m . . Wmj 1 INDIANA 'STEALS' RALEIGH'S SHOOL HEAD To Gst 59553 in ivew p»si ! It- st iff Writer Dv W ilium H Wat son. 43, has ip: .:•■!'d his $6,500 a year job a:- principal of Raleigh's new sli million J w Lig-'D Junior Senior High School. He will become assistant prin-’ ripal tn Dv H Theo Tatum, prin cipal of the multimillion dollar, : Roosevelt. High School in Gary, ncl The new job will start at 23,300, in three years, it will pay' 512,000. T«!.um, one of Di Watson a. formet* teachers at, Hampton In stitute, spearheaded a cldak-and ciacsf-r move to ''steal ' *he Ra ienh school man from his cost. 1 B U S, L E TIN! || Jesse ft Sanderson, superin tendent of the Raleigh Public Sehools, told the ( ABOLINIAN ! Saturday morning that Dr. W. I H. Watson, principal of Higon | funior-Senior High School, had submitted his resignation and i that it would be accepted as. j soon as 3 replacement could be found is hen ashed to comment j on Dr. Watson’s tenure here, Sanderson said “We hate to lose him from our staff. He was a very valuable person, -anderson refused to comment on nhe Watson's successor might be. hut did indicate that lan acceuncefflcnl to that ef fect would he forthcoming in ihc next week or two. j j Rahigh City Schools Super in tendent Jesse O. Sanderson is ai-j k'.ed to have wrilttn a. sharply, i.nUcJl" lei lei to Gary sdmol of-j Hem:;-., protesting the manner in: which Dr Watson was hired. Di Watson did not. seek the: prKfi-n and be did not file an ap-; plication for it, the CAROLINIAN: learned this week Di Wot.on flatly declined to make any comments or answer: »juem tons about his new move ! However, - spokesman lot the. v School Beard said "You 1 may unequivocally that we: •ve flighted to have an educator j ct ir, Watson's stature to join | onv staff- He comes highly re-; commended and wc are profound-; impressed with his distinguished; career to date." The Gary source, which said a: “letter critical of our recruitment; procedure had been received ini Gary, sard Dr, Watson was ex*j poc'cd at his new post “around ! January IS.” A3 pieced together by the CAR OLINIAN. this is apparently the; trend of events that led to Dr. Watson's surprise move: <D Dr Tatum, nearing retire ment, is interested in cooperating' with Gary authorities in finding; a suitable successor. Gary author!-; ties are inclined to believe a man j with Tatum’s background would I fit into the pattern of education; in Gary City schols which are in j transition from formerly residen- j Dally segregated enrollment to J gradual integrated enrollment. j Tatum, and Gary authorities! (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) 1 , PRIME MINISTER'S DAUGH TER—Mrs. Indira Gandhi (right) daughter r»I Indian Prior* Minis THE CAROLINIAN rr,'» rr.- - * ■ ■ ■ 10c V“1 f—y jq c g *® !WS^w«w u . v^Jlw . ww|(Vf^ VOLUME’ 16 " RALEIGH,Ijtf ~C VV!' EV3 ENlrtrLo SATURDAY DECEMBER ?9. 1956 NUMBER »3 Woman Changes Kidnap. Rape Fear Influx Os Xmas Hoodlums: Blip puinf Hi If flip If if tip IIS W&mm Mill mm MlJitl Mm Held Her At Knifepoint RL <iV'ILLE--t,hargcs of 'kidnapping and assa’dt ■■■■'■ brougot against James Richardsm 38, lure last week folio I ,'.mg nis Bit n»;dsor>. who denied alt cl. ges. v-i arerstuo on coiopi.-.ir,. voiced uy Lillian 11-r-'- ' r. atioa; the aiu.-j.rd viciin! of attn, •• According to poi.ce 1 ■ P -■ woman contends the! Ji'.ehatftn'.n (orct.d nor ct the point of a, -r.jt snri order threats to aeeosr.can; birr, to his home at 33£ t’fluivb Street. Richardson d I a inert her his hon.e. the woman :■ Id police, hy threatening her and V .-pi; the nousc locked. While kecpiu.c; her, she said, he heat her and i ~d net nr commit svxua) »c. - j against her vcu!. iiie woman's body bon to I Oftjvt!Said. ! Rhh«rd£on admitted to ofiie, . 1 that the woman ha-:t been iu- I home, but be claimed the* ti, , woman had been drunk -a net, ,-he | (CONTINUED ON PAGE MM - GIRL KII LEO BOARDING BI S ABERDEEN—Jr-net Ch, ! year-old school girl, was kill- J is - j stuntly early Monday morr.imj ' when tut by an automobile sc j crossed the road in front of hr | home to get on a school bus about j two miles out of Aberdeen on the ! Raeford Highway in Hoke County ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE tr.r Nehru examines sor.r< doil.