WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 195“ 1 ROCKY MOUNT I IM nimiwii mui mim mmr(iw»- ww i 'i.jujwupnrwuii'MMmt mi»n iummyim'inii iiMimunimc-jt -mr j AMSRICA'S fig WEST CHAMPION~»FOP? MOTORS** , *’i •SOT; PH BEND, IND —Sturiebakor’s c ham-' pion Scotsman, America's new economy car,! •set a precedent, in the auto industry with its' appearance this month in major market area?! across the nation, If is offered in three mod - I els, 2-door and 4-door sedans and the station | wagon shown above. Prices respectively are' 4! ETS, $1826 and $1995, f.o.b South Bend.! First public hint of Studchsknr Packard’s i decision to bring out a car priced lower than ■41800.00 came last month at a New York ! press conference held by Roy T. Hurley, pres- | idcnt and chairman of Curtiss-Wright cor 1 poration, which combined its resources with ’ the 100-year-old auto firm in 1956. The "easy an the pocket book” Scotsman is j p SURFR-R&INFRY FOR SUPFR-FUFL& Thi? "refinery of the future” is what it *4ke« to make the super - fuck- reouired bv car engines of today—and tomorrow Coe* tug million, the refinerv was recently com pleted near Wilmington, Do) by Tidewater, Oil Company, manufacturer of Flying A r- 1 -- Hopping About By Jay Bee Aytch CORE Es T C R t;F C H M■’ •> r CLINIC ROCKY MOUNT Wm. T Grimes local businessman and music director at the St James Baptist Church, who is also a member of the board of riweeto:-. of the Choir Directors' and Or? ?n istft Guild of the. Hampton In.-ti tute Ministers Conference has ;.- sued a rail to all churches and i religious bodies to send repre.sen tation to the June 24-28 confer ence. in order to improve ;hr mu sic in their respective church! Grimes, who is al o a member the executive bo *■ d of the guild's Workshop, joins wirh Guild president Charles A Butts; director Charles Fla"-, and Mrs Hattie Bright, organist-. in urglr,--: attendance on the part of church musicians It is Grimes' contention ’hat tar too mans church*: and choirs have strayed far from the proper use of church imimc-~trross!y ne glecting the hymir- and other re ligious ‘classics’, or. if sum; nt Ml, they are bur. : ®red up' to the shame of a!J true w-m shipper? Organized In 1234, the purpose of the Choir Directors ; nd Organ ists Workshop is to encourage and improve the quality and type of church music ‘choral singing end 1 organ play in? through inien alve, dynamic Instructional pro* ALLAN MIMS. j‘ rwc FORD SAI FT, ' A NO | ; F>F.RVI'" P j--, i -tej i I ROCK i 'III .| si rel“pho«*- > ia i powered by a 10 ,i -horsepower, six cylinder engine, and is geared to give up to 29 miles, per gallon. Its standard equipment includes a three -speed manual shift t ransmission, with overdrive available as an option, heater, de froster, directional signals and windshield wipers. The Scotsman is easy on the eyes and easy to handle in any traffic situation, besides easy on the pocketbook, according to Harold E. Churchill, president of Studebaker-Peckard Corporation. This bar, brought a new burst of enthusiasm to this community due to ac ceptance of the car which is reflected by an increase in orders since dealers previewed the Scotsman at their eastern meeting. o!me= Refining operations are governed h batteries of automatic and electronic devices. These controls insure the purity and quality of the 1 fin.octane-plus gasolines whrh the ''net installation man’ * far ’ures —e non oh r h ! day for 41,000,009 miles of driving • gram “ HARRY MODBUS MOTHLR HONORED Mrs Roia A Moore, mother of ■'he late NAACP martyr. Harry T Moore, continued her tour of Tar* ‘ iieeli i last, week by spending a ! week in Rocky Mount,, as fire j tuest of the J B Hnrrens. 