~r + + + + + + -}- + + + Trent Retires lifter 32 Yrs. f'j President B V \LFX\ SD t R BAF VE S SALISBURY Old grads and i fnr-nds ""no attended the Dia mond Jahi'p commencement ot Livinrstone College here. Tuesday of both the college and Hood Theological Seminary were lirst | scddened, when Bishop w. j Walls rnairman of the Board of Trustees, announced that Dr. W. J. Trent., president, since 1035 had ras.cned, but were wr-H -pleased when Dr, S. K Duncan finished the 75th adders sto be delivered on the campus of the famed AME Zion college President Ttr-nt, a member of the rlar- -i of ’"Vt", eame to the college after having head* ed the A Ilf A in Atlanta. Ga . the fourth president of the institution He. came at a time •when the college was in need cf competent business admin istration. He set out to build OR. tV. .! TRENT . . . retires the instituitnn and it is now en,io>’ing the greatest success if has ever known. Dr. Trent has been in failing health, but having bounced back from other serious illnesses, his resignation came as a shock to most of the persons who attended the ceremonies- Bishop Walls ex pressed great reluctance on the part of the Board of Trustees, but (CONTINUED ON PAGE ti Killer Os 2 Sought BROWN SUMMIT Rocking ham and Guilford County author ities Tuesday pressed a search for ft man wham they said shot and killed a man and a woman and wounded the woman’s sister-in law in a fit of jealousy near here Monday. However, authorities said the object of their search, Lewis Pink Allen. 48, of Rockingham County, may have taken his own life. Guilford Deputy Fla.v Red mond said Allen shot and killed Mrs. Philip Charles Thacker, 34, of Kt t, Brown Summit, and -T. E. Wilkins, 50, of Greensboro, and in jured Christine Joyce, 47, with ft 12-guage shotgun. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 I - 'ttv»«*JM . RECEIVES HONORARY DE- ; GHEES—Marian Anderson, faro- ' rd opera amger, renter, is shown last week after she received an j The Carolinian X —"T ~(*e.a*£t*te z£w2'3T~---i 12c 2, J“sf — |e |"N.C. *“ " 20 FACES m: —S EU«wh«r. T? ALP (AM, V l ’ 'f: K•: RNDJNG SATURDAY, JtXNE 8. 19S? VOLUME *6 I ! « - Mr mm* • | §*sL *J c ac" m kif Jnf $$ SMBr KKi g&*4 k Ms 4ffk w ,< & •' MJp 4s. J? MMM.§L is »• -si‘% m jr* 4? « b W M M j|F %mJr m « Jif JL *m M m Jr M •f - .. " v ” ( I 4* 4- + 4“ + + + 4. 4- * A : 1 j Host! Afs&vC I CHICAGO lANPi- We must create, a r,cw. a Christian feeling ! toward persons as persons. Lew i earner, solve, the South's race j problems ” Such was the crux of an ap peal here last week by the annual Southern Baptist Convention at the Conrad Hilton hotel. The denomination called for social justice in race relations in a report of the Christian Life Commission, a commit tee of the Baptist body. Some 15,000 members of the denomination heard the re port. read by A. C. Miller, ex ! ecutive secretary of the group, I Miller described segregation problems as religions and not political. | The report stated that "the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) CRIPPLED KIDS' CUP WILL OPEN JULY U IN N. C, CHAPEL HILL ~~ The Easter Seal camp program includes swimming, fishing, games, camp craft and nature study. It sound; like an active camp and it. will be But t.he children have to be crip ’ pled The ramp at Swstnsboro (Onslow County) for Negro crippled children of North Carolina will he m operation , |ir i I (CONTINUED ON PAGE ». honorary decree from Sister M Mader va, president of St Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana Other recipients of honorary a $ ■* ■*»* .~***##***Y* ■ \.. 