RALEIGHITE IS CATHEDRAL HIGH GRAD _ j mi t ' JiSifc <# _ , V • .■. ■ ■ ;.v. x ' • ' ■< -■" pjv '. ■,«■ ■■ < ■ . , s*#£s& 1 - .. ... ' . ~ ~....,:■ v LEFT HOMELESS BV FIRF - fi, children of Air. and Mrs, Ft' morning chill -Line sth, in a j burning- home in Bloomfield. (’on;;. 3 Tar Heel Cities Are Integration T argets At least, three North Carolina cities are being «*sk(?d to integrate school:-, tinder the stale :- new Pu pj Alignment Plan for the fall term. ms rh Charlotte and Greens br:o parents have filed applica tions or, behalf of ther children to have them admitted to whits' schools. lit Rsleiirh, Mr »nd Mrs Jose ph H Holt. Sr , 1013 Oberlin Rd. in. a written application Tuesday urged the Raleigh School Board to reassign their son, .Joseph Holt, Jr., to Needham Broughton High School from Ligon School for the 1057-53 term. The parents claim ed that Ligon "'as more than three miles from home and Broughton was only * an eight block distance This was the first, formal ap plication of a Negro for reassign ment to a. white school here. The board tabled tire application for action at a later date. GRENSBORO -- The City of Greensboro nan beer, asked of ficially for the first time to in tegrate its pubil schools. Greensboro School Board offi cials raid the board ha? received the first formal application from t Negro student for admission' T. AT «• i ■JI « r .. . 1' ■ ■ a•.<M )I ■ .1 ■»1 I ' « ! * • I/. » ! vi: I Sp/ft in Nation s £/£$ May Cause /4 New Group In July SAVANNAH, Os) t AND A new fraternal organization com- i poced of former Elk,:, non-Elks, and groups of Elks is slatec! to be 5 formed in Philadelphia on July 4 by virture of a split m the ranks Alleged KK Klan Wizard Blasts Segregationist John Kasper COLUMBIA, 5 r. The. man who calls himself the Imperial; Wizard of the CJ. 3. Ku Klux Klanj verbally lashed segregationist | John Kasper at a big Klan rally j near here Saturday night. K. 1. Edwards of Atlanta, told | 9 crowd of some 120 KKK mem-j brrs and between 100 and 200 spec- 1 Third flegro Girl To Enroll At Woman’s College TSiis Fall GREENSBORO A third Ne- . gro student will enter the fresh- ji man class at Woman's College of j the University of North Carolina 1 ! this fall. ji Acting Chancellor W. W Pier-; 800 said Margaret Patterson of; Lenoir has met requirement; foi j admission to the school. Ihersor said a total of lire n!*jrors applied for udumcion j to the school for the term hr r - ■ ng this fall, but that, on ly ’firs ritferson met the en trance r "r,uireniients. Two other Negro girls—Eliza- i hr. - .;: Joann Smart, of Raleigh and j Mrs Bet:v Ann Davis Tillman of! "Vva Tefcoro - entered ‘Woman's | V/'otifth’s Colley* lord. September j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1 Sylvia. -1. Robert. 4. and Gilbert. Anderson, huddle from the early of clothing salvaged from their i I NFEED PRESS TELEPHOTO). from a Negro studero ‘adtnr sion T. an all-white -rhoc-i ?h - fall. Previously, the board lw received several info? m l requ' ;-: for school integration The formal request ennae from •Josephine Ophelia Boyd, drugi. >n of Mr: Cora Lee Pwvd ot Greensboro. School hoard oOtctai*; said the application will be con sidered by the school board at ;’ . next meeting June IS Atty. ,f. Kenneth Lee earlier submitted 3 letter io the heard asking that the gui be placed in i white school near er her homy. However, the hoard said the rerjiirsl was not formal and therefore no action could he tak. n. School Supr. B I, Smith also said the hoard ha? n• ■rived a re quest from another Negro parent. Mrs. Geneva Bullock thai her child, who will enter school for f)ie firt-rt time this. fall, be placed in