. . - T.._ ... a ~ " r ~"' \ vrn \NTS- m si \a ostine’ ; illei «. th« ibove pretty nftrndants to Miss Betty Byers, May Queen, on .Saturday, May I I .est to i :lit: It ivriat Bryant Wilmington; Mabel W.vnn. Raleigh; Catherine Hushes. Winston-Salem; and Bessie Smith. Rocky Mount i '4 1 y •*■ ■ v;:v SGT. NOFKELL LEWIS . * . commits suicide ITT Or II YEARS [ if ITS SUICIDE FATETTFVXLLE ln a calm aMI restrained manner, Mrs. Jo sin.d! Lewis told the CAROLIN IAN Monday morning how she came hack to her home. 1218 El Ir.jt.t street,, Friday afternoon and found her husband. SFC Morrell Lew-:?, dead from what she term ed a self-inflicted wound According: to Mrs, Lewis, her husband left home in fine spirds for Ft. Rrage at his wsuai time Friday morning, feu! returned about I p. m. fv is reported to have made himself comfortable and be* ran watching television. Mrs Fowls srys she left and went io the home of a neighbor and returned about 1:30. Upon arriving back home she met bv another neighbor, who asked if Mr. Lewis was at home. ' ‘ * i epbed. 'I left him watching television. It was then that, the hitter neighbor told her that she had. been there and was not able to make him hoar her at the door The neighbor t, o1 rs Mrs. Lewis that she came to notify (CONTINCKD <>\ FAGS- 31 Woman Held In Slaying Os Common - Law Hubby F.T ALEXANDER BARNES FAYETTEVILLE A kni fe 'vending common-law-wife, Mrs Bessie Carroll, is being held in the Cumberland County jail, for the "lagging' slaying of her illegal Mate. Aadreu David McLean, Thursday, whom she sayr became enraged when she refused to cook him some bread Police officers fold the CARO LINIAN that McLean did not make any statement before he expired at Cape Fear Valley Hospital but questioning of the woman brought cm the following information: in a signed confession, the 'lk is Week *s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. > AGE 3 Flip F'lrfe r s Rnll c.ilvpiw Stars r T-: p atoms. ’- » if Mr-i s S ■ r,clri - Motor Company r i'.v i. ,y country Tire. Service o k C'cthtn* Company l one! Hampton Anri His Bond PAGE 3 Sv.fhern Sell Telephone Company Sotd/iein Furniture company Mother 4- Daughter Stores PACE f'.’-now Bakery Tt hn A>ke\v, Filnter 4 Peroratot R'idsnn* BSeik Company O' on ■, ioyville -i v>!ien-- Appliance Company F irune Henry Tourist Home tire -ah s A Servite Rri'eish Funeral Hole PAGE 6 fi-Mir Sera ice Co. of V f . in. -V :nc Realty Cninpiny Cvsdsort's Crocerv A Meat Market Bunt General Tire Cnmitanv Amha.-.sador Theatre foe Hood System industrial Bank 5 X Voting Hardware Clvella Beauty rolle r fi A R.mrl The Tailor" PAGE 7 W.lf hint ton Tfr.ir? Aplj tones A Christinas Pii- oil Service 8 ■ oit.iGrocery 4- Meat Market Tilton :■ hoe Shop Firestone Stores N. C. State Baptists Open I Sessions Hare Tuesday j ji Mas-Sigmas k Regional Gcnfab Hers i With the spot, light focus.-d ipo; j j tie general theme Prevention ano : Control of Juvenile Delinquency. i 1 of business for tiif 2i)o plus cidt?- : Eat" , s assembling here from the I | District of Columbia. West Vi: . e. | the Eastern Regional Meeting of ! ! the Zeta Phi Beta Sororitv. Ph; i 1 Beta Sigmas will meet at that j j time. also. Beginning at fivoelock I'vi i day afternoon. May .1, on the' West j Campus o# Shaw Univr,-; ity Gen | oral Headquarters for »h« n• •: ehng i itsgistraMon is expected to he com- j < CONTINUED ON FAG! 31 2 Candidates Place Among Top Fourteen j Two Negroes will be among the j ; candidates seeking office or the j City Council Tuesday Dr Catherine B Middleton. Mho polled 1.481 votes and Lawrence T. Lightncr, who garnered 1,3.50 votes in the Sat urday primary earned the right to seek offires in the election. | Approximately 1,000 of