Durham Honors Calhoun, Shankie After Olympic Wins Fayetteville Overpowers Elizabeth Citv 74-58 J FAYETTE VILLI. ■- The Fay.-. - villa State Telphers College- tirot.- ; cos picked up a decisive 74* 5« cage j victory here Saturday evening • v. hen they lashed out at their an- | cienl rivals Coach Hubert V&ugtiiJ. Elizabeth City Pirates from Eliza heth City N. C. Tin’ win enabled ' the Fayetteville outfit to step up their season record to three wiru in four starts. Bronco captain Ted Bonner ; broke the ice with a fast two point lay-up during the first nun* ! the of play only to s-c Pirati j S>iard I? Carrington tun; in s boo., shot from undo: the .;.n sl sphere well wnl be a 71 235-pound, 20-year-old sophomoi who appear? destined . v ~.* one oi The great performers it* the h'.-to!.y nf the court gmr.o The youngster. Wilt Chamber lain. about whom •••sms of irk has been spilled for the Gsl four or live years, i ;n his first taste of varsity competition a more (ear ed player lb,in th- f.ibuio-js Bill Rue. oil. 6-10 former San Franc;. *'o University star who has jest led the United States to the Olya pic basketball title. But by no means will he (>e the only tan player attracting national attention this season. More than 50 others will domi nate college basketball in much the same fashion as they have for the last two years Nevertheless, Wilt the Stilt with one of the most tremen dons buildups in sports history, will have the eyes of the cage world focused on him. He is » graduate of Overbrook High School in Philadelphia, where he averaged more than 37 points in hi?, nish school career. He was sought by dozens of colleges before hr finally picked Kansas in the spring of 1955 Barring a serious mishap. Chamberlain may become a three-time All-American. Drafted Bv Pros He is so good in fact, that the rules were written in the hope ihai it would cut down some o? hi* effectiveness They have made, among other changes, it Illegal for n player to jump and guide a team mate’* shot into the basket—a ma neuver that, was used so deadly by Russell. Another evidence of Chamber lain’s noientia! Is the fact that he was drafted by a National Basket ball Association team (The Puila d-lphia Warriors> before he play ed first college game And Chamber 1-Jo showed that PyPopular j Demand! I HALF I QUARTS HR «ttr*r —WMMMK'-. "him# if . iBM ig?«LI % " - gp* ' messiirt m * rafreshmenl ■kgV 4 pleasur#! Now! Enjoy genuine Miller High Life quality in popular King Size Half Quarts! F ~ ~ I'uates kept dropping I hem in, tt.uid Bin ford s c rack shoot ing and reserve Warren Berry - effective «or!i at the back hoard contributed substantially in ihe 10-31 haifiime mo re in favor oi Eayettetulle. V* !'h lb' ir 1; jkr. to ihp. w ill G ; Riraies carried the fight, t. the ; home boys during most of th*- sec ! end p*. i iod find kept the l*'ayetto ; viilc hopefuls in doubt, as to the fir,® outcome But with the aid <•( ' res.-rv : Win B* ;rv of -New j York and David Charnii. r Co lumbnv. Ohitz the Broncos v iiaily pulled nvvay fror Uv- Pi;. ' .• io nil k tip a 26-pniut margin id the i i;;. i i whistle. The Elizabeth Citv Li.>v saw u • bis* go against them in the fi nal -rv. critical minutes of play, both Co-Capttdes Toole and rin&Lii' fouled out. .fust the some. <. itri'irgicn 1-.. ,z :><■>■? 31 point: .*nd ••dole ;!