PAGE FOUR VI £W I*O»MT Ligon High School And You • • Pr«n all the avm!eM< Mr. H. E. Brown, who I. :> >■ nr.l- od the Ligon school h< ■ if > In, , . pnn. lit ly qualified in evot v .• •• this important pop*- VV. ■:.. cept at fare valu< • ;t have been paid at wit A': I • ■ m i i.!, for him a lone and sum ul i . .1 ; u me'onl of the Ligon r.rii. <>l That is all w< h.i v< t i■ ;;■ \v< would now like t> i. urow i n . ;m ,i : : tention of .ill the Nt t;ro< . m i!n, munity while w. ■ t issues about th<= 1 n ' \ \ s for yOU to beef ; > ;!, ,t this school does n-■ ... |-r* the SUpermt-ne'i n* r.f ... ■ .. t: if pi ■r. eipal and teacher- L your s.-hoo'. You should be as ... ; p. in. I a tion and fun <• tion im< \ -i e-,. ,■ H1 .,. n,frh*t- rron.i'ln Ym. ■ km. J - V that all of the m -• • : . * ties needed high school fi svn" > i pi, dents should hr in th: Sooner or Infer, mtccjuiv.ii rvi-.t n..- w the Raleigh •■-hooi m • not stop gpopn-ir-!tic ■) ■■ ■! , . , Her *dUs€ of this fact, T!K 1, I ,>il ■; v ';r/);.! : { , , ,rj, tinue to he an -si; v- , long time Also A • v , : citizens of Rain pi =.? m:’ on that, school ami , ■ criminated egmn-t \ ■ ... . ,-| v, 0 school Can-’' - - ~ p th ere is not now- ouri t ; p, -, . thing appro-. hr- ; ■ . :|. f Broughton -■ -. . Jack of equali'v ; ,- '■ ■-■ r , planned that v- an -' - i.- , ; - i > until the Negro ■■ W'w • r high school Broughton ’-..-.rA waiting for ri-.f ■ dent or the ip.-sj a; : . in-, 1.-r.-.n re do this you will h The chief w.-i , - tion, We say that v :i - ; , n upon the two- v ,c have preceded Mr ► -;■■■■ - , . tainly arc not has not even -t - . What we are j-. j : penny wi-e ulr.a ;h n ~ - administer ■> - 1 bf.nj :-,j , . , ; .-, -- While at the E> I, student enrolln,. -.f -,i •<;in* 1.1 and a full time , • • In. this Tech ho-. iuif. •-] - -. confused youth . one man to afi-; i ; . vi ties of a school th; ». the activities of a th■ ■ -'-p. The two men who pro-t : ■{ ■'■■■. : i ■•. pi-in<S‘ pals should have- 5 ,.■ -i - i c persons who shouid : . t; a Tio Fey The Governor Govern-'t Hnrir-'■ >r h u ’ -- kig he war .• refusal of the ps?t ’■ • ■' : his proposed snh-N . ' !■;■■■ >• Hodges is quote'* ; -e had toid him why t' : - gored measure i —myi it should hat - ' been ■ ! if ■ o ad thc-p though he was v h tor rible consequences , - m •- -im of the defeat of this s i . ’ r • wv'nor said the resporAbilii .• d with the General Asscrnld... Well, Mr. HoA .. it .t n.t.-un you wall get over your ■ , ippoint ment” Time will tak* that. Time will eventually cure vo ' ' >■■■ b< come Upset and rii-mprc-.n! U Hmv citizens arc beervmr.c. ■ ; a;h to re frain from doing t.h-n !••:»! '! r- isa the freedom and Id -t • <> ; Or»c of these days, you • i!i i. n. (', - mor. th:-t you have no move j> >• • ■ 1 k the onward march of human p nr-w :h you r.,n pre vent the ebb and tide M • ,n flow. Now. Mb Gv.ho 'iv ■, i v -snt : jr ‘ ' voy 8 “tip'’ on Why you; h • ■■■ h v - thrown into the ruh'v- - . ,y. q !-, PC , We are only donut ;!>■ ! . ,■H< u v be cause you said no one had hr-ihi-rod to Mi you why it wasn’t ace., yi >•-!» . Vhi u Mr. Hodges, in tin Ire Ad i; ju-.i faded, there was a group of young men who. through their broadened concept'. <•: pn trends, needs and development h .v. h n abb to keep their minds, ti 1 in and tin r souls, free of the intolerance. m./J hni <*l tbnt were embodied m your athi-NAACP ti!! A! though some of the old* r nnd more experienced members of the lcgishi: ;u lined up with the "young Turks'" in him.hoc to. • .1! or, n< - ; »'rd proposal into oblivion, u v si,- %-rimed <rs who marshalled the h.icc , - f frc<- -'oni in the Senate into « small .trim of.ivarmn, common sense and justice and . idcd it win ton- to call a hah to flu- ror.e '• nbry p.nt lire coined so much hcr.dw r un ' i \ j ' . In-.u un THE CAROLINIAN Published by the Cai- linian Publishing Company, 518 E. Maitin Street. Raleigh, N. C. Entered as f-e.-ond C! t a Mntnr, April n. 1940, at the Post Office at Raleigh, North Carolina, under th.. Act of M itch lAdditional Entry at Charlotte, N C Subscription Kef- : .V dhs ,'AJh One Ymi $4,50 Payablo in Advo:- .. -no rutin i'-afianc and - m ~i.„r y , money or ders payable to TFP CAEO* l'ilA’3. Interstate (’tilted N< \-■ I ,1 I tis. u-enue. N f. 1?, N. f. National Advertising Repre sentative. This newspaper is not v ■> ■ v - return of un.v irited news, pictures, or adverttsinx copy unless necessary i-• >:-*.t t** ,i. . i e ..., y P. r. '.f.i v Alf, Publich«* Alexander Barn, -3 Advertising 4 Promotion Chae. Jones Mews A Circulation £ K, owain ■ • ~ . Plant Pi.r-erintendetd I w*. Wasrunat-’") . . Foreman. Mfirhanical Decartmerif firs. A M. Hinton , . . pffirp Mrr*aaißT Oplsisne c i‘> • • in !