WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY 4. 195? Neither Negro Nor White Man Free In Deep South” FA YE T T E VIL L E NEWS\ WII—WUHIWMW* —a——a—w—m— Howard U. Embarks On Drive For 81.Q09 In Scholarships WASHINGTON D. C. - Ho- • ward University offi* ;ais today an- J nounced plans for a nation-wide fund raising drive among its «1- . urnni and friends to obtain SIOO,OOO | for student aid purposes. The drive | will begin in Washington Monday, I May 6th, and is * xpocted to coo r ; every section of the country be- j fore the year r.,ds. This '’. - ill be t*■ first of 10 an- ! r !'l campaigns by the Vui.-et-ity | in an effort, to 111 lug its S; !u • rail', rend Ftunerit l oan Fend to a j ' 'it!t of adequacy l.y 1067 At that ; '' Howard will ceiebrstjc the j diOtn anniversary of its loundin;: j According to James M N' -lit i’ Jr. ; dirc.-i'.r of public n At ions •>’ Ha- : ward, more tl.an Sd.OOO.Otffl will bo-I needed during the next 10 years j if t! ■ Univer. tv ,s to i-.ff.-i an ade- j -!' * tie number of scholarships. "At Howard only 11 per cent o! , t.-tuden’s receive scholarship j aid." Mr. Nubrit said, "compared ; Program j FAYETTTsVILLjK The annual ; !• ■ Ai -s Week at the Fayrte- : •.ills State Teachers College, under > the Sponsorship of the Area of Mu- J sir snd Fine Art a will extend : from May 5 through May 10. and | |. ill disclose an assortment of ta- | :cnt for music and for the other i fme arts. The week-long program will get under way on Sunday. May at 530 p. m. with a piano iciilal by Dr Alfred Pouinard of ;he M i -ic faculty at. Johnson C Smith University One of the most hrilliant pian ists of our day and an authority on F i nch folk music. Dr. T’ouinard has studied and taught music in France and holds the doctorate in Musicology from Lave! Univer sity in Canada. Among the nura- i bers to appear on his program are j "La Campanula" by Liszt. "Noe- J turn? in D Flat Major" by Chopin, j r-nd "Allegro Appassionate" by ; Saint-Sanes. Included on the pro- > gram also will be two of Dr. Poui r.ard's own compositions. He has given concerts in France, Holland, j Canada and in the United States, j Appearing Wednesday evening in the Seabrook Auditorium wii! be the Creative Dance group under the direction of Sylvia Allen of Fayetteville, and at the Friday as sembly period students from the j Willow Grove School at Whitakers. J North Carolina will be seen in a , variety program With Christopher W. Kemp as : director and Charlotte Boyd as ac- j cornpanisi, the Johnson C. Smith j University' Choir will appear in j concert Friday evening. May 10 1 Opening the performance with j Ralph Vaughan Williams's "For All i the Saints" and Beethoven's "Halle- j lujah", the group will move on to i R N. Dett's ever-beautifu! "Us- j ten to the Lambs", and Gounod’s ; powerful "O Divine Redeemer" j and will close with a popular ' group of numbers including Daw- i son’s "Jesus Walked This Lone- i some Valley”. The art display will be on exhi bit throughout the week. Instruc tors in the Area of Music and Fine Arts are H. T Chick. J S. Smith, S. W. Payne, and Mary T. Fldririge. Chairman tire” RECAPPING with . . . B. F. GOODRICH Cold Rubber EASY PAY PLAN T ODD’S Tire Service Ota! 3-1303 444 W. RUSSELL Day Phone Night Phone 7-1134 3-3897 ; CAROLINA I MOTORS New and Used Automobiles ! 