V,® , t < - v < %■ ' ' ;i ' if ■ ■ I says voting rights VIO LATED—Mrs. Louise Lassiter, > resident of Northampton county. ; charged recently that tier voting I nglif!, had hern violated last May i as she tiled a .suit in the S’. S. Eastern District Court switw Mrs. • -lon H. la> lor. Nortbarop- , ton County registrar, Mrs Las- j ‘■•fr al rgedUv did not perform ;.!•* r r I,! S g ;r-‘ (-■ !h ; Sltis'aC Con us Cir registrar. I i js&* ||ff||l sj§p%: ’■': - T |fq& s *r ‘tHsf'M *» z&mgm w **% ■ **<&■■ %k*m- # Swfe-'r ■%"s&* ff#?! |§|s wmm + + 4* t + + + 4“ + 4“ + HOLD DOCTOR N ABORTION SUSPVCCT IN SLAYING Johnnie D. Knight, 29-year-old deaf mule. wh* has reportedly confessed the slaying of a 43-year-old house-; wife at Bailey, in Nash County. Knight, a native of the area, was rushed to Central Prison in Raleigh, “until feeling dies down.” Foe Os Integration At “Mixed Parties” TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Segregs- ; tlonist John Kasper, of Washing- ' ton, admitted reluctantly to a Flor- i Ida legislative committee on Mon- > day that he bad danced with Ne gro gst'l* and had attended mixed I beach parties in New York. - ; The committee, which is looking ] into activities of the NAACF, the i . White Ci• mens' Council and other Wgaru rations involved in the rac ial desegregation issue, heard Ka - per tell how he turned from into- < gratlonist to segregationist. Kasner. a key figure in the Clin ton, Term , school integration dis orders. was questioned about his lift! as s bookstore operator in New York &3HHKEIH& m^Ug^gfaL^A' WW ..<*»<• |||ffl|||s i|k lpl|l|| * - - INTEGRATION LEADER ATTACKED White Integration leader Lamar Weaver, left, chats with Rev. and Mrs. F, L. ShuttJesworth in the ftirmingham. Ala,, terminal station shortly before he rvaa at jacked by a mob of roek-throwing whites, Weaver had just left the THROWN FROM CAR* DROWNS . . + + 4~ *4” 4* + + + + I m tea rn Mams's&&%& ISA ffi « »*•••- ;r THE CAROLINIAN 10c vM t - ~,,,. mi iiiiiiimi■ ii ii i~ t niiiniinnii j In N. C. I—-—** f 2-j PAGES \ Elsewhere VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH lb. 1157 NUMBER 24 Mark Hawes, committer counsel asked: “Did you have soda! contact j with Negroes?' “Yes, sir,” Kasper answered. “But t never had a Negro girl friend as the papers say,” “Did you ever take 3 colored girl to a dance?” Remember, you’re under oath.” *T don't remember.'' Kasper said, j "Did you ever atlend n dance | where white men danced with col ored girl* and colored met! with while girls?' Hawes asked. “Yes." "Did you ever dance with coI (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?i Find Hissing Woman Dying By Roadside NEW BERN—A woman who left hot home on Sunday night with an unidentified white man ana a f-year-ole whir, boy ■ .'.? found :i’ • ... ?’;.pday -a ■-. dry road near here. She was Miss Melissa Brown. 30, and Craven County authorities said that they had fcc.-n unable to de termine the cause of death They said that there we re no marks of violence and that she may have died of exposure in Sunday night’s near-freezing temperatures. Miss Brown, who was too weak to talk, died almost immediately after she was discovered by a high way patrolman. Lonnie Holloway. 50, with whom she shared a home here, told au thority a that Miss Brown had left the house about 9 p.m. Sunday with a white man. about 30 and a boy he referred to as his brother. deafmOteheid SN BAILEY t ATH BAlLEY—Sheriff Glenn O Wom ble believes that he has solved the brutal slaying of Mrs. Myra Brown Manning 43-vear-old white house wife. whose body was found se verely beaten and her throat cut, in a wooded -area, near here. March ”, after evidence in her home tended to show that she had been attacked, with the arrest of a deaf and dumb man, Johnnie D. Knight. ,Jr,, 29. Knight was arrested Wednesday night and according to the sheriff about 3 a m Thursday, after hav ing used a large number of slips in exchange between himself and Knight, the whole story was re enacted. The sheriff reported that Knight told him through written notes, be went to the heme of the Mannings with the intention of having rela tions with her. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?.) terminal where the couple, had te.sted the integration policy In the waiting mom, when he was slugged with a. suiti”i*« and stoned, (UNITED PRESS PHOTO). | Inquiring Reporter -INTERVIEWS BY CHARLES R. JONES) QUESTION; In The CAROLINIAN'S Bonus Money Pro motion, would you prefer one big sum of Si.oo, where only one ; i person gets a representative amount, or several recipients with one larger amount of SSO and s number of $5 and $lO awards? | (This does not apply to the first month, but may be considered for tiie second month). i ANSWERS: Mrs. Peebles. 1313 S. Person Street, s jSOW- Housewife: Well, I feel it is best for The CAR- j iff OLINIAN to offer several smaller bonuses ra jjP|s»»< ther than a single one because it would encou- I' ri ra^C more P eo P^ e to shop at the stores that ad £ ve-rtise in the paper, Everyone likes to win and JBg if there are several winners each month it would i ~ ..W* .JB|| inspire more participation.” Lovelace H. Burwell. 21)3 I die wild Avenue, 11 Barber: ''sloo is a lot of money, of course, but I Wmj&m-... • don’t think it would be fair to give it all to one person. It would be nice to offer SSO as a first prize and a number of smaller awards.” I CONTINUED ON PAGE t> Here Are The Rules Rules governing The CARO LIINIAN’S SIOO Bonus Money Promotion follow: I Patronize the merchants who use The CAROLINIAN for adver tising purposes. Save your pur . chase slips each week in an enve | This Week ’s Advertisers PAG* t lip Top rood Store# O K Cloihtß# Compin' Goodman's I . Ambassador The-iti# ; I»a,vid#rm Watch Service ;PAGE J j Betts Gey 1 The Capita! Cora-Cola Botthsi Co Good»on's Gror-rv A: Mci! Market PAGE 5 Hud son-Bells Company Sure fit Seat Cover Center Wayside Furniture Company lope and bring them to our office, &18 E. Martin Street, properly dat ed at. the end of the month (March 31) with your name and address. Please keep slips separate (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PAGE 9 Hunt General tire Temp.! a < Werts’i* Edward* Sbo» »t*v* Rhodes furr-lmr* Company PAGE ? i Sir Walter Chevrolet Compin' ccmi-Gower FwntUt CompaH- Cirolln* Bulrk Companv PAGE 9 The B.irrUe Box fisher Wholes*]* Company Longview Plumbing k Heating Co. N. C. Products > Twin inn Oil Service Carolina Power * Light Company PAGE » R. K. Quinn Furniture Companv A A P Super Merkel* firestone Store* rirst-Cltirens Bank K Trust r> Fred Mitchell {Heater Cos!) PAGE 10 Dunn s Esse Service Caroline Builders Corp. Cavtness Imuranre Company Watson's Seafood & Poultry Co lu«. Mechanics A. farmers Bank Umuteart's Transfer Company Dillon Motor Finance Compan' Ridgeway's Opticians Bloodworm Street Tourist Home Heater Well Company Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 la*wls Radto-TV Clinic Klertrlr*!Wholesalers, Inc. O. S. Tucker A Bros. Furniture Co. Washington Terrace Apartments Electrical Wlieiesalers. Inc. Publle Service. Co. of N. C., Inc Famous Bakery PAGE 16 8. M Young Hardware to. Acme Realty Company j' The Hood System Industrial Rank 5 Joyce & Bailey Furniture Company Gem Watch Shop * Central Drug Store ' Poole’s Pie Shop -. LTJCKY AUTO OWNER Hie lucky ear last week was the on- bearins the Utg num ber •All-691. If the owner of that ear took U to Dunn s t.\so Service, corner Cabarrus and Bioodworth Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease iob. This will Happen every week. Wa*ch for your tap number. If it foJlows the asterisk, you will i get the greaso job. The num ber will be taken from any car! bearing a N. C. lirens, . The numbers this week are; 1 «R 21: UP-852: BR-357: P,K --877; 1852-T; and BP-322. ..'"i"-"- : —i Blonde Says j S2OO Paid For “Operation” I GASTONIA Dr W Percy' Carter, 79-year-old local physic ian, was placed under $5,000 bond here this week, charged with per forming an illegal abortion upon ‘ a, 22-year-old white woman. He was scheduled for a hoar- j Ing in Recorders Court on Weci nesday. Police, who broke the case on « "tip”, declined