MAKES HISTORY IN MICH I GAN—Dr, William R Strass- j ner, president of .«haw TJmver- i -itv. has the distinction of be in- the first Negro to deliver n commencement address at River K'-u* High School, Detroit, Michigan The exercises were j he’d on June 13. with ninety- ( in - members graduating- Fitly j per cent of this number were N r 5|RTC6s>. Tbs titl» nf preM‘ fr*?.tit’s f ,5 Th« Fur- ! ■j* <» c of Puj ijr 31mn, ** ++++4++ + + + + + ! ' Cftyrehes j A mitted * in Confab i LAKE JUNALU3K.A Metho-j dv : of the Western North Caro- j lir.a Conference voted Monday to! approve a proposed amendment, j kt oil would permit Negro ch,ur-1 cm-: to join white conferences, ; : f vote on the amendment, which is being voted on by all Me;hodist conferences, was 42-12 in favor of adoption If the na tion-wide movement is approved, it is expected to affect confer-, ernes in northern and western • sections of the country. On the national level, the church is divided into <5 juris dirNot!*, one Negro and five whita The. jurisdictions are further divided into confer ences. The amendment would also pro vide for Negro conferences to transfer to white jurisdiction? {COVTrvrjED ON PAGE ») » 13 Truck | Victims j Are Buried F AYZTTSVTLL'E Th irteen ur - claimed victims of the nation's; worst truck wreck ver- buried in a single grave here saturd3v with ser-lc*? sponsored by the Negro Ministerial Alliance. pni|*. (%f |be Negro mierant workers kilted i ”*he crash June 6 v ere. still no’ Identi fied. Among the group of mourners were Mte parent? and sister of Thomas Junior Mackey, driver of the truck carrying some 4] workers to bean picking jobs near here During the services a choir of 50 tang "Abide with Me" and j “What a Friend We Have ip Je- Stic. Fix ministers took part in ; ll;-. bill a 1 ;.,pi ViCt whlOii included scripture readings, prayers and benediction. When the services were com-; neirod a city bulldozer pushed t dirt over the 13 plain wooden col- j fins in the grave eiiflioiLi KEEPS 11 CROW | DTJFHAM— The Durham City j Council, informed by it-, attorney j that segregation of public t'acili- ! tics is no longer legal, made no | move Monday night to end lt,s ee; legated recreation facilities. j 3he council did. however, fp »nt permission tor a Negro tennis tournament to be held on the Forest Hill Court, pre viousiy restricted to whites. Attempts have been made by ! Kt-'roes recently to gain admit- j lance to city-owned recreational ] facilities, including tennis courts, swimming pool and a theater. C tv Recreation Director C. J? ! Wood had asked Hie City Council j for T- slat-mrnt of policy regard-; ini' th/- operation of city facilities In th' hvht of tbr action. V.yhout rvcb a policy, he ’V,d he will c.cntinus to opera’? under (CONTINUED ON F AGE 3) „J J ' i 1 - 5 - 1 - • • * , Hj m . + 4* + + + + 4" -f 4- 11 WjjsllsM { j llP\Jf i§jjl |f M I vvvvTHE CAROLINIAN inN.C. 20 PAGES "BXZZ \ iii» ew her« VOLUME 16 RALEIGH, N. C, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 196/ * NUMBER 38 Happy Khmer New Year. CRASH VICTIM'S LAID TO REST—Thirteen of 'the 30 vir time of a 3-truck collision near Fayetteville June 6 were buried in a single grave last Saturday at a cemetery near Hi? city, Masons And Eastern Stars In Annual Service Sunda y St. John’s Day an annual ob servance of local Masons and Eastern Star members, will be held at the. Martin Street Bap tist Church this year. The sc: vices will begin at i p m. Lodges cooperating in spon soring :r,ro?. fao Quickly recover- ; ing hie composure he jotted down 'CONTINUED ON PAGE ?,) tt nI v (hr driver of th* death truck. Tom Marker. was among the identified persons in the caskets seen in photo. His re in fires were among hundreds of tending the mass funeral. ihn church for (be servief Masons and Eestrrn Star members from out of the city have indicated that they will attend. I The fourth Sunday in June has ! boon sot aside as St. John’s Day i here sos many years and nil Ma | sons will be attired in full drees. The Rev Paul It Johnson, pasfo** of Mi? host church will d* beer the welcome address". .(CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 •_- N . '*•'. irsfe ,v -at. s~.> " / .- ■ >’•• v » r V ij|W| ?/ -f£ sTv : ' LABOR PROBLEMS- niS'CtmSED -- Vice president Richard Nix '"p fm • mid limes Mitchell. (right!, Libor Secretary, shake, hands " *h Re Martin L King. leader of the Montgomery, Ala bus strike, during the Utter's v»H in Washington, Tune t -Hth King «i * -a w-s r*- ire |a ri • m * I rial r riday ror i wo Wh.te Men Caught In Act With Local Girl A 15-year-eld Raleigh girl who. has been in gn_d out of trouble for several years, w’as reportedly ! turned over to juvenile authori- : j ties Sunday nigh? after being I j found naked m a parked car h.iv ; ing sexual relations with two ; white men Trial of the men. Dalh c wp i ham Jordan, 21, of 2804 Bed ; ford Avenue and George Phillip . ’ Blake, 20, 851 Tyron Street , hg. Louis Samuels. 