5--o >/&**•: j WRONG SIDE UP Will jam Earl Young, 424 S. Blood* worth Street, driver of the auto above, came out of it un hurt last Thursday after be ing struck on the side by a Two Prominent Citizens Die Here Dr. Rufus S. Vass, Veteran Physician, Succumbs Suddenly Dr. Rufus Samuel Vasts, 70, who '(’sided at 417 S. Person Street, tccumbed at his home Satur- \ lay at 3:30 p in unexpectedly, , Son of the late Dr, S N. Vass ! and Mrs. Mary S Vass. he had hern a member of Saint Agnes Hospital's medical staff for sev eral years and was a member of i Mm lorn: First Baptist Church on ■ Wilmington Street. ( KOM INl'tn ON PAGE 2) j dpt? rets were Louisa .Tenklna, j left, noied .Mosaic artist, and Marian McCa tidies, alumni secretary for St Mirny's, fUNJT j ED PRESS PHOTO), car driven by Wjjiie Harris of Staieigh. Young, whn was charged with failing to yield the right-of-way, was struck at the intersection of Blood worth and Bragg Streets. OD3S-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD THE GOOD 'OLE" SOUTH: 1 On our way to Duke Hospital last Saturday we passed what appear ed to hr- an outdoor barbecue or something out or. West. Pettigrew St. There were hundreds of peo ple standing at long tables, busily engaged in feeding their faces. - The grounds which appeared to ! he the lawn of an old ante helium ! type house, were almost in front j of the Durham plant- of the Erwin j | Cotton Mills Whatever it was they were eating the huge throng, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) This Week's Advertisers j The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus ' Money Stores. PAGE Z Goodman's Tip Top Food Stores PAGE 3 Atlas Sewing Center K E Quinn Furniture Co National Art Shop Kramer's Jewelers Community Grill Mr, Elvis Rand Twin Inn Oil Sendee PAGE 5 Carter’s, Inc Hudson-Belk Thompson A- Evans, tne. Raleigh Funeral Home PAGE « Carolina Power St Light. Co. First-CMsens Bank A- Trust Co John Askew Painter St Decorator Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co. Gem Watch Simp Longview Plumbinr «. Heating Co. Surefit Seat Cover Center N. C. Products Edward's Shoe Siore PAGE 7 S. M Young Hardware Wholesale Electric Suoply. Inc A &- P. Super Market;. Pine State Creamery Co. Famous Bakery Raleiaii Merchants Bureau fr.e PAGE fl EHoodworth St. Tourist Some Heater Welt Company <“iven*'s Insurance Agency niton’s Esso Service Carolina Builders Corp Watson's Seafood * Poultry Co, Inc. I'mjtearl Transfer Co. * rood Store Obion Motor Ptnsnc# cn»p mr Ridgeway's Opticians Peps!-Col* Bmtito* Co. of Raleigh mechanic* * fanner* Bank NUMBER 36 i/ Lid ?&Wxßu2mSwrf9 Damage to the Harm auto was estimated at §6OO and Young’s auto was declared a total loss. The accident oc curred at dusk. (STAFF PHO TO BY CHAS R, JONESI. Mrs. Daisy Ligon t Wife Os Educator, Buried At Raleigh' Mrs. Daisy Jones Li con, widow ;of the Rev. J. W. LiKon, died at ' r hc.ivi-) iwo Saturday. Funeral y ? services were wBH conducted from OTtHPfflßlllßnl : '^ e First- Baptist. *, Churoh Tursday 1 no p m with Dr O. 5 Bui mmc lock, pastor, of '•F.jßß. |gs|9 Delating an d hun-i! followed n >V’U-.' H ',)■ Cem-tf n i Mr:- Ligon. s - • RlMSBraSSiw native o' Char- MRaS LIGON lotte, made her (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i Wsiner Memorials i Os luxe Hotel FAGE 9 I Carolina Euick C.e> i City Motor Company PAGE 12 Raleigh .Seafood Cs Acme Realty Company The Hood System. Industrial Bank CivelU Beauty College I Kimbrell’s Tire Sales 4; Service 1 PAGE It I Jones' Cals j Poe Brothers Western Auto Associate E'er- Victor Auto Parts Beasley's Store Victor's Plane Triangle Station Ralph