4500 Bragg Blvd. M Bonnie Doone—Fayeuaeville | Also Dealers in TRAILER HOMES _■ ED FLEISHMAN & BROS. j THE BEST IN MEN’S WEAR #/JCrETY BRAND “BOTANY 500“ NUNN BUSH STACY ADAMS STETSON RESISTOL ARROW MANHATTAN 107 Hay Street Dial 2-0181 Fayetteville, N. C. | from 20 to 30 per rent of students j receiving aid in othei private I schools throughout tire country The Howard official said also I that the University must be able ! to increase the size c,f its ir-divi- I dual scholarships. During the cur j lent school year only six pet cent i of the students ieceivr grants in ! excess of tuition. During the • tigti Howard j will ~Ne nipt t.o secure a larger i ■ umber of alumni contributor? thati evet ■ Last year only j < igh’ per cent of tie school' o j graduate:, made contributions com i pared to the natlofWil averige of approximately 34 pe; cent of a i lumni piit'tieipftlion in eotrip&igus i conducted by erivate schools. j the use of volunteer workers in (Soliciting funds from the ahunpj , Ir, Washington, where a thtv- - j week drive is s-'iu'du’cd sonic- 263 : services Tile group v. id he headed Ihv Frank Ci''"m::t>. professor of Physic?, r. critic-, at Howard, vvho ! -<• member of the Class of *913. • Serving as associate iv-r-1 chne : man w1! be Mrs Esther G IY>l - lard of thr Class of P4l Fon,- gj r.u nphictsl zones have ncen set up f"r the Washington ; -’rive They vriil b r head* c! by | Dutfovs Ferguson and Mrs. Mary D Evans James Minor and Mrs. Mre a ret Koe.nec Mrs Alicia Howard : and Grayson McGuire. Sr and I James t. Chambers and Mrs. Doris j R Eilanl, More than 3.000 Howard alumni j residing in Washington arc - j per ted to be visited by the voinn i teer workers during the three I week drive The goal for vVash- I melon has feieen set at s3o.oo f s. A planning m-r-Uni; for Wash- • j ington workers has l.ven reh< riulmj j -u Howard for 11a rn Satu-uav May 4th. At the tir ; .o r>>- Mnr derai W Johnson. Urwi'sitv !. - the need for increased student aid at Howard. Friends of the Univerrii v I wish to contc;i •te to th< drive l may mail donations to li ■ ptm .. j of Public Relations. H<-« •>•** t nt- j versify, \V ishington ! D C Virginia State To Cite Over 300 Students PETERSBURG V\ Vtrgtr . State College will pr. - err. awards and honors t- over 3f!o students on Friday. May 3. and Monday, May fi. i 1557, it was announced today by j Dr. J. H Johnston D- an • : r■■ j , College. The ceremonies at which i these awards and honors wid be : given wii! take place on Friday at j | 1:09 p. m. and on Monday at TOO Ip. m. The main speaker fur the Fri day urogram will be Or fames E. Nicholas, nrofessor of Edu cation in Virginia State Col lege's School of Education. The main sneaker sot the Mnn | day Honors Exercise will be Dr. ; i Hugh M. Smythe. an alumnus of ! i Virginia State College, who is now j a member of the department of i j sociology and anthropology of i ! Brooklyn Cotle-e. M. Y. A native of Pjttslnirgh, Pa.. Dr ; Smythe was graduated from Vir ginia. State College, Atlanta Uni versity. and received his Ph D. | irom Northwestern Universal v. He tuts had wide experience in research, s"d ad ministration ui!h Institutions and organizations both here and abroad. He served two years In Japan under a C S. Government program as visit ing professor at Yaniagurhi National University. Dr. Nicholas is a graduate of ; West Virginia State College. Uni versity of Michigan, and received his Ph, D, from Pennsylvania Stale University. He has been associated in the area of education at Vir ginia State College since 1944. ser ving as principal of the D, Webster Davis High School and later as i Professor of Education. I QO Wj&jriM “Every man has an equal chance to become greater than he is!” iJ.'