240 ; Renna Avenue, during which time j she was jrecogtiiaed by at least ; three church groups and <•., little j NAACP Ifoup which !-• . Hiving - to carry-on In spit* of local apa ! thy. Mrs. Moore (whose are was er j ronously listed last, week as being ;88 years’’ is a spry 78 years i young' and boasts n{ no serious ; illness in nearly .13 years. Ail who j came in personal contact with her were am need at her vitality and kindly disposition toward ,N people- even those who de stroyed her on,y child and wife Mrs. Moore is still warm in her praise of (he NAACP and pioud l,v displays the pnst.*hun}oUßly awarded Kerry T, Moore Spin yarn Medal which is easily her me -i prize d po,v'-es.-.ion--next to her o« - n life which --he escaped with chirinp the fatal Christmas night bombing at Miin?. Fla in December 3331. The Mt. Ptsgah Fresbytes tan : Church, Per J. H. Costeri, u«s- I tor: and the Henry Street, jy-e® i '- v ill Baptist Church, the Rav. W ;H. Summerville, pastor, along , with the NAACP sought to brU’ln ,‘n Mrs. Moore's visit, with t.angi ; ole to','-ns of appreciation. On Sunday afternoon. Mrs. I ~ vss U' 1 ’ honored rues' at > fi-vkoy dinuei given by the Bar i ia*7jb. 7 Vir ,r> n ■ Mrs. K. Mr. end Mrs D-* ulel L. Brown ■i M r -a. p-M of Bricksr ’ T r ■ - Pi., pv • ' • ’■ I'-*:t F •tip’i of i -.-! tr. u *•.?’.* d h-jp p. 1 ams at Concord’. 5 Barbri* 7 '!■ ":? June 15-21 as» the following members of Mt Pisgah Presb-Jenan Church. Re* H Costen Mrs Mary Walker Mrs. Vivian Patterson - Smith Miss Mat* Bunn and J. B. Harr in Dr Feter W. Burnette, retired nw iico. is reported as being criti cally ill in a local hospital ere ! be has beer, undergoing treatn. nt i -or several weeks, Norman Shirley, an official of the Edgecombe County Home Mis sion Association, and a. resident j of Tar boro was observed catching i a train for Jacksonville. Fla. i,o visit relatives last week. M' - s Tedia Mae Grimes, an siruetor in th* local BTW b chool. is continuing her Mu; trading to a master's degree at 11 N C College, Durham, this sum- 1 mcr. Her husband. Wm. T. 1 Crimes, is off to the Hampton.! ■ Va Ministers and Church Or- j : aanists Choir Directors Guild on ■ .June 24 thru 2flth Mis'- Ann Lewis is home from j Barber-Scotia College for the' ■ dimmer, along with many othei ■ local college students. ENFIELD CHURCHMAN i PASSES 1 Funeral services were held from I the St Paul Faptir.l Church of | ! Enfield for William Henry Ar lington June 13. A devout Bap-j list layman who was a painter ! by trade. Arrington was well-lik- j ed by almost everyone and he was I respected for his deer* religious j convictions. The Rev. Frank Bui- : lee’-: delivered the eulogy with an i -ssist by the Rev. Kemp P. Bat -1 tie. •The writer worked for Mr. Ar -1 i "ington when h* first came to |->f:irrn North Carolina in 1921 I tv n 1324.1 F. w. baptist meet july t The Original Free Will Baptist Middle Eastern Conference Lay* • Men’s Day y scheduled to be held | tb» St Janies f.w.b. Church, i Farm’-'ll", N C.. on July 4fh with veval church groups pnrticlpat-1 ■ j inr. Tlie two ministers as I | ""aster" are Rev. T. T. Platt and J ; Rev. W. Ivl, Goihani. Tlie theme of ■ I Rr conference ia: Peaceful Lay-i | wien Working For Peace." and the ! j ""ntto is: "Lord Make Me An In-j i v-i-i-r-nt pf p-a.ee." Among those ! "i v "e-ram are the followln?: ! D. F n iot. Joseph Blount, James 1 Edwards James Armwood, Jesse j ‘blivei. Willie Best. Lemuel Peels, j Mrs. Florettn Williams, Mrs E i ; Rocky Mount Wedding: j Hobbs-Heughan Vows Said At St. Mark A. M. E. Church ■ BT J. B. BARREN ROCK V MOUNT The St. Mark A.M.E. Church here was. the scene Saturday of the double-ring ! wedding ceremony which united ! Miss Josephine Celestes Hobbs and Mr. Herbert Milton Heughan, with the Rev. J. M. Vinson, pastor of the church, performing the rites, j Despite the rain, nearly one j hundred relatives and friends at- j tended the reception at the home of Mrs. Catherine Taybron. 