i white school. Smith said it will hr up lo the child lo present himself at the school of his choice" this fall, and that the matter will bp •--}♦,*d a? that time. Negroes rushed to men a late 1 iTOVTFNrrn ON FAGE ?.i of the Elks it. was reported last , week The new group, not »-t named, w-ill be officially or pani/ed in Philadelphia's In denendrnrp M il) -fbi* orpanir- tutors that the South could firrht; ! its segregation war without that ! skunk from New York." ! Edwards said that Kasper who ! is the. head of the Seaboard White j Citizens Council, ran a book.it,or-' ! m New York that features hi (CONTINUED ON PAGE 7> lOOSS-EIOS i | By ROBERT G. SHEPARD PITTING VU think "the' idea is good inviting Attorney Major Hmh to deliver the com mencement. address at the James E. Shepard High School at Zcbulon, this year. Aitom&y High, an alumnus of the Zrb ulon school, wav the first Ne gro to complete the law course at the University of North Car olina and is now a successful practicing lawyer in Greens boro. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ;+ + + + + + + + + ' 4b $ !M a Sf SI {& Hr 3P HE * C e I* $ sslr ft* « T> ji? fl» fi* u c J9r Iff sy Q& v mb gw Si ' m W IP && «f m '» 9 gjOgJl m « %r?& I 1 " " ■ ' 1 dasfawe SqTOV^V. w. V. >n. wwu.. w - - I 12c 15c <n N ‘ C ' 20 PAGES Sk Elsewhere VOLIJMI 16 RALEIGH, N. C 1 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE t 3 1957 Eight Kids Left Alone; Infant Dies As Mom ‘Sprees' H. E- Brown, Whiteville, To Ligon School 1 i Following closely the announce m m m The CAROLINIAN last, week of ’A*. .' Holloway. acting pi incipal of Li”, on High School.: tin 3l. hr would not return as head <•' the -ckioo! Bii.i yeer, came the ■ >v.o j -iceinrt;‘ fue:day that a Vv'MleviHc man had been select-, eq t■» fill the vacancy Hot !'(-.•• r p*-inclp.<! ei f'ent'-al High Sriiont, ..vitir-’vii;,. frvt- the past six roNTiNTFr* r.v far,f t. i ~, bf% ' j || | I i HERBERT E BROWN . . Ligen principal 7.1 lion's grand exaulted ruler is reported to be Trezzvant Vi v Mtiprscn, veteran news papernMn. Ando ew; disclosed that, inter est in the new movement is grow me throughout many states in the South He also pointed out l OVTINI’in ON PAGE 21 j i Stats News Brief SCOUT FtJN-O-RKE PLANNED RALEIGH - More than 400 Cub Scouts. Bov Scouts, Explor ers and Leaders in the Wake Di | vision of the Oeconecchee Coun cil Boy Scouts of America, are; . fvpei md to attend the Pun-O- ! i Rre. Fi iday, starting at 2 P.M.. | and lan me until fl P.M, at Chavis j Park, The scouts will enjoy swim-j -mil'll; train riding, singing, aj campfire and a big weiner roast, I ; D H. Keck, chairman, Orwnniza- j ♦ ion and If.';tension Committee.i i fin id that parents may bring their; j cons to the affair whether he is a! ; scout or not. He should be eight-j : .veins-old or over and willing to! 1 join a .<-touting unit m the Wake ! | Division, DEATH FOI OWN PRAYER HAMLET—A prayer session ended in death for a Hamlet man Sundry. Til* Richmond County sheriff’s department reported that Em Bridges, .it died instantly from a. shot- | * (CONTINUED ON PAGE M f ++’++ + + + + s Id w w IrSkiV Ulr .-■ Soverniir Awaiting A Report - I North Carolina's governor, Lu ' ther H Hodge, r. s . 