to identify the woman except to say that sh was a "beautiful and highly intelli gent” woman. A beautician, she is married to a foreign national but separated from him. Detective Ed Groves said that he received information on the alleged abortion and went to the woman’s home on Sunday. He said that she was "very coopera tive” and gave police a statement According to the woman, thi alleged abortion took place in the doctors office about 5 p.m., on Feb. 26. She said that, the doctor performed the operation with a nurse assisting. She was report (CONTINUED ON PAGE ODDS- ENDS i By ROBERT G. SHEPARD PAMPERING PRISONERS While discussing the use of state j prisoners at bis press conference this week, Gov. Hodges said he j did not believe in "pampering prisoners.” The governor e'-ident ly meant that he believes in keep- j 'ng the unfortunate men and worn- 1 en who have broken the laws of the state busily engaged in work ing as part of their atonement for their sms. Th**re eanont he mjnr sane person.* who will not agree that prisoner* should not he pam nertd but we would like to know if there Is not an element of pampering involved in the practice of taking job* away from humble law-abiding Nr ! gro citizens and giving these fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) NAAOP LEADERS AND JACKIE Jackie Robinson, pioneer baseball player ( now retired t . is flank ed by Charles McLean, of Winston-Salem, left anti Kelly Alexander, of Charlotte, following elo&in* meeting of NAACP Southeastern Conference in Atlanta. Alexander and McLean are working on a.pro gram to present Robinson in Rttleig In a special Mother's Day Fighting Fund for Freedom rally on May 12. <■ MfM.W *4 -w.! T ■ A JelL I *ll iiV jUSaI GHANA GET-TOGETHER Vice President Richard Nixon beams as he hugs Paramount Chief Nana Osae Dyan during a visit to Ahuri. village in the interior hushland of newl* crealr.l Ghana. I Village is on She edge, of Ghana's “Rain Forest.” it.SITED PRESS I PHOTO). Driver, Thrown From Wrecked Car, Drowns BROADWAY Although im ple funeral rites were held irorn the Cameron Grove AMI Zion Church, here Wednesday after noon for Robert Cameron, Jr. no one seems to fathom how he managed to lore his life when his ; automobile left the highway, Sun day night and catapulted into . . Little River, causing his death. The ceremonies were official' ’ ed over by Rev J. A. Jor>e- pas tor. Townspeople the curious and his immediate survivors were on hand to hear the last sad rites. He was buried in the Chun,. cemetery. He is survived by h; i father and mother, Robert, Sr,, land Thelma and one 18-mcntiv ~ld son, whose mother died in I (CONTINUED ON PAGE S) I College, Closed By Strike, Re-Opens With 75 Students | Blind Woman And Cop Deliver Baby i BENSON—Policeman Charley O. Woodall was railed upon y - bout 2;3® am Sunday to de liver a baby for an unidentified couple of Route 3, Bpiimb, ac cording to E Na*h. clerk of Benson's Recorder's Court. The officer was summoned after an unsuccessful attempt to reach a doctor in Dunn. Mrs. Alma Wynn, an experienced midwife, who recently became blind, told the officer what to I do and when to do it. Mother and baby are both reported ‘‘doing fine.’’ Stale News —IN— Briat DEAN MCKINNEV TO RALEIGH CH ARLOTTE—Dean T. E. Me Kinney of Johnson C Smith Uni versity, Charlotte, will address »b-' men of the Davie Street Presby terian Church, Raleigh, on Stew- I CONTINUED ON PAGE V ALCORN. Miss Alcorn Coi dosed last w' o ck following s student strike, reopened on Mon day with about 75 of the original 570 students in class 0 ?, and a | president, Dr. J. D Bovd. in | charge, Prof Clennon King, whose critn 1 cism of the NAACP set. of! the rr volt was reported in Jackson v here he conferred with Dr E J Jobe, executive secretary of the * ate college hoard. Said Dr. Jobe; Prof King will hr back ts he is ! needed. However, it seems that I most of the members of his class* i es were among those who walked j out.” Most, of the student body wifch i drew when King refused their de (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)