—■ — •*— • , - ~ . VT\KE f nVSTT WRECK j &CEXE - The arridrnt ?hA» n a bo vp snuffed outof the 11 io nf r»«p Friday tii#M j.i»kl died at Satin- p 13* Ev < r. harken ROCKY MOUNT—Several hun dred Bills and Daughters of r ho Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World tIBFQEW) from Tarheelia me expected to join with thousands o.’ others front over the nation in attendance 31 the annual con von !on of the Grand Lodge of IBf OFW :n PhilarMphia Pa Au #,Ai) Thin.rs Ready" The grand lodge corn mitt e<* has announced that ‘All tiling- are ready; romp on tn Ihe fl* '■ of Brotherly Rove.’ 1 Grand Exalted Ruler Robert H, Johnson and Grand Dauch tor Ruler Nettie Carter .jack (ros-Ttvi in n\ par* »> J"l*| ir T| T”f * •w™* *j. a I *wq w? riit© roit?i| ‘“p.r- Brief ( t ' Brick College Alumni I ,v Meet RALEIGH—The Eighth Annual i Reunion of the Brick alumni will be held Saturday and Sunday. : August 25-25 at Bricks. N c.. ac cording the C A. "Doll” Haywood president ‘'AVe are hoping for the best reunion ever.” he -aid Alum ni. former student? and friend? of the institution are urged to be {CO*vTTVL ! ¥TI r»v pir.r »•> •School Girl Wins Prize in Interracial I Writing Contest Sponsored By Paper ! ROCKY MOUNT A Swift i Creek High Shcnol student. 15- j year-old Maxine Alston, who lives l TELLS OF ’SLAVERY’—Bertha Vime*. 27. an Immigrant from Honduras, testifier! before the Senate Barke** Committer in tVsshlnjfton ! h;H her employer and other> consorted with rack e*e-. r 3 in m■>king labor part;- The onion InvoL c d »■?:• founded b? '•?n*’st*r Johnny Din Another witness claimed that '‘mot* than iO.OCtt Negro and Fuerto F.fcan workers are being r-.ploifcd hy New York employers, who have “sweetheart’' contracts with ne farious union officials. (Newsprint* Photo!. j da y morning. Lafayette Brown. 1 i.Zi Jamaica Drive, Raleigh, one of the men shown above, died Saturday. The other is reported in very critical condition. Mrs. Dorothy Havel Rickman M nite, of Rockville. Md died instantly. CL Ar !fr T „ qi j 1 t* D llOl i i.o vv rap-Up f? s * *r~’ c jM | ‘fir •■ o ■■■“ f\ * 1 WC - 'V W W^Uit GREENVILLE. S. C - C<< • r villr County Sheriff ,1. R Marm said Monday his tnvo.-tcaiton im<> the July 21 flogging of- sn-yr;sr old farmer should hr ws-ppm Eight white nii'it b.-ive br-n arrested so far in connect ••« with the chaining and h/'ctnir of Claude Crtiell. The \v- .•«» said he was alia eked h> a boci 5 S while men at ))is To me near Travelers Res! while Bv Staff Correspondent ROCKY MOUNT - Iwo w’w of white people protesting srhoe*! assignment have flared up in this area lately. The first group w-ss 3. group of white parents at Whit aker.' who threatened legal scion when their children were ordered, transferred to the Leggett, school rome 13 miles away. La«t week Halifax County -school hoard official*- w<*re fared v 1 1 h a contest by and between Scotland Neck and Enfield parents and srhool of firiaU protesting the transfer of 13 pur” ll - i m rvinu'-l' r<- quested) from Scotland Neck ta the Enfield school, report edly hecan-f they lived nearer in Fnfield A resolution [torn the Knh-’M school district committee No : allegedly presented a pot, Don! read by j. D. Whitehead. 111. fCONTIVI FP OS’ ryr.f- aj at Rte 2. Box 158. Whitaker- s?- awarded the fnr« prize nf >5 for being the best student editor ml” ! our persons were injured. The other injured man shown in pb” to is. I/, cue V. nil)ding of 11W1 | »!r,- of S Person St. who reppr icily uandr-ed on (he wr«nr sole of the road and into the car driven by vamuel Rickman . a.;m for I hc seven ehil di n nt a white neighbor who v, ; , iv i \ rating his hospita.l - wife Ore of the eight men arrested c!,i;inr to he the president of the local Kti Klus Kian organization 3rd Martin r.aid y-vernl others ad mitted Klan membership. Mr on while, the grand kafiff of She South Carolina Knights of TtM.'F.f) rilOM PA«K 1} Q3DS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD MnjFOisiiir tv A- IN OR r>> j.