TAVERN OWNER FOLLS PHONY FUND RAISER + + 4" 4 4 ' 4 4* 4 4" j 'BERSERK HURRY ISLLS 2 WOUNDS ONE' * 1 I,UKV Al'lO OWNER 1 he lucky car last week wav' ■he on bearing the las mint ' | her C.\ if the owner of, j shat car took it to SMine > ca-iii * Service corner Cabarrus and; ' ■ '.host!worth Sitccls m Raleisb j I (;;• received a tree grease job. lets will nappen ever.' week, i j V atcb for tour tug number If ! >1 follows the asterisk, vou nil!; i ect the grease fob. The num ; •-• r ill he taken from any car! ; hearing a N C. license. ! T!t numbers this week are; j vvt 1 ’A: A1 692: F.R-357: | HO-332; HU 87 7; and UP-952 , M (T\*a % STh mjf r- > i* fg lf T If "H* < i > i? jF SV 4T% J- ! %,/ltlZ K/Vtzt J ■ imi iJIQSt 4-444 4 4 4 | * PCSil] ggyjj|g Sales Slips SIOO Given Each Month Gel ihe Habit. U You i Kta'i Get SIOO The 1 ;t A M o n t h. You v- ill Know Hon- To r, a ugo \ ourseit ihe Next Month. The management of the CARO- Ijvl AN proudly pi oionts a now technique in merchandising, be ginning with its issue of March 2. The person who spends the lar «p:;I sum of money with any or all of j...-, advertisers, during a given month will receive SI 00.00 This dors not mean that you have to spend more money than ■ help you in many ways. It means that you will get a receipt, for everything you buy from a CARO LINIAN advertc-'r whether hr be yrur butcher, vcmr bak‘ v. nr your candlestick maker. Just spend your money with the firms that, advertise in the CAROUNIAN. It will also help you keep track of what vou spend each week. it is as simple as this. Got your copy of ihe paper on Thursday, check the advertisers and sec how many of them have the things you ill nerd. It can be your rent collector, your bank, your real ; estate dealer, your restaurant, or; your groceryman. Be sure to tell j him (hot you want your sales slip i or your receipt, .-.sniped because you ivii: t io win the One Hundred Dollars bonu" money that is be try ivrn by the CAROLINIAN <■ your it- - eiptand sale-, slip-; Pu» them ir. oider and a! rpe end of i he month, bring them r.C? Me r.v.f Martin Street. If "OU have spent nvi'r thfi si anyone ft fG'TIM I t! ON r AGE 2) | State News j g|*ig| RALEIGH - In observance of. Bov : • >ui Week recently, the! Rev, D. N Howard, . rout cxecu- i of Raleigh, presented seven ! if the handbook.* used by the or* j •.-am-anon, to individuals and j In;m r . y in Mm city. Among the i .•eeipuMits were The CAROLIN- i I AN'. Dr O W. Bullock, pastor nf tire ¥irst Baptist. Church. Dr. W. | <( ONTIM Ml ON PAGE ft Ga. Would Impeach 6 j Justices j ATLA NTA ln ail unprcce- j ihntcd move, the Georgia House I if Hrprc cutaUvc.-i. Monday, a-; ('opted 107*33 a resolution calling fhi* impeachment of *'t>: u. s. ?upT:ne Court Justice.-- for giv (f ON nxt i ii ox PAG I Z) THE CAROLLINAN v i 10 c In N. C VOLUME lb J ■■ it*’ lafe, &~a js^ !■/ i; ft: ML | if gßmll : -r HBBP* ' -"M ; «p|f i ; ■' !*»■ W? 1 ; Xtf' . ■ M>- Ay '•> T;.X ■ ... - ■ - . f \ < I IN ION Itotlli II U| 'io shattered inside of a home in Clinton. Tenn., after an explosion rorli‘’<i a Negro district thcr.- tale f ■!). It. iniuci . i '.hi per ons and damaging i restaurant and 29 other homes. The blast, the ei::hlh sine; * • i o . ■<: oi ut leg ration riots, apparently was from a ri'tia mite crammed .uucas- left «n a ; i.iil. t ;» iMJi S Tl IJ PHOTO, Warns San ?e£ , alion o * npi ’s/* i/ 1/ May i\evi¥€ i .4; c i\ h CHICAGO E'-'i-ftt K Clin chy. head of the Natioiiai Con • feixnce nf (Ui < ium ind ..i« -; I has warned of the pof-uhl? “Rt j emergence,” of f-he irlu Kins JKlan ; 10 the South due to fears over de : segi Pgalrloti. However .Clinchy ■-- I ri he be-; | Heved a revival of Uir Xian would !be a "Temporary fiuitatp um. I {iroviding we do a job in diaanor.