the . j fCONTINUED ON page 2t * woman said McLean came home | from work at 12.15 p. m and gave her $5 to pay the rent. She said he went, to bed while she prepared lunch, He awoke about an hour later she «airi "quarreling and cussing because 1 did not have the. bread done "1 told him thc-re was not enough grease so cook bread and liver she said -f fed him his meal with cold bread. He wanted hot bread and 1 told him the stove was cold and I couldn't get the bread cook ed fast enough " * i FONTS NEED ON PAGE ?! Gem Watch Shop tells Radio A TV nil’y 'evre «v B&llev Furniture Compart* T'< in Inn Oil Rervl' e Alfred Williams 4- Companv A S' P. Super Market PAGE 8 Bloedworth Street Tnurtst Home Hcatei Well Coitupanv Caveness Insurance Agency j Dunn's F:-,sr. Service < arolina Builders Corp Watson’s Seafood A Poultry Co. t■•<*. Vmstead’s Tr.imfer Company Dillon Motor Finance Company B.riieway’s Opticians Pepsi-Cola. Botlllrw > o or Raleigh Mechanic:., A- Farmers Bank Warner Memorials OOIUXI Hotel PAGE 9 Carolina Motor Kir Weller Che violet Company city Motoi Co PAGE If* Fisher Wholrt-ale Com pans R C Quinn Furniture Co. N. c Products Longs (etv Plumbing A Heating Co The Hood System Industrial Bank First.-titirem Bank 4 Trust Company Kimbrell’x Edward’s Shoe Store Ppoole’s. Pie Shop ' AGE 20 Electrical Wholesalers. trie. BT R tFVJNG BOONE RALEIGH -With the approach .. Tu< sdnv. March 7. attention is foct’ccd on the 90th anniver sary cMrhrut ton o( the General F-.nii.M. C:rite ConvenMon of N. C. Inc... to be held here. men, women youth -repi esJnting the 300.000 Negro Baptists of the .= fate', ate expect=>d in me Capi tal City for this historic event. The program lor this one-day Assembly provides a full agenda.. There will he reports from vari ous commiticcs pane! discussions, dealing with srvrific phases of the denominational work and an impressive Pawn!, of Progress” depicting 99 years of struggles and achievements on the part of- the The celebration will be climax ed vifli an address bj the Rev William Holmes Borders, pastor of the Wheat. Street Baptist Church of Atlanta. Ca. For many years n: thsf forefront a : - an ex ponent. of righteousness and prog ress. Dv. Borders recently received national attention as the leader Ter. Winners Os B§nus Money Afeisaiicssl Far Second Month j The ton winn.'-' ? in the CARO- , ; LI NT AN’? Bonn? Money Program ! : for the second month were an- j ; pounced Wednesday $l3O will be j | divided between these persons. I ; The first p.-lre winner will re- j 1 ceive SSO, followed bv prizes of! ! $25. sls. SID and six $5 prizes. The i i winners follow: ! (1' Mrs. Ella .Jones 1103 Smith- ■ Held St.. Raleigh reported $341.10. j ■ <2i Mrs. Thelma Keck, US R Pet - j i tigrew St., f'.ty reported $312.48; ! | 1 31 Mrs. Ruby B Stroud, 124 S. j Hettierviv St.. Raleigh, reported i | $253.74'. ■4 l Mrs. Inez H. Peebles. ! i 118 Lincoln f't . Raleish. reported! J $241.21, 'Til Mr Marshall Butler. I 309 E, Lenoir St.. Raleigh, reported I $170.00: (fit Mrs H. R White, Me | UlOd. $167.59; (7) Mrs. James T. I Johnson, 815 Coleman St., City, ! $i62.94; (ft. Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, j | 607 Quarry St., Cjtv. $149.73: (9)1 i Mrs Queen Perry. 23 Chavis Way. ' City. *130.14 and 1 10) Mrs. Annie 1 Judge Armond Scott, Gurney Hood ;New Shaw University Trustees i __ VOTED IN LEA), ... i ivimhn.h n f KM t Latte 'Si* vet, Is shown leaving (he booth at Precinct 20, located at t or Hie Hunter School last Saturday after rusting his vote. Th'a pre cinri, located on L Davie Street, recorded more votes than any other i precinct m Raleigh as voters east over M 0 votes In the primary for ! the < <ty C owned election- The elections will take place Tuesday. ■ (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS. R JONESK 1 IN. C. STATE BAPTISTS MEET HERE TUESDAY /“ B§hus k #y •J \ jT T W -v/ |g' ‘ jS$ T'T 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4* 4* BLAST KILLS MEDIC i. l i o' th "Law Love, and Liberation‘ i movement in Atlanta A merger of all of the organ!?