WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1957 “Fightin ’S. C. Parson” Pays Tribute To State’sNAACP Worthy Sees ! The Negro As j II Custodian WASHINGTON, D. C News man William Worthy, who last, year defied the State Department, edict banning trawl in Commun is’ China, last night (Thursday) paid tribute to the American Negro as the nation’s only minority which has not. been silent when its civil liberties have been restricted or denied. The reporter who is current P o \etmars Fellow at Harvard Vniwrsity, spoke at the an nual banquet of the College of Liberal Arts ii Howard It "til j versify, During the program fill • Minirnl were honored for n«! standing achievement during their slav at Howard, Mr. Worthy was making his srr- j end appearance of the week in *V., ’hiogion. On Monday h<~ had appealed lo State Department of- I trials to release hi:- passport which j hod If ■ n lifted following his re- i ■urn from Red China, tie saw the Government action as but one o? 'hsny res'rieisons of civil liberties ’tnpnved by the United States in r rn ? v r'd t’m. In reference to the late Sen star Joseph f; McCarthy Meats & Groceries Wc Give Family Stamps FREE DELIVER* 231 Smithfieid Si. ■: JaWMEMr' j will preach thr baccalaureate | sermon at 4 p to on May s and on May 27, si 10:3(1 a, m.. Or. f lemming uiil deliver the j commencement address. Or. Play The huge praup nf men and women came from a number of 1 .states to join in the protest.! Liven:, plates revealed that some; j were from New Jnv.ey, Cannae- i licet., Mu;;achu-cU.-' and P’-nn- ! i sylvania According to police. Menton _ : was arrested la: i Saturday on ’ | charges of felonious assault in | interfering v illi an arresting of ; ficur and attacking him “with ’ | fist* arid feet” Hi h imi>n ni m iwm new t< num » ■■c.-w**.*—iawim»»in ¥ii*ti.>hi v 1 opfty'rS Guaranteed pinj T Ma. v REPAIRS AH repain done m \t :r i--v -e •-» ; m our ir.ode.r’i shod Ws sell TV , LEWIS Radio & TV Clin i c | S. Bloodworm St. Pi'il S-SrvC. j rr ml! preside at both exercise!" | in Pfeiffer Chapel and confer rle | grers. RENN’S Toyville and Wear CAMERON VILLAG E i Wc Now Have A Large Stock of ■ GIRL. A BOYS CLOTHES 1. to 1 4 GOOD CLOTHES vr row prices’ Straight j Kentucky Bourbon 6:i4i2 7 -§ j fC •‘YfalK&i; md jtyem dh \ A!incnu%c gfiiaig/U S/Ku Ken tt/KCg CO 'lefiaCtif diddfed acce'idi*?*} to tK/SneU MUfvaditConM. CISTILU.C <1 BOtUCD B( AM'ILIVI AGE DISTIttING < ° , KRASKFORt. KENtUf K” STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY, 86 PROOF ancient age distilling co„ frank fort, KY. THE CAROLTNI AN Rev. Janies M. Hinton Lauds Greensboro, Other NC Cites GRENSBORO. N C (ANP) - “The magnificent, fight that has been waged in this city against the. inonst.,.l of segregation is one that might well be emulated," the Rev. James M. Hinton of Columbia. S. C., told some 800 persons attend ing the NAACP “Fredom Fund Rally ’ at Trinity A. M. F.. Zion I church here last, Sunday, State president of the N, %, A. C. P. in South Carolina, thr Rev. Mr. Hinton paid high tri bute to the North Carolina Conference of the NAACP, headed by Kelly Alexander of Charlotte, as one of the “best organized in NA ACT ranks.” Tracing the history of the fight against segregation from the infa mous separate-hut-equal doctrine of the Plcsy vs. Ferguson case in IR9B, to thv U. S. Supreme Court’s ruling in 1954. the minister said; “When the U S. Supreme Court, knocked the props from under seg regation, the South was astonished. It just couldn’t: believe it. But the South's sins have finally caught up with it.” Referring to violence and ! terrorism that have followed In . the wake of the court’s decision in certain sections of the Deep South, Hinton expressed mock | alarm at the fart that neither j local, state or national law en- j forcement officers, including the FBI, ever seem able to fer ret out the perpetrators of these crimes against Negroes They shot into my home in Feb ruary of last year,” the minister revealed, “and they took me for a > 'dr back in 1949. but they still never found anybody connected with either incident. Funny isn't it” I TWIN INN 1 OIL SERVICE Dial TEmple 3-5811 | 1130 Nmithfieid Raleigh |p J E COE! FIELD, Prop Bl Bail Bonds B Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Finds Healing Substance. That Does Both Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids York, N. Y. (Specie!) Fur the first tune science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain—without surgery. In one hemorrhoid case, after another, “very striking improve ment" was reported and verified by doctors’ observat ions. Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all—this improvement was maintained in cases where doctors 1 observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thor ough that sufferers were able to j make such astonishing statements as “Piles have ceased to be » ■i i■■■ll ii'nil■■ muni "■■"Wi—wwwmw—wi■>il—iwwiri m lhw rtwwMmuwNMi■■» .TMrer.iiMNUMßmMmimnsaacSQßfW’ REDUCED! 1 REDUCED! I CONCENTRATE A&r Ilf AfcPs OWN PURE ORANGE | INSTANT I JUICE I -Corrfc.E 8 \t-OZ CAN, H n-OZ JAR || •*»r 25=1 k VALUE! 1 ANN PAGE CREAMY Mayonnaise J “SUPER-RIGHT” MII.K FED VEAL CUBED 1 FRESH, GREEN, TENDER >**WMrnMimiMßUiiruimdi■aianwsivi nmwiTi via* iiui wi i omiyrawsaraci.-' •wxrrawmrATT SPECIAL! I JANE PARKER PEACH OR BLUEBERRY -f PIES I - “■« JCL I EACH jyf i» li PRICES THIS Al) EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., MAY 11th i problem!” And among these *uf j fererr, were a very wide variety 1 of hemorrhoid conditions, some of ! 10 to 20 years’ standing. All this, without, the use of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. The secret ir a new healing substance (Rio ■ Dyne*) -thediscovery of aworH j famous research institution. Al ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body. This new healing substance. >s I offered in suppmUory oc <•rTiiiiii»riiiiiininm i~ n i VIRGINIA SALTED |f VACUUM PACKED A&P PAGE SEVEN I » •awacgwKimnkg.Trj njm it . n u— ■ g. tvm> jari.a* CHOP | Joy & Bailey AND JUST SEE HOW | MUCH YOU SAVE ON j TOP QUALITY Furniture Joyce & Bailey ! Furniture Go, 123 K. M \BTIN STREET Dial TB 1-2741