-LJ-j AT . v ALDORF' The Waldorf-Astoria's lamed Empire Room la Now York west i •* la rry r • y t- .> ■-•. vriieu Dr. ?k:u'guorito Cartwright (center) wets presented w»*h cm Out s uiidu-? r nt A'-vcrd by tho Greater New York chapter of iho "Links." Just nthimed fro- * •., I * :>, . ( ,dwn .-‘ in «hown receiving a plaque from Mrs. Edward Dowry, left. Lookjr.qt i; ? J ■ A.' rt i-.t - - -oo', chairmen. The henoree is a lamed iectusrer. traveler, and pro k' fioi ct Hunter College M. Y. (Newrspi ©as Photo). I gw g a » a | CiHF.I\ 'ISHORO J4i'i?iM?i* > ! State Si ! -d F '; to bu | ’noid hi-rv ji AX-1 Coil on ! • Thun \t > : ,• ; m «j w< i j than ‘ soling KVitirUm* from! i througVuitr N-rih Ci.r,R I W.iilci F. Cii t oi. Jr d:o. t i herci'T ti A r i' i' -.’ 1 j,x •, -J ; n l - i the nu's-t. tC-iti i-.'porti-:.-: vli.it the ] hands :m i4-v c’ -hi 1. iv. | ! vnrr.i -i b‘..rn rai'v-:.,s m * *:-r;t Dis- ! j trScrt F.'sVivc!;- hi if -.ih:-.u " ■ State 1 The otw-dey i i. .... n,,n- j (, ‘"* ” " mrir .r —- r ,r r ’ r ■> f Nsw Uses for Outdoor Towels J \ , , , , ~j rj - r - Bv Rutli Leigh J)?r '.*»r ol lhe (LmriXion Home making institute .V ! .-RJ: I .i.-- .... if fix Colorful to Wear . . as saror. % 02 i " r-h wrap. jR j 1 |-•' i> 'S *0 | .-fCR"; ; . x ./ -' - : W ,v \ ./ - * \ r JJ--'T •/ Smart for Decora'' as case curt-.;ns, * . h j cover, wad hanging;. j "x-G. S'/X 1 V '^l Wonderful for Relaxing . . outdoors, indoors, anywhere. | modeling market. COME HOME- EVERY WEEK! North Carolina Is a great state to "he from" as well as to "live in.” All of as are familiar with the statement "I'm from Ueor gift”—from Georgia* (with the emphasis on the ‘from Georgia’* We feel, hovever, every North Carolinian, wherever he may be, will always cherish the opportunity to return to his home slate’and never .say "front" Many ran, and do visit regularly because of fnmilv ties; others periodically, but all find dear old North Carolina fore-fronting In pro gress (first credits, in education point way back to the 20's>, and education being the basis for progress in a Hot her areas, wc feel that relatively, if not actually, the funda mental basis for future progress has been established and is growing in the right direc tion. TIIE CAROLINIAN, for 15 years, has j striven to give a telescopic view of all that goes on in North Carolina. Since its slogan: “North Carolina’s Leading Weekly" captions its heading, you can rest assured no news events, occurences, or occasions are onunltted from its columns. In the Raleigh area particularly, where the bulk of our advertisement prevails, you can read of what the merchants are doing in saies and merchandising" promotions Yes, many of the older stores that you who are away pm remember, use our columns and a host of new business, which have developed The ..oiipgsiors w-ill begin i.low : uu: horn.- and b. .-ding drums at ii'iiit A M.. and will continue :ip,h J Hu day, all aimed ' at gidnir.g "1" ratings for their res i poutivc units Bands ‘if "A" and "C" dassifi i. ti-ms wi’i perform in the Harri- ; -a Auditorium and bands of "B" i . a’.jnru; solo instrumental- j u, and -.