- c : mhlow. Scott and Ervin are reported to have been highly '.ncl nant- ovet receiving i.fe mrml'pvbp.-. :-n the Ku Klux Klin Mi F.-vin was said to have politely returned his membership, but. according to press reports, Mr Srott.bfcame so incensed that he asked the SB I t-o make an •-:<! kmi of Klan activities vvirVur, fhjs .tale In view of i.he ivities of these two gentlemen >u opposing Civil Rights, school integration top ending of segre ,l flop, in public transportation, ICOSTINt'VP ON FAr.v ?) writer in a weekly contest spon sored by the local Rooky Mount' Evening Tehgram. A Elite student Brenda Reges. I . ’ c o r- c» 15, who attends Red Oak: High won second place, or "hon : orabie mention” in the contest j which ends Saturday I Both students iiv* In the same genera! community and their respective schools are about five mile* apart Miss \Nton is a Hith grader and Miss f.rires is a sophomore. Rev. .1 IV W iry, Sr., is prin rip. 1 1 <>f swift Creek High. "Where to visit, with an ell-1 expense paid trip' 'was the sub-J Ject written on. Miss Alston wrote j that, she would like to visit Rales-i tine arid the Holy Land where j Chr t suffered and died for the i redemption of men from their! sinn in her 300-word story. Ha •'tel Harrison, another Swift Cro-T. student,, also participated, In Hie contest. BULLETIN! I Beginning with this issue 1 1 the (AKOUNI \.\ begins its j annual visit in the counties of I ! ! this state. This Issue features \ j j (be fine people of Robeson i County The merchants of t.unihcrinu and Fairmont have ! cooperated by asking the read ers to visit their stores They have been joined by i I Sen it h field and Dunn. The C4UOITNIAN will, be in your county soon. Robeson County J will he featured again next wee-k Columbus and Samp - - will t»e next Duplin. V, •-r •• Witene and Ed*e ccisrih?. iJon ~ uijfh Nish a»*« now being scheduled IVateh ; for vour «mu>* x ! ■Kjg * g£jiS*3fciJ£ In N . C. XZW" ” 2Q P/i ElwwW VOLUME 16 RALEIGH, N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, August 17, 1957 NUMBER 4« THE CAROLINIAN inN.c. 'slisr" ” 2Q eiJ*?™ | Caught In Act By Mother ; r an im .... 13 Month Did Baby Victim Os Assault BURGAW Residents of this small Pender County town were j surprised last weekend when It J was reported that Ernest Carr, 16. j of Burg aw had attempted to rape! a 13-month-old baby. O. F. Rivcnback. sheriff of Pen-: rtcr County announced the arrest J of Carr, who reportedly did not deny the crime and "went alone peacefully.” Mrs. Tima Alderman, mo ther of the baby, allegedly told the sher :f f tbs 1 -he discover* -d Carr i»; »ne. «,cl of attempt in? to rape her baby. The woman is said to have fright ened Ihe intruder by her screams and he fied the, scene immediately after being c ■> ugh t Mrs. Alderman took her child to a physician who allegedly found that it had been molested sexually, Police officers were then , notified and found Carr. ( con Tty PEP ny page A Missing Farmer, 77, Drowned MONROE - A farmer, trussing from his home for 24 hours, wss found drowned in a neighbor's . pond Sunday. / The victim mt Dan' Coving ton. ~n He was found fully i clothed in th p pond The death j was being investigated j Covington had been missing ! from his home since 7 am Sat j urday. Elk Member Killed By Lodge Bro. STATESVILLE A coroner's mry has ruled that a man who thought he was playing with a j toy pistol when he killed « fellow j lodge member did if with no in* ! tent lo Injure his friend. 