••' chow as the evening's I highpn.rd, man while Kavettc-.il]. - -. •: •••■ ..... ' ond .!’ the scoting *i* p.irnoeut. jbo had the goods in Kan.--,?- nc-r . ogajtn.l Nor ti;-v- c stern, when be ‘ -’cure'i 53 points to break the ;c ; dividual scoring recovd ;.v ~ - j Bas player. ; Bill ;.s stated before. Chmube. • i lain v*;.l not he ihe oniv *an <■,: j >” derive plaudits this season. For ; example, one of the starting ser,- i on th,- Kansas fn-c < s Mauiat.; ! !r; b. ho av-ratted 15 paint*; j ! me lost season WEEK !i RECORDS 15 V ALBERT ANDERSON _ a NT’ I it might bo .said, with fair ae : curacy; that Pacific .Jazz holds tne l No. j spot us the diskery contn hutaig most to the enjoyment of j jazz during 1556 This distinction ;ha been achieved not merely b— j cause of the many popular items released by Pacific Jazz this year, j rather because each release is I top-quality jazz played by top j quality performers, j Few other labels can boast of ! foch stellar jazz stars as John Levv j ls - Chico Hamilton, Gerry Mulli i gan. End Shank. Chet Baker B>ll j Perkins. Percy Heath. Bob Brook mevm .Tack Montrose, .md Jun j Hall. | Several months ago, five of the I PJ greats—Lewis, Heath. Hamil ton Perkins and Hall—got togeth • j or ln a Wall, empty Los Angelos thoalie for a jam session that turn j ed out sonic of the best jazz ever I recorded You can hear it on tm 1: ' '" 1 PU"d 'Grand Encounter,” *be head srarngements were i di-. c Op the spot by Lewis, the . Mod*. o Jazz Quartet mastermind : who acted as musical overseer for ' the ante and niso contributed him , bhi-s-origina], “Two Degrees East ' -Thtet* Degrees West.” One of the good things about She recording session was the clmi-c of material. Besides Ihe Lev is original, there were fur i ev* rj'.reens— ”1 t in’! Get Start ed” ‘Love Me or Leave Me.” busy Living,” “Skylark” and Almost I.ike Being in f ove”— ail made-io-order for the soft easy-swinging mood heard throughout the album s VICTORIOUS REARS—These i members of the Chicago Bears, 1 professional football team whoop I It op in their dressing rnm after ! | I - dfift I' y ■ . here is r-uvetn % I'.le « rnggcU wingman, Clx.vriis Boh. ” ' Kniri.l. !:?<(-nonr>*l rod from T.,r horri. <'«»•< :ptj iin Tv nigh i who ] leant* m K-'l-rh* i>* a .m'.-i, determined man who takes hi-- tooth:*)! rinusiy. Kis fijic play aii v*;;i loi:; has gone a !m. way in th, Gaincvcoached Broncos’ landing ninth place In this >*-ir s will* j CLYA race.. ; Bill Per kins, the c lecti i' •• er>. ' j ginecr u:.Tied saxaphonitii' «ci.ed nr. . ' j a kiiid <>f co-lndvr of the %' eiut). i ' . Hir •■'.•arm, lyrical csc-c.'ssion is doncec! on the blues, or, “Easy I.tv in;:;’ and ”7 tr. r Ale or Leave; Me 11..ath. H.miiilon -Hnd Hell pcf ; itu-ir ks in. too. on this aimost I per fee*, jazz recording which should find its way into thousands j of rccoid cabinets in home? arc, ■>;•! ; Aim. nca. j Another Pacific Jazz LP that j ranks among the year's best re-; : leases is a delightful offering tilled i Bailor is- for Backgrounds.'* This I is a collection of son.es from va- I nous r’J albums . . songs which j quality as jazz. bu> have back -1 ground music fiavoi Among tlic j r um*' arc "Stairway to 'he ,: Stars'' the Lourindo Almeida j • Quartet featuring Bod Shank; The j Thrill is Gone the Chet. Baker ! ' j Quartet f; a-.;*.-.! • John Williams' ;"I *' *,n t Get Started.” the John 1 Lewi -• Vu .i !. "S’alia by-,•• ; light.'' with Fred ’sat.