>■ - . 1 ... j.,j t sfe not timss of th? pwh lloatleit c - ,nrr>rned about this, did not demand an a?- si'-'ant principal We- have been reliably m tmnicd that the first Ligon principal, Dr. W, H Watson asked the superintendent for an as -1 rant but the request was turned down. We hav< also been reliably informed that Dr, Wat son's chief reason for leaving Ligon was his in ability to secure the personnel he felt was n< eded if the Ligon school was to adequately P’.'i pare our youth for college and for life, O course, under the despotic and arbitrary matin r m which our schools are run here, any pt >inpal or teacher known to have made an appeal for help to his real bosses, the people, ’>• "Vile, be asking for his summary dismissal, L possible that you did not know about -be desperate need for an asistant principal at ' "'-e ' 'non school w? you now to pleas« •’onsidet this need for the sake of the Negro high school students of this community, see the new prin»*ipal vert an rs-istnrtt so be an be freed from petty routine duties end have time to know what is going on at his school. Youth has always needed counseling and p. wiener. But today, without competent guid mce and counseling, young people are simply U'.-’bk m meet the onrush of life, too many, -o many of them are. finding it impossible t’> mpe with the situation and are- falling by the wayside Instead of recognizing the facts involved m b, rapid downfall of our youth and facing up to our responsibilities, we stand up and , < i-v our fingers at our “wayward” youth and imp all the blame on them Now. let us look at the facts pertaining to this ugly situation A.l - "’Ugh the Broughton school has a full time •if -m for boys and one for girls with assistants f-oijnselors and guidance workers, the Ligon t h.v-l operated for two years without either. Tap- there was a make shift dean setup with two hochers doubling as teachers and. deans, * i was purely a make, shift, arrangement A v ■■■;■ ago. with a lot of fan fare two additional p.- rsons were employed, a man as dean of the hoys and a woman as dean of girls. But these two had to do some part time teaching so there Ivis nevi i been any regularly established full in r- deans or counsellors employed at the Luton school. Our young people have suffered by being •■hr rt changed in this manner. The losses they have sustained during the past few years will come more manifest as the years go bv. Should not we as parent- guardians, custod ians, patrons, and friends of the Ligon school re quest that our children receive the guidance th<-\ deserve and not be satisfied with any thing less than what is provided the students at the Borughton school? M s , Brown will be able- to do » far better work as principal of th" Ligon school if we will do our part, and see to it that he has the proper personnel to help him in the difficult job of principal of the Ligon school. and to begin some steps in the direction of rood will and understanding so vital to the future of this great state You should understand Mr Governor, that not ail of the legislators who have followed you in your attempt to maintain the Negro cit; - 7 ns of this state, in a perpetual role of second • lass citizens felt within their hearts that they were doing the right thing. Many of this group are. as you are believed to be. politically am bitious. They believe that by hitching thc-ir wagon to your political star their political fu ture is assured, Although this type of reason ing has paid off in the past there are indica tions that a new day is dawning and that those who have been swept into political positions because of their promises to. hold the line against Negro advancement will soon learn that the plain people of this state will be ask ing their candidates why, if their medicine is so good for what ails this state, why is it. that aio t taking this medicine so long, the people find their state almost at the bottom in per apita income and education and near the top in the payment of personal and individual taxes The group who led the fight against your iniquitors and liberty restricting anti-NA.ACP bill. Mr Governor, are not afraid of the fu ture They had rather fall in