NO SPLIT IN ELKDOM, LEGAL ADVISER SAYS *«ri**^ f $1 w* M vw ijgL $Lp &f ffjtf jJffiazEL |j|s Ijfcyjp 1 5P* jgj *|Lt Pf _JmF Jk» JSf Jg? Mrj. s|Mm he #, Jj M §j[ J|[ Jgy Jff M Jk ,; yl' f J FORM OF A CHAMPION A symphony M of motion is depicted bv tennis star Althea ” Gibson as she led l . S. net aces into the semi t final round at Wimbledon, England Saturday r r and emerged as the first Negro to a win a championship there. Althea won the coveted women’s singles after many years of unsuc , « oessfu! attempts, fNEWSPRESS PHOTO). Althea Cries As Queen Presents T ennis IVonhv WIMBLEDON, England Con gratulations from Queen Elizabeth herself was the climax to the il lustrious career of Althea Gibson, who learned thp rules of playing tennis on the teeming sidewalks of New York and who became the 1 wo Shootings Lead List Os Crimes In Charlotte For July 4th Weekend CHARLOTTE Store-brer.k tng, shooting and drunk driving wore in the spot'ught. here over : the weekend as violence kept, lo cal police busy drains the long holiday weekend A mar. and a woman figured in tire shooting. Cm one Mingo o! 304 Cherry St., was arrested ! shortly alter she reportedly shot James Crawford 709 s. Plum El. Investigating officers said they | found Crawford lying on a porch ; at 505 S Long SI about. 4:3ft :i.j m. Saturday with a bullet wound •' Three Drotvnings In Same \ Day Reported In The State i young boy.s drowned Sunday while swimming in a cock quarry pjf near this Rowan hamlet. The victims were Johnny Glased. 14. and Freddy <’. May, lfi. Glnsco '>:(•. the son of Mr ,V Mrs. Johnny Glaser,. Sr., *>f Salisbury and May «;»• re potted to he a resident of Georgia visiting in Ko«an County. The vouths drowned in the WEEK ENDING SATWDA •’ jOl Y it, *G • 7 i first Ncg’-n ever to win a clvim \ pionship st Wimbledon Miss Gtn ! son was declared winner of the I Women's Singles Tennis Champion i snip which she had sought for ,-e --(Continued on page 21 ,in his Jell id;-. He was reported in fair condition Monday at a, in- j : cal hospital Clettts Horton or UO9 Druid | j circle, a former North Carolina j Colic-ae football star, figured in . the sc-con H shooting Witnesses told police Horton■ ! tried to -hoot an unidentified man • but, the billies -truck Charles j Price of 233 Orange St. Reason 1 . | for the shootme was not known.; ; police reported. (CONTI NT I D ON I*AGE 2) ' ( Carolina Pink Quarry on Stokes | Ferry Hoad shortly before 5 p.m, i | Sunday. The Row a n County j j Rescue Sound found their bodies: ! within n few minutes but. 45 min-; 1 hies of irtificin) respiration fail- ; ; ed to revive them. ; SCOTLAND NECK -- Hay wood I i Ale vender, 23-year-old man from | Baltimore. Md., drowned Sunday , I while he amd two companions (CONTINUED ON FAOE ?) 1 i 15c £l««wher« NUMBER 41 Arthur Dove May Seek preacher Wh ° Assisted [n Church c „ AMt i. ‘ Dedication Pined; Cress Burned money from we, raper *. .. „ BY CHARLES R. JONES Arthur Dove, prominent local businessman told The CARO LINIAN Tuesday that he wsr in a state of mind to institute n suit against a Virginia weekly newspaper and all parties concern ed for a story that Was published last week in the paper stating that the purchase of the Kansas City Monarch? Tuesday May. 14. was a "publicity stunt.' Three lawyers have already been contacted. Mr Dove said, and he indicated that the suit would seek SIOO,OOO or more for alleged libel, claiming that the story was not based on fact. The reporter who wrote the i - firsi story on the sale two months ago contacted Dove after the publication of (he information that the sale was a gimmick for publicity Elks Spend Holiday At I" arm; Deny Rift Story RV J B. BARREN JOHN BROWN'S FARM Md - About, one thousand members and friends of the Improved. Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 'IBPOE of Wi ga i thered here on July 4th for the ! annual Elks celebration in mem ory ot John Brown, the ardent , and fanatical abohuonLst, who struck a single-handed blow for lho emancipation of the Negro slaves seven years before Abe Lin coln finally whipped the South ! into surrendering. Led by Grand Exalted Ruler Robert H. Johnson, the many merry-making Elks took time out from their picnic lunches to listen reverently to a ser mon by Rev. h I*. Battle, while sathereri under the shade of the pear orchid where John Brown minced fruit, as he pianned his ‘rebellion' one hundred years ago. This re ligious service was said to have been the brain-child of the Rev. >|r. Battle, president of the N. ( Elks Association GOODWILL AMBASSADORS Using his favorite mouthpiece, Louts Armstrong, lieff) demonstrates to Vice President Richard H Nixon the techniques he uses to ‘"make the horn cry/’ (luring » rc'ent visit to the Capitol. "I mlghl change horns,” said Satohmn, “but my mouthpiece.” Armstrong leaves shortly on a goodwill tour of South America, Russia, and Africa, UNITED Pit FAR PHOTO). / Bbhjis k£ Mofpy He was told by Mr. Dove that the entire report in the weekly lakt week was “a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) and grand lecturer of she na Honsti IBPOF of M Charles P. McCiane. pubhc re , lations director and head of the John Brown Shrine announced , that a scries of revival services would start at the farm .soon , featuring Rev. Battle and several 1 of his choirs from Tarheclia. M>'s. Bertha .McKanlass of De j troit. Mich., directress of the tCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Wife Killed , Mate Jailed MONROE'—A 28—year-old m-m Vas held Monday after his wife died of injuries allegedly suffered when he hit her with a chair Saturday night. Murder charges were expected to be filed against Sylvester Hou.v- j ton Police said witnesses told j them he hit his wife, Mabel, on I the head with a chair druing an 1 argument. She died at 3:15 a.m. Sunday in Good Samaritan Hospital in Charlotte. Police said they did not have full details of the incident and : were investigating. CROSS IN < lII’RCH V\Rlj The cross shown in photo above was found- ra»iv Tuesday morning on the lawn ol the New Mount Zion Holiness Church m Centerville, near t.nufsburg in franklin fount* . 11 is believed that the cross was the result of a white Virginia minister taking nail in the dedication ! lav of the all-Negro church. mg has finally found if? way 10 ' churchyards in North Carolina The. remains of a burned cross stood jp ir-■>r>< of the New Mount Turn Holiness Church. Franklin Counts, ear It Tuesday mirning. Made of slabs the cross had ’.con wrapped in rags and snakeo in oil before being sot afire ar cording £ >■ tmed '521.75 .Sunday sot obstruct a I traffic while participaLn: ir, ih-- '2 Men, Lady Rob Station :|ln Alamance GRAHAM i’wo men ’M > woman robbed R. E. Edward.- 1 ! gun point in his service -t; ; : ! near here Sunday night, taking ! about SIOO in cash. ! Edwards sr, id the trio drove 1 up in a black car arid parked j cross the street, from the. «•!atlon ! When they entered the station ;one of them grubbed him. ripped i his shirt from his back and threw him on the floor while a «econd : held the gun on him After taking Ihr mone' from the cash drawer they barked out of the building, flipping I the light switch on 4heir wav out. H her if Us Deputies said they believed the 3 were famil ! ar with the station because they knew where flic light switch was and knew that if 1 turned off both inside and 1 outside lights, Edwards said he had never ij seen the Negroes before Sunday 1 ! night. He was atone at the time of the robbery. His wife, woh was ; ■ in their apartment at the rear of : she station said she did not In n any during the incident , Church near here. The Rev Harry E. Koig nf 14 tiHe Plains. 