- i ing the fears and allaying them/' Clmchy also told a news eon if ON OKI '»• I‘OR ‘1 ! spn itVlt • t‘; < si;! of and Mrs, Jiintrs V Royer of St. .tuKtisline's Col* S -jr, Jeff, entertained tin- Sar ’U ri • I T ru!;v sujbt at, the president's home Mrs. Buyer pave Valentine rand' **» new inmiters « Mi - .1 .ff as .0 > hr lutifut lamp to V-<Wjtnl Dean of the Col lege, Krsmaid I i vneh. !i'tl lr<-»« nsm,. m- he- 41 .%< 11 ?. of loyal met vice lo the college and » silver pot to Mrs. Mabel Latham, Dean enirrHity «>f women, riuht. who served 44 years. ; RALEIGH, N. C. ference 'loiylay »h'tt th® anti-rh .Tifvpftairon Wiiite CiNzenh Coun i eilr. should be ei-'dit- . for ap parentl v trving t< ■' violence ■iiai to wort through ' d means '• !>e rnnnr.'f may prove a “gta bi!r,-:r : force in human relations ; ill the South hf Next At n» Tolls "If the (Uthern people are a paid oi mtermarriagr.'’ Clmchy < n Min ON P.AfiF 21 vv. Lk ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23! 1957 ci r rii ov K-nrr g* b I mi L r ITT KBOT» O • - .fame; At-■ 1v 1 • . sou. 52 j,-, rie sid 5 id »nd his wife. St) r ; rV: f.fe; • a.-,n. i„;ini held ir: the Chatham County fad on an opor cha; ~p for :< coronal s in* ou<*. t ’! 1 <«-" I . o n. :ht as a result of a tight, between the couple ; und; v afternoon, according to ; Sheriff D. U Holder, j Holder said Mot’rison was dead of either a knife wound in the ■‘che-u or a shot from “a foreign ■ make o! pistol ’* He so id both j wounds were, admittedly inflicted by Morrison's wife. Kills Two, j founds One BY HENRY C. MITUiI 1.l GOLDSBORO 'MIB> Wil- MUam R, Sutton. 36-year-old day ;j laborer was bound over Monday. I j morning for trial in Wayne Su . j prrior Court in the fatal shooting' lof two persons and the wounding; |of another. ii Sutton, reportedly jealous,! went berserk with an automatic 1 rifle here Saturday and killed his ! common-law wife, Rachel Parks : 25, and her stepfather, Isaiah : | Bus; -U. 45. ! In Wayne Memorial Hospital II with two bullet wounds in her ( back l' Mrs. Mary Russell, mo j j ther of the slain woman. j] Officers said, the shooting took j j place at 2; 15 P.M. at the home of j j Sutton and the Parks woman,; [ j 503 Scott. Coroner I. T. Seymour 1 1 said Deputy Luke Britt had gone • 11 in the house to serve a peace war i j ••an! on Sutton taken out by his : I. • "ho char-aed him with boat (CONTINUED ON PAG! 2* 1 Past Year [ Htotoi BY .1. B. HARKEN FAYETTEVILLE - An alten- I; live audience of more than 400 I j people heard State NAACP pre-ti ll dent Kelly M. Alexander of Char II lot-te stress the need for Negiocs ..of the South to embark upon an | i intense campaign of registration Wilkins And Ervin Clash i WASHINGTON A Negro leader accused southern congress -men Tuesday of resorting to ‘spe- I cious talk . , . and obscene come • dy" in efforts to block civil rights I legislation. Roy Wilkins, executive sec retary of the National Asso ciation for the tdrancrinrnt of < Gored People, made the charge in testimonv before the Senate, eonstttutiuna! rights subcor slitter The subcommittee holding hearings on President hiseohov. ■ er'x fouv-poinf civil rights pro • ernm and cither “rights" legisla* i non. Wilkins said hopes of N> 'CONTINI i 1) ON PAGE 21 CONCORD - A 3.Vyear*old: white, woman, Miss Modenc Ling er. was in a local hospital this 1 week recovering, from hums j which police say wore inflicted by; Mrs. Jeff Rainey when !