stop with true. Americanism and stake their political future on the divine inspiration of the Golden Rule and its secure promises rather than follow your -shaky leadership of reaction and eventual chaos. They have weighed your racial views on the scales of justice and have found that they do not balance with today’s concepts of onward progress. They have seen the hand ' writing on the wall and realize that “you can not fool all the people all the time". When the day of reckoning for all of this backward lead er hip finally comes to this state, and come it must, these potential young leaders will he r- dv to strp into the breech, accept the lead ership with unsullied souls and lead this state, toward the greatness God ha-, decreed for it. “With Such Stalling On Civil Rights, We Can’t Fool Them For Long.” til IBIS C4O BAY BY DR. C. A. CHICK, SR. Class Reunion Webster's Unabridged Dict onary defines the word ‘'com mencement” (as related to our educational institutions): “Th" day when or the ceremonies at which degrees or diplomas are conferred, also the period of festivities at this time.’ I am partial to that part of the foregoing definition which sw.vs “the period of festivities at this time.” For indeed a school com mencement is of necessity more than one day. As a matter of fact we are more nearly cor rect when we speak of com mencement. time meaning a series of events lasting several days the climax of which is the conferring of degrees. Commencement time is e. happy and joyful time for all concerned And it, is difficult *to state just which events th*> beginning of a commencement In a large measure one might think of the Junior-Senior Prom as a part of the com mencement.. Then there ere such happy events and pro grams a,v Class Day or Night: President's or Principal's At Home to the Graduating Class- Alumni meeting, business and social; Baccalaureate Sermon; SENTENCE SERMONS By REV. FRANK CLARENCE LOWRY For ANP WRECKING. FR.ECTING I OF It ESI ERECTING’ ■ 1 While wreckers naturally aenmre some semblance of construction skill, it is not to he compared with the technical knowledge artisans must have whose .ioh it is to build. 2 The wrecker only sees the builder's technique as he roughly strikes down some ar chiteetual peak . , . for to him it is just a matter of crumbling it down within the required working hours on hit job to be found. 3. No special interest, would he perhaps have than the fact of making a living, and doubt less would give no time to the thought, of sacrificing to study the techniques of building. 4. Thp wreckers of human lives live somewhat, on the same plain, tearing down in a much shorter time what it takes to build a good name, they are masters of destruction, well trained to defame 5. But whs! a, contrast, to those whose delight is in erect ing new objectives and hopes in THE PULPIT VOICE BY REV. HAMILTON T. BOSWELL REFLECTIONS ON THE PRAYER PILGRIMAGE Jesus asked his audience one day, most oi whom had been discussing perhaps adversely, the revivals of John the Bap tist. "what went ye out in the wilderness for to see? A reed shaken in the wind?" And this metaphor used hv the Master can be asked of all who some four weeks marie the trek to the nation's capitol. Wash ington, D. C. to participate in the Prave’ Pilgrimage which met at th? foot of Lincoln's Memorial May 17th. the an niversary of the Supreme THE CAROLINIAN and the Commencemei t ad dress. followed by the confer ring of degrees, awards and honors. With oil due and high re spect to the foregoing and especially to the exercises at which the young people receive their degrees, awards and hon ors, 1 feel that class reunions play a, definite part in addin-.: joy, happiness and ‘ life” to our commencement exorcises. I can well appreciate the young folks’ happiness in re reiving their degrees. I fear, however, that their happiness and joy on such occasions can not reach the .10?/ and happi ness of the classes of “past gone years” who from time to time come hark for “class re uniins. You see the older grad uates have a iny that, the younger graduates do not yet know of (“We have meat to eat that ye know not of ). And. unions ou see the older grad uates have on such occasions •the younger graduates cannot have until they have bumped their heads up against the walls of experience. They must realize that many of their air castles will forever remain in the air. They must realise that their schools have flattered unhappy and discouraged lives, for these sip the person:, who strive tenaciously to yve the world a new look, and this arid more, was the costly task our blessed Saviour undertook. 