- j ed groups of the denomination in I North Carolina, this assembly will :j provide for" active participation on the part of the several State i auxiliary conventions. Including the Woman's H<teF Mission* Con vention the SS&BTU Conven- I tions, the Ushers’ Convention, the (Laymen's Convention, as well as ! the various associations and oth ■ | er district bodies. | The Baptist Headquarters! i building of the General Convcn- j : tiers of North Carolina—the first! : in the nation among Negroes - i : was built three years ago, at, a! : cos) of $75,000.00. This original j i | amount has been reduced to $30,-j :; 000.00. It is this remaining figure j (which constitutes the. challenge of this one-day session on May 7. j Host to this statewide gather-j g will be Raleigh’s First Bapt st j - bur eh, located at the corner f i • Wilmington and Morgan st; • *■ Dr. O. S. Bullock, pastor. Proud-1 -! ing at the sessions will be Dr. P. | i | A. Bishop of Rich Square, veteran I president j i , K Robinson. 117 W. Lenoir St . ; City. $134.64. Winners of Bonus Money are | requested to come to The CARO -1 LTNIAN'S Offices. SIB E. Martin | Street. Saturday morning to pick • ! up their checks The third month of the Bonvi ,! money Program (Slay) began Thursday morning. April 25. and ends Wednesday, May 29. There will be five weeks for competition In the third month enabling more persons to par ticipate and to spend more moqev toward winning. ! $l3O is now being offered through | ihe program, instead of SIOO which was practiced during the ftrst month. The money is distributed j between 10 persons, instead of one as was previously done. Check the front page of THE ; CAROLINIAN each week for (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) THE CAROLINIAN ! 12c y — —7 15 c I !n N - c L — sm 20 PAGES Ei..wh«. J VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY 4 1957 SreensfiQre I i Theatre Bias Under Attack GREENSBORO—L-oca.l Negroes were called upon Sunday to re train from attending segregated movie theatres because a minister of their race was ordered to a jim crow balcony when he pre sented his invitation to attend a preview of "The Ten Command ments." ; Leaders described the move as •a. "passive. Ghandi-type” resist- , lance patterned after the bus boy-. • cott at Montgomery, Ala., where; Negroes were finally victorious when the Supreme Court ordered transit integration. The metropolitan population of Greensboro, including all of Guil- i ford County, is the 190,320 of which 37,235 are Negroes. This was the first such protest in this : state, considered more liberal ra~ ; ciclly than its neighbors. The leader of the theater boy-j cott was Dr. Edwin Edmonds, pro-1 fessor of sociology at Bennett Col- i Ipge here and head of the local unit, of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?,) REFUSE JIM CROW AT STATE PARK North Carolina authorities found j ' fhemSelves facing another issue of ; racial consequence Sunday when ! State Parks Superintendent. Tho mas W Morse was asked to explain why a group of Carolina students moved from ‘he William B. Urn stead Park where they had gather ed to have a picnic, at Hogans i Lake, near Chapel Hill, when Le- | Roy Frazier was told to leave, due I to the fact that he was a Negro. The group is known as the Cosmopolitan Club of the Uni- j versity of North Carolina and is reported as being