CAROLINIAN TI FUVE BONUS MONEY APRIL ' Jtttl*,%&*&£ /A-A is-*. >• n J? i * /if > •■* Vie?* i | n|EW^^«g'i\g-^i^t; •- ‘-Ciwi *py-~ tau*,, N& >■ J >, 'ma?2j YBffiK3BK3B ,^HCTPBM3Kf;jWB*yBf lfy ! Sgfrs*ftffKE3? • * . '*4f ■ jrVr GHANA HE M!TY Beaming proudly, the winner of Ghana first nationwide beauty contest has her "Miss Ghana" sash adjusted Eye infant nation recently became an .independent member of the British commonwealth. HJNTED PRESS PHOTO), Trigger-Happy Officer To Face Hilaries Frazer V V Coley, who IS allied to j *••-, r senously wounded one. H&r --- f; Judd. <:* he went to «r- j i r*sf him in TTolly Snrinns some?- t'«r*i*- ;igo. return m tb capacity of j a constable vv; <. arreted this week | cri vv;*n-e»nt wmn to by Char- | le.s R Fr&, Justice of the | r* | ci .i 0O (X kJ ft OtV To Begin April 4th Winner of The CAROLINIAN Sit'd Bonus Money prize will be announced at the sth Annual Food end Horne Show to be held at the Memorial Auditorium April 4-5, it ’ With the closing of the first month's contest at midnight Wed nesday. The CAROLINIAN an nounces th,u. tile second month's contest, which begins this Thurs day, March 28, will offer 10 prizes instead of one. Winner of the first prize will re iCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PASTOR’S DEATH NOT DUE TO MEAT DUNN -- Death of the Rev. G. D McNeill, here last week was not caused by the big helping of some souse meat that he ate a few (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Ministers Plan Statewide j Workshop On Civil Rights j The ministers of North Caro lina mil meet a 9 AM, Wednes day. April 3, at Martin Street! Baptist Church for their first State-wide Workshop on Civil Rights i SO far ax is known, it mil be the ! first time ministers of all denomi-1 - t rni-i-r-i —n -i —r — rrmrr -nft-r -rr~——^ THET DO FT IN AFRICA, TOO lnspired by the success of jbe boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, workers : ; peal of those cases. :: NAACP attorneys also declined ’! comment, but indicated they ex- \ j poet Federal District Courts will j have to set new deadlines lor in- i I nations have been railed together | on a state-wide basis to consider : : civil rights. It is not being called as a result 1 of any immediate emergency, but i after a year of study and organ ! ization, ! It will seek to pro.iect a dual. J 4 + + + + + + + + 4 4- 2,000 HOMEMAKERS HOLD SESSIONS HERE he Caro lii\ ian _ 1 24 PAGES iOc In N. C VOLUME 16 RALEIGH, N. C. nr * FI 11/ I nr* t** w , * 1 rigger-Happy wake Cop 1 o race Justice + 4* 4 4 4* 4 4 4* 4” 4 4* 4 { -jigjjKi .?<" ••, £%S&. y.,:-:-.' ,; ,n.;sv. *v p-:• -t. %**'v .. ~ _ ... , ~ . __ Up . \ 0$ y r ■, 'T-P l . AN i i ' M V m Hi • m m W fIHH e Homemakers ; i Saltier Here For Heeling | Some 2,000 women converged on ! i Raleigh Wednesday of this week ; forth: iv.h Annual State Council : Meeting of Negro Home Demon - I st rat ion Club-,-, held o’ 'he Raleigh ! Memorial Auditorium. Miss Ruth Current, State Home Demonstration \gent. State College, Raleigh, was the main speaker for the occasion. Her message w as well received by the delegates. Presiding at the meeting was Mrs. Ruth Stancil. State Council (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Migration to begin Charlottesville was ordered j ; last summer to end segregation by | ! last September. Arlington was giv-1 ; en until last Jan, 31 t.o desegre i gate its elementary schools and ! its junior and senior high schools | by next September. : The effect of both orders had j been delayed while the state ap-j pealed tire lower court decisions j ; to the Supreme Court. Dr. L. Geating Clark, chairman; of the Arlington County School j board, said “we’re not going to do (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 i long-range program. The first! i part will deal with the immediate j | future: Segregation in Public Ed-; j ucation and in Public Transporta tion: the second will seek for im- ! provement by a long-range devel- j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 i panics (here. Evcr.v kind of (rar drawn dray, has been pressed (UNITED PRESS PHOTO), WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1957 GANG VICTIM’S PARENTS GRIEVE Elijah Palmer tries to comfort his wife, lona, shortly before the burial at Cleveland, Ohio, last week of their son, Vivin. who was beaten to death in Chicago. Thir teen white members of a teenage gang are charged with the hammer slaying of the 17-year-old youth. (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). State News —IN— Brief COUNTr RACKS REGISTRAR JACKSON The Northhamp ton County Board of Commission ers ruled recently that the entire county will back Mrs. Helen Tay lor in suits involving registration The most recent case involving the registrar was a suit filed by Mrs Louise Lassiter of Seaboard, whe charged voting denials. The sail was almost identical in content (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ... v-y , .