6. He came, and even laid asidp His crown that men would not continue to grope upon the ground, but Stand erect, and behold Christ's face and help Him to rebuild a new and prosperous human Race. 7. Thus His renewed and re vitalized creatures have for sook the wrecking business and given themselves to erecting promising lives that are will ing to approach hard tasks and make valuable decision'. 8 These are the persons who reflect heavenly charm, who go around doing good, and have r.o desire to do harm . . . who enhance their own joy by bring good to others and recognize all men ns being brothers. 9 A truly converted man like Paul even wanted and did sense the crucifix!’ion of Chrt-J, for he said, am crucified with Christ, nevertheless 1 live; Court s historic decision against segregation in public schools. What did we go to Wash ington for to see, 3 reed shak er: in the wind. To be sure there was much honest appre hension across the country when the Prayer Pilgrimage, was first announced. People rightfully asked, what is this? is it just a cheap use of re licion to focus political pres sure for Civil Rights? More, vocal opponents declared that such a meeting would be a na tion::! disgrace And what a rpertade they predicted, 30,000 Negroes In them into thinking that they are tar more important than they realize they are Class' reunions bring back old memories, reunite old friends and acqua,antes. re kindle and help to keep alive love and loyalty for Alma Ma ters around which the classes reunite Amidst the joy and hapt ness of class reunions, how ever. there is a note of sad ness. When the class role is called as in days of yore theie are names called who do not. answer present, m person nor by letters. They are those who have paid the Great Debt that sooner or later the rest, of us, too. must pat- And. such feel ings should cause those of us whom the Judge ox the world has left, here to have an at titude of thankfulness and an abiding and keen desire to play well our parts during the few more days we have on this “terrestrial globe" Let’s have more class re unions Let’s love our Alma Ma ters more and let’s demonstrate such love with otlr presence and with our finances. Above all. increase our love for each other and thereby our love for our Creator! yet, not I. but Christ Ir-eth m me and the life which I now live m the flesh I live by faith of the son of God who loved me and :;ave Himself for me.” 10. And now the great cli max, the Resurrection . the one and only act that Christ only could perform to make us sons of God, by being re-born; all who come under the can opv of Salvation, never think of being wreckers, and abhor thoughts of destruction, 11 Thu? complete fulfillment of the Crucifixion and Resur rection completes the glorious plan of man's redemption, and automatically man can become an heir of God and a joint heir of. Jesus Christ, if only by faith he will believe and accept this eternal sacrifice. 12 Then high above all prin cipalities and powers such re penting souls will become heav en’s flowers . far away from wreckers, destroyers and temp ters they shall be honored by the Savior to be numbered a rnong those enjoying highest favor. what they thought would be a stereotyped prayer meeting of Negroes with all the groan ing and moaning hysteria of this type of emotional orgy. There were others for different reasons who were apprehensive of such a feat. Vet now that the Prayer Pilgrimage is over, it can safe ly be said that that tremen dous meeting was in no sense as ordinary or as common place as "a re>»d shaken in the wind”. There was none nf the bizarre demonstrated in any way on that history making program. And as Jerus came back at his WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 1957 Gordon B. Hancock $ THE BIG MISTAKE IN EDUCATION Some years ago the writer was invited to one 0? our larger colleges to give the address to the graduating classes Afrpr the address and the conferring of degrees came the occasion of awarding prizes with varied emphases. Without, exception all of the prizes were awarded on the basis of scholarship alone. There were first prizes In mathematics, history, econom ics. chemistry and in each esse consideration was given to high ranking scholarship. Much was made of