Martin Twin City Radio Co Hudson-Belk Vartru Wholesale Builder* Stephens Supply co ; Tom A.ah« orth's Tire Service Terrell's Grocery Partners Supply Star* FACE 1* (WAKE FOREST) Smith Furniture Company Cruiser Motor Company Bollowell’s Cash Food 8tor» 1 Dinky Krye’a Shoe Store ; Grocery General Laundry A Cleaner* Chevrolet Service Keith’s Super Market T F. Bolding: A Company I PAGE 19 ' Peebles Grill I T H Briggs Hardware Cj 1 Walker Martin, Inc. Capita) Camera Shop I Boas# Jewelers i ( Riverside Inn / ®|IS I gt Moot Confessed i I Criminals ACCfUliiStf MONTGOMERY The warn ing of a prosecutor that further racial violence will- erupt >n this city if two white men were a,c --j quitted of bombings here had no i effect on jurors, ali white males. ! last week as the defendants were freed. The jury came in after 95 minutes of deliberations and, to the cheering approval of a . parked courtroom, delivered a verdict of acquittal for Son ny Livingston, Jr., and Ray mond C. Britt, Jr. I Prosecutor William F. Thetford •; said an acquittal would say "It’s ! all right to bomb Negro churches and homes and might lead to ! retaliation." The defense count ered that ‘‘we are not. going to yield another inch in fighting for our way of life" Thetford an nounced that two other charges (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 N. C. DENTISTS 1 PLAN JUNE MEET IN ‘CAMEL CITY’ —— WINSTON-SALEM The Old , I North State Dental Society and : | its Women's Auxiliary will open j their 38th annual meeting at the ’ Winston-Salem Teachers College here Tuesday, June 11 Dentists will register at 9 a m on the opening day The opening session, with Dr . C L. Shoffner. president presid ing. wull get underway at, to am, followed by invocation by the Rev., Kenneth Williams chaplain of the college. President F. L. Atkins will enfend an address of welcome on behalf of the teachers’ in* (CONTINUED ON PAGE ti I State News Brief L'C-ON PRINCIPAL LEAVING RALEIGH—WiIIi ain J mime: son Holloway, principal of the J W. Ligon Junior-Senior High School here since eariy this year, inform- • ed this newspaper this week that i | he will study towards hb Ph D. ; degree at the University of Illin ois this fall Holloway will also I serve part-time on the staff at , the instititfion. A native of Vir ‘ ginia, Mr. Holloway came to Ra j Irngh in the fall of 1985 as dean ! | of t ys at Ligon and became prill- j i ctpal upon the resignation of Dr. | W. H. Watson, who accepted an -1 other princlpalship. Holloway ex i pects to receive, his doctorate in administration and personnel, * * * WOMEN’S CLUBS TO CONVENE SEDALIA -- Mr:-. F r >:* T Affrey, president, anromres the IBtb Annual fear-inn of The North Carolina Fcdera (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2* f f ! - « mmm * TRUCK DRIVER HELD IN CONCORD SLAVING —-Robert Lee Moose, 3fi, known as Bobb>. is shown as he is being ovrorted to police headquarters for the staying of Thomas Samuel Alex Truck Driver, Woman Charged In Murders ! CONCORD —This small textile town might not boast of too much ; city life like night clubs, cabarets j | and even legitimate bars, but the | j past two weeks have brought two I j murder:, that have tongues wag* j sing and the police department ; busy. ! The first homicide case wan | tried by Judge Clyde L Probst. | Jr., who found probable cause, ; ! against Robert Lee t Bobby) Moose | and he is scheduled to face a j murder charge at the August term i of Superior Court Ms i?, now free i ; under bond for his appearance. Moose, 36, a ?