1 Oliver .? Davidson said he : nicked up the "toy" from a Table j In the Negro Elks Club here Sat i urday He said he walked into a. room and playfully pointed It. at Robert L. Spicer, 49, He released the hammer It dia ; charged end fataly wounded 1 Spicer Sen , Thurmond In The South Secs 3rd Party WASHINGTON Sen Strom j Thurmond, who once headed a i third party ticket, said this week ; that, if both major panics out j forward strong civil rights cundi j dates in 1960 the South might or ganize it? own party again. However, Thurmond said on i a television program, he be | lirvr.i the South will go along 1 with Sen. Democratic leader Lyndon B .Johnson as a presi dential candidate although he voted for the diluted civil rights bill .Johnson led the fight to limit the measure to j iff. present form providing Jury (CONTINUED ON PADS *j> FACES IN THE NEWS HEADS BOARD The JFU Rev. Herbert. Bel! Shaw WHminjc | for S' C, who was rlertprl te ! the chairmanship of the Board of Bishop*, A. M. E. Zion Church, at the Conpectionat Council meeting held in Auburn. -V Y„ recently. Bishop Shaw preside* I over the fltb episcopal district j enmpristn* the N>w? Jersey, West ■ Viabaasa, Florida and Faltnetto IS. c.) Conference* R<*serypd a* the treasurer of the Board hr fore bring »levaled to the chair manship, he will eerve for sis: | months. -»-.■ .< isfiESBjIHHHSmHg GANG WAR ERUPTS Two ! teenagers. allegedly aiming the I group that attacked 13 other 1 youths rtcwtlv in Brooklyn's , Rod Honk section and sent one | | r.f the youth?!, Eduard Sims, 16, < | to the hospital in critic?! port- j I dition with two stab wounds in j ! the chest, arc booked at the 56th ; I Present police station here Aug -1 mi ?ntf. They arc David Alex- ( ' ander, tfi, top, and Samuel Rhone, i J 1), ho*h of Brooklyn The on<- i bitak of teenage violence came ; in the uake of tivo other recent j incidents in which a, policeman'* • son and a t»»!f«j r(c*!tn were kfll 'ed (UNITED PRESS PHOTO.) For Shooting tSpecial t.o The Carolinian) WILLIAMSTON - A coroner's ! jury lost little time in finding ! j probable cause against gun-weild- j ing L. C. Moore, white tenant far- i mcr. Monday afternoon and held! him for the September grand jury j of Martin County for the slaying of Mrs PUlie Ann Biggs, and the i wanton shooting of her husband j Janies Biggs, Friday of last w eek, j | Conflicting stories are going the j rounds about the whole nm , t ter. The information given to the ; j jury by Sheriff ". Raymond j | Rawls is alleged v* nave been the ! following. Last Friday nigh*. *uanst *l. S,. C, Moore railed and ad I vised, me that be had shot two people, and J asked How it happened. Moore said (hat he. and his wife and son went (CONTINUED OV PAGE 21 Holts Appeal Decision Os Board Here ! I The parents of Joseph Holt Jr : 14, of 1018 Oberlin Hoad, were notified by the Psleich School Board Monday that it had -’rani : ed them °, hearing for Friday j August 23. Young HoH H3' the ! first Negro ever to apply for ad mission to an all-white public • : school here and his application was rejected August 6 by the Board. : .Jessa O Sanderson school su j perintender?!. announced the I hearing date Holt bad applied for transfer to 'white' - Brough ton High School for the fall term The Rosid voted, however, against grantior the applies ♦ ion by » vote ?if st n 1 The member of !hr Board who (CONTTVtum nv rtr.! j> 42 Parents To Hearing In McDowell MAH TON - The McDowpll 1 County Board of Education has . ■ granted hearings to 17 Negroes; i who were denied admission to the | white school at Old Fort, The bearing's will begin Tuesday, Aug. 70. at 6 pm There will he hearing'- each evening through Friday M will be held Saturday. Aug. that time, Other hearing* 24, at Z p.m. Letters "-'ere mailed Tuesday j morning to the parents of the ;?u- i i coNTTNir.n nv pahs *> I I Merchant Charged i ! In Fatal Shooting CHARLOTTE A 24 year-old I storekeeper has been charged with j murder m the fatal shooting of another Negro Sunday. | Killed was Ernest Lester David- i j sen, 30 Police said he was killed j ! instantly when struck with a rifle! ! bullet fired by Howard Le<* Rt. fi, ! Charlotte, about 3 a.m. Sunday Police quoted Lee as saying he I shot. Davidson after Davidson 1 threatened him and several et>-' M people with another rifle. i • , yt-; t.