composed j mostly of foreign students. There seemed to have been no j objection to the foreign student, j hut Frazier, who is one of the ; fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Dr. William R, Strasfim-r. presi- I dent of Shaw University announc- j ed Wednesday that Judge Armond ; W Scott, associate judge of thf Mtincipal Court for the District of | Columbia, has been elected to the I University’s trustee board. Other appointments to the board j are as follows: Gurney P Hood, ! president, Hood System Industrial Bank, Raleigh; Harold T. Graves, ! vice-president, Summit Trust Com- j pony, Summit, New Jersey. Dr L. F McCauley of Raleigh who has served on the board for (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) •HJDGE ARMOND W. SCOTT * JAMES SMITH GFORGF WILLIAMS , * . hpid for nturd* t r « « * pistol victim Man Faces Charges la “Friend’s” Death ; State News —IN ; Briaf ! CONVICTED IN DEATH NEW BERN An all-male ! ! jury recently found Albert. Sutton, j \ 32-year-old iocs! resident, guilty j I of manslaughter of a migrant field I worker, MINISTER BOUND OVER WILSON Bishop ( Phil lips, a Goldsboro minister, for merly of Newark, N ,T was hound over to the Wilson county Superior Court last (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2. S3O Gs FOR CAGE GIANT NEW YORK The New York ; Knickerbockers of the National Basketball Association on Mon day purchased Willie Gardner, (1- foot, 8-inch, 22-year-o’d Harlem Globetrotters player for a price reported to be more than $30,000 Gardner, tabbed by owner Abe Saperstein of the Trotters as 'po tentially the best, player" in the history of that team, will make a summer tour of Europe with the j Globetrotters and will join the Knctks in September j He joined the Globetrotters in i 1954 after playing for Crispins! ; Attucks High School in Indian-! j apolis. served two vents in the I armed forces and came back to : the Trotters last, fall | Expect Over 5,00 J To Greet Robinson Here On May 19 BY .1 R HARRIS RALEIGH - Local and state NAACf* officials arc making pre parations to entertain an estimat ed crowd of 5,000 NAACP work ers and admirers of the world famed Jackie Robinson, former Brooklyn Dodgers baseball -tar. when he speaks here at the 3rd annual Fighting Fund for Free dom i4-Fi rally to he held ip the Memorial Auditorium, Sunday as- BOY.I DROWNS IN PORK Op RALEIGH Walter Let Mr- Lamb, ft, was drowned in Joe Lou | is Park Creek Sunday when he I slipped into a deep hole of the I swimming hole where he and sev eral other children had gone to j swim i Ernest Chavis, 27. of 520 Boez j Street, dfyed for the boy and i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 -James Smith, 21-year-old painter, waived a preliminary hearing in City Court Tuesday on a charge of murder and was bound over to the next term of Wake County Super ior Court, to await trial in the fatal shooting Sunday night, of George Williams, 50, whom Smith claimed was his “friend." Smith allegedly shot Wil liams with a .32 caliber pistol in the right lung and back, ignoring the victim’s plea to "talk things over." The charge of murder was lodged against Smith, of 16 Ross Street, a few hours following the death of Williams at Saint. Agnes Hos pital Monday at 7:55 a, m.. approxi mately 11 hours after being shot shooting, gasped to Detective Williams shortly after (he Sgt. G A Privettc ind H L Peebles that he wax lying in hed around 8:45 p m when Smith came to bis room and said. "Now. I’m going to kill you'" (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Dr. Stephen Wright New Fisk President RY VICTOR G. BACKUS NASHVILLE (ANPi—'The. new . president, of Fisk university will, ; be Dr. Stephen J Wright. presi*j dent