225 Raleigh Road where cup cakes, punch and nuts were served while the happy couple greeted the ! guests and finally cut the wedding i rake, sharing it with the guests ; also, before departing for an un disclosed destination on the fii at ; leg of their honeymoon. Later in I the week, the couple reportedly ; headed north to Bangor, Marne, i the home of the bridegroom The bride is the daughter of : Mrs. Sadie Hobbs, 1022 So Wash ington St Rocky Mount, and the late Leslie Hobbs. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. ■ Heughan of Bangor. Maine. Mis* Hobbs was given in marriage by her brother. Wil liam M Hobbs, a rising senior of A,A T. College, Greensboro. N. C. Mrs. Thelma H. Wiggins, sister of fbe bride was matron of honor while ibr following served <s bridesmaids: Mrs. Alexander Gardner. Mrs. A lonia Brown and Miss Daisy 1 McManus, co-worker of fbe i bride in the Barber High I Urban Leaps Group Flap “King” Cole | For Snubbing Guests At Fashion Revue CHICAGO—'ANP) Nat Kir;: I i Cole. TV star and recordng ar- ■ : tist was the central figure last i week in a controversy with pro • ducers of a fashion revue presen ! ted by a social group connected with the Chicago Urban League . According to reports. Cole was asked to appear as a guest star, but. because of some misunders- i landing in arrangements, refused ! ’hr invitation to headline the re ' us Mrs Jackie Ortnes. president and produced of the Lib names. a fund-raising social group con ’ nec'.ed with, ’he Chicago Urban League, charged Cole and his pub- j licity man. Dick LaPalm with ■ deliberately snubbing' an exter tended invitation to appear at a j fa-hion production staged bv f!w ; group called Calypso Holiday \ , The production was in the Tmrace Casmo ot the Morrison Hotel here on May 31 Mrs. Ortnes *d that -he and b«r associates began negotia tiens in bill foie fnr the show about a week hefor* the iffair was prea»n«*d. She stated | that she contacted th* fbe? Eiree night stub here whor. she «a« told bv the club’s ' puhlirity man Aaron Cush man, that Cole would appear at the Urban League p’odur- i lion and sing. She said she lat'-r learned that Cu:-hm n could not deliver Ihe n oted singer and said -he was t»ld to eontaet LaPalm, ( nip's tniddlewest publicity ac’-nt She said she was told pom’ blank by LaPalm ’hat the Urban ; League “wes presuming to exploit j Cole'? name without his permis- • | sion and that he would not appear j because he knew nothing abou* . the performance." Mrs. Onr.es said Cole had be«n : extended an invitation by the | group. She added that LaPalm | ! told her he didn't intend to put ! her in touch with anyone", when j ! she asked whether she could gain ; direct audience with Cole Taking the matter tin with Edwin C. Berry, director of the Chicago frban League, Air*. Dimes slated that Berry sought audience with Cole for two days, but was evaded Finally reaching the singer Miss Ormes said Berry quoted Cole as saying ' J don't want an'thing so do with the af fair'’. She said Ihe Urban T dir- ; i octov received s telegram i rom j ■ Cole aft w writing him wh .rein i Cole flatly said he would not ap pear in the program. Mrs, Ormes quoted LaPalm as . declaring ' Coir docs not appear ir fashion shot's in competition with ! hlfs wife" At the time, Mrs. Cole was ap oearing .n a play at the Dunbar Vocational High school here. Mrs Ormes said she was utterly shocked by Cole's re fusil. 