crave i ii*ml problem" , and pro no-.i'd if as avi “in-bot-.vrrji" i'i.ui which n-«»dd ensure fun d-tiucnia'. human ri»-lt!« for all ntions but at tbr *amr time s' iioifi enable the nation !<> maintain our lone eherishrit t'ie.ii of responsible states op rrat'iH'- within a national frami work pill or- mains Tue- -epHin-iinanun. wtio has ktmv.k-dgi of f-ccdom probe "uiy o !■!-!■ >;■.-• (ban it,at r.’f i--.. ;iT- r oap of hi* generation" iml **3. gi mwiwiw] %oWi^ 'iilli RESERVE s'^ j *' w " n M PINT i : S I^ r 86 PROOF / Bjf: i I " T * Mewmso# co uwnsetsoflo. tr SUSOIP WHttSEV if PPT'Of V’% ecus Httimt SPIRItI k-i rrn » ...L-..U II- —I I- I Happy Khmer New Year. Great News to •*«!«* Happy J . Wfrin Give >m (hl ' Gift Certifi / "Vml *- J .MI a :: j ' r fr,r s fine tct Hoe. ' -Til ,r Ihe.i r\, t , r , r3P# '■r'Oi-.l! I atnout fm fe-hionsuhna 'O.HF Ibovll I, .vc ,h- | ' m y ZT ' ! r "“‘ Si "r i» - en.-mirum js j Seat Cover Center who s'ivcd for forty years or- I tv? | Harvard Law School taeitH--. , spoke or. The Task of States am: Ib'Hion in Safeguarding l-’ur.bi menl;.! Htiman Rights" a 1 1'! State College. lie nppenrrj.-i as speskef n file. ' coll:y;-. s second annua! Bill <-f High;.- Day and bmed his speech • upon a text prepared irdtu-.liy » r inclusion in the late si of hi* ;i\- • iron books. THF BLESSINGS t.ii* Llßß.l.TY.r.ublishrd this veer. rKKLonM nin ini ri» !>< < lanus that there is "m --greater obstacle to nur pres iiife among other freedom !«• vine nations and to our achievement of important pur poses than tin immunity w-hh h Toiled States hy snobs nr bru tal stair oJticials and the . \ islenee of numerous state latex which establishe barriet * based nn i tee and color" Frofe-sor Chatee cited examples in »1 *ti - (rule the "nutraztMisnrss of violating human tight 'the "fr"tiueney a fid otltraccons "nrss of such violation- be s >ir|, 'Torre thoughtful Vmein n> -i Hv.en to ash whether it is hmt ora hie of sati* for us to enn tinor to have such a w ide gulf between the liberties \‘-v prn less in cherish and those v.liicb actually exist."' Hr declared that one tbie„ is certain • some kind of proltu-tion Is badly needed, either by the nation or by the states', and 1 . e posed the quest inn of whose job is it to punish outrages, against bo man freedom - “the state, where it occurs or the (irtlien which .suffers gravi ly bn in..- nt i!"" lok t fiif r,or it fb.Mr. Chafce aaid. • : the iot' in bc-T.h the n.iti iv nin! 1.1 " ; :.s.e to protect bumur. right;-. bn -ya it- it nr-nphutterirtv ciev.t- rh.*' 'hr chief -i-liaTic:- -rust be plnc-.-o on Uie comr-v;iniiie:: \vh--r-* »ia ituns nf hUfr.Sf! rights are jr m-e nl ifikißfi piaee." i ■ iie -. ,'i. “it -V; I: (■•- m.i-sTRKe to have an enorirUum r.n iar.t: Uicr-l nf federal powers wh slates u.-s- flnforr.ing liter-: Bui Lva federal gnvn-nm.-r.t shouid ’nave the right to Jo:’. Mi Chatee • „y: OL-clarinj?: i -Wren, hi.".-- i.-vt-r. the breakdown I of stM- prufocrion of hm-.ar; st.v.x |is sera \tf„ a? m thr- New O'l .. i lyndiinstr of fowigners. or the Bi : .■ - jM'i-'.al lill. Os lb. . .Ya [ease tiiiroo o”nrr»!e c-euvp.k- of i rights violations he cited:, then : I the national govei'nment ought !•• ! possess a son of reserve oc-wt-r ito .;It.p in to protect th vsetifu.-- i rvhrr.yv u possible and to pum.