£,... gaffe. il§|k ■ssSm ' ; '-XyT ■ j - ; * ■ ;• Mil l HK» OF VF AF M'S. 'tem Otahr.m. SIS Ross Avp i . ",<;►! n*'nii, «a, vhosrn te-t . the va A' 1’ s 'M« • y. ac" •! thr P ilelgh ." iHorii-' liutiiorl'Sflj during s • :iie ma .-. meeting. Airs, i r .: ■■ ' U■, , erov ped he l-arbie I “h i r*''.*i r f. termer star nf thr i 'i ihu D-vlr-f • - bisflia!) tram - i. |'v. v-eeri Ip V' t‘ iii'ru fni* tvi 'rl -' \r ir i ~i— X» *«j - -1-- «|» «i“>- *»|»* •«!>" rv OFFICIALS HACK FROM TRIP United Nations Serre f>r -.-firneral Sine II iimi’t.'srsU.iold t|efl • and ! rider secretary Ralph l ir>! hr iprivp it Idlewlld Airport. Ant A nrk. May 12th, from Fan. 3 •:•.*!rl .hi Air Franrf plane. The.v were returning from talk* on Ihr Middle I n't *i<na(inn with Fnpi Fins \ll ill Rome and David Ren (. , : nin in .Irrttsalem. I MT! f' PRESS HIOTOI. Henderson Men Placed Under Extortion Bonds DURHAM -■ lihans. Bagiev, 4" rm a charge of u c ing the m ’ 1 and Chari!* Ha lev. L Negro extort *56,000 from an eltJ'-rl*, >.U'i of Henderson, were held tin- j d, : • ••<•••• '.•■inci ■--vh thi? tc--- 1 •CO v YIN f*ED ov f,»OE God And The Ballot Only Remedy To Pilgrimage Crowd r i at r-v AN DEE BARNES LINCOLN MEMORIAL WASH IN '.TOM D C.—Net since tin c‘ r/5 of Patrick Henry has sucl a-: ■ oil gone out in Amn io* and justice a ..... CAROI INI AN PILGRIMAGE In order that Us readers might hare firsi-h-nd infor- j Mvatiwa on the Prayer Pil*ri«naK«\ the CAROLINIAN bad its veteran representative. Alexander | Barney, on. lh> job. Hr is shown lure with high churchmen of the A..VI.E. Zion Church, on the steps p< the Lincoln MeiuoHaJ while the program was in progress. Seated next to him is Or ,1 W. Eicbclhet- ! grr, Secretary Christian Education, A M * Zion Clmrrh. Or. J. 11. Sutfcrwhitr. former i-lvins-done \ Coilr re dean mr? now pattorinc, in Washington. D. C. i» next. Oi. F. < ■ Swrtf>«. General Secretary- Auditor of the A MX. Zion Church, heedr- ih* program more than ho does the. earners, 3,000 HEAR JACKIE RQiItJSON I ' t§ ® aßijgffi?)■ y.■ f, 1 ■ ■ ■ s v.- '■■■- K^wjacijSmSJ ■ &&)»»\'ajgdig- s £&s?• '--'../t' I -j- + + 4~ + Hh + + + N / Bohns * (■ X » m 6 * 1 rang forth here Friday when L | more than 50,000 persons. some if-! weary, some heavy-hearted, some h | highly emotional, gathered at this r-, sacred shrine to ask God to work is; upon the altars of the hearts of The Carolinian ’• - • €,-: v-'-rV: s£s» * ■• * ’*» ™«RBC«w»»»oci«w«»M»wo«B»PKfc®»a^^9^ 12c 15c in N, C. 20 PAGES A KUe where I':' IKSSw. ' - •■•..vf. kW® *'.>9W- '•’ ’, X.'J ~ k *nu .-4 •, .. • • RSI&k El&Jj ■ ■ t®R•. *•' : 'HS" ■ 1 _ . _ . - - - ._... . i VOLUME 16 4 lp A y«mf | 11111 (nuiiy 1 Phipfe* Qqyc fjtiluld , udYo ' Jt j DnPP ! IXiuH • TAMPA Fla. A K’.! Kluk 1 K ; .an Icatirr said 11 1 : > ur.ek one I of the trouhiea with the fCKK is [ that "we have too many chiefs I j and rot cnouvth lnciian.s to stage I I a. war dance " ; w. j. Griffin Grand Dragon I of the recently reactivated as- I social;on <■: F‘:»r;a Ku Klu;-r Kians ■ noted that there ere seven klan [ oryamy tions in Tampa other II than hi . own. Griffin, H7-vcar-otd private I detectivi«, also *,iici lhal Klaus- I men are shooting each other I in Alabama, saint each other in Florida and feuding and §: c.rifiriging * h other through' i out tiie South. .fONTIVftFD ON P AOF ?.i Boycotters | Seek State, ■ Nat 7 Posts 1 s MONTGOMERY. A : a Mont* p ornery Nr-aiocs will begin a inter it nsff.atinn drive not. month •••nil the coni r.t pmunc Negroes in the :s'-a‘‘ Legislature end in | Cttbicrfss. T "if :••,’)• Ralph D Abernathy onUined the phun Mondaj right ■a a .Necro mass meeting spon -uveii by the Montgomery Itrt proveaietu A.-soeiflUon of which he is vice president "We non'i he satisfied until a we have men in the Stale I r f v.)at iji'e and in the I'nited ( iintf.rrn on r.\(,r o the pcr.vers-that-be so that all Americans regardless to race rrrrri nt color, might enjoy full ; ; freedom. irovrivn T> ON PAGE 171 KALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATtJRpA V, MAY 25. 