‘■'-.■T-EK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1956 HARGES RAPE 1 4 ONTIMiFD FROM PACE 1) rf.nt with Rim to his home. S*iCi j ! Lit ne was only keeping her inert" j ■ .-me she 'straightened up lire, v,uman remained at Rico-; p d»on s n.orne until her sister s e.rl j »■ i.nt house and demanded hi r 1 r)e«tae, officers said. The two- : ,• rs afterword we rd to police head-1 1 juart-.rs and made the charges a \ 1 j .;ns t Richardson Richardson's preliminary hr j' iRg is set foi this week. SIRL KILLED" (CONTINUED FROM TACK 11 The car was driven by R. F Sprinkle of Salisbury. The ci.ild , nrr- !!r.i".ied:ateiy P‘ 1 c;<:> rat arid rushed to the bos . £>Pt! where she was pronounced . iead i.,uon arirval. She was a pup*! ; i* the Berkley School Aberdeen. Bed a ,s one o< ten children of M" I n Mr-, On me? Chambers. Her j no employe oi the A&R [Cmrorfb here. Apr.oHlr was placed under V)h j pond. STATE NEWS ifOvrjM in from page n tried to save the younger child The other four children, led ' l Kir, c m.ii r!"A ri pvcim !y ~>:' Bi the house to safpt-y. UNESCO UDE RETURNS fM.'RHAM Asa T. Spa old in;;, vice president and act uary of ihe h. ( Muta! Life lnsutance Co., returned to the Cnited States last week af ter a world tour following a 1 At SCO meeting in New De lhi, India. He tv,as accompanied b.v Mrs. Spaulding as he repre •—nted the $. at the world meeting of CNKSt o. He was appointed by Pres- j idem Elsevi 11ii.iir Fremiously SpauMtpg rente t' tted the I'vi idem qi the inauguration of 'he Liberian pi -Asiiiept, In an interview, Spaulding yaid Supreme Court derisions outlawing -segregation streng thened the TJS in Asia J AILED AG I MANS ATTACKER LUMBERTON lt looks like ■Viille Williams, alias. Gill Wil liams, sometime resident of Bes- j inner, Ala., won't be home for Christmas. Williams early this week, was i lodged in Robeson County Jail I under $2,500 bond for allegedly confessing the brutal beating pnd robbery of Herod Allen. 76 Allen, manager of the Beasley Cash Grocery in Lumbarton, was reported in fair condition at Rob eson Memorial Hospital after Wil liams. reportedly hit hun over the : head with a pop bottle and fled " uh his wallet JI DOE RAPS CONTINUED FROM PAGE t! race which is the te&sis of Ward's suit. Judge Hooper questioned the . State at length on why | Ward's qualifications did not. en- | u> into the Board of Regents’ de-! cision. He noted that Ward grad- j tasted With honors from two Ne gro schools on the approved list of Ihe Southern Association of i Colleges and Secondary Schools, I The Judge said the faculty com- : mitte# of the Law School ques tioned Ward about his registrs-; tion. but ne one ever touched on j academic requirements.” The! Judge also questioned whether it j wouldn't be discrimination if the • University turned down anyone ! who applied for lack of credit? ! "because the University failed to ! recognize the credits." TWO ‘FRIENDS' iCONTINUED FROM PAGE I) AVilliam Bradshaw. 1 V and Emma Virginia Ray, 50, out' over 60 cents. In the argni ..t and tight that, followed, the woman is alky! 'd to have stabbed Bradshaw m the chest with a butcher knife si the o vuc of Edward Torain on High Rock Road. The pair bed been living together for six years Muss Ray is being held wifnoir privilege of bond pending trial i Hilltiboio Superior Court in Statesville. Thursday af tei iii.cn. Leon Shufford, 15. was shin ii ith a Jfi-guage shotgun st the hnmf of Charles Eri tiai-f) Parks ,lr. 16, at Parks' home. Statesville director of public lately, W. T Ivey said Parks lies ndmiiieu shooting his frieno and school mate at Morningside High School. However, Parks, who fust Said ~'huford shot, himself, latei claimed that the shooting was ac cidental. According to Ivey. Parks is *!- leged to have fold detectives and FBI r.jents that the two boys were "just playing around” with tr shotgun (which he had forgotten was loaded* when it went oft and kiil'd ohufford "J pointed the gun at I.eon and told him to give me a cigarette, Park* is reported a* having said "I forgot it was loaded and pulled the trigger. Do ki is being held on a murder charge, and Willie Chambers. 27 .■-vd t» have, been present, when lb* «b,Opting took place, is bei'v.! held under 11,000 bond as a ma terial witness BUS PEACE (CONTINUED I ROM PAGE 11 ot ‘he Montgomery Improvement A. ,'M.i Jnn tr expected to remain Imincdißtf cause of the shift ta ietcgidtion ;n bus riding was an Injunction served by the IJ. S. mar sh.