>*K •••■ • | DENIES WEDDING PTTMOR—PopuIs a singer Ella F lingers.! 4 i« shown arriving at the Nice airport a f* fr t iHp t 0 Fratv* c-*r •he top of the world from Los Angeles. Miss Fitzgerald tool': the polar rout# to he one of the star attractions at the Monte Carlo Casino gala in aid of the Polio Fund PtFi broke bet fnuin ••• at CHto. Norway, to adsit 7or f,arson, who. it w»**. recently ronorrd, is her tercel husband Roth denied the report (NewsnreS". Fho ; o>, Attorneys Appeal Ruling WASHINGTON -A ruling that Virginia ? pupil placement art is unconstitutional on ii.y fare v.-r a-ppealed Monday to the U. B Su preme Court. Attorneys for the school boards of Norfolk and New port Newt, ftiej the appeal, asking the court to resierae j Keck, Gray, Murchison, Davis Top Bonus Money Winners Seven Raleigh homes are richer this week as the result, of having participated in the CAROLINIAN! Bonus Money program The. win-1 ners are a,s follows, , Ist, prize, SSO, Mrs Thelma j Keck. Pettigrew Si,., $411.26; 2nd' j prize, $25, Mrs. M. H. Gray, Lin coln Cfc. *37,6.13; 3rd prize, sls. | : Mrs. L 5. Murchison. C 6 W;r 'n. | : Ter.. *279.04: 4lh prize. *lO Mrs.; I Elizabeth Davis, 607 Quarry at., i $218.32 I Consolation prizes of $5 go to I Mrs T. M. Clarkson 1305 Oak-1 This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus ; Money Stores. 1 page ? t O K Clothing Compan-? |PAGE 3 Tire Distributor*, Ine !Mr Elvi Rind 1 R.iirljih Funeral Hume ! william*’ Ga-aee The Capital Cm-a-Cols Betrlin* f n , | PAGE A jS. M Vounir Hardware j Hue Sidle < leam-rv Comp*fvv Hudsnn-Helk Company sir. r Karl IJtrhman Mr. George Davis Town ,t Country lire Ser' lir « PAGE S ClveUa Beauty College Fansouit Bakery Anibaskador Theatre Raleigh Seafood Company George A. Iseley Jnstirsnee Agency I Fjrst-Cifbent Bank \ Trust Co, I Carolina Power St Clilbt C'ompjnv ! Butt's Caras? ! Borden ron,piny ! Kramer*' Jeweler* !PAGE 7 A A r Super Market? i Roi-'j Se, IP, it ~sc S'erf PAGE a Bloodvorth St Tourirf Homs H-ife? Vr*!l Com pans Caveaess Insurance Agency f BohflS | Mt Morpey 1 1 decision last Feb. ’6 by l". S. His'riet Judge M alter Hoff man Hoffman ordered the iuo rities t 0 integrate imme diately and told them they rould not use the placement art to keep segregated schools lit the act was üßrons’itu tional. r ood Mrs Anethr Fields, IBfi Oak* Method. t You can a.teo be a winner of CAROLINIAN BONUS MONEY by trading with businesses and firms that advertise in the CAROLIN IAN. All you have to do is get a copy of the paper and check the front, page to fnjd out who is ad* vert.,Ling. Whether it .is a tuba of tooth paste or the purchase of an automobile, vou can get credits tor what vou spend if vou spend it with a CAROLINIAN advertis er Get your paper today and start saving your receipts. A Dtiojt • E?;e Service Carolina Builder* Corp Wastin'* Seafood A Po’.'ltrv c.n Inc, Unufead Transfer Co A Fod Store DtUon Motor Flounce Company Ridgeway's Opttruni I’nisl-t'o! i Bottling Co., of JUlelfh Warner Memorials Deluxe Hot?! PAGE 10 Cntan-Gower Pontiac Cotnoanr CAGE 1Z Nnilons! Art Shop Tire Sale- \ Service Acme Realty Company Gem Watch Shop TP» Hood System Industrial Oink ttun' General Tire Company ft E. Quinn Furniture Company PAGE IS To It! tin Radio 4- Applier.ee D« Hud4an-B?lk Company Stephens supply Co, Varltu Whol<l*a|e Uuilder*. Supply Tom Ashworth’s" Tire Rcr* see Hollo u;r-!)’» Cush Grocers v. j I- r n>utiitice Agoney i niter Motor CompAtv- IMffc Frye- Edw ird * Fhar.v.rc >' TAGE 2*7 Tip Isp Food ttoree Vogue

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