riiTTn 7 eiiN ivmiuv pad qta® itIULU, If tiulii} KbdXAUAAnI ffJK Dina ? Suit Claims oHR.EVEPOKT 1.3. A i old Negro boy f led a V: 5.000 ciuv.jsy ?«!» Monday