-ns- tnbics will perform j , in t.iti' r,-.ijacorn Crosby Hull. ! The late afternoon program calls i a cntuiuc* conference between i • -t J 'end directors and s -a-.ill hour for the participants. .!o< ;.>s for the event include: H j J "TGE colorful outdoor (ova.:.. •* A for beach or sports have i'ds of practical uses. For fun j*i i ■. °un and for every-.•: y 1 ', tit* xe towels can nv - Fee cms >t and more comfort .-. Choose towels in gay s’-.-urs or lively patterns. You’d l -.'-'ta adaptable for indooi u.e ur outdoor sports fashions. I ■ --R'.,)U , v :| ! I: ■Mi"' l seful on Auto Trips . . as lip.lit blanket, curtain, to protect upholstery. Handv on Picnics . . as tablecloth, wind-break, sun shelter, awnini;. (ANS) since you left, tellyou a fine story each week. i So, if you send the CAROLINIAN to youi relatives and friends, lor them, it will be just I iike living in Raleigh. For if their families are i here, if their children are here* or whatever the relationship is, they cun be assured every week of the Raleigh news by subscribing to THE CAROLINIAN. To those out cf the immediate area of of THE CAROLINIAN'S Home Office, let us tell you, cur columns cover your community also, with whatever important news events ' j are going on. We invite you and urge you to send in a subscription for your relative or friend who at present is in a "foreign land" or send us his or her name and address and we II send a complimentary copy The poem that says "All things come home at eventide, like birds that weary of their roaming, certainly the spirit of It must strike deeply in our hearts, about home, whether wt> are Just roaming or whether we ore seeking better incomes and opportunities. All of us like to “come home”. Don’t be a roamcr--be home always with THE CAROLINIAN. Send one today! Lei us send It for you! THE CAROLINIAN 518 E. Martin Street Raleigh, North Carolina *„ THE CAROLINIAN IE. Pickard director of bands, : Winston Salem Teachers College. } Winston-Salem; It H L Jones, j assistant director of bands, A&T ; College, Herbert Hazelman, direct ! or or instruntentr.! music Grccr.s --j boro i J ub!ic Schools arid Dr N. , G ulin bond. Mnssc Dcpai’tincnt. ■ Virginia Smte Co)!, ge, r--i;.U! g j Virginia. Home Remodeling Huge Market For North Carolina Growth of the .six metropolitan areas in North Carolina the ! Asheville . Charlotte, Durham, ' Greensboro. High Point, Raleigh I and Winston-Salem areas is | stimulating an estimated sllß tftil ! lion home-building market, most of it in repairs and remodeling. ! according to a study by the Tile | Council of America Inc, The Tile Council, a trade associa- j tion of manufacturers who pro- I duce 90 per cent of domestic cera mic tile, disclosed that slightly more than half of the home build ing outlays will go toward modern | ization. The building breakdown fol lows; Asheville. sl3 million; Charlotte. $;!0 million; Durham, Si;; million; Greensboro-High Point, s2fi million; Raleigh. sl7 Million; arid Winston-Salem, Sl!