- durlng 3 visit to th» Gomjivii! Industries bfadquirtors in Wash- 2 ‘Friends’ Sl^in;Bny,lß, ian 3 49,Helci : ft e/ioV-’un en«'Joo. 'on< yi* »voi t o L-<3; ■ ij.jn 3 WuF*K jjCxlu ■ ; , 1 *»j i u'Jlr.f Xpp? J ,_jH \t/?3Un'lS Ml <v J u i*.-n'r'i r-ur ,xod a 19- >• ifpi. nH’ U*t Th' ; r . j i{ { }'■; Ti NTS D ON r A(0 MMX i i" : 1; iViota taoiMC I u iibVfd || -IN __ _ _ r, > . TWO TOTS in? IN TEAAU.S 1 ASHEVILIJr' Chvtstjnas this' . vear will be a tragic time for the ; 1 family of Mr. and Mrs Henry, j Muckie. cnr The couple lost two children in ; a fire here. Dec. 19. Hiawatha. 2. and Henry Jr. 5 • 'perished in flames that started: : when one ol the family's sir chii-1 - drer.. Bobby, imintentionally set: ■ ; fire to the curtains in the living; : room , Fire officials believe Henry was' trapped m a small room when he! . (CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE) | I ingten. Rrathnr Knight ex- ! | plains that she dresses the dous j I (or sale. UNITED PRESS PHOTO i ■.' ■':•'*'* -” ■ “■ ’■■ - v ':-- 1 , . ' Jjflf • • • ■■•■■■*;'■':'■'••'■ : | \ J|v i | | - ■■ ..-..i..' ... ... ' ... . .. . . ’- v .'''' J WARD CASE IN COI’RT —Aftgr six years of delay, Horace Ward (right 1 , finally began his "day” in court last week in Atlanta, Ga„ where hearings began in U. 8. District Court to determine whether i University of Georgia had the right to refuse him admission. He is ! Shown with his attorney, .UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO!. Judge Raps U. Os Ga. For Ward Rejection ODDS-EHOS Sly ROBERT G. SHEPARD NO ROOM: ‘And she brought for til her lust born son—because j there was no room for them in j the inn No room tor the Christ, i ail the rpace hud been taken, then | just wasn't anymore. There is poa j sioly more real significance in th»t i one sentence, taken from St Luke’s ! gospel, than is contained in sil th*. j libraries in the world. Christ came j uito » world where every nook met ! corner was filled. Killed with the t me rerun disc of the world; into: j erance, prejudice. selfishness ard j coved: . j Thor* could be no room for the j embodiment of all that was op j pored to such sins, for One w ho. v ! sole propose was to show mankind how 'o >’ .tap*; from the bondage j of thotv • sms The real significance i however lies in the tact that even i now. tunny centuries; after the com • ins of Christ, there is still “ou room”. It is doubtful that it ever, a manger could he found today where the Son of God could nno ; h ha.cn of rest It should not be said that the world has not grown worse since th® birth of Christ be cause His advent has been made, the occasion today for unlimited ; cormncruolism, drunkenness. <'ie | bauch ry and every other kindred < CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) .ATLANTA. Ga Ororsia seg regation-bent State officials re j eel vert two blows h«i« last week one from tile University of ’ Georgia's Chancellor anil the oth er from Federal Judge Frank Hooper, who is trying the lons de layed case of Horace Ward who seeks admission to the University of Georgia Lav School. The judge.' shortly alter biast i tag University officials for Ik nor* ! ins Ward's qualifications in pro | cessing his application, adjourned | the ease, until January 3. j Chancellor Harmon W. Caldwell ■ of the University System of Geor ! rda testified in federal court last i Tuesday that it. would be his pol | try in the future to rule that j qualified Negroes would be eligi ble to enter white Georgia col leges The Chancellor said he would take such a .stand despite the fact, that he knows his own job would then bn in jeopardy and that, them now r>k. . provisions in Georgia law for funds to be cut otf from any white slate school Which admits Negroes: Judge Hooper said in Court that the academic qualifications jof Ward were ‘ never taken up" j before Ms application was reject ed. Ward first attempted to enter the Georgia Law School In 1950. His applies (ion was turned down |by the University System Board j of Regents j The State, however, denies that i Ward was rejected because of his ] (CONTINUED ON PAG® NINL) r LUCKY AUTO OWNER j • Th« lucky c.a» Kst week was i ! the on- benrinr (he tag num- I tier CX-671 !J« If Hie ftwpcr of i that car took it in mitir t -so j I Service, corner Cabarrus and | | Bloodworth Sirt ets in Raleigh !be received a tree grease iob. j i This will iiappcn every week. 1 Watch for your lag number. II l it follow* Hie asterisk, voti will | cel (he. grease job. The nnm- ; i her wil) he taken from any car ! bfs-ing a N C. license. , The number* lhi> week srr i -XR-4?! . X-I9?t W-3'*-.. r* j 387; >' v t; and ry.ii': While Mm Slaps Woman ! MONTGOMERY - , Ala. -• c • [ teas season brought iirml- • lion of tht Sup:. me Com ; . ,•< . ! i (sum nutlnwiny - ,i■ *-c; >- this citjv boycotted bus ; : ation system j-o the first -,m, '■his week After n calm f>. ; * u p,-. ... i there one ret-,,-,-I ol n i man's slopping ? Rt.;o wonv>n m sn apparent trial of.-. “non violent' pledge. Nhe rah-.o the ‘fi, ( -oil .ii-.e ■he transition to Integra’..-r Usually alarmist police entho.'i- '< tins were look mg direlv .? ' '.veekmd s inrush of ha< '• ■■■ .riio arc accustomed to ...gn gated | : transportation. There arc s,, • I fears this group may cause tn-'- i hie as part of Christmas hoodlum- ! ism, it for no other reason For the Montgomery Improve- j mr-nt Association and the : Martin L .King, the “spiritual 1i id- ! <-r of the nonviolent mi Christmas season. 1936, .started o:f tn tne true spirit of Christ. Mrs Janie Ruth Wilson, the wo , man who said s white man slap- ; j tied her, won Dr King s prat.-v - ' and he told his follow--,> he n-., : ed otheis would do as shv dJi IN ports from passengeis trawl- j ing the busses f ir the first 1;,.,nj in more than' year indicated t.nat ; : .-ton! ic:.is«ance can still b peeled. in the face of such resistance, |; however, the non-violent activities (CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE! ' ' '" I '' i | LONDON: Jaazinan Louis Arm strong frighti ‘dljs** Norman Dc.l Mar conductor of the Royal Phil harmonic Orchestra, is he r>’ -v* a few lick* on ' Sat hiwn's" horn S “I, EE. SANTA, WIIAT A . I-ijNl, BEARD" was thr firs! i tiling that Utile Miss Linda Jo tim lone* told the "jolly old | grot" when she. met him fare to : N. C. Integration Bars Face Tests In 1357 At leas*, iwn law suit? fare. j, CstreL; » suthoniiftß m 1957 :' n r-' piisla.'i.v;dt -w-.in i' > :n .■ ■ fom . n>' V. - Ij-it-o the Ne,v Yea: N .G. Cailsgs Gets 557,500 Sciencs Grant DURHAM - Aiinotmcrmcnt of a $57,500 grant to North Carolina College from the National Sci ence Foundation was made here last night by NCC President Al fonso Eider, and Dr. Joseph H. Taylor, director of the Summer School. The grant ". ill be used to sup port- a “Summer Institute for High School Teachers of Science: and Mathematics'. Dr. W. H. Robinson, professor of physics. (CONTINUED ON PAGE %) here December j)?. Lout*, who played at * Hungarian relief cot - cert, worked up an audience of hignorows and Jar* fan* to such ac, ujuoaffou* peak Dei fa cc rcc<*nl!v. While revelling Claus. Linda was snapped by her her Christmas hopes t« Sant* unde, CiBOLIVIAN staff pho tographer Charles H. .lours. goon after the t-tr’r ’oe on January c.— the Stats •• must answer calling for vraroedi aft? ripsrgrtrrat'on of thr schools in . Caswell County This suit was filed Dec 10 by a group of Caswell County Negroes lin behalf of then children and ! other Key rocs. It- js similar to a suit now pending in Montgomery County which challenges laws re ‘ cently enacted by the State in an ; effort to maintain segregation in I education. A date for the Montgomery : County car- has not been set. Born .suit..-, attact the constitu tions Id y of the North Carolina ‘‘pupils assirr.i •«?nt pro minent feature of the Pearsall i Plan which was enacted by the • ’ legislature and voted by the peo ple tn a state.wide referendum a last, fail At stake is the right of parents within an administrative unit to vote to close schools in the event of intolerable situation,V* ie. integration, which has been con strued to be a. threat by whites to maintain segregation on * “vol tfONriNtitO ON PAGE NINE) Mar talked of! the stage, and gave up on any a 1 tempt In com plete (he rtir-. ire.! part of the rrosr.m, UNITED FItESR ISle , EFiJUTO.

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