-U - gfiir.m state and city officials h i! days before Christmas The injunction became autumn tie i r ! , r • t Supreme Court refirished ; i feh<.rir a case previously decid 'd in favor of five Negroes who 'htthr.'geq the old Jitn Crow -- tit's through the federal court. As of midweek, the injunction eav io Montgomery only. It a ex- pected to extend to other areas later. integration' iCONTINUED FROM PAGE li urn ary” ba.:- Predictions are that elsewhere m the State, the solid wall of op position will crumble before tire; determined efforts of Negron secure equal rigtha in the courl.s'. Certain to be appealed is tu re cent conviction of three Negroes hi District Court in Greensboro for 'trespassing" on a golf course leased by the city to a private club. The plaintiffs are contend ing that the Ci*v may not lease publicly owned property tc> pri vate individuals, who may then! institute racially discriminatory regulations. A s-imilp.r cute in Richmond i Virginia, was recently decided in I favor of the plaintiffs a Dei an | appeal by Stale officials. The livestock, industry appeal [ to be in arum a period of unusia ' ; progress marked by more cffLux ! 1 use of feed,. JN^IS V li Ajr -S '': V: ■'/ /# *V, - j O *> |..„x; // Jr A fl ttfeu y Moiimain | 8S PROOF 5 YEARS OLD J\iUlvJ| V Straight $225 j BOURBON e i n t Whiskey *3 S % BQ u* RT ! GOODERHAM & WOHTS, LTD., PEORIA, H.L. m fcii G.S. TUCKER & BROS. Furniture !j COMPANY, INC. I With Every iiood Wish For The New Year | We Appreciate Your Patronage i; Itv IT t * \ E>r**NrfWff cifri!'»yiv,ni li s..i:,j ■.< RA LHC i l 5 NCC Takes Ist Prize In Digest Sales Race DURHAM—North Carolina Coi |egs won die Reader’s Digest tn.-t i prize of .Si>o.oo ir, the pucijicadon's i pri. '.-.i.n for selling the largest ! nmibe of subscriptions in relation i to ifs • nrollrr.ent, according *o R./n- j .ei M Nit-izer Director. Student! Mar!: tin;: Institute. - "ft contest was divert ed hr lotm V Turner instructor in , i,.,"neee. pith his. Brown j sort in-; official xtufic.nl repvc t .wiiUtivc. Recv-nc. pi winners included 1 - • ... 1- . , opejj,: With i on cn roll merit of ? 60S and Fa.', ; u.u-ouea CVUe?e with an enroll-; •> eni , J 2 057 Aci m ilinß to T-.--rr.nr NCC slu-i -tents sold 520 subscriptionr ! 1 Two lc. (bine tons oi old poultry j ; fitter ><■ five to six tons of ioai- I post or ?i h'Jt-au c garden w. ;•} irr.uiovf thf physical stvuftui«: ! f •ih.y. ;*nri wxier holding cu- ' Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Science Finds Healing Substance That Does Both— Relieves Fain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids New York, N. Y. (Special) For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve, pain -without surgery. In one hemorrhoid rase after another, “very striking improye i ment” was reported and verified by doctors’ observations. Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all—this improvement was maintained in i cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of ir,,<*iy months! In fact, results wcr«- so thor ough that sufferers were able to make such astonishingstatenon ts "Piles hove, ceased to be a ■“MERRY’ - CHRISTMAS ; YuUkd* S«««. you *»- 'l jov hed*H, pfajp*<- Now T>*r. WHSIBE HOUSE YktfSew/i 'MAadcjjmd ——- —___——__ THE CAROLINIAN problem 1” And among the** suf ferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions, sons* of 10 to 20 years’ standing. All this, without, the use of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. The secret is a now healing substance (Bio- Dyne* ) —the discovery of a world ; famous research institution. Al ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide us* for healing injured tissue on *ll ] parts of the body. This new healing substance Is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H.* Ask f or individually scaled convenient [’reparation H suppositories or Preparation H ointment with spe cial applicator. Preparation H ut sold at ail drugstores. Satisfaction I guaranteed or money refunded. j j "R n t * r.l on Will Be || _ * ~ : ryr A Grand Assortment Os Ann Page Fine Foods AN IDEAL GIFT FOR ALL • FRESH riyis IN THE SHELL * | BRAZIL ft 49c Filberts & 47c Almonds £ 59c | IDEAL GIFTS |GE Flash Bulbs 1.15 TV DOGS each 3.591 I K ffi | | Thermo Salad SHs T