FfIiFFH IB nntvwtvnwsp nAfiifo ci avs pi i vuin, is, rnviAviiiiv muintiß &LAI6 tATM * • • *H Hh“ Hh + + + f -j- Bus Integration Leaders Map New Strategy LOCK? AUTO OWNER The luck? car last week was i the. on - heat ins the tag num-1 her '■VI-20. If the owner of j that car took !i to Dunn s fc'sso Service, corner Cabarrus and | Rloodworth Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease job. This will rsappen every week. Hatch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will ret the grease job. The num ber will he taken from any car hearing a, N*. C, license. The numbers this week arc: | CX-6712; XX-125: X-l!*7; CX- j ,757; XB-421: and CX-823. Local Woman ‘Taken’For $1,060 Cahiie Held For Rape Soys • . ■ i i m . . i SHOT BY COP ~ Shown on arrival al Charity Hospital, New Orleans, blood streaks the (are of Frank Jones, 24. Mho Mas shot Term. Parents Sue Fo r Desegrega tion KNOXVILLE, Term. A group of adults on Monday filed suit, in': Federal Court, on behalf of 14: children asking that Knoxville be racially integrated The suit filed by the NAACF I likely will hr heard by U. 8 Dis State News Brief GI N KILLS (lllll) NEW BERN Five children!; Pcd with » shotgun today!; v.'nile I,heir parents were away! v.urkinc and. as a result, one of j: taem. 3-year-old .James D. Scott 1 ! "•as shot to death. Acting Coroner ! Frank Ballard said that the child ] >• re shot in the face at close range: hy his 8-year-old brother, Ronnie! I.yp. He said thath five children,!! ranging in age from 2 to 8, ap-; recently had gotten the gun after:! their parents Jeff. WOMEN FACE THEFT RAPS ' Hl(> H PCI N T Three 1; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Guns and Knife Bring Death To 4 RALEIGH Guns and a knife' brought, death to four persons in | widely separated incidents over 11 the week end. Ai PiiisDo 0. Mrs. Helen G. I Fproill. 30, l.s being held in Cha-! I! am County jail on an open 1 i 1 « ONI INUSO ON PAGE 2) i * THE CAROLINIAN 10c | VOLUME 1 ft. by a policeman after he hail pull ed down segregated seating signs on a bus In that city. When the bus driver tried to slop Jones, 5 trict Judge Robert L. Taylor, who : last year ordered the high school ; at nearby Clinton to admit, Ne l gross. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) QUITS FOR good _ Jackie Robinson, for lfi years a star of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team finds a. place to hang up ids jacket and glove on (he wall of the recreation room of his Stamford. Conn.. I home. Robinson, traded to Hie New York Giants recently, announced hi . retirement from Hie sport in which he, pioneered in an article lti Look niagarine, i a north caalina's leading weehly.. RALEIGH, N C. he threatened the driver with a knife. Jones was shot as he tried io escape from the bus on Jan uary 2. I NITI O PRESS TELE PHOTO. Expect Ruling On Va. Buses ! | ARLINGTON. Va„ Jan.. B—-A' illusion in a case challenging virtinia s law requiring racial seg- I rogation at public meetings was (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?,i WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JANUARY 12. 1057 I Attc 2 ked Her in Park BY CHARLES R. JONES “I didn’t do it!” shouted Ernest James Herring from his jail | cell, when asked by a reporter if he was guilty of a rape charge | lodged against him here. “Hr did do it!” screamed Miss Malinda Mitchell, the al I leged victim, who was contacted hy the same newsman for hei j version of the incident. Says Woman j Gypped Her | Out Os SIG i RALEIGH Acting on a com | plaint of Mrs. Maude Griffis, 56. i local police officers arrested Miss j Marjorie Williams, 36. on charges! (CONTINUED ON PAGE :>) _ Raloigh Catholic Bishop- Fought Prejudice Within Offer State Land For Negro Resort RALEIGH A 761-acre island j j on the North Carolina coast has j I been offered to the state for de- \ ! veloprnent as a state park for Ne- ■ groes. The site is Bear Island in Ons-1 low County and was offered by the 1 Hammocks Beach Corporation, a (CONTINUED ON PAGE .2) ' ' rn ■ M.MHII in 777* , NUMBER 15 Herring, 45, of 816 8. Boun dary Street, is charged with raping Miss Mitchell, 18. by force in the earl" morning hours of January 1, but the at tack was not reported to po lice until January 4, He was scheduled to receive a hear ing in City Court Monday morning. The hearing was put off until Thursday us this week, however, and he is now languishing in the Wake County Jail. Ernest James is known to most Raleigh folks as “E J and is a fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2> I RALEIGH (ANP)—Bishop Vin-. j cp nt S. Waters of Raleigh who has j won fame for his continual and : | courageous fight against segrega j tion in his diocese, had to first win ihe battle against prejudice with i himself. In a talk given In National Litur gy Week, the proceedings of which have been published under the iitle, “The New Ritual-Liturgy and Social Order," the famed Bisi...p tells how he himself had to over come the dreaded social disease as a young man. ■ j Following an address, "The Mass ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD I ! . : OPEN LETTER: An open letter I to the present of the United States. ! Dear Mr President: 17 million j black Americans