'My faith In him was sh ken. I felt it was an it fair worthy of his stature and if he had just made in an pearawe and sang two or three songs, all would have been well", she stated. She said "it Is too bad that personal influence In Chicago "hose interests were in con fhet with the Urban League, caused Mr Cn!e to snub the affair.” The. fashion production feat- i tired numerous artists and enter- I tainerr, among them Dorothea | Towles, noted New York model, j Phyllis Branch. Calypso perform- ! er Jamaica Slim and other s s-om* 35 design. pieces were used in j the show and numerous models 1 displayed them Cole was to have received top i R. Dickerson. Mrs. Lucy McNeill, David Evans, Mrs. Pearl Felix, i Rev. W. M Summerville. H. B. j Kornegay and Mrs Vile Hope. | THE CAROLINIAN School, New Bern. N. C. Gerald E. Gray, Greensboro, was the best. man. and ushers' were: James Taylor, Alexander] Gardner, Greensboro, and Alonza j Brown. New Bern. Mrs. J. M. Vin son, Mrs. Charles Smith and Miss I Glee Williams furnished the music : for the occasion. The bride wore a white gown of Chantilly lace and tulle over satin 1 with a chapel length train. The bodice had long sleeves and a scal loped neckline, embroidered with white sequins and seed pearls. Her only accessories were a single strand of pearls, a gift from the 1 bridegroom Hoi shoulder-length veil was attached to a crown of sequins and pearls, she carried a white Bible covered with "bite roses and stephaonotis. The bride's attendant;, wore light blue tiered dresses of net and lace with white accessories They carried boquels of pink ros es The matron of honor wore a pink net dress with blue accesso-' rics and carried a boquet of red roses. The bride's mother wore n dua ty rose lace dress with pink and blue accessories, and a corsage of I pink roses. The bridegroom's mo ther wore a navy blue lace dress with pink accessories. For the reception, the bride’s table was decorated with white gladiolas. pink and green individ ual cakes decorated with for-get mc-nots: and at one end a beau tiful wedding cake decorated with i hilling in (hr production He | un»hl- in is t-parhpd at pres? tj m e j l4t's7 iikia., 77 ;• itmAi vmm \ tLm $k [M ' A ' ilv •'. vwtrtMp.M? nppcny*. \py -- *. J Cjgjjjg.' 41 i -rr /gp^=£! Jog 4 f *^ r >xl so*M£opAMgpicoj?ax«&u-,B<ff4w-■'• pestmAjp^f''- \ x 'y4 v I ! y?,/U. C*9OCMSP AAANV WtTMiM 6*;~V.McrsDR!N6- J§@LA vffrMce. cf cv»£ *Jgj?g *5 a <;amajms - & CONST’ V> -Go+sr 77 f /] fi\ \ _ , ■—• * y#?4ft/v3P7 i 1 "ties \ QTi-i£UjO , I l^SSt \ M©9Jggf*Jl ° \ / c^£^~~ —-, \ if®C_ WNt-'A' ,c y C i-J igjw- a**,lr 7 '- f i - * i ■i' /ij i jfyCAM \ j .i ® IfPlf/ 7 J .. • I - *■ FIESBV DEL PACIFIC) • 1' :t* ,; pi— JiJK r 24 -MJGOST I° vtOUOeS PWRyfJMtICG. Cf "OufORNfA W TEuUNC? MisTO«y OP TM£. STATE,. ? {At fi. ■ __ j 'U'? : '"ifa/Mc* n^r 'YjjjZ* *• GUESS WHAT I SOT FOR FATHER'S DAY— THE BILLS FROM MOTHER o DAT,/ * so#~r'*£/rrM. *~ 1 ■*»«.*■ n ■~* l ~ rn . r(r „, „.,| M ,,,„., ‘ "•" pale green a.nd pink roses The new Mrs. Heughan is * graduate of Bennett College, Greensboro and has been teach ing in New Bern for some time. Mr. Heughan attended the Uni versity of Maine, Orcine, Maine, and graduated from Hampton In stitute, Va. Currently, he is math ematics instructor at A.