■ nsportation, including this horse into service lo help the cause. Mystery Still Surrounds Deaths Os Four Children HALIFAX The exact cause, of food poisoning that killed four i small children near Littleton, Jan.; 31. may never be known. Dr. Robert F. Young Halifax' County health officer, released a j report from Dr. Haywood M. Tay-! lor, Duke Hospital Toxicologist,, i - | ; Bonus Money 'Winner To 'll Be Listed The first month of The CARO | LINT AN’S Bonus Money Program f ended Wednesday of this week at I midnight. The winner or winners | of the SIOO will be announced in i next week's edition of The CARO | TINIAN. The money will be giv- I er at The CAROLINIAN’S Fifth I Annual Food and Home Show, to j. 'CONTINUED ON PAGE 2» ODDS-ENDS ; By ROBERT G. SHEPARD 8 JUVENI L E DELINQUENCY I AND UNWED MOTHERS: The I age-old problem of juvenile dolin- I (jucncy has been highlighted liere 1 recently by the introduction in the I U. S Congress of a measure to 1 set. up a 3? million dollar fund for I (he sole purpose of trying to solve ja this plaguing problem. On the | home front the usual hassale is go- B ing on in the state legislature be- I tween these who would bar illegiti mate children and their mothers - from being recipients of welfare (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) I i2c ; Elsewhere NUMBER 26 j which said test, results were un (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 • ™JL]- JWy,^jgww?K^J tfflßoylSaigSn^ l * : 3Cj3ljre&£? flj* • X <; ' ' V JPfo H, * ’^^f^^Jgf THIS ONCE WAS HOME district of Memphis, Term., after bed on which an 81?-year-old inva See You At THE FIFTH ANNUAL CAROLINIAN HOME AND FOOD SHOW AND THE Della Sigma Theta s * JABBE!IWOCK ? i Thursday-Friday, April 4 & 5 MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Blame High Speed For Head-Oil Crash VERO BEACH. Fla Two au tomobiles. one of them traveling an estimated 100 mile- an hour crashed head-on Monday killing seven persons. The Florida Highway Patrol i said that one car carrying six i perrons roared out. of control on! a long curve, crossed into the I wrong lane and slammed an east bound auto carrying two white! Indiana tourists. The accident occurred on state This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE 2 1 Tip Top Food Store. l , O. K Clothing Company | Raleigh Funeral Home I Ambassador Theatre jPAGE 3 j Famous Bakery j James H Baker Good son's Grocery V. Meat Market I Wertz’s Goodman's PAGE 5 Hudson-Belk romp-tiy' PAGE ft : Kress ■ Joseph Winter's Promotion _ j PAGE 1 J Sir Walter Chevrolet Company | Sanders Motor Company ! PAGE 8 i Carolina Power Sc Light. Company I S. M. Young Hardware Co. j Fisher Wholesale Company | The Hood System Industrial Bank Poole’s Pie Simp Longview Plumbing A- nesting Co. PAGE f» A & P Super Markets Mrs, Belle Robinson sadly surveys the remains of her home in * tala® • it was swept by fire. lasi week. In foreground are tli* remains of » slid perished. (UNITED PRESS PHOTO J. I road 60 about sv\ miles of Yeehaw -JuM'.tion- Patrolmen identified th e two ' white victim.', as Jame.% P. Dillon. | 70. and his wife. Mar-: M. .>O. of ‘ (1105 Penns viva n: S'. Indian - i apolis. | The Negro victim;. we ,v - Mar:/ | Lou Pettis, 29, and Robert L*« j Pettis. 15. both of Port Pierce, I Fla.; John Henry Keene. Jr.. 32; (CONTINUED ON PAGE it | Hunt Genera! lire Company ; Acme Really Company ■ Edwards Shoe Store N. C. Products R. E. Quinn Furniture Company Lewis Radio-TV ( link Public Service t o of tv < tor | Gem Watqh Shop I PAGE 10 Bloodworth Street ToUriit Home Heater Welt Company Cavcncss Insurance Companv Dunn’s Esso Service Carolina Builders Carp. Watson’s Seafood A. Poultry t 0.. Inc. j Umsteaad’s Transfer Company ; Dillon Motor Pina nee Company ; Ridgeway’s Opticians j Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh i Mechanics & Farmers Bank Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 Surefir, Scat Cover Center PAGE Ifi Stephens Appliance. Co. First-Citizens Bank A- Trust Co, Joyce & Bailey Furniture Company