«r a I truck driver, is alleged to have kill ed Thomas Samuel Alexander, 47, when be came to his home and demanded some money that he 'Moose) owed biro 1 E. Ratliff Leads l.igcn’s Class Sn Amount Os Scholarships Ernest, Edward Ratliff, presi dent of the Litton High School Student Council and fourth rank , ins honor student in the class of 145. was granted a scholarship of $1.550 to Colgate University in Hamilton. New York for the 1957- : 58 academic year. One thousand. one hundred dollars *1,100) of ' this amount is straight scholar* 1 ship and four hundred fifty dol : iars ($450) is a work scholarship, i This scholarship is renewable. * Ratliff has had a distinguished , high school career winning many honors and prizes. In 1956 he won first prize in the World Peace Puhlie j Speaking Contest. He also served as sports editor of the Ligon Tat lor, President of the i National Honor Society and a member of the football team for two years. He is planning to major in English as a step | toward a career in journalism. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i Perry, Gray, Murchison And Kee Earn Top Bonus Manny Three of the top four recipients j of Bonus Money tor the month . which ended last Wednesday are I newcomers to the program. One "i j these persons entered last month. fetit did not place among the lop | tun. Mrs. Nelson L Perry. 1105 S, Person Street. who spen* $44175 with CAROLINIAN ad vrrtisers, received first award. Airs. C C Gray of 203 Lincoln Court, $409.57. wr in second plare; Mrs L. P, Murchison, C-6 Washington Terrace $491.15, j tanked third and Mrs T F K<”*, P> Lincoln Conti, with i 373,36 p'accd fourth. Top awards ar# >SO. $25 315 and j \ sin for the first four plac c ? re- j i spectivelv The other six •••■nners ! will receive $5 each. The ether persons receiving ] Bonus Money arc Mr:-. Ih"l --ma KriV. 115 S. Fetij-revi St, Seminary \ To Admit j Negroes \ WAKE FOREST— The South eastern Baptist Theological Setm nar.v. located in Wake Forest, will [ admit Qualified Negro student ! starting in the fall of 1958 The den-'ion to do this ” ■ reached n Clilcavo last ■ iru -ir djr the Berlin*.! y’s U'Uftees. i't" were in the Windy City to attend I iCONTINULO ON PAGE 2) a ruder, 17, at. his home. The iron hie is believed «o have been due in the sari that Alexander arm ed himself and went to the al leged killer’s home to collect some money. Moose alleges that he did not want any trouble, and that he threw vt dollars out to Alex ander. This is believed not to have sat isfied Alexander and he proceed ed to enter the house in search of Moose. Moose is said to have taken refuge behind a wardrobe in a. bedroom, but when Alexan der entered this room, gun in hand, it was then that. Moose grabbed ins assailant A tussle en sued and the gun went off Mrs Emma Alexander, brother of the :lain man, says, that she I anticipated trouble "hen her brother left with the gun She followed him to Moose’s home : and tried to prevail with him to 1 fCONTINUED ON PAGE 21 |gl “ ERNEST R ATLIFF $300.20; Mr* Annie E Roblrt aon. 117 W. Lenoir Street, 523413; Mr*. Delsstar Jones. 1316 Beauty Street, $200.29; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ST Hi , s »\ PULPIT Centre’Milan Ad m Cl.r*<en Potvcil. Jr. 1 1>.. ‘ . I.). * ho ii -»5 iliicken <is he rfcrod the morning spnncn i* the Atj*,,- sinian B;.p‘isf Church, Mhcr* he is pi«.for, in New 1 ork City y.iprt «• . Powell was i a ->’s Ici .« ho- ;,i ll where his -tvii* ie.t «* .» c, f *•' *1 ' y 1 , •“he IB oU re : ■ • ;n.?n ''ft the 2 p.»r a"’-’ hr r-W-'f til «.-»5 * f) •»,* her ’it i! hv hi T -i p’.y „ ~ i ;o tveru summoned bj a deacon

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