> million. North Carolina remodeling will ! have its heaviest expenditures in t painting, plumbing and room addi- i tions. Quality materials such as durable ceramic tile for bathroom surfacing, copper pipes, hardwood and adequate wiring will be in de mand more than ever before Although the demand for ceram ic tile in home remodeling tn North Caroline w-il! be an estimat ed 10 ptr cent higher this year than Inst, the present expanded ! productive level of 375 million ! square foot, will bet more than ; enough to assure quick deliveries ' to dealers, the Tile Council re ports. Builders will tic looking more , earnestly into the home remodel- i ins market as the building season j continues. Increased purchases of j older homes by modernization- ! minded owners, growing families j now living in smaller homes five i or six years old. and the decline | in new home starts are factors contributing to the important re- i Nation Wiii Flounder So Long As We Face Problem With Timi drty: Rowon While many Am* ■ . ;.ns a .<■ what they consider a "m-idoi . i viewpoint on desegregation supremacy advocates are bast It. ; the 1954 Supreme Court cl- ■ i a . for integration in the Nation's Schools. , As a result, neither th- N : nor the white man >s fi.-e in the I Deep South, says Car! T R..an j in GO SOUTH TO SORROW ;uib lished by Random House Ap: 17. In this fotthrtght book on ’h ! conflict that has pl.igit.-d '.hi S-.• t. t since the United 'States Supr» -u- i Court outlawed school see.ia- ,i- -n j Rowan reveals th>- 'he-o' ’.uu scalawags (who'- imp - -! th reign of racial terror.' "This nation will fu-und ■ it will deserve to flu,mart ~ as we face our most "• ■ , and demoralizing | lem with indecision and ii;.n.-|i<> writes Rowan, the only r< man ever to win ihrec . u annual awards f'a.m S. u ■ o ■ Chi, the nation’s top p-- ■- journal; stn; society A staff correspondi :J ! t ; Minneapolis' Morning Trtburv wan also is the author of SOUTH i OF FREEDOM and THF PITIFUL ; AND THF PROUD In 1954 i . honored by the United S‘.a! >• ! ■ Dr. Elmer C. Scliwerl'-Y-jn; fagJiMWWWnwisisimi—a |St Augustins ’s Pi Addresses She.; Dr. Elmer C. Sch.t.-rtin -p. . | sociate professor of ht: ,*;r , Augustine’s College told Sh u Umveiaity students thu.i »■ ecumenical man, the advert is-t, itas risen up to chaHentre uu D; Sehwertman spoke on t.iie topic "The Scholar an Ecuin- tn-: >; Man,” at Shaw University’s tls . - ors D«y observance on April 2d. He named the characteris tics of the ecumenical man a•• his ability to grasp a total view of nature, and Isis con cept of man's position in tin- Universe. He lurth- i st. t- d that we must have a total picture of the human r.. • and musl understand and ap j preeiate the functions of all races, lie must he so o, five that he can vi.v I;,- "hole processes of man ami the social organ of euHtt;. as if he were not a part of if. Universities and colleges t - j sentations. Officers of the Assoc; 1 1• < r» arc H. H. Roberts. President Edwin R. Edmonds, Bennett College. First tier President: j George R. Ragland. Jr., Prai rie View College, Second t ice Prcsldwit: It. F. Russel), Ar kansas A. M. A; N. College, Treasuercr: Stanley Smith, Tuskcgee Institute, Assistant Secretary and Chairman of editorial Committee: J Errol Miller, Lincoln University (Mo.). Executive Secretary and T. F. McKinney, John- j son c. Smi t h University. Founder. The local committee in char ■" of arrangements is com,to: -d m A&T SYMPHONY BAND IN AN NUAL CONCERT < eastern North Carolina, will play under the baton of Walter F Carl son, Jr., its conductor. The appeo.r aneo coincides with National Mu sic Week, j Among the numbers to be f> .due jod on the coining program are: '•Democracy.” by Luke; ‘-Prelude I and Fague in F Minor", by Bach; "Coronation March" by Moyet • J' berr; "Secttoin". by Uns a y and "I! ! Guar any Ovcrature", by Gome,?.. 