are very much ; disturbed because of your openly expressed concern for the Hun- Kai ians refugees and your apparent indifference to the sufferings of your follow American citizens here at hornt It would be hard to Hud a racial group more Interested in (he welfare of suffering hu manity than the American Ne gro. A product of suffering drprivalinn, hardship and wise, his heart goes out in fullest sympathy for all depressed and grief stricken people. In spite of this, however, Negroes ell over America and particularly those in the South cannot un derstand why their plight has not affected you in any degree (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3> Charlotte Muny Oolf Course Open To All CHARLOTTE The munici pal golf course here was opened to Negroes by action of the city's!’ Park and Recreation Commission, j * j i (fIOMTINUFn ON PAGE %) t | New Plans Are Made For Buses ATLANTA Leaders oi lire bus integration drives in Three key cities have called a Southwide At lanta meeting this week to spur their movement and to discuss the problem of racial violence. The two-day meeting starting Thursday was announced by the Revs. M. L. King of Montgomery,! Ala.; C. K. Steele of Tallahassee.' 1 Fla.; and jy. L. Shuttle,sworth of i The plaintiffs sought an in junction “forever restraining” school officials from refusing *o admit persons to any city srhool ‘‘solely because of their rare of color.” Board of Education Chairman i {CONTINUED ON F\GI m 12 Ministers Sit In Front On Ga. Bus ATLANTA. Ga.-—ln an apparent attempt to break down segregation in Georgia buses, 12 Negro minis ters boarded an Atlanta city ve hicle Wednesday and sat on front seats. Jhe bus, an etcctrical!y-oj>- crated trackless (rollcv ear, “developed power trouble" .nisi slier the ministers were on board ant! two mechanics were called in to repair it. Ihe min isters remained on the Inis, a! though ai! but one of the five or si\- white passengesr aboard got off. Finally the buy pulled away and the preachers, led by the Rev, Wil liam B-rders, pastor of the Wheat Street Baptist Church, rode six blocks before getting off. While riding, they sang and read from the Bible. \t first (hr bps driver re fused to permit them to leave hv the front door, but they in (CONTINUED ON RAGE it Burn Cross Near llandleman Store RANDLEMAN - 17. and o1 p h County Sheriff’s officers Monday investigated the burning of a sev en-foot cross in the front, yard of a store near hen . Deputy W. D. Bowman Jr., who investigated the report, -aid there i were no witnesses to the actual erection of the cross or io the fir ing of the cross. He said the cross was made of cedar post •• wrapped in burlap. 10c and Interracial Justice", tie BL- ! hop answered questions, includin': one which was whether there were j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) RE,STORED TO GOOD STANDING Rep. Adam Claylon Powell, tr , (D..NY.I second from est. who bolted the Democratic parly in November, is shown talking to reporters after leading a Dews ■cralfr caucus in Washington which restored him lo good party standing with no more than » verbal lap on the wrist. In background are some of the ministers who converged on the nation’s capita! tai he Congressman’s behalf. UNITED TRESS TitOXO. J-.i.0 * >il -\ \ !-i IOK !■ iir-ctKilrti American newsman, William Woi ihy of Ballimre. is shown in Hong Kona as in' left for Red China on < hrisimas !■ >*■ in defiance of a l'. s sUnto Department band on iiaicl to 1) .•! ■'*>!,u«n. He Has given Red China i ,-i ~i the border. I result of till’ action bj Worthy and two other newsmen, iho State department revoked their passports. : NEWS PRESS PHOTO). AS HE 8080 Richard Don ald Mills, 15, was charßed with I iturdet Monday in the fatal : shooting of his father, Charlie ; Mills, The bo.v told Randolph County i authorities that he shot his t’a ; ther Sunday night, when the. eld os .Mills assaulted the boy's mother and then advanced on him. The ’ her died in Randolph Hospital here. j-wputy Shefiff Earl Coekerhara ; quoted the boy as saying he and , his mother had returned from . church to find his father drinking : heavily. He said the father suud,- cd io beat his mother and then (CONTINU ER ON PAGE 2) Two men- one 70. and the oth er G7—were killed in separate ac cident,-: over tire past weekend. At. ReidsviUc. a northbound Southern R. ai! wa y passenget train ■ truck, and killed 70-year old Benjamin Heath at. a dovvn | town crossing, Sunday. His body : was hulled 81 feet. At, Mt. Airy. Lacy Whitlock. 67. • pedestrian, was killed Saturday ! night when he waltcpf! ito the side : ' of a car while trying to cross High ’ way 52 on the by-pass near High way 89. PoJ;is e Identified the driver of the car a- Arnold Willis, Jr. 39, of Huntington, w. Va. W. I. .. lloway Named acting f•T ¥ S i jr :'f n Hpa «rS WtHiam Ju.ije.i'i. son Holtoeay ! dean o! boys at Ligon High School, will take ove» as acting p.stivipal o', Jamterv .18 when Di. w. h Wat'•on leaves the. city to take a position as a.-sir-tant pnn* cipai oi Roosevelt High School, Gary. Indiana Hr Holloway is a native of Smithfieid. Virginia. He was (COMINt 111) ON PAGE >) . '' : , . W. .1. HOLLOWAY

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