the brilliant students and there was nothing particu larly wrong with this had something been offered for those of only mediocre scholar ship but of finest, character. When the president set down I quietly asekei him what prizes were offered those of fine, char acter but poor or mediocre scholarship, he admitted that there "’as no pri 11 for rne'- er, ter I thereupon offered * prize for the next year’s graduate who was the finest citizen of the college community with no respect, to scholarship and ex ccllencles thereof. This prize j am told became one of the most popular among those offered A prize for character! What does It. profit, a young person to have excellent grades in the various courses and graduate with a aimma cum la tide wit h no character to back it up. when as a matter of fact, if is the character in the l,rat analv that must put him over The glamour of excellent scholarship may help npe to get. a position or a job. but it takes character to hold it There is something terribly wrong with a system that off ers all its prizes and encourage ments to the scholar and little or nothing for the gentleman or lady There has never been found any correlation between education and character. There is but little, place in (he world for a. man of great learning but little character, but a great place for the man who has great character Our fathers‘who laid the founda tions upon which we are build ing today were short on educa tion bur. long on character In the great University of Experi ence they majored in character Letter To The Editor To the Editor I respectfully submit the fol audienre. ne continued repeat ing in part his firs', question, “But, what went ye out for to see, A prophet' I say unto you and much more than a pro phet So it was. the thousands of pilgrims who went to Washing ton did not see a reed shaken in the wind, we went to see and were privileged to be in the presence of a witness of prophetic religious expression, in its most creative form ever known in these United States. That meeting with the dynam ic witnesses of a group of southern preachers, made if, clear that these men have be come the true leaders of Chris tianity here in America The Prayer Pilgrimage did more than etch the profiles of successors to leadership ir. America’s spiritual life It spell ed out in unmistakable terms, a new unity amone Negroes and other people of’ good will m the approach to common problems before all It was evi dent that, this new bond of unity was inclusive of the Ne gro Protestant Church- the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement ot Colored People, and forces representative of the Negro’s growing power in organized laboi And on a warm Washington afternoon ot Friday. May 17th, there thun dered from the foot of the Lin coln Memorial the declaration of this unity. The Prayer Pilgrimage air-o declared what can be called, “a change in the Negroes "Par ty line’’. In a, clear and calm voice Martin Luther King de clared. ’’the day of the rabble rousev is over”. And up from Montgomery, Alabama has come the new approach, the weapon of love, goodwill fight ing back, love as protector guide and conqueror of fear and. death. It will be very interesting to watch tins new unity of Church. NAACP and Labor en deavor to use the technique of non violent aggression. It ap pears that the continuance 0 f this new found unity hinges upon t he success of this new method. New methods never work as well as old habits and methods This poses a real problem for the older wing of leadership who by now are set in their ways Nevertheless, this is the test There are now apparent, cries against the new' method as it was demonstrated in the Pray er Pilgrimage itself. Many a:" saying arc’ with much justi fication. where- do we go from here’ The appeal was to the , conscience of America, but, 1 practically what ere we about? ] What did the. individual who attended have to take home to do with his hands to implement , the pilgrimage on the local level? There were no plans for any 1 voters registration or any oth er strategy which would engage •every available force. m a thing that is currently mark ed down in our present, scheme of things. This is unfortunate. When character Is marked down in the institutions of learning there is great temp* tation for their graduates to mark it down also. One of the great, mistakes in education of today hinges about this self same matter of putting exces sive