1. «:■ m rested bv Franklin I'minh- Say Raleigh Man Stabbed Bis Wife 3 limes July 4 ; A 80-year-old man is being held in the Wake County Jail in lieu of ! SSOO bond after he reportedly : tabbed his wife three times with a knife durmc an argument on re morning of July 4. Julius McKinley Austin ii b-ged’v stabbed his wife on IV Johnson Strop! around f 59 a ni . an officer reported. •I w. Bowler, the officer who mvestic.!t.pd. said Austin and hi* Bonus Money Program Into Third Week The second week of Bonus Mon ey participation begins-. Thursday of this week and will end atmid nifjhi, Wednesday, July 17. Have you already entered th* promotion? If not start saving your receipts or purchase slips to day. You could very easily be a winner in this month':) competi ; lion. The ruler are hated below: BON I S MONEY RULES Purchase slips or receipts must come from merchants advertising ; in The CAROLINIAN the week the advertisement appears Any person or family at the ; , same address i.x eligible to use she ; total purchases made from the j , homes. Only one name should be i 1 used in submitting entry. No purchase of over S3OO from (REE 111 I.KS PAGE 2i j l This Week’s Advertisers The mcrch&nt.s listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonn* i Monev Stores. j PACK ?. I Tip Top food Store* j PAGE i ilf l"! h I'nto i >I Hon.o Mr food A Wilson (nmpanv Electric Wholesalers, tin 'Town A- Country Furnitor* Si M TOURS H ardwat" To j Mr. Elvis Rand I Famous Bakery ; Burls Garage C. Karl l.ticliman PAGE 5 MuU*on-Bclk i nmp.anr Vogue Hmil General Tire compans Williams Garage Gore's Esso Service Restful Pines Mole! Carolina Typewriter PAGE fi The Hood System Industrial Bank Southern Furniture Comp.inv John Askew Painter K Decora,->r Twin Inn Oil Servire i.ewis Radio A TV Clinic National Art Shop Acme Realty Compan* PAGE I A* P Super Marker* Kramer's Jfwelers i Ortn Watch Shop • Wamble, lrc 1 rite Hand S -stem Irt'liis'.rlal Bank 1 Tire Distributor", Inc ' i Pine state freomeri Company ■ PAGE S Blood worth til Tourltt Burns Pester W( II Company Cavenesa insurance Agency a ho-.vear-ald man u» being held in iii!- Wake County Jail in lieu jf icon ffNCR 11 ON PAGt ?> wife. Mrs Clara. Austin 45. had been drtnkihs and in argument ensued. Austin aHcgfdh grabbed * scout knife and stabbed Mrs. Austin f hvec times—oner » ■ hove the shoulder blade, one* in (be right leg and once in the upper left ehes< The woman was rushed to St < fi\jj\i in o\ PAT? 2) Br ROBERT G SHEPARD The following poem by Norma Par her indicates the degree m which the pupil is a reflection of ; the teacher. In view of the fact that the V S. Post Office Department is thi* month placing on sale in all our Post. Offices a Commemorative postage stump captioned ‘Honor ing the Teachers of America'’. This poem is most significant and highly appropriate What. M i Teachers Said They taught me what I dumbly ■ knew: i Might me to tell j with a strong pulse so you might hear me like the knell of your own throat. They sard j Listen to whirring grass in your heart's meadow, by your ; red Inward ri very ness. They said, Listen, a name j lies like a crown on every speckle ' and fleck. Herr it, proclaim and allude to it bedeck | H'ONTfNT'En ON PAGE ?i Iliim*'* Os Scis’iif Carolina Builder* Corp Watson seafood i. Poult.- r. for. I'mstearl Transfer Co A P«->d Slot* Dillon Motor Finance Compan” R'dßewav's Opticians Pepst-Col* BotUUif Co. of lUieiflt Mechanics A Farmers H,?nk Warner Memorials O 'luxe Hold PAGE 1C N Products u E Quinn Furniture Company i Ambassador The.itte i irulin.l Power A tlrht Company tivclla Beauty College Edward's Shoe Store PAGE 1J Hurelii Siai Cover (enter Goodman's f-idus shop Raleigh Seafood Compan” PAGE Hi Tom Ashworth's Tire Sen ice Santi s Tourist Hume Itudsnn-Bclk Company Twin City Radio A Appliance (:« Western .Auto As*oc‘a>e Store Stephens Supply Company Vatina Wholesale. Builders Supply PAGE ,8 Wal'd i • Mirante Agency Prheaid's J’ 1 < euso: Motor C >. I Chevrolet Service Company 1 nick Fiver Shoe Service Hellov ■ H'i ( ash Feed Store i PAGE Hchby Supply Store i Piyton Time Ml i •■.irst-Citiren* Rank A- Trust Company