1 ior Cb.-.i.-itb.-i- ..! C-.in/norce .-. •• • .>»,• us Amcrieo tin outstnndinK yourg In GO SOUTi? TO SORR* 'i\V. Ro wan nnrrat ir, aim k d’ tali the •itori e.f t n ii• of the White Citizens Council mi. .(ue.-. r.i. the murd r of Krmnett Till, t’n.;- shoot ing of C'i: Court" V. ho v ue:- R in vote te Missis uppi; the mob fac ing Mi°s A' th'u ir. ’ Lucy out of j Mu* tJmvr •<-itv of A!abi»mt>; tfa j hcart-f.broi-birig vieVurious 'sti’tjggie | against !>••< .sugr-.-gnn.-.p to th© "ne w Negro* >•" ■ : Bo; i ! ,-ough eriSis ct wt Wi dus Rowan, E’i > pnrt'on of hi*irriTju. ji: iw l® - *} i mm ri' G to phingv :•}}. 1"! • M.Di&r MM wiiiv -.pu« M 'i’ho 01-ys'is eiX TW *&*•*%& tht' : iK* fu 1 ' Tn ;» chiniU « nt* Thu WVil of iho RiOV'fr * r 'p*S*f the Vvho Krjp-M Mu Honor drtfi'M w. . ;>t- Ue*tor\ ni ARM wu.s ?rr.c n ir* ;»S:irv Mayfield. Thv hisiosy m ihv Socici.v uu- f, *i i i)v n »\s ird rritf b:-n n V- u■ it u: s ■*. . by K-.Hp h i irnk iris, \ »c:C JUT O'D *: t*i \i !■ J; f Irtl't'i adviser to Bf tu Kappa %hi hot?or sori-•?]•.• ■* snoentrd vtr to the ucv, n\,- y. D, Di\ Iff. . F v Glo .Cl t nan. fcmmanuY; Campbell Vice Ciiair* : man: Rur-uii L. (bum-. I Dm.-a Pi? • and Tranporv a; ton.: Mrs. Edwin a Gladys J, j S. Rich:; ! (Is D» . J i‘PUPi-n >Nm • Itr, Wii]is I. }J; 'Am, * Hunter O. B'ooks and Milton Crook. I CAMS 1 IN A F-DA-S-til ~ Im ’OHI To ' ’ll -FI RNTI CHE LOAN Faj lH‘vi '• " I). •come a cowardly nation, 1 ■ :ii ■ 1 '.sis for ‘middle ’S'Uiiii in um n ji.r> lit and wrong, i.eUvvn ‘1 ■. ;>n-i injustice, bp 's 'i in i .liiy ;,nd immorality? ii U i! a nation that 1 * riisi i m million of its -1 "ii to abroad and, :■ in die in behalf of ■ ■ <>i man's equality under ; I 'li at man was born • • be free, i'lii new be frightened mie : ■• .oi.iiri. - , cowardly double i 1 i few hoodlums and 'hre.itenlng riot* m i any effort ts • di iusion by the j not n.n\ bij I;'..'Si. court?” '•ii i M- TO SORROW, Ro il 'i a< while h- ' saw when be • i’ll ' FREEDOM in ! • re offering f this new' ■ - .-aid fear.” in > • iite man who i enslaves himself.” ■\ adi.:i" f w any • a ■ i • . Si's• lli,” Rowan ■ v,,n . icnns must un "man the ’ pend will a? democracv. ini,us ■: y Uiat is all his - S, ‘These • -iii u in ;v. what a hcld'h f a ite man to live, u. . f !a>"s just one .n -.1 ! iut eyed ■ ■ the first '■■■■" t<> ■'■iino along, esi tie outhern whits ' ii iw fails to I - : ' 0 >-,i ? I'.hii enth-centur'y | " i !"■ ee'i ” ;u ualiun economy, ! < « : ! J ".-re away all the • ■ ri'iii I’li.rwy, what a deep, deep f hie man who fears u in ; Mrf/i oes _ will - if any arp i in f.ivs ill;' crisis will deep:, i " ir,d do ines;im.-tblc harm to the the federal 1 u'n' "i iei-iw the decisions >T Mu " lerfti coin is . FOR RENT •’ • - i "wnti'r, $6 JO pti • to. 2 Sftm'bs rer.t to apply on pur . • ' - * •. HUtt <)S TYPEWRITER CO ■ ill > ,i. JL4Jvci <• nyefteviUe* N. Cr Phone Z-'tTl § FOR SALE •vw*. «»**»* ■ ‘ '' ■ |ii*i;r.tnes, • and .1 - •! Terms to suit. SOM TVPF WRITER CO ' - Ulv.l Pavettecioe, N. C. I’hono 2-3228 O'." tOttiv Furniture Rar- Siin Basement In Town. xmv ii USED FURN. 1 .Market Fum. Co. M l iin;. ‘ Dial 2-3039