Jackie Robinson To Speak Here For State NAACP t SfffirilsLl LUCKY AUTO OWNER The luck; car last week was the on bearing the tag num ber *1852-T. If the owner of : that car took It to Dunn s fcsio j Service corner Cabarrus and ■ uioudworth oirccis in Kaieigh i I lie received a free grease job. i This will oappen every week, j Hatch for your tag number. If j il follows the asterisk, vou will get the grease job. The. num- j her will be taken from any car j bearing a N. C. license. 1 hr- numbers this week arc: ! ! KK-BTJ; ' VU-691; BR-387; BD- | j 322; \v r-123 and LT-952. j 4- + -t- I + + f + *+* FOUR DIE IN FIRES | Inquiring Reporter || <lnterviews By CHARLES R .JONES' QUESTION; What do you think of The CAROLINIAN'S 1 Bonus Money Promotion? ANSWERS: Mrs. A. E, Brown. 1014 S. Pet son Street, : Businesswoman; “1 think the idea is a splen did one It is a good way for shoppers to make |fp some extra money. We patronize these stores ||Psi||tli iiralSS and businesses anyway, why not take time to add up our purchase slip' l 1 ?m taking part in the promotion h mmk Norman Artis. Washington Terrace, Polvc i Wfa,, dS|!| Officer; “It is a very nice program and will fr" v. ; make people do more shopping. My wiD does iLsyftfe Jmt' most of our shopping and l am uue that she | Mrs. Myrtle Crockett, Garner Road, school ___ teacher; “I think the Bonus Money program being sponsored by The CAROLINIAN offer- Jgj|* ing a SIOO monthly award to people who buy from its advertisers serves as an advertising al|. ‘ -Ah medium inasmuch as it offers the public some- 4gMQB thing. It should increase the circulation of theßm, . paper as well as benefit the businesses that ad (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> HERE ARE THE RULES ! Rules governing The CARO-, LI NI AIN'S SIOO Bonus Money Promotion which began last week, follow: Patronise the merchant* who use The CAROLINIAN for adver tising purposes. Save your pur chase, slips each week in an enve lope and bring them to our office, 618 E. Martin Street, properly dat ed at the end of the month (March 31) with your name and address. Please keep slips separat ed by the week in your envelope, Blare the total value of the purchase slips on the outside •f (he envelope. Merchants This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. Patronize these advertisers and secure receipts for whatever | meichandisc you purchase. The CAROLINIAN will carry a list of its advertisers each week. V Hit: 2 hi'idson* Jeweler* Tip Top Food Store* PAGE 3 ThUllg-Lsvtii* Furniture Company Setty Gjy PAGE 5 Hudion-Belk Company Carter's Inc. fled Mitchell (Heater Coal) PAGE fi t a Clothing Company e'.shcr Wholesale Company Edward's Shoe Store AVa»(«le Furniture Company tiurefil Seat Cover Center Twin Inn Oil Service Longview Plumbing &• Heating Cn. PAGE 7 S. Tucker A' Bros. Furniture Co. »ir Ualtei Chevrolet Company i.mders Motor Company A.ISS tV. Stephens, Inr. PAGE 8 iVert'Z Hunt General Tire Company Carolina Power & Light Company Hi. E Quinn Furniture Company Central Drug Store If, < Products efdfsa iOc lnN - c 24 PAGES * Elsewhere VOLUMt To RALEIGH, R~C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1957 NUMBER 23 - - j , advertising irt The CAROLIN IAN will be listed each week. j Oniy residents of Raleigh and , Bake County are eligible. i Purchase slips must, be saved > each week as slips only count it i the advertisement appears in The CAROLINIAN during a given , , week. No. slips count unless the j purchase is made during the week j the “ad” appears in this paper. At I; the end of the month purchase ■ slips will be totaled. A CAROLIN- 1 , IAN check for SIOO will be issued to the Bonus Money receiver and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ! PAGE ft • | I Famous Balifr.y i A & P Super Marker* PAGE lb Dunn's Esso Servlre Carolina Builders Corp | C'aveness Insurant* Company Watson's Seafood and Poultry Co Inr j Mechanics and Farmers Bank I llmstead's Transfer Company | Dillon Motor Finance Company i Ridgeway's Opticians Bloodworth Street Tonnsi Hume Heater Well Company Pepsl-Cola Bottling t'o. of Raleigh Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 Goodman's First-Citizens Bank A Trust Co. Southern Furniture Company PAGE lfi Tire Sales Service Poole’s Pie Shop Gem Watch Shop S. M. Young Acme Really l loser *■ Bailey Furniture Co ; The Hood Sy item Ipdosulai Bank BKLAFONTES DIVORCED Mrs. Frances Marcurite Belafnnle 28. wife of Singer Harry Beiafonte, 29, leaves the Las Vegas court house after obtaining .a divorce on grounds of mental cruelty. Bela fonie is currently appearing at the Riviera there. Mrs. Beiafonte was granted coustdy of their children, Adrienne Michele, 7, and Shari Vj-mi, 2. They were married June 18, 1948. (UNITED PRESS TELE PHOTO). May Send Dr. Bunche To UN Post In Egypt ACCRA, Ghana -- Dr. Ralph Bunche. assistant secretary gen eral of the United Nations, who attended the Ghana independence celebration here this week, may be sent to take charge