3 ;ci this week I that he was disappointed” that ; the General Assembly killed bills . dealing with racial li'igation and ; the NAACP. Last week the Stale ; Senate defeated a pair of bills | tightening North Carolina laws prohibiting bariatrv and in re quire organizations such as the I NAACP to file membership lists and other informal ion with the secretary of state. The bi!h were introduced by (his state's attorney gen era! and Hodges said “we had hoped they would be passed.” "They would have helped ws in the future if they were on the statue books.” Hodges said he hasn’t beep informed yet as to why the Senate killed the bills. "I’m disappointed, because I . thought they wore good and nec- j , rssarv bills.” Hodges continued, I "but the General Assembly took ; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) BOY 5 KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE j BETHEL - WilLe J. Anderson. 5. of Rt. fi. Greenville, was injured fatally Monday nighi when he was hit by a car on a rural road near here The boy died in a Greenville hospital of head inlurles suffered when he ran into the path of a : car driven by Ernest G Hales 27, Rt. 1, Kenly. Highway Patrolman «T. B. Sur- { I les said that the accident appear ed to have been unavoidable but , 'hat a coroner's inquest will be held at a later date. TRAGIC SCENE OF DEATH Sheets rover the bodies of the migratory workers killed in Fayette- i - vllle Tune 6th in the two-truck collision at the Inter- ectlon of CJ. S, 361 and N C. 102 At least 17 per-|j i sons were, killed and 74 injured when a tractor-trailer plowed into a truck loaded with workers on their way to pick beans. At left is thr almost demolished truck tha* »’»• ia the accident. I UNITED 1 PRE-SB TELEPHOTO). , *Agswma3&&- ¥%? ii 'i#y k^ Vjf 'm-- SCHOOL GIRL STABBED TO DEATH As school children watch, the covered body of 13-year-old Lois Jones, a stabbing victim. is carried from the grounds of Stephen Decatur Junior High School in Brooklyn, The girl, a student at the school, was found dead on , a rear stairway of the school recently, (he four-inch blade of a pen knife stuck in her throat. Folire sav a 13-year-old fellow student, ; Walter Groves of Brooklyn, has admitiecj |he slaving. 'UNITED PRESS PHOTO), iChurch Leaders Urged To Aid Migratory Workers FAYETTEVILLE Wholesale, murder is perhaps the. best def ; inition for the loss of twenty lives 1 here Thursday when a truck ap parently overloaded with 41 mi yatory workers, was rammed into by a tractor-trailer. Twenty others j wore injured, some of them so: critically until attending doctors! - held out little hope and some of • NUMBER 3 7 1 i the in, lured were m such pain un ! ill they were Pegging t.o die. Pei sons who visited the scene said it war- the most gruesome picture of human suffering one could look at There were bodies strewn over the road, lees and heads that fCONTINIIEP ON PAGE 2) j f Bobus Mt MoJJy Cops Hold i KINSTON— Mrs France® '#&■ ! loughby, 35, is being held in the Lenoir County jail following the : death of one of her eight children I while she a y 'on 3 soree" las’ ! Saturday, Deputy Sheriff fiporee Hi!! reported that Mrs Willoughby *>l Kinston, Route 2, abandon ed her entire family last week KONTiNrrn on not h I - Hold Soldier In Death Os White Alabama Sgt. ! i FT RUCKER A! a— The army has brought first degree murder i charges against a soldier accused j of the fqrtal stabbing of a white Master Sergeant, at a No-Com missioned Officers' riub here Specialist S-C Earl Stewart, °f Memphis. Trnn., was charged with the death nf M-Sgt. Andy .1. Brown, 28, of Cogswell, N. T)„ last week The charges were announced after completion of a pre-trial in -1 vrstigation by the base criminal ■ investigation division. Army officials said Stewart, ad mitted the slaying but said the Negro oldier claimed Brown ‘jumped'’ him outside the club after they had been arguing in side. The argument was reported to 'CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) This Week s Advertisers The merchants listed belt Money Stores. PAGE 2 f Tip Top Food Stores PAGE i National Att Shop