STATE HAWP HEAD APPEALS TO SOLONS r VUGfIT lsaac Sanders, the third of ihe five prisoners who escaped from the Jackson County jail, May I9th. to be recaptured. \< is arrested in a Kansas City apartment May 20th. Here, Sander- is v’; .. i n at (hr police station with Set Robert MrMeachin. 5 Nil If) pf PHOTO;. s Hold 37th Confab 1 1 Kinston; Cite rrexy UT .1. P. H MIRES' KTNriTOK—One of the high ' of the 37 th annual conven-, t■ -on the North Carolina Asso ciation of the Improved Benevo Protective Order of Elks of the World tIBPOEW‘ which met; here last week, was tire 10th ar>-! pr. tv banquet honoring State pn: -bin Rev Kemp P. Battle of Porky Mount, who is also i-Tand leetiuins night of the rw •“ (j >9l T T-* PPj T 1 ’ W ! ncj it o Tftird Month Ends; Monday Beadline Far Bonus Receipts The deadline for filing receio’s i . —— xn r ' *» *i Miiiip. iri rii/.e • er purchase slips- for the third j month of participation in the Bon us Money Program is Monday, June S at 33 noon. They should be tit.-i-r+ea tr, Tt7ls r.AROUNIATv 61$ 75. Martin Street, The third month ended Wed - nesday at midnight after Ore weeks and. from all indications a record number of persons are Trine for the «t*o which will he divided between 10 families, First. place- award, going to »he person who has spent, the roost money with our advertisers in the past fiv? weeks, will be SSO, fol lowed by a second of $25, third sl3, fourth $lO and siv-th to tenth of $5. irOVriNtTl} ON PAGE V) «*•*•*— r - ---- ---- ....... "•'■•-■ **” ■" • • . ~,_: T — j« \ > •,; ■ J v' ,*" ' 1 ”'’’ v\)^^ HISTORIC FIRST At the end of an historic (graduated from ('Union. Tenn., High School, shows the previously all-white school last. year, protected to end violence when the Supreme Court ruling end town Although angry crowds protested then, theft received his diploma with the rest of his white class i Morf* th&n 100 orid D : iir- i ter-Elks ddcffstcs attended the $2 | per piste banquet, hold in the Ad kins high school cafeteria and gave sifts and testimonials to Bat ; tie’s many years of ser-doe to 'he Elks of Tarheelia • oven be tore hr ! become ptwiden?. During 'he dinner, m■ • \ ’A Battle 'wife of the provider* • ore rsf'Tit-c'd to Bi D-HistMer !V;. < ON TIN UFO ON VXCsV. State News Brief ■ EX SLAVE DIES WIN IBTON- SALE M Mrs Alice i Thompson, born in slavery in j Lancaster County S. C„ died Fri : day at the age of 103 at, her home ; here. Mrs. Thompson had been j active until early this year when iCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) beginning. Bobby I.ynn Cain, the first Negro to be his mortarboard to sister Diane The youth entered i by bayonet-wending National Guardsmen called out tllnp school .segregation was put into effect in the were no demonstrations to mar the ceremony as Cain ■<mates IGNITED I'RESG PHOTO). I" + 4* 4“ Hh “4” 4" 4" *4* 4' 4" AajjL ■£*~\3r ja vrfli'«^ffrsc v Pt JjKCTIW: s®* £j P-afijy m jgl Jtwt&fi kdrskiffiit & ;«E g JET ■'** <jWtßSku v 4> -a ' HftwP&o 't* uefej&SrTA i&£xs JR Vff 'W&vtffP ,g£ a»lsj7* 4§» “**S| TF THE CAROLINIAN .-■ YiYVy', I, i • hi-’*^..*. r ,\fVvy 11 - 7**i?vv*?^?*JvVr”r l v*?V l y?S i Wl Jl t ”*»"7o<vyiric»r»ionirwjr'8jor> ■ j*wah * **• e* » u uein..*..**aa;*, *.r.*'v*.*.e.«.■ .- r - * 12c v—f^lsc In N. C. VOLUME 16 [ tfvfr HfW'K WT 3 'JTW"PI "§lf 48T M%'WW6> i¥ #l "ITllPPpKrncrvHr I 1 185 ALL i&HUtlfft Hr MillUlSi 4* + 4” 4* + + + 4 4- 4- + 4“ Man Rapes Sleeping Mother “Don’t Ever Despair,” Rsv. King Tefis Group | MONTGOMERY. Ala • ■ Dr. Mutttn Luther Kins. Jr. told a 1 tiiar- mceur.;: Monday night “don't despair no matter what • t.he outcome is m the trial of two white men charged with bombing two Negro churches here •1 don’t know what- will hap-; pen.” "Kins- said Bui no matter; Two Gunmen 1 ™>s> s> Os, , f%.f m. 2 viore Os -“?■ •■? e. <%& a r « if_ «# I ,Sii-4A : IA ill 18v NORFOLK. Vs Two Negro; Runtnen hrlti up a. crocer.v store : hen- Mondov and escaped with about SI.OOO in enrh. One of the bandits held s pis-, tol oil a rlc-rk. Mr.