■•’ re turned home Friday night and discovered the woman in bed with her husband. According to police, Mrs. Rain ■ey told them that she setwd a i pot of hot water from u laundry heater and poured it, over the wo* | man, who still was in bed. and then chased her oiltsiue where she beat her. Miss Linker was taken to Ca barrus Memorial Hospital suffer ing first and second degree burns over one-third of her body. Po lice said that when she is re leased, she will be charged with intoxication. According to police, they say j : that they understood that Mrs.' - Rainey has begun divorce pro-1 iceedings against her husband. 1 ! - Bus Boycott I a . « | jjf Man In Jail El BY SI AM \\fil i[ K It wasn! enough fur l .rid..- Loi to slim-slam Mr:.. Kv« lv,r> W,!,:on out of ton dollars H< insoieil >,n coming back for uv-.io . money. It was Pies «>>■•;».g beck ll>at proved his downfall. Mir Wilson, proprietor nr flic Tip Toe Inn on }' Davie St here, •said a perron called her on the telephone Saturday tnoiniie' Fo v . 9 The eiUor identified himseif as Mr. Haywood. »i 10-.-u f;; t . .•! di rector He told M» w ; i ! son that she was on his lie! to .seiicti friends from for the Reverend Martin I.u- I liter King in Mottle .c. v A!e I "Mr llay wood" fold M.y 'V, j that she was down for Mil fib and ! a Mr Lie would pick it up. That evening about ten o'clock. Ere railed upon Mrs Wilson and collected Ihe SIO.OO j -lie had promised to “contri bute." When she asked ! ;• for a receipt for the money ..he "as told that Air. Haywood Mould send her a receipt iatrr After Lee had gone, Mrs. Wii i son called ivh Haywood at the | Raleigh Funeral Home. Mr Hay* | wood was no', in but the assistant. I manager, Mi. Greene told Mrs ; Wilson that he felt reasonably sure i that Mr. Hay-a pod dui not know ■ anythin;; about the matte; A little later on. Mr. C. A. Hay -1 wood, Jr. called Mrs Wiiag) and j voiced the same opinion !CONTINUED ON IMGI. 2 12c Lise where NUMBER 21 HU ttta*i 4ibnrn 111 IHAi ifiUlllltn HIGH POINT - Tlv- murder trial of two young Nerrom e'ev.- ed with the robbery-situ vy oi a white trl i fab drive; in re I ; ■ I month had been potuponed until j the Mtt; eh 11 term cf Guiltord Connu Superior Couri , Guilford Solifttv tloraer 1G 1 uegay po- ’ potted lit-:- <*a. ; .e of - Bunton and -luhr. Km: ■ ft . both; 31, as well Uv> •ai.tu • oi the docket, m wl;;<li wan.ins ; were .signed by Kt&n Poi.iv. p'i ; Korncgay poaljioncd the r • I !( ON TIN l ill ON PAG; 21 and voting in order to make Him .' selves felt by their poiitice! tv; • i. sentat ives in a befoi e rl Pa.vetteviUe NAACP ch.r.i:or :-u; ■; day. Alexander. bead oi the North Carolina MAO’ < on frrnir* since this, said. 'ln spite of all the reprisals and resti lotions against Negroes and (lie NAA( j’ during 1!*16. ii proved lo he the best ir.ii for the organization m :!-• history." I'xplaitifng the eon tuuiai unirsi exhi' iied by Ne arors fiver the ril i'v<l of the majority race group to .:<co;il 1 full oil.t7,enship MaMix to them, 'Ue van der said. "The Negro in Hie South run no longer conform <o the pattern ;! _ j fI'ONTINCEI) ON PAG I ’ . AMONG LEXINGTON'S FINEST • .Tames Nelson Farter, left and Leroy Pearson, newly appointed police officers in Lexington. who i have begun active duty as members of the police force in that city. < A lully-cquipprd patrol ear has been assigned to them. 1 mr •‘•'•"'•wips**"- •'• - "" " ' ■ " . * 1 * ’'OK nun.S YYOKS.'t KS- t.ATION'y Miss Gsirdvp Singh of r»Ti,iah. India, representing tin World University Service group, ivyooieci North f arolina <’ollesr*s ftrotherhood Week observance last weekend