O. Is. Clothing Company Peebles Grill n F Quinn F i.i mi to re Company Raleigh Funeral Home PAGE 5 Hudson-Balk Company Kramer r, Jeweler Firestone Store* fi M. Younc Harrtwnr* Famous Bakery Tlioxnpstvn-E' anj, Inr PAGE 6 Mr, Elvis Hand Community Grll] tivella Beauty College Raleigh Seafood Company Acme Realty Company Ambassador Theatre The Hood System Industrial Bank Tire Sales it Service PAGE 7 Capital (oea-Cnla Bottling Co, Inr. A. A P Super Markets PAGE a IMoodworth St. Tourist Home Heater Wei! Coimunt Caveness Insurance Agent v Dunn's Esso Service Carolina Builders Corp. Watson’s Seafood & Poultry Co Fur, Umstead Transfer Co. Food Store Dillon Motor Finance. Company Ridgeway - Optic lans Pepst-Cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh Mechanics & Farmers Hank Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 1! Cits' Motor Com|tatv Carolina Power A Lixht Company Capital Camera Shop wm 1 '' 1 I MISS Kerry l. HINTON » . . firs* graduate Betty Hinton First Grad Os Sshoo! Here i Miss Be ftr- Lou Hill ton, IS, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Frank i Hinton Sr,. 814 Cotton Place, Raleigh. became the first Negro fudent -to graduate from former ill-white Cathedral Latin High •School (Catholic) Sunday night, ’■’hen His Excellency, The. Most Reverend Vincent S Waters, Bis hop of the Raleigh Diocese, a warderi her a diploma. Miss Hinton, who entered Cathedral thre» years ago af ter '-pending year at, Lig on High School, attended St, Monica's School here where she. received elementary train- I lug. Although ’several colored siudonts entered in h? r class in 13,51. they either dropped mil of »rhor>! later or transfer red back to Ligon Mi; Hinton, a Catholic, woii first prize, in an oratorical con ic i ’''bile she was m t,hg eighth grad* This wag an interracial j contest, and ?.h« wa* ;n eompts | it ion with several white students. She said that she encountered no real racial incidents'' during ' her three-year tenure at Cathed ; ral. Cathedral opened it's doors to Negroes m the fall of 1954, fol lowing a ruling from Bishop Wa ters. who has jurisdiction over 99 |of the ' stale’s 106 counties. ; When asked her future plane the young lady indicated her d? I sire to enroll in Saint Augustine's! , College in September. fCONTINUED ON PAGE ?t Bonus Money Program In Third Week The top 'on winnsrs of Bonin Money for the third month whf were, announced in week’s edition. h3 v « claim»d them awards and the fourth month is now well underway wihh the third week be ginning Thursday of this week and ending at midnight Wed nesday, June l? The fourth month of Bonus iCONTINUED ON PAGE 5' ow are CAROLINIAN Sonus f Washington Terr*-* Apts. Gem Watch Shop 1 -John Askew Painter f. Decorator ; lewis Radio A- TV Clinic 1 Flrst-Cltlzens Bank A Trust Co. I Edward's Shoe Store' | N, C Products i PAGE ie Rev. Booker &. Son Dry Cleaner* page n ‘ Tones' < &fe Poe Brother* Western Auto A-sor.Ute* Victor Auto Parts Beasley’s Store . VU tor’s Place Triangle Sf.tt.lnn | Ralph Martin | Twin f Itv Radio Co. I Bud son-55 .*IH Company ' Varttia Whoieaale Builder! | sreph-ns Supply Co. 1 Tom Ashworth's Tire Service i Terrel!’* Grocery S Farmers supply Store : Steve's Place 1 Tunslall’s Store Vcale’s Shell Service i PAGE If. Smith Furnltute Company | Cruiser Motor Company ! HollOVeU’s sash F-od Store ! tail kv Frye's Shoe store Massenbors Grocery | General Tsundry S. Cleaner* ’ Chevrolet service Keith s Super Market T £ Holding A Company PAGE 20 ’ beeurtt'-. Market Twin tun Oil Service E'retries! Wholesalers. lae. City Billiard Parlor i Lewi* Sporting Good* Company

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