-.. Mabel Hawk ins, 36. and forced her to empty the rash muster of bills. The! second man forced store manag er Harry Beider, 45. to hand over J money from an office safe. Beider told police the bandits 1 fled in a black 1950 sedan which! was parked in front of the store 1 POLICE MAKE AUTraST NERVOUS: GREENVILLE - -James Clifton J Taylor, 29. of this city says he was “all shook up” and, as a re-; suit, wrecked his automobile be- ; c -.use local police were following : him. Tavlor collided with a car (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) " RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 1 1957 what does, please don't, despair." | King, who is president of j the Montgomery Improve* merit Association which spoil (CO.VTINUFO ON PAGE 2) . j Reviews Fine Os SIOO,OOO In Alabama MONTGOMERY. Ala. —Negro, leaders said Monday they were hopeful a U. S Supreme Court decision to review a SIOO,OOO con tempt fine against the NAACP in Alabama "is a victory in our long fight" to get the organtei- 1 : lion functioning again in the state The tribunal agreed to re view* the fine imposed on the group when it failed to pro dure its membership rolls for examination to State Attv. i Gen. John Patterson. The high court will hear argu \ merits in the case sometime next i fall. The Alabama Supreme Court j refused to review the fine impos- ; ed by Circuit Court Judge Walter | B, Jones Attorney Fred Gray, a leader i in the successful bus boycott, said j (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?» j ODDS-ENDS f*T ROBERT G. SHEPARD ASKING FOR TROUBLE. It cer tainly looks as though the Raleigh School Board is doing all that it. possibly cun do to get itself in trouble, People of the calibre that the school board is supposed to re present try to avoid in every way ! taking steps that will provoke i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 This Week’s/ The merchants listed beli Money Stores. PAGE 2 Tip Top rood Store* BtirefK Seal Cover Center PAGE 1 Wood’s .V- A lor store Allas Seising Center Mother A Daughter Stores Joyce A llailev Furniture Co. Alt ted Williams Sr Company PAGE S Famous Bakery jtiosse Jewelers Jtramer's Jewelers Notional Art Shop Twin Inn Oil Service Hudsop-Belk Company Wholesale Electric Supply, ttic Southern Furniture Company PAGE * Thompson J F.’ans. tm. Firestone Store* R M. Young Hardware Company Community Grill Carolina Power A* l,igh» Company PAGE ? City Motor Computer PAGE * Lewis Radio A TV Clinlr Ftrgt-C'itiaens Rank * Trust Co John Askew Painter & Decorator Hunt General Tire Company Edward's Shoe Store The Hood System Industrial Bank Washington Terrace Apts, N. c. Produels Longview Plumbing * Heating Go, Gem Watch Shop Poole's Pte Shop PAGE 9 A ic P Super Market* Mr. ElVlk Hand The Capital Coca-Cot* Bottling Cm I Southern Beil Telephone Co. ft E. Quinn Furniture Company CivelSa Beauty College v J§? REV, W. W. FIN LA TOR * • fights jim crow Alexander Sees Reprisals Following Bill’s Passage BY CHARLES R JONES ! The president of the North Caro lina Branch of the NAACP. Kelly j Miller Alexander of Charlotte, ap : pealed to members of the Corpora- j ! tions Committee of the State House of Representatives Tuesday not to • follow the example of other sou- j | them states in segregation legis* I I lation. Three white persons includ : ing a woman, also spoke in opposi ; tlon to the pending legislation Alexander, who testified at j »n open hearing on bills rtf i signed to open records of the NAACP and other organlzz | lions, questioned whether the I state desired to go on record with a “constitutionally do hious law." following the hearing, the House Committee on Corporations refer red the Lwo bills to a subcommit tee,, headed by Fred W. Bynums, Jr„ of Richmond County The bills would require detailed annual re i ports covering membership, col j lection of dues and expenditures : and gjf»s in the state from corpora j 'ions, concerned with advance ment of tb« interest of r’HrcnF on Advertisers low