-h i Hie- wrongdoers if tic- crate g. n . i'vvmocni fails to do so Fie.:.-: ! j of’iv ier AVOliiCl tirlVD TTiE fin'CV l ' i ti«»r. so <|( -lid, who*tier .such .= ' >-on yeghr do stibst-intial good.” \T ODDS WITH EXTREMIST..I In pitvomUtis this re.-idua! po y: for the federal yovernu-ent, re a«;i ’8 rtneiaronoe.-. in the area 3 Join Our 1957 | ? i r \ Vou Can Have MORE Christmas uuopping 5 ? MONEY Next Year! I TT,V 1 r :. If st> < :ssi to save up painlessly for next vrar’s Christ* * • < «s> mas jrit is by joining' our Christmas Savings Club for v/: Save just a moderate amount each payday , . . and JV. have a LOT to spend a year from now. 3 YOU CAN SAVE: J. ... r . ; S». >0 each week for SO. -vefks $ AS 00 ''N/i /, a, ; (t\ ' 1.00 each wee k for .SO week* SO 00 -.—w Vv) S’ . i _ -s 2.00 each week for SO week* 100.00 ft. :, X ’■ /} .1-00 each week for SO weeks . JSO 00 •f. jjjg fji K& 'k, 1 ' K |\A ¥ S.OO raeh week for SO week? 2SO Os) Jgjr '*% 10.00 each week for SO weeks 500.00 ft. i; SELECT THE CLASS TO FIT % -=? YOUR NEEDS... NOW! V : lECHANICS & FARMERS I i BANK l O- . : ■J Raleigh - Durham l yw " 0 ft * $ f odefrov s l.iricusc Hair Coloring. "’ you can give your hair exquisite new ’ i *3SS!S2?!SSBBSS® color, long-lasting, natural-looking • yS» 1 i Hair tbor- t Apply Ood«#ro>y’* .V, AfJcr color ha» «* oc(jHly. Ax It dr»<* # m»A lor ■%(.*** with Handy vcloptd, fhempoo Hair Oodetfoy's I rutauft* applicator lnMl ' m d' s ra Ith tb' ‘ |.ns vmar which • lives in terror” of what they tall 'federal centralization” and 'would rather have human rights violated” than look to Washington for protection, and well, which he said ‘would Uk • Congress and t.hr Deportment of ; | Justice to use to the full all of the • * Constitutional powers of the ns ; tional govet nment over human 1 rights " Moreover th<-- professor said, hi? plan, though a compromise pans COO'paiiy vVifh mr rlrj 11-1 CM JUT! - sibiiitics” school, who advocate . n forccinnnt of rights by the stati s. ■ ‘The. key phrase for federal action in !hi» lield (human rights> shou.d 1 " U.;:.. /raggsfjjJp nt* Bf vs DISTIUtD ' ONDON PRY on rpont Nf UTRAI SPIRITS W $> k !i :iB f Y ■ ? 0 , Cl Nf;ti Nt f | pH! fi Grade U A' 7 Yount; Dressed &. Drawn \/ ; ; \ Cannon Towels - $1.49 | ! Sun Holster Sets SB-95 I 1,1, 1 mu naiiiw*iTiirrr«TfwnrT»'Tnr" J r' —■i —- Warwick Thin Mints 39l “«*««« 1 11 ; Royal Lusters t £ 25c C *K “* Chocolate Drops S’ 25c 2 »n X 49c Clean Fresh |t| |J | 3 i n The She!! ——— —, MIXED !£.. 49c BRAZIL & 49c FILBERTS S 47c AUDIOS & 59c PAPER SHELL PECANS s. 45c ENGLISH WALNUTS ~ 53c •> 1 -JO Cake Cake )y.03 Prices This Ad not be 'never’ hut hardly ever the freedom expert asserted i .t-’rotf r- Chaffr admitted Li■ = f I he htsi.fi to the states respotvdoc:.- i Mw rcS-00l for many years, but wav I led tu abandon complete gvcdual -1 ism by my -M" ri< nc ' domestic positions avail able Good salary, good hon e, good food Wonderful pppovtunitY to iire i New York Tr-.tis-r-0.-f ,;i -<>r, Advanc ed to -ippltcsnts with satisfactory ; referentM Write Boulevard Employment • 's~4rwm--- J win«eweieHNi *rm#ra *t*tm*K^*t**3{K* Anything From A Snack To Full ( our sc Meal AT Bus Terminal Restursnt r or aTi n rs UNION BITS TERMINAL “It W. 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