- as soloist: 1 and “M\ Old F’.f • " the ■ : v ' ! Mulligan Quanet f.-aturing Chi ’ i Baker. ! j ( hot Baker, incidentally, is drawing raves for his new S\T • i album. ‘'Chet Baker Sings.” in which he displays a voice as i delightful as his trumpet-play - ing This multi-talented young man is nothing less than sen 1 sational, and one wonders | whether to speak of him as a "trumpet player who also sings” or as a ‘‘singer who also plays trumpet.” Songs heard on (he LP include ‘That Old ; Feeling,” ' I've Never Been in Love Before,” “But Not for Me.” “Time \ft**r Time,” and "The Thrill is Gone." Oil" r citing Pacific Jazz stars ; : that r,ro moving up r.» sales ebanr- ] ' : e.u» W-:-s! an I>:■ . - ; -..f'-' in s of ; Chiro Hri'nilton ami Bill Pen,ins. ' Hamilton has lnt<‘n one of ihe big j ■ names in the I’d stabie His first '. ! two album*, "Chico Hamilton | Quintet' Volume. 1 ami 2. -viid j j 'ii--* Lot coke.- among his va :t fit’ • j l io-.vin;' on the west coast. Now he's j presented ag.'itn:; a new hat-Uiitop j | —the- more intimalo and iufo.- ii;;*: j : A-lliti” tis a Ino i 'The Chick Hamiitun Tim" as] the hr i- titled, is an . ete:Samoi| i Piatt* : that runs the gamut from | ! beautiful ballads* In romp:':* I h.v- l : IhlTis M>-.t ;>f Mi. son.. ■ lii-arf. on ! i U to i* .re e*imposed by Chile 1 j they defeated the Detroit Lions i 38-21 in Chicago, December 16. I Left to right, they are Owner isremany Thjned By An Inlsrrasial Group DLTUEAM T.ee Calhoun. North, ; C.iiolin.-. O-iieye s Olympi” hurdles j I champiun, and Joel Shankie, far- ] mu' >)uke Un;vasitv s:ai. mais ! •-.. ’h. -e.v: to the City of Dull’.;' hen last Monday nn ceremonies - ti! O'li* .-.mi C'-di ut - shate-'f « j .sn . r relations Tnr ceremon> ■’ ■is tia .suit of weeks of caret.'.: , pi.ee.i iu;s l.iy th. Durham Busin* s.- , ; ami P>< :e-sionai Chair, .n cveper:- - tioi. * :u the Ohio'.iber of C. m ! me;r* and officials ai Duke and ' [ N(V. Tin m'alet -s oar:.(led throiiith • Ire city side by -alt in an op u , com . -;io!e Thousands applaud."..' j • Mu :t v. io. n. L v. as Caihoun.« second such! i rceeyuQ'i in as many days. Kis i ! iioiii* town of Car... Inch. ga\ tii.n ] :. '..- r tveiconu:- iast Satun; 1 eiiiwtl nf some 50fi pcrs'.ins iivlieiing Durham Mayor ) .1 Evans Cnunlv Manager Ed S-.viiidell. Marcus l-ii-penler. presiilrnt of the Durham t harnber of Commerce, uid N K Wiiilc pasl oiisliiiiit. .mil W G Rhodes, presn. id. of ihe i)Bl‘( met the sleiuiar (.ary speedster at tlic airport. !n|i .<• niemie. and vtudeni Ira • from NCC also partii i pati ii. Encerlain w eather con* dilionv delayed Calhouns ’i ri* ;! two hours. An escorted motorcade convey ■' i:A Cfiii.oun io Dillaid and Mom ; bt.r*.i is. where h.c was joined by Sl'-.iM.J' Television and i. w‘.u--i comer,-is ground out flip start of I U>: van that paraded Ih'Wdh the hoorf of lown and cu’.PiinaM *i j at C.ty flail Honor CIAA Gridders For Tree Titles In Four Years nLHHAM - Thirty tw mc.n ' i-e.r-s of North Carolina College’.' ' jy.yfi football team were honored at : n banquet here last week at the ' Chase Restaurant Tin: program featured remarks from coeds, nlavers. coaches, citi zons, and college officials. f’rpsi*i'.n«i at the- jffaii which was ..ponsored by the NCC Si:.