are CAROLINIAN Bonus P*f> 1b Blood worth St Tcurtet Home Heater Wot! Company Caveneit Insurance Agenry Dunn's Esso Service Carolina Builders Corp Watson’s Seafood <C Poultry Co In? Cmstead Transfer Co A Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway's Opticians Prp»l-Cola Bottling Co rtl Rslelgh | Mechanics & Farmers Brink Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 I Peebles Grtll Raleigh 3eatood Company ; PAGE 12 fWAKE FOREST) Smith Furniture Company j Cruiser Motor Company ; HflUowrD’s Cash Food Slot* Pickv Frye's Shoe Store. ; Massenbnrg Grocery | General laundry A Cleanerr | Chevrolet Service i KelMl’s Super Market I Y. E. Holding (j Company ! PAGE It HeUlg-I-evine Furniture Company Jones' Case Poe Brothers Western Auto assoritite Slow Victor Auto Part* Beasley's Store Victor’s Place Triangle Station Ralph Martin Twin City Radio Company Hudson-Belk Company ! Varlna Wholesale Builder* I Stephen* Supply Company Tom Ashworth's Tire Service ■ PAGE 14 I Tire Sales A Service i Acme Realty Company Ambassador Theatre KM.* . . . appeals to sninns the b-iMs of* ihnr color, ri ligion race or nations! origin Representative P> I. Satter field of Person Comity. *.vho (CONTINUE!) ON PAGE G Mass Trial For John Kasper, 18 Others Opens July Bth in Tenn. KNOXVILLE, Term -A ma federal contempt trial of John | ! Kasper and 16 other per -on ■ j charged with interfering with racial integration of the Clinton. Tenn., high school will be held July K. REV KINfl ii Got d,>i fin I.ut hrr King, right, who attained nationwide promtDßiM a* Ihe leader of the Montgomery, Ala., Bus strike, is honored for his role In race relations by the mem bers of the Hotel and Club Employees Union a Local Six fAFL-CIOIi headquarters (305 West -14th Street) New York, May ’,st, Presenting the leader with (he SJlflO cheek is Union Pres. David Herman (left),, while General Organizer Betty Bentz prrsenf*. fhc plaque King was chosen as the man who made the greatest contribution i« the cause, of racial under standing In lf>s6 (UNITED PRESS PHOTO). NUMBER 39. [ * * WILSON Mr; Mary E Hat dy 39. who is the mother of ->•. children has char.:••■<; iba- C!,n • nice KM; 39. ifruuitfd her while m)ii we.*, sleepinr on a couch at her home he, e Sunday Fair, charged with rarnal knowledge and assault, wa bound over to Superior Court tor (rial Monday after n hear ing in city court. Mrs. Hardy testified that a ; she vea.s resting on her couch in ! the hving room of her horrm. she I became aware of sometiiing h'-p ! pening t.n her., woke up and found ! Fair attacking he*- 1 AUGUST DATE SET TOR KNIGHT TRIAL 1 NASHVILLE Trial of Deaf i mule Johnny D, Knight of fn t ! degree murder charges in the • knife .-.inyr.l2 of n white houee ■ wife war. postponed until August. Two court.-appointed defense | attorneys requested continuance ! of the trial until the. August, term (CONTINUED ON PAGE ’! t f*. District Judge Robert ! Taylor in setting the trial date .Monday denied a demand by Kasper. White Citizens Cnuneii leader who represent ed himself in absence of his attorney, for an “immediate f BOftjlS fdt Moto S. C. Strike Leader Cited By The NAACP COLUMBIA S C A 2 2-r sir old Negro s r udent from Charge ton who led ?. student; body sinks at South Carolina state Co?V?g» la.-i vwf, received a rights citation in New York Sunda." The rit&tion. awarded bv th« National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, was i presenf-’d to Fred Moore by farm er Brooklyn Dodger Baseball star Jackie Robinson, the first Ne gro to pjny in organized bar-ball. Moure was expelled from South Carolina State for leading s stu dent. body strike in protest asninst racial integration He enroll*d at Allen University here and ,J 111 be graduated this wnek trial,' preferably this week. The trial was postponed last January bv agreement of gov ernment and defense attorneys. Kasper's name was added t-o the (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?»

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