emphasis on scholarship and so little on character. The foregoing observation was inspired by reading ac counts of scholarship awards to high school graduates here and thereabout the country. At ev=ry high school com mencement there are offered bv the different colleges and universities scholarships and ail of these, without exception are conditioned on scholarship; and not, one refers tc charac ter I This te 9 poor commentary on the educational program of , the American institutions of learninc It is true that we have learned the fine art of % | mass education in this eoun-- trv hist if, ts also true we have j a wicked society full of moral y corruption, ft is also true that we have the highest incidence crime of any nation upon the earth. Our great crime and delta* quency rates dovetail into our , program of education that places the great encouragement , not upon character but upon scholarship yet it is 9 known fact that whatever else a. man does not have he must have character if he is to serve con structively his day and genera tion When therefore John L. Le wis, w as given an honorary de gree by the University of West Virginia an attempt was being made to place emphasis on character rather than upon scholarship Our colleges could learn here a valuable lesson. John L Lewis is not an ed ucated man but a man with a robust, character by which he had led the miners of the country to higher standards of living and welfare Some of • our greatest Negroes are mer.j and women of modest learn-g ing 01 no learning at ail It ts going to be a great day in this country when more at tention i? showered upon this das? of cm- citizenship. Our bis mistake in education! lowing comments concerning the editorial entitled Another look' which appeared in the Carolinian for the week end ing Saturday. June IS. 1957: 1 My policy through many '• of law enforcement and living in general has always been and still is that every per son is a fellow human being and mould lie treated as such regardless of his race, color, creed, or station in life. I have attempted ‘a ■ net-all this phi losophy throUj. .out the Raleigh Police Department and I be hove that the majority of our Negro citizens as well as our white? ones, will attest to th*r fact that I have substantially 9 succeeded in this aim 2 I asked for an investiga tion into this affair and the re port that came to me was that James Harris brought his dif ficulties. upon himself I ’Uris Department is just a.- interested in apprehending a white man who molests a colored person as it is in appre bending s, colored person wh# molests a white person. Had Harris gone about, his report' in an understandable manner, he would have, received imme diate assistance instead of hav ing the telephone hung up on him b - . our radio operator be cause of his language Our of ficer- do not. have to listen such language either over th* telephone or in person. A , 4 I would have beer, drs- 1 turbed by your editorial had’ not, the following three excerpts set. the theme ot the editorial and, therefore made it less impressive as far as I am con corned I quote i For our part we would accept, the word of the Harris’ * who say there v as nothing dfk orderly In the conduct of Mrt Harris, before we would that of the two policemen ” * b. “As we, previously stated, we do not know what went on (he night Harris went to th* Raleigh Police Station seeking relief but, there are many as pect?. of the aftermath of his visit, that are ..not, wholesome or conducive to good law en forcement, or to proper race relations.’’ You and your paper are in a position to do much to bring about belter relations between the races and you owe it to our community to do so Just as ah of us do. c White policemen, do not seem to realize that people, in cluding Lieutenant Bailey and his Negroes are human betaim the same as they are.” * 1 believe that the maioritj* even of yotu race would dis pute this statement as concern ing the Raleigh Police Depart ment Plea re do not construe tha shove remarks as intended to be critical or derogatory in any * way bur, only as meaning tow call to your attention some of n>« impressions with the pri mary objective of attempting at usual to bring shout »n even better understanding. If ever either I or this Department may serve you in any way. t a ure you we shall do so to the best of our ability. Sincerely. TOM DAVIS Chief of Police

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