- i dent Government Association was : Charh V. Holland of Durham. SG i President N it. White, president of the Dm him Business and Profes sional Chain, presented a championship trophy to the Eagles' gridders. It was the Aggie Quint Takes Wins Over Broncos & Falcons GREENSBORO -- The A At T ] lege Aggies made St four in a row l for the young basketball season |in defeating Fayetteville State ! Teachers College. 67-59 and St. Augustine's College, 64-60, in games played here last week. In the game against Fayette ville, played on Wednesday (Dec ember 14', the Aggies took ihe and George Duviviey the *>. ! modern bassist who sits in as the : second permanent member of the j trio The third seat is occupied i .ilteiiiatiDgly by guitarist Jim iu.ii j and Howard Robert:?. Chico is d i his diummingnist on “Street of ; Dru.;i.'., ' a ditty wiUi a Sea*. : , flavor, and • Uganda,' which has a ! African tribal flavor, I On Stage. The Bill Parkin.*. ! Octet.” the otliei fast-selling 1 J j net* jo, features the young sax.st I I'ivirifc new interpretations to such i ildi*. or ‘ Song ul the Island,” "A 1 ! Hundred Years From Today” and v\-i. ;i You're Smiling Lendii,;: | .in us.-.ist during the session were : Bud Shank. Jack NimiL Stud VVii • liiunsor. Carl Fountain, Russ Free man, i<* rt Mdehel land Mel l.t-v*.- j George llalas; Riek C'asares, , fullback l*hil Handler. line ! coach; Coach I’ ad d y Ascot, t i I Dui am - rnavur, R J. Evans, be ; liev ■:i to o: thi first person of ! j Jewish d*'-»eent to head the- city's ! | Lop .'I I\vi ienmed the nthle'i-; and « il* ; in 1. Y V*'.. IR, :. *~' hoiin'f, ..,-oric), f-.-r • ■ i,.,u-k.* Pic test of the mayor's re murks, delivered In-lnrr n.» tion-uide radio television ' un er.*: and microphones, follows. This is a»i impnilanl occasion in the life of Durham \s «*> s'.un! lure to honor th>-sr too j nuLtaudhijr and unusual youus men, Joel Shankl* *nd l.ec Cal houn. I douht in ihe histors of tldrlies that any community has ever had the opportunity to ueleume back to its hearts I t\* a hoy a «ho have non nn-H a!:* in Olympic eompHition. Dm in’creating fur) Hord these, i ! bc'j.i is that they v.'eie able- !• > • ■ reach the maximum ot nthcltu I uchi* veuirn' bv acluollv helpin', one anothei. They have comp. i«--! against oi:o another at Duke and i 1 op i;-,r ..thFtic fields of North] i Carolina College. Both an of such j ! high -.'.liln e that they were abu.- • jto c.asi.-f one another - and each j ' knr-W in 'competition against the 1 | othei Lhal. the .slightest slip mean: ! t'ue cr,Hori-nco Li' i.wcer, victory ariff ] I defoac 1 I th’itk ihe opportunity of these j j boy.- io work side by side here tn | ! our community had a great deal j * to go with their victories in Au»- . j tralia. ] I -'Th* :;e two boys bi ought honor i ' and creii.it to Durham and also, oi j j course. 1.0 the State of North Carr - - !ina and to the nation.” i third trophy in four years for ! the NCC footbalelrs. Coach Herman Riddick. NCC i alumnus brough tthe Eagles thei- j first «iid crown in 1953. He- re peated in 1954. The CIAA statistician has rulr-J the Eagles co-champions in a three : way tic wilh Delaware and Mor gan. However, the Eagles claim i their interpretation of the confer j cnee’s Dickinson gives them a larg ;er number of final points than ' either of their opponent-. This! j mattei won t he settled finally un j tilth- CIAA's annua] m; cling ,r. ! ’ the spring. lead from the very beginning, ! built mi n 13-point bulge at half-' i time anu were never overhauled, j I The Broncos, however, made a *: game oi it. midway the final; j stanza, as their scoring ace, Ron-7 liic Evans began hitting from all I courts. They reduced the gap to , | five-points during the drive. As - ter that it was all A&T. Evans, who bucketed 'l6- poilits was high scorer. For the -\ggies, V incent Miller was high with 13. The Aggies had a scare in defeating St. Augustine’s on Saturday evening (December 15'. After building up another 13-point lead, 34-21, at half time, they saw it dwindle to a tie game ai 53 all with just Iwo-niinutes to play. Joe Howell, slur Aggie guard; ] slowed down operations at. the j j point pulled out the defen.se with] jan apparent "freeze ', drove in to! i score the tie-breaking s-hot. In the j J wild scramble which followed, St. ] ] Augustine's was held to a single j field goal and in the meantime.! ,Al Attic-; bucketail easy layup; and two-foul shots to ‘Tee” it. I Kneeling, from left to right, are I C. Caroline, halfback; and Bobby Watkins, halfback. - I I.VITKI) PRESS TELEPHOTO. I 1 « \j&- ’'C i X: «' Ux IDLER SKIMS ? BARS IN Xt'—.MAYOR *.‘y . k.:y to nn in hi UJJA..I - hurdles champ am i. - Caihoun of North < arndna t 1 iege toppled rat e lines m > ; Carolina fast week when the fit? and County of Durham b civil and • til'. >,.• authoririr ; to 0k I I to* ... 2 ~ .. ;|j; Qoifrin V <-v. #> ' : - • : ' ?. *% sin¥n! 1“sI" ?.■ o , ' iPI CHR’AOO fANP - B-.-e, G Dadd • Braddi.v. the m* about "biid star in the country lay, i- bcior hoii-rd "aaoUioi - my L'--,vis, Jr.” LRU* Daddy, like s,<:r*n x *-.*,..'. ed yi.ung, plays th ari'.;i\:--, >. *;■.•- and ~n ur pup mu tunes with * .*• Hair ut an old pro. !!• ir ff.-iim -.. n. J.'Ui.i.li': ,i e <<; ; MKjcV *w|'. " ' i fe- • - j '>/ •-'jm N NS a}, r ' k iw>; •■.- . ,* ( IU SSKI.L .SIGNS WITH CM.- TICS All-American Qijat; .« Bill Russell, right, signed a re ported 520.000 contract with th Boston t'eltles on Ueecinber ! ’ as owner Rod Plttri watched. UNITED PRESS TKI.KPHOTO Mj Neighbors "Please, Manny. Go out there ant) fUrht! Lots of e,: 1 people have to pay th'.. • e con fiscatory surtaxes, too! ' V 'kVyJ, X# r,ity, J> 1$ yyr ' t,. ■*', ‘• 1 j t‘ *> fj t 1 jy.-J •:{ ;r **J- . > \ukv -*»- *&»Si uw-p,,***.• A / e*\w*J** - -. tats? ness and 1 • h«' finish him •' :- ’ - "'r ,; ,; ' ! m the middle loUfv tfvs{nuts. Hi oth f, '•■’'•'•• *- ‘ andnicu-ier. Mrs. Mattie ."•' ■'’{m "i'ir.&tt*' Ruby ■ • (.';«•;■ were not satis ■■ “•* •• K - : i'' h*!.m>Uu£ oi’ their 11 ;*:’! ■* I ’ ( iy. Cxi ftO ho & saick - - ''•'■■ 1 -'tnd grand - (i |- fV,-i., 1 1r.«-* 1 ' 1 . •. xtH. j\ pu 1 : •• ' ” la'tk* Dud#. The ' ’;■>•: ■■•. aid f m • : ; -■'< with her since he - ■ »h»' : son’s bn • ■ ■••■"■:. hiru home with ■■ •■-*•■■ o•• .• said, "He will not h" a.--' i *-a ima octal end by : l’\u: only thing i want ' • i ; prot < ’ my son's future/* • Little Daddy’s hi doomed by the r .b•:• could take the lus» ill Frcp Stars V,;' :j | |||SS§f|3H ri t more Ross* and Hob W <*l i' a $ 1 1 1 :■ ? \ Iv IcKin 1e y , I h.-v.■;' en the hi.§b ./• ?:,• for the year ..r«.• 1 // io his • nreer, was the No. I - ‘ WHiiao-.a, highest acarui* ' ■nd s») ;\f<, \ history t was No. ’ i ti?; i•»...• •. 'vie 1/ mley the Ohio •an .iti. wiih Hciss rated second. I d* / , r d..