of the U.N. Emergency Force in Egypt, reli able sources reported here. The new assignment would put the UNEF under civilian direc tion at the height of its re sponsibility for keeping the peace after the Israeli withdrawal. Bunch himself referred to com ment on the report. But other sources here said he had been BOWS TO ORDER JACKSON, Miss,—State officials won another victory for their dual policy here this week when Jack son State College basketball team withdrew from further competition for a berth in the NCAA small college basketball tournament. The withdrawal tame just f our days before the team was scheduled to plav a white team. They were to have played Sat urday night against either South Dakota Ini vers tty, or South Dakota State, both all white colleges. Dr. Jacob L. Roddix. president of the stnte-rupported school, said lie was withdrawing the powerful quintet after state authnriies ad vised that tholr policy is against play “under the present condi tions." Mississippi has no state law against inter-racial athletics. But the hoard of trustees of institutions of higher learning, commonly called the college hoard, has made rlear that such play is against their “policy.” Jackson State, which had a 22- mon 2-lost record during Ihe reg (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i i tagged to work out the host of ; problems piling up in the U. N. J | police force. ,i Bunche is a career IT. N. official . who was principal secretary of - the U. N. Palestine commission in 1948 and later acting U. N rnedia ’ tor in the Arab Israeli war. He ■ brought about successful conclu ■ sion of an armistice in 1949. SWING AND SWA V. GOLD COAST WAT-—Propelling their personages in uninhibited style, these j two hefty matron*, dazzle amused onlookers at Accra with some snappy Gold toast gyrating during an | exhibition of traditional native dancing. They were participating i na contest staged in connection with the celebration of Independence Day of Ghana on Wednesday. (UNITED PRKmK PHOTO). j Mother Who Tried To Aid ! 3 May Die j i i | MOCKS VILLE A mother, ! ‘ whose three children died in a gasoline-fed fire here Sunday. I battled for her life Wednesday : from second-degree burns over BO per cent, of her body A spokesman at. Use Davie ■"ount-y Hospital here, said that • Mrs, Thomas Ijames, 27, is in | "critical condition." Burned to death in the fire I which destroyed the Ijames’ home were her three children: Thomas 1 Ijames Jr., 6, a cerebral palsy vie- j i tim unable to walk; Cathy Ijames, j 3; and Larry Ijames, 15 months. After placing - the children on 3 couch in front of the stove, Mrs. Ijames is believed to , have kindled a fire and j then tossed gasolene into the i stove, The stove exploded, throwing flames over her and igniting her clothing. She fled (CONTINUED ON PAGE ill DURHAM RYEWINS NCAA PLAY BERTH: DURHAM—North Carolina Col lege became the first college of color to battle its way to the NCAA elimination meet when it downed Florida A&M in a torrid scrap here Tuesday night to the score of 78-61. Coach Floyd Brown will take his charges to Emmittsburg, Mr!., Sat urday night, where they will meet the all-white Mount St.. Mary's Col lege five in the Eastern Regional for small colleges. If the Eagles are successful in this contest, they will ; journey to Evansville. Ind., next. ; week, for the finals of the Small ; , College Division. The Durham team won the j championship of the CIAA, hut i (CONTINUED ON TAGE 21 I ivxfe Xvi-..,-,-.,.... ’■ ve. --,;,., ... , ■ - .... ..... . f FAITH MU, UNTIL THE ENI) Mrs. Lula Stanley is shown as she attempts to aid her 77-year-old husband after he had been his b.v a motorist, on a busy Fayetteville thoroughfare Saturday night The name of the bright eyed boy who looks up at another person who looks on helplessly was not given, ' but. there is certainly a look of concern on the face of the boy. Auto Victim Had Vision Os Death ar r l eh rns FAYETTEVILLE - Mis Lula ; ■ Stanley, wife of a man who v ar, ; killed b.v -•> motm r-1 SiaHuoc* : ’ night. as he attempted to *■ ' ! j Ramsey Street, sat with eyes fixed ; ! upon the casket, as the Rev. C K j j Edwards said the last words over | the victim. Jim Stanley, Tuesday I afternoon at the First Baptist j j Church The story of hi? death was one j that is read almost daily, but the | tragic part of this death is That the j wife of the 77-year-old victim nar i rowly missed the same fate of the I ! victim. The two wore making their I i way to their home, supposedly as ! ter they had purchased the family . j grocery and a car. driven by Rob- j i ert Atlas Wilson, bore down upon; j them. Mrs. Stanley was able to escape j I the on-rushing car, but her hus- j j band, fell mortally injured The ! ■ pathetic story of the accident was: j the fact that Mrs. Stanley' rushed ; jto the side of her husband and i j tried to comfort him in his dying j hours. The Stanleys are reported to j have returned earlier from Lit- 1 lington. where they had gone to comfort a friend of the fam ily, whose husband had died Mr Stanley is reported to have told his wife he wanted to go to the store to make some pur chases. The store is located a | few' blocks from the Stanley home. He expressed a fear that an accident might befall him, due to his age and inability to ! walk fast enough to dodge ears t It was was then, according to reports, that Mrs. Stanley dr elded to drive the family car to the store. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) | C_y Children ; Had Whiskey j But No Food | DANVILLE. Va. —Arrested last; week after they and four of their iive children were found semi- | | conscious and intoxicated in their j i ramshackle home, Noah Williams, j ; 54, and Ins wife. Lulu, were fined; ! and sentenced to jail. Williams was sentenced to 30, | months and fined SSOO. while lib, | wife was given a term of 15 ; I months and fined $250. Both were j I convicted of neglect. Four of the children, tanging; I in age front three to eight, years,: ! were hosrutaliezd for drunken- j i ness and malnutrition. A three- j j month-old boy was also hospital-1 j ized for malnutrition. Police said j I that none of the children had ap parently had anything to eat for j 24 hours except, whiskey. j GDDS-ENDS j By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ! 3 PRONGS: The monthly contest i ; now being coriduc fed by North Car- i oijna's leading weekly. The CARO- ! I..INIAN, is a contest having three ; distinct prongs. Like the majority | of contest- the CAROLINIAN con- j I test offers a prize, a healthy | | monthly cash prize of 100.00 to the ; winner. This cash prize should of ; itself be sufficient to create and stimulate wide-spread interest ; However this money prize is just one of the features of this con test. Os far more signficance are the economic possibilities this con test can promote. ISveryone knows or should know that a newspaper depends upon advertising for its existence. The merchants and oth ers who place their advertising in the columns of The CAROLINIAN (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) New Bus Jim Crow Bill Would Separate Sexes REFRIGERATION EXAM PLANNED RALEIGH An examination for persons who wish to Qualify for Refrigeration contractor's lic ense will be given by the North Carolina Board of Refrigeration Examiners in Raleigh, April loth. Professor Karl P. Hanson . . chairman of the board and head of the North Carolina State Col lege Mechanical Engineering De partment. . . . says this will be a regular examination. It. is designed to ascertain the technical and practical know (CONTINLKiI ON PAGE -it Ex - Dodger To Raleigh Mother’s Day Ft I E RAFSEN ATI. NT TA. Os - Jackie F.obin •' Brovki- ' ’N 2 ■I - i ad - ■ drr- ed p-nne 3,000 anxious listen er; ibis v. eek am /old reporters •hat he would appear jr Raleigh, \ c on Mothei '■ Day for the gi~ I gantic program planned at the Me j morial Auditormm in that city. He | v. as a speaker for the NAACP Con | vention here. North Carolina's dynamic Kelts Alexander and assistant field secretary Charles A. Mr Lean of Winston-Salem, each played important roles in the conduct of the convention and were queried much on their re poris of. what was considered by many, an ideal pattern tor operating a state conference which reportedly raised $lO,- 000 through a branch-cooperat ing Mother’s Day program. This year the tar tire) V V ' C. P is promoting a “N A. A. (’. Mother-of-the-Vear" progmn during which Jackie Robinson, retired baseball play er is to be the guest speaker on May 12th in Raleigh. N. C. ILLNESS STRIKES DELEGATES An unfortunate occurence was the illness which struck more than ; a score of delegates tc the conven : lion on Friday. At least one Tar | heelian, Mrs Ruth H. Morgan of j Wendell, was reported in the ! group Fragmentary reports indi (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) State News Brief BENNETT ALUMNAE TEA RALEIGH—The Raleigh chap ter of the Bennett College alum nae will sponsor a tea at the Chavis Heights Community Center Sunday afternoon, March 10. Th* tea will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. The main feature of the afternoon (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i COLUMBIA. S. C—A new seg- I regation bill end another legisla tive heanng, on proposed water policy legislation will likely fea ture the ninth week of South Carolina’s General Assembly, which began at noon Tuesday. ’ The segregation bill is expected to be authorized by Rep. John i Hart of Union, who is perhaps the legislature’s most outspoken foe ■ of racial integration. ! Hart lias indicated he will of- I fer the bill to set up segregation ■ by sexes on public transportation. Before a person could sit down by a woman on any bus, train or i other public transportation, he • would have to obtain her ivrmis ion. Failure to comply would-re- I ■bit in • iff penalties under Hart* j proposed bill.

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