of Bhiefield State college, j 1 The announcement, of the sue-; cessor to the late President j Charles S. Johnson, which has j been awaited by the, entire educa tional world, was made before,' a packed convocation of suspense -1 filled students and faculty mem- J hers on Friday. Retiring hoard chairman ternoon. May 19 at 3:30 p.m. i : Mothers Drive For SIO,OOO Jackie Robinson is the 1957 i chairman of the NAACP national Freedom Fund campaign to raise ! one million dollars. He will crown j as the "NAACP Mother of 1957” one of the score or more mothers 1 j who are out to ain the coveted ' honor by raising the highest.; i amount- of money over $300! through the cooperation of the j citizens of their communities. It Is expected that Mrs. Rohm ; son will accompany her husband ! here and add further glamour to j the occasion. During previous NAACP 4-F rallies. Roy Wllkinr, NAACP ex ecutive secretary, spoke In 1955 ; shortly after the death of thej • immortal Walter White's death: j mid Thurgood Marshall, chief le- j : yid counsellor for NAACP, was; i the 1955 speaker to 3,000 peo- ! ■ I pie. 1 1 Rock.v Mount Choir Sings For the third time the noted i ;' St. James Baptist Church Gospel! I j choir of Rocky Mount, has ,ac ! i CONTINUED ON FAG* 21 NUMBER 14 Shelby iedic Dies In Fire That Follows SHELBY A local doctor wa# killed by explosion and fire which gutted his office early Monday : morning. Police, termed the explosion "mysterious” and said an inves* j ligation was underway An au topsy and a coroner's hearing with a jury were ordered. Killed in the explosiotf was Dr, G W Sing,eton 34 His charred body was found in a hallway near j his office. Police chief Knox Hardin de * dined to s.n whether foul play | was .suspected. But he said there 1 were "Several theories” about the j explosion. Hardin said, a terrific explosion j rocked the two-story brick office building at 2 a.m. today, Fire men rushed to the scene and con fined the fire to the doctor’s of -1 fire on the second floor, they said, t Singleton’s body was found lying in a hallway about 30 feet Irons ■ the gutted room (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2! yOTEILfWIL PASS-POWELL STATESVILLE— “I can guaran tee that the right to vote bill will ; pass this Congress," Rep Adam I Clayton Powell (D , N Y.) told an ' audience in the Morningside High | School auditorium here Sunday j night j He also called for immediate | but gradual integration in the ! public schools There, were eight white persons in the audience of j 500 America,' the Congressman said, "is in danger of becoming (CONTINUED ON PAGE S’. Leonard M Reiser of Chicago read (he board’s decision, which had been made after a. country-wide search for an educator capable of stepping into the. great void left by the sudden passing of former President Johnson. Dr. Wright, who is 40 and * native of Dillon, South Caro lina, bas had wide training and experience He holds a (CONTINUED ON PAGE »> ODDS-ENDS • By ROBERT G. SHEPARD NEGRO BUSINESSMAN; Asa T. Spaulding is a businessman, an outstanding businessman and. As* T. Spaulding is a Negro but. those facts do not make us see why '.e announcing that, Mr. Spaulding H to speak in Raleigh, he must, N described as a Negro businessman There are many nationalized «uco essful businessmen in this court* try who were born in other rout* tries hut when they are spoken n( or referred to they are simply A tnerican businessmen If that holds true for per sons not born in this country nid for all >'he dependents of the foreign born why can’t it bold good for * Negro. Mr. Spaulding is not ashamed of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i

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