with a pita lor belter understanding of world Affairs by I S. citi/.ens. ami especially student groups. Am*ric#Bs a ■*■ danger ously unaware of world affairs, according to literature distributed diinn . ill: Singh’s vi.it Net's V\V. \ .sponsored tlv finds visit. Miss Portia Hurt of Hillsboro is YtVt V president at NCI" /yj * * n i k,lmten .blast P Q <q>q jr <MINTON. Ter n Pclic» *M ed some 700 pcixor.s iti Hie Hiui ; - day uig-iit dviiaip.iiiv .. of a 7,'igif, section of race-tmublrd Cantor, ' bul "fiouc Ol them hay been ! n;:r.n in to eu-gody.” < Chief Doi'iUty n.ibcit. Aiireti : said " i'';>'i'f' are no new develop merits in the cas«. ou! vve r-re ivorkiiig day and night to tty to , brjog in the persons rospoiistbie . for the bla 1 ' AV ! d' :-;>rea d flanri'n ri-Mdi-' ed a!’:-! ,t nStile man planted • suite.isc full of dynamite in NA ACP Frv-ve T jps l T 3 ri J. I*l. .a O C-l W J. ~^C\f RICHMOND. Va. An expret ed phowitown bt i v.-vn the NAA< 'l' A’id tAVCi .ia ; i' icy 1.-,1,, five loiil m 1 te* 5 i ’ ing to curb the activities ol the Nerro group in yirgitn.i fiz/.led out Tue fi;iy when a lienr >ns here in Federal court war; t>fi -tponod until Feb 27. N. A Arp Mo Oliver AA , li.il bad i-kcd l edcral Hi,trict Judge Sterling llukiie.snn tor a the !o. i; ' (if Iho Neg. l scrtlOT'. i•- . j-v, son* o etc »047., in .used .lift ;) homes .jrarrrd. H by far tiie most rjoistiue ' • ■'< Ol ■ fu;niosiO'i> .set of? iwr Clinton High S hooi v.ar !'■ *:ioU:.' it>. w rtt• ed b; Federal euiu i, order last August, tl'-d Cross Aids lytltns M u.wh;|r a cilivpl rommlf beadfiu:, i.’rr ri; .•icc < *ptmg ;■<. loi Hi' ■' Ililitk'; Wji 'aim ciaina i>) C V tireyne And' ;: e C’ounfy L«d Ci or.i 11 ON 1 INI MI ON IMCt M Iruijio; an rr-Ur.iiiiei? order *- 1 -1 J a Sobpo-’ot from a Riehaiond Otv ('omi order. eU tile \ ) P i') oprri ils nifo-. -hip lolls for public inspection. liic >ll tpie-n:i obtained by two "Watchdog’ ('oinmiticf-r of ('llO Virginia Ct' ufi.ii Arscmbly. would hove b-'Ci* cfleejiVv' iji; 1, Wednc.-- . Rill Hit . I’"', lit*- C : • TCJOf the i" inoc also ties np (he .«i;hpo-'.iia ft'!' U- }fa- ' 0)10 I ir.t vers. Bolt Miles indicated today they ; COiC idlT (he , ■ p.tiv’i-j-ieiit 3 ’Moral victcuy. H>U pointed out << O n ■"( IS 1 Ml n\ ni.r 71 j By ROBERT G *H£PAB.» i BUFFOON Vi , i -tP, . Jf! ptjff, d»- fmer a buffoon aa don n; on* who fiinuse.-i people with tricks and joke.- limy aptly North Carolina's senior U. S. .Senator, Samuel .1. j Kn'ln fits Ihr above tjcsctripiion )■ ! brought t-nt by m edlton.it in a 1 local daily The. nrwgpape) j - ap j parfiill,v in full ac-m.-i with Mr. Im-v.m fight 1 in 1 (he uropered . riyi.l ru,k 1 irl 1 ;o11, tno 111 yft ■ 1 l.v hejnc talk 'd to rlea 1 h b-- intol j era 11 -Southern ”tSla(csrnen , but j it cci'ld not jitomunli some of th» 'rlowneh distortions o f truth 111* j scnalnr ha n\oiled to in In;, a-,-,. | pcaifUH e before the Senate Sub* Campo It t ibi’ pi novt hear! rtf both the proponent and the ep, ! poison!; of this proposed measure. Tie urn and Bailey Cirrv* iii.i.v have fnld-d but nelson; whe i itu’-Ks- tl the disgusting antics of ; the- -date’s son it -i .vnator lt< Wash | inaton iasl wool; may well have w'ondt reel If the circus had r,cv i abandoned the ;.aw dust t ing to th« ! comnnUot HK,m of the U. S. Sea* j ate. IH-IMOt‘RATS’ S IT t'CHIL* DRF.N: A great deal of good tnav come oat of the present furor caused by the refusal of (hr governor and his hud get 1 otnmission to offer state em ployees a derenf wage Inr reuse 1 (CONTINUER ON FACE ?.)

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