TORNADOES KILL EICHT IN TWO STATES RHF'i A TORNADO STRIKES Top photo shows rl * ' • inline! of ion; ido that cut .1 wide path across Dallas, Texas, last week killing four pero-m and injuring -rer ■ of oM-. r . Bottom panel shows he j wiidered residents of the area as they examine shattered wreckage of Iht i> homes. (INI T i I) I’RESS i » ftOTOI. i Sfiiito 1 | r>: 11 Or it»*f MIM-TEFS endorse rally PALE.iCH Toe Rak-igh’ Mm I .rterial Alliance has endorsed and I is a;-isnnc with plans for the j NAACP FREEDOM DAY RALLY J on Sunday. May 19 at 3.00 .P M. it hr:-: been announced by the Rev. C j .!.• Gidney. president. Local min tsfeis are planning t n attend and their congregations are being u>.'>.*• ed to do so Official reprssentta-! ♦ 'res of the Alliance op the p>.o- ; gram include (he Rev. D.. N. Ho- : -ird, assistant pastor of the First ! E-b.ptir t. Church who will -pro- j the invocation and the Rev | I. S Pern. p.' -’or cf St. Pau • AML Church the hem diction Rev. (kid ney will officially '--..-re thr visifrc's to the f ity. ICONYIMTD ON PAG? > New Bonus Money Program Will Offer Larger Awards "Ihr CAROLINIANf'S nt v* bonus in on r v ig.-am which will offer i $l3O to t«n lucky p- '*or« instead ! of 'ip'- costas into its third week ’ beginning with this edition. The j third week begin; Thursday. A- I pci! 11 and ends at midnight Wed-j nr-sday. April i? Check *••••• front n»:> of THE CAROL!'; tAN r-rt.h week tori .merchants who are advertising in j the pirm and pat) on,--.* them Persons participating in the promotion must patronize ( MiOUNI.W advertisers and c . ' e their receipts each week. At the end of the month these, re: t iptjj should he turned in at the CAKOLIMA.VS Office. No purchase: should exceed S3OO in any one week in any one store. in the tjpw system, starting this month, the total amount, being M ONTIMTD ON PAGE 2) Golf Dispute Now In Supreme Court RALEIGH The appeal of six Greensboro Negroes convicted of trespassing on a segregated “pri* i vary" golf course reached the State Supreme Court Monday. 1 At their trial last December in I «'ONTIM ED ON PAGE 2) WE WENT AS LONG AS WE COULD Due to the increase in over- j all cost and the enlargement of The CAROLINIAN, it is necessary that its single copy price be moved to I.V in the state. arid 15c out of North < a i *ziina. This increase is in effect with this issue Presently there wiP be no Increase for yearly i au toe Options. ■ 4 : -1 T\ 1 A . O P ; |4 Uead At Koseboro A ir l n ! C* s *1 f .<■ | Afws flfi %Jr & JL it*. *LA%JP lig.S, I ROSEBOKO Tornadoes l??h-d ! aero**- the tj.H sandy Car jin*s . i dkA il“ *i- :1110 i* 3 • Mlg, I nearly 200 itujvn.vri. j wake of the Savaga Spring Stuirsxs 1 iDUKF'STinENTS wnm n > r If miu iuriJ If u* i DU Rtf AAT L:-- nl • - ! Duke. V’U.• ■ s Lf.w :« chd Oi ! ! voted jn favor of Mot)- i i day in an ctd°rlv hut • > •*;<*•♦ ion- • j Ji? - j They passed a resolution calling ' upon the Uiitvert»*y trustees to for v niT.ciifjc e if auv '*/- - ,ed or (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?.) wfmir farrm r m m-nmr i rimnwn ■ ■ tiiilffllttlll'llUlHW'lian* 1 I| 1 1_ M I'e •TAUBER WOCK Qi'EE.N i'iiss Wilmoth Carter, President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, >.s shown crowning Miss Deniese Perry. Queen of the Jatbberwock, A• igi *,j-,n Gp cvn'y b?fnrf bor* • • ¥1 >'»*).;-$ BFLT.'« Ik'.KED A 7 ■•i r. * *u n n ►**' ~h i v>«d t • *-' ister I r . 4 SW Dirt ' r»'' I \ rr,i f£OT:iin£f COfillllU"* t ■ :i r :. riivjr MaxtOP and John Sta- j ■ n ' C. ti.