195 T * " * V- . WSR I. I . CWiNVI., ”* mss >l.l mils Carnage, Davis Top i 1957 Ligon Graduates j | Lillian Elizabeth Carnage is the Valedictorian of the 1957 gradu ating class of the .J W Licon •Junior-Senior High School, The Salute torian is Martha Jayne Davis. In addition to their fop Final Week Begins In Big Bonus Money Promotion The final week of the CARO LINIAN'S Bonus Money Program l begins with this edit ion and will end Wednesday night. May 29. at midnight will ehyvP This is the third month of com petition and began April 25 This; month was comprised of five j weeks, allowing more time for! patronizing advertisers. For the second straight month 5130 is bring offered through r orw program, in dfor*ri of SIOA tn a <« in gift txin meet ENOS 80S i B CROW IN LA. NEW ORLEANS. La < ANF 1 - 1 \ federal district, judge her® last ! Wednesday told the City of New Orleans and the New Orleans! irovrrvrr.n on sags ?i This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE 2 Ambassador Th*at.** Up Top Food liter rs r Xaus Piano Company ood nun’s PAGE 3 Xlfrer! William, -v Comp.»nv Raleigh Funeral Mum' S M VoiMVT llardt*'.-* r* Wholesale Elect rl« Supplv Jiv. PAGE 5 Famous, Bakers j Hudson-BcIS Company I'.lcrrrkrai wholesaler' inr i IT elite* Grill i Community GHil ! Thomj’Miti 4 Ki ''is tr>- | Carter'j, I nr. PAGE f, 1 ca i min a I’nv ■ - \ Light Cmpan v !t r (Julian Furniture Co | Acme Realty Company Mr. Kivis Rami i Clvella Beauty College j Tile Hood Sy stern Industrial B»nlt i Tire hales & gervlre j PAGE 7 I A. A It Store« Raleigh Seafood Market ] Joyce it Bailey Furniture Company I PAGE * Rlnodwnrth St Tourist Hoipr He«t»r WeU t ompany fy-vone., leaimre Agency 1 Outui’t Faso Service l - rankings in the closs of 143 grad • 1 uat.es, both were active in extra -1; class and community activities »| Daring her high school c» ((’ONTIMTO) ON PAGE ? t tier. which was practiced dnr ing the firs* month of row petition The money 1> di*- trihuted between *en persons. (CONTINTT.n OX r-AfiF ? t RESTRAINT URGED BY SCHOOL MAN GREENSBORO - A Greena ; boro school official Tutsday call-; ! ed for '-great, restraint, by those : who desire desegregation" and | willingness by white people to 1 make some concessions", only | hours before schools here were ’o face attempted integration for i the first, time The Greensboro School Board convenes tonight to consider the assignment of pupils for ’he rom i ins year meeting that could (fIOXTnvfTED OX P AGE ?) C?fol!n* Builders Ccrp, tVstsnn i Seafood ie Poultrv Co. ter I’m sic ad Transfer Co. & Fond Store i Dillon Motor Flnartrt Company Oidqcvv-j \ opticians Pcpsi-Cnla Bottling Co of fU)ri!|th Meehaniis a Farmer* B’tik Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE <* carollis* Bulrk Company c ,!r W»>'«r < hevrolrt fnn«innv City Motor Company PAGE l.evls Radio A TV Cl’nH Ftis* fKirrns Binit Trust Co Hunt, General Tire Company •'nhn Askru palmer 4 Decrjtor ’ Award s Shoe Store S'. 1 Products 1 Rtnit'i Tom 111* Fisher Wholesale Compaw | Gem Watch Shoo j Eons view Plum Mn* ,t> Hea’T.j Co I ! Poole's pie Shop : Town & Country Tire Sercire i PAGE I1) I Wake Forest i ! Smith Furniture Company . Cruiser Motor Company Hot loss cli's Cash Food Store I |>icK f. ve's Shoe Service ! Maancnbvrc Grocery i Genera' I.aundr * Cleaner ’Chevrolet. Sen Ire Reiih * Stipes Market iT. F He’ll In* A Company i MUM'BEF 54 Felled After | NASHVILLE. TENN ■ i v ,f hampered by pedestrians ;> d 1 rush-hour traffic, finally shot • and ktljf-d a. liquor to: • bantin i Monday afternoon after fort: civ arat.e gun battles ,1. a i.-emir, . business district. Patrolman Ernest Ca tie man was wounded in the hand by the bullet-spraying bandit, Waite: Taylor Mitchell, 36, Negro, of Nashville, but. more than 15 old er officers escaped injurv The individual pistol b.ii- Hcs began in front of a rcsi flrncc shortly after 5 p.m. and continued down busy S >f' - cttc Street. The gdoir n v ■■* intercepted by four different groups of policemen, fCONTINUED ON T’Afit D ODDS-ENDS! By ROBERT G. SHF.PARD CONG R A TUTjA TION A Odd. j and Ends wishes to on hc-irty i -nd sincere eupgrafulatioii.