30, was held in j the city jail in lieu of $2,500 bond. ! Samuels was arrested at Roohingham, Monday, about y hours after he, fled with the (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?.) j ! 1 r said that Nixon would visit the ! } wment practice*!. (UNITED PRESS ! - i; ' : ' .. , .^j| ' - v' iSßfep^*>■ X '•"""' ;,i _ -jS®'' $I fedisL -■' * ~ ~ 1 1 53SR- ■ “ i. ,jS@^ii.®JSß^SPwA.«^^K3P«P^^^pSf^^J@i^®lS)®il HEY. SHAKE A I.EG’—Earl Wade. 3. waits for help after he jrol his iec stuck in drain pipe which he was experimentally probing with his foot in Detroit. Mich., June Bth. He had to squat in this un comfortable position for over an hour before firemen were able to ex tricate him, they had to n.r : > bottle ol mineral oil to crease the lads Icr sufficiently for them to puli it out. (HNITED PRESS TELE* PHOTO), Wife Stabbed To Death in Bed With tier Uncle LUMBELTON Johnny Per kins. 36 local man, who has. a criminal record "a mile lons-" including murder .has been ar rested here and charged with the knife slaying of his wife. Perkins is charged with ! stabbing his wife. Margaret i bean set for Friday in the local : Dam-" : r Relations Court OffU'ifiiT. of th* court ha’'* Bonus Money Program Nears Close Os Month The fourth week of The CARO- i LIN JAN -ponsored Bonus Money; j Program began Thursday morning \ jof this week and will end Wed- j j nesday. June 26. at midnight, ! This is the fourth month of | bonus money participation and. j the pocketbooka of many Raleigh j families have been swelled bv a ! wards earned for spending money with CAROLINIAN advertisers The contest, which began Thurs-! day, May 30. will end at mid-' night, June 2fi Ir* order to win Bonne Mon ey participants mus* n?*ror>>?e C.4ROLINIAN advert! sers, who are listed on the front ; page of each edition Request purchase slips or receipts. save them and turn them in at the end of the Bonus Mon - ey period, whirl* w-d! he an (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?i ! This Week's Advertisers The merchants listed below ” are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE i Tip Top Food Store* PAGE '• National Art Shop S II A'on ns tlnioc Bus Terminal Johnson-Lambe Company PAGE S Hudson-Be Ik Company Famous Bakery Raleigh mineral Horn* Mr. Joseph Winters PAGE ft Twin Inn f)\! Scr'tc* Mr. Elvis Rand Ralelsh Teatood Company Acme Realty Company Hunt General Tire Company Tire Sales A Service Civella Beauty College The Hood System Industrial Bank PAGE 7 Hetty Gay A Si P Super Markets Mr. Elvis Band it E. Quinn Furniture Centjwß' PAGE a Woodworth S<. Tourist Hum*. Hratei Well Company Caveneds Insurance Agertry Btinn’y Esao Service Carolina Builders Corp Watson’s hoatood & poultry i o inr Uinstead Transfer Co, A food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway s Opticians Fepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh Mechanic* & Farmers Bank Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel page 0 Auto Strokm Jut. City Motor Company Vender* Motor Cmnpaa; Kee 'Perkins, *" death as she lay in bed about 10.5!) p.m. Saturday Mrs Perkin* «M pronounced dead on arrival at Robeson Memorial Hos pital. i cONTfyTJEP OS PAGE ?.* not msrlft: up fhsir minds (CONTINUED ON SAGE j -IN— Brisf BARBER SUES 3 COPS RALEIGH —Jams-3 Ham* l.'vtol barber, filed a. suit Friday morn ing sgainst three three policemen seeking $30,000 damages and al leged that, the officers were in sulting and abusing when he went to the. pohee station to complain that two whits men had molested his wife Herns brought the ac fCONTINUED ON PAGE 31 | PAGE i 2 \ Gem Witch Shop ! John Askew Painter A tleeerator i Community C-ril! Lewis Radio & TV Clinic Thompson A Evans, tnr Carolina Power A tight Company I AtnhisMdor Theatre First-Citizens Bank & Trust Compute : Edward's Shoe Store i N r Products j Capital Camera Shop PAGE 16 Kramer's .Jewelers Wes’. Booker A Son Dry Cleaner* Carolina Typewriter Company o. K. Clothing Co Southern rut nature Company PAGE 17 Scott’s Tourist Home Terrell's Grocery Farmers Supply Store Triantic Station Victor's Auto Parts Vcale's Shell Service. Tom Ashworth's Tire Service Varina Wholesale Builders Supply Western Auto Associates Stors Stephens supply Company Hudgon-Beik Company Twin City Radio A- Appliance Co, | Steve’s Flare | Tuhstall’s Store I Beasley s Flore J Victor’s Place | Jones’ C afe | FAGS IS Woodllef Rolloweir* Cash. Food gtotd Keith'* Super Market GAGE Ml liimbreU't tno. ! Electrical Who<**ate». Inc. I Sure Fit s«tf Covet Cents* i Srcurit* Market