&T. Col lege. Greensboro. Out of town guests includ ed the following: Mrs. Mar garH Gilliam, Hartford, Conn.: Chester Heughan, Gref nsbnrn; Lewis Heughan, Bangor. Mr.: Miss Willett* Malinr, Greensboro: Mrs. Alice Richards. Air. and Mrs, Lin coin Whitworth, Mr. Hudson , and Mrs Flowers ill nf New' York Cifv. Also Mrs. Claudia Delaine. Mrs Stella .Jenkins. Manning, S. C.i Mrs. Ruby Williams and Mrs. Ctee Will iams, Teancck, N, Mrs, Sa die Adams. Mrs. Sadie laiwe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner, Sr,. Frank Gardner. Jr.. New Bern. Mrs. John Hunter. Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Graham, Mrs. Listen Scilars, Mr. and Mrs Grover Dean, Mrs. J. W, j Crawford, md Mrs. Albert Jones. Greensboro; James Har ris. Charlotte, N. C.: Mr and Mrs. Cicero Murphy, Burgav, N. C. The couple will bp at horn ls to friend;, in Greensboro after Aug ust.. it KINSTON BY YETTA £ DUNN 328 Lincoln St., Tel 3258 KINSTON—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stewart, their daughter, Mrs. Er nestine Freeman and Mr. Joseph F. Williams, recently attended j Alumni Day activities at John son C. Smith University. Mr. Stewart's class of '27 had its reunion along with oix othei classes. Librarian and Mrs. T. L. Gunn entertained the class and theh , wives at a luncheon on the cam pus. Later in the afternoon mov ing pictures were taken. At. the alumni banquet Mr. Ste wart, on behalf of his .class pre sented a cash gift of $1,425 to acting president J W. Seabrook ; On commencement day this gift was augmented to the amount of | $1,500.00 The gift represented the | highest cash amount, of any class; j in the. history of the institution | Sixteen of the class members were present alony with then j wives. After « successful school year | at Adkin High School, Misses An nette Johnson and Marilyn Gil more, faculty members are at home in Charlotte, N, C. Mrs Wilfred Bynum attended; a Home Agents Conference at AA:T College last week. She also visited her mother while in Greensboro Mrs. Bynum war ; joined by her husband on Sunday. Mr. 'Reginald Jordan Stewart, i a student of Howard University 1 Business School, is spending a few days with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B Stewart of 700 East Lenoir Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoke? of Philadelphia, Pa. are visiting] their daughter and son-in-law here on Miller St.. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Boyd Mrs. James Cogdell. Sr has re turned from Long Island. N. Y. where she visited her daughters. Mrs, Peggy Sessome and Mrs. j Melve C. Davis. Making the re- i turn 'trip to Kinston with Mr Cogdell were her grandchildren, j Mrs. Jessie Wilson and Mrs. 1 Ethel Seabrook of N. Y.. sisters of Marshall Isler. II visited here j recently and attended graduation exercises ot their nephew Mar-. shall Isler. 11l at Adkin High j School Mr. J, E. Whitehurst of James ville. N. C. was Sunday guest of his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J R. Whitehurst of 406 E. Blount St: Mr. and. MVs P. B. Briggs, their sons. Ben and Jimmy of 41,7 E. North St. spent the week-end in New Bern as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis. Rev. and Mrs. A. B Moseley of 823 Tower Hill Rd. motored to Salisbury last week where they at tended the 75th annual com mencement of Livingstone Col lege. of which Rev. Moselr- i? Ceiebrace The Fourth With Eaglet ’’' CakeT^J This easy-tc-make Eaglat cake will make "conversation” at vour Fourth of July picnic! To make the cake, sets !! seed: Ufec. 4 - fl-wrh square cake. f instant Lemon '0 s Flaks or Chocolate Chipl M. . nj. ’B- * A batch of frosting [„* v j A can of Baker’s Anre! Flike Ctccr.u# Jri R«d gumdroc.