-- to tn: year's graduates of Ltgon High I uchoo! and to all the high school I graduates in the reading area :' | the CAROLINIAN Natural;.' i rre proud of 'he graduates o f s;v, 1 i University. St Augustine = Col lege and of ou;- other schools of higher learning We fed. bower i in a certain sense, that young ntr-n and women who arc graduating I from college have passed a -•er -1 ious crisis in their lives, they have I successfully met and mastered the temptations to drop out of ,-i-honl, i and that they can from their at. i t.ained level of achiever r.i. sue i cesfully meet the deni an of life Our awareness of the grow ing nerd for trained and quail fled men and woe to rai-ry on the duties of ilimlion that is iiccomini 'P treb Pica! and spceialiiPd r b year i eauses us in mis out angraDi lations to the high si on! grad ; uates with an appeal that they put forth every effort to no on to College and finish the work they have so abi begun ; Despite many and wha- light be i considered unsurmeiuntiihir odds i the old axiom, "v.-here there is a J will there is away" :r- -till true tCONTIVt’ED ON FA' ’1 * l-o '• * ' i- *ii 11.1 I Steit. Duke University, t«ks »• walk together prior to imtticljjalinc in Carolina's iai Outdoor Track : tod Field Championship!! c*!(i<hw, oiywpl* horri ire champ, and sime Holder of 830-yard da»h< «oa i starter places for fhmfs B%tvrd*y nisht. lUVITFT* PBE'iS TELEPHOTO)* |i# v f 2 9*; ■■nmeßmagm " " ■ % p; mr, AT N'.AACP MASS MEET ING—Jackie Robinson fam ous ex-Fsrook!yn Dodger hp sp in* II star, and K'-liy M Alex andcr. state president of the N.AAf’T. are siienvo on the stage Insi Ffir NAAHP RA' r R. 1! AKRFN , Speaking before an sutiimce of 3000 Ireedom-hmi ay citisenr of ' Tarhcdfe here Sunday arw-rnoon bast-hall star, now sArv.ng as NA ACI freedom fund chairman, call ed for an all-out- fight to attain coUe- nr yt-u.ion tn’hfc Fnitv Means Frogir. f irl'. in his .» hire 'which John S- Stewart Elected j To Durham s City Council j | DURHAM John S Stewart. Durham business men -and ch er t-pan of the politically powerful Du,-he commit tee on Negro Af fairs, wa* elected to the City Coup ' ci! CiTtir. the Thud Ward in test : Saturday • hallo'iin.. ! Stewnrt defeated Jamc* T Tav j lor xjsychoincy prof^ > j' s ou Mortis • Garoilon 4.9‘U to _V.*O9 Vfso swp))t into off iff n?> s*i:ito wrrr inrisinhfnt M.n’or F 1, V \ aa ho polfoo 5,122 vntf a to rival Waiter »»■ '.nr f# ft 4 W , V ' ;■ of the Raleigh Memorial Audi- Infium las* Sunday, Robinson, >hr keynote speaker, urged every American Negro lo support fhs XA \CV (STAFI PHOTO BY f'H \ • R. I ONES i. we mnch after the fashion of one of the 'ate President Eranklki! f> Roosevelt's fam ous 'fireside c.h.ii i Jackie •.singled to first base’ with the ht that the earnest de sire for freedom, coupled with hard work pra.ver. unity of purpose and predsfenf effort -.-'■-•■i spell sneecss for any people whose cause is iust Iro-NTIM'I'P ON FA or ft) Ring'' XOSI a'.’d five additional councilmcn Floyd Fletcher, Firsr Ward; T E -tra’'-bridge. Fifth Ward- end B V. Gra hatek. Hen K Roberta a"d Charles E Steel, At-Large COOm-ilman Ste «•?"•• Atlanta nafp-* and rroduatp of the Atlanta University ' hoc! e>' Buvm . Ad'T.Trii6tra in ’ ~n in s’o i .■; nr of J the rh i! rirh f a maA -( 'ncnt in Dut | (CONTI VI 10 ON PAGE It _ ol j € O R R E C T t O V! ! RAJLBJIGH—Kakt b'a only Ns* t gro school board member, Attor ney Fred ,J Cm nage. informed the i CAROLINIAN il*i week that he ! did not second the motion back ing the pupil assignment plan, j hut did vote for the plan because jit is local law Minutes of the j meeting aLi showed that Car* oage did not econd the motion. H ONTINTEIJ ON PAGE 2)

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