-pr La’ nrhurc and I ed homes and a .dozen j ' business osuibUshrnr-rm in ihe Tn- j ; .-.Man town of Pembroke, injuring ! -rr-N IT V{ i t) ON PAGE 2* j O% S* «* n,mft ; j-ENOSi 1 j «. SHEPARD j \ ___ i I LIQUOR AND THF LAW. Hav- ! '-try -i layman's knowledge of j ; the v.-f hasten to admit out ; ■ jfcßotanc* of its ramifications and ! < xli-rii How vver. once upon a ; ■-■ or.c Who was supposed { : !■" know, fold us that the inter- i i: ■ ■•” o: :.h ’ ■ was based on j con ; on j, .use. J( that be true, we j Ip’ ay *■, h •rd ■.•'itcncci .about the j ’ ' i i:- t (-•-■:• lured in R.alcich's City ; Court las! v rck in a case involving ' ,n ' , • :i s iling of whiskey in a : fiiMiM J D ON PACE ?.! ' j which Vi' held at the Raleigh I .Mernorta? Auditorium in eon- I neetlnn with the Carolinian [ Home and l oud Show last. week. + ++ + + + + + + f mrns Morey Pick Smith a Head; Name Secret f 4* 4 4 4* + 4 ~h 4 4 76th testing Os Teachers At Charlotte CHARLOTTE Several out standing educators ar? scheduled i,-. participate in the 7t>th annual ■. in cent ton of the North Carolina T* achi-v- A -:Ociatipti which opened r c pr We-dn.'-eday and "'ll! con 'inue: through Saturday, DR. WALLACE The test public session will be : held in the auditorium of Cbar : iotte’s Northwest Junior High i School A band concert will pre j cede the g. ncral program. Music tor all the convention sessions will i be rendered by groups represent- I ng schools and collgcs in Char- I lotto. The guest speaker for the ses sion on Thursday evening, April j 11. will be Dr. Martin W. Essex. | Superintendent of Akron, Ohio | schools. Dr. Essex served as chair man of the NEA Committee on I Tenure and Academic Freedom during the time when the spon soring Defense Commission pub lished reports such as '“lt Happen ed in Pasadena" and "Mars Hil North Carolina" Dr. Essex is a the ration’s leading authori ties in the area of teacher person nel policies and academic free dom His address will follow' the president's annual message to the convention by Dr. S D. Williams, NCTA president. The public session on Friday evening April 12, will also be pre ceded by a band concert. This session will he held in Charlotte’s Ovens Auditorium. The featured speaker will be Dr. W J. L. Wal lace, president. West Virginia State (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Ihis Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE 2 * Tip Top Fond Slofzi Ambassador Theatre PAGE 1 Betty Gay Pine State creamery Co Famous Bakery The Bargain Bus PAGE 5 Hudson-Bclk Company PAGE fi Joseph Winters Promotions O. K. Clothing Company First-Citizen* Bank &■ Trust Co. Kalelgh Funeral Home PAGE 7 Sir Waiter Chevrolet Company PAGE 8 Hunt Gttiers! Tire Company Gem Watch Shop Lewis Kadlo-TV Clinic ,n .vce *■ «.iiley Furniture Co Puhlic service to.ol H. < tne. Acme Realty Company The Hood System Industrial Bark Goodsons Grocery & Meat Market 0 THE CAROLINIAN 12c S — 15c ; InN.C. .24 PAGES ~ Sb =-A ti-h,, | VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. C ~~ ATTORNEY STRESSES POINT Raleigh lawyer Herman L. Taylor, right, is shown as he addressed over 75 ministers at an organizational meeting held at (he Martin Street Baptist Church last Wednesday. I'he ministers, who came front i | throughout the state to parti pate tn a state workshop on i Eyes Wet As Pastor Os 40 Y ears Resigns «WW^WHWWr^P!jBBBIHWHBSwWwnpBHBHBSBBBrcBS DR. WILSON I PAGE 3 | A & l* Super Market* ' Carolina Power A Eight Company it E Quinn Furniture Company PAGE 10 ; Bunn's Esso Service i Carolina Builders Corn, j ( avenejs Insurance Company | Watson’s Seafood & Poultry to., Inc. ! Mechanics A Farmers Bank j Umstead's Transfer Company Dillon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway's Opticians Bloodworth Mrcct Tourist Home Beater Well Company Pppsi-Cclo Refiling Co of Raleigh Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel PAGE Ifi S, M. Young Hardware Co. Crsen Cleaners ! Wlfwfl **rf *, Shop #tr»fH ! Poole’s rte Shop I Longview Plumbla* A Heatmi •n. j N. C. Products I Fisher Wholesale Company • WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 13, 1957 >Sf v3s!wt»l y civil rights, initiated * long range program designed In wipe out jim crow in rvn v aspect of American life the Rev. S. F. Daly, president o! the group, looks on i< left Conrad Pearson, Durham at Itorncy. also spoke to the elrr gymen (STAFF PHOTO BY ( HAS. R. JONES.I |i " . BY ALEXANDER BARNES' CONCORD Tearful ey< s and ! saddened hearts were in evidence j [j here Sunday night when members | arid friends of Westminister Pres- I byterian Church turned out to hear what has been termed ar the fare well sermon of Di H Wilson, who ■ has pastored the ■ hun:h fm 40 j , years ! Sobbing women and emotional inent roulri not help sue vent to j ; their feelings as the service began. | | Dr. Wilson showed no sign of e- ! I motion and acted ns if hr no long- i her would proclaim the gospel | truths from the pulpit that he has J j! so long expounded from (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i i IP/WJtiC • - ~ ■ yKSS3 jlh ' I ' ' v'v ■ < . -'MliiA I :: i SB JsJ • I >m, & Swfe Jp§*4 fie:.;., dr . IjaSSltt, S •$» w Milk W VV-.W r4V V’pip ! the thing that he want (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) lllli ?i’> . 2 ■ * ~ m jt-jp ff «pM JatES 4-Sfe &A m W*-t ?4- • y yyaMl 4-fe. vpHbi" ®a^ * 4j[ 1 _ ’ 'i™ lasi Wednesday io attend » workshop to fight segregation are pictured above listening to Attorney Herman NUMBER hole in the door but did not. know ■ .she had struck ilm man until Sunday when she found his body ' in the yard. Carolinian Fs-iJ Show Sets Record \ , AH of the housewives who *♦- : tended the sth annual CAROLIN IAN Home and Fond Show, along j •>. ith the. participating merchant* i were high in their praise of the i ■'■ (fail It, opened Thursday at 2 j and the final session ended j about 12:30 Saturday morning. The , Raleigh Memorial Auditorium was i :he scene of al! !hc activities. ; The famed “Jabberwoci." snon ! sored by the Delta Sigma Theta j Sorority was the. high point of the j two-day show and was not only i highly inspirational, but proved to i b< exr--edi!>fj!y educational The kits showed that they had bwo •j well-planned and the persons who j took part, performed liked season i j ed troopers. Thr demonstrations wer • i handled by Mrs. Allcne Mint* and Miss Nancy Roth rock, Home Service representatirse for the Carolina Power & Light Company. The appliances for the kitchen were furnished by Thompson A Lynch, local Phll ro dealers (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> : CHARLOTTE MAH IN COUNCIL RACE CHARLOTTE Bishop Dale, i j Democratic leadei has entered the | race for a seat on the Charlotte i City Council Dale van for th* council twice I before the late 1930 * and in 1949 I but was defeated both times, one* : in a runoff. i 1 The City Primary will be held : i April 29. In the primary two can. i didates for Mayor and it for City i Council will be nominated. The city election is May 10. Taylor ni iuini*ii. »u» lined legs! aspects of the if fight for Dill citi*emhipi. (Btaff Photo by CHAU. 8. .fONBSH -a