* » W -ft j j Small vellow candies f/W Here's what voa Ho •* t Make and coo! the cat* Finished Cut out a strip 3 inches « ce diit*on* center strip and sat aside for the beak. or! Arrany* remaining cake trt* ure #2,1 Figure #1 j g&k .3 Spread frosting over top and sides of sj&f\ flaked coconut to represent feather*. JBjßadjMgs?3ir ,«r-F Arrange 6 small pieces of licorice strip .• - along lower edge of each wing (See liitji m Wjj[-\ Finished Cake photo, l ' ai| Split 2 licorice str*pe to form feet, ar.d Mm dace at bottom of body. Cut tha *td gumdrop into crescent shape and use for eye with a center of t bit of Figure #3 licorice Cover beak with small yellow randif*. IBißWawi^'rifi<i.'.mi!MW'» l 'irii!iiiraLi»« l »«»''initr-«riiiiri»iMTfr.nii«iiiiiwiii»«i»sMaß«wiaia»g»girMßMiiww I ftetSKA Jij VoßS{ * SO Proof. Also ICO Proof Mode Sy%Bwg9s§BiSl from Grain by L. Ralsky & Cie, Cockeysvllle, Md.. U.S.A, , SUlcigh, North CarsHaA — h| „ |TnwiillllliM>ll~-—-rwr»™v | w«r— PAGE FIFTEEN ;an alumnus While away thJt'j : were the house guests of Mrs. Bar -1 bara Taylor of Cleveland and din* | ncr guests of the Rev. end Mr*. W. M. Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Croom, Jr. and daughter. Karen of Air Force Bass in Florida were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs. Wilbert ; Croom, .Jr I Miss Frances Croom is spending the summer months m Hartford, Conn. Mils Barbara Crews is spend ing the summer months in N. Y. and Miss Pearlene Coefield in Atlantic City. N. J Mrs. Josephine Collins, Mr. Eu* gene Whitehurst and Mr. Camel of Newark, N J. and Mrs. Olivia Whitehurst of Jamesville, N. C. ; visited Mr. and Mrs J R. Wfclfce i hurst's sister Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tv ton Mr*. 'Nona Grady. Mrs Lucy Parks, Lillie M King and Roy Burney motored to Durham recently v here they visited Mr Gecrg'e Lake Lofton who is hospitalized there Miss Dorothy Cogdell, fifth grade teacher at Fnnk High School, is attending a Health Ed ucation Workshop at. North Caro lina College June 10 through June i 17. Miss Cogdell was recipient of a grant issued yearly by Tuber culcsis Association to i teacher, outstanding in that field The Federated Womens' State Convention which was held in 1 Sedalia. N. C. was well attended by local persons. Kinstonians attending and the i clubs they represented were Mr* Willie Anderson. Community Club; Mrs. Sara Clark* and Mrs. Mary G. Williams Banneksr Lit : erary Club Mrs. M. N. Leitao, Kinston Bridge Club and S C.H.S. Club; Mrs. Clementine Chapman, | Entre Nous Club, Others who at j tended were Mrs. Alvce Hubbard, Mrs. Gloria Alston. Mrs. Anne G, 1 Moore and Mrs. A. R Hines Elected to serve on the state committee were Mrs. Leitao and ! Mrs. Moore. The next district convention ’ ill be held in Kin i ston next fall. , Mrs. W. H. Barnes of 639 East ] Lenoir Ave. was hostess to the * S.O.H.S Club on Tuesday after* j noon at 5 Two progressions of Bridge were played. High score for the afternoon "as awarded to Mrs. A. G. Moore Second prize and consolation prize were awarded to Mr- M N Leitao and H Maye . respectively Other? nre-ent were Misses K. Allen v M Jones and A M Raye. A'.-.o Mesdames C Chapman 3 Flanagan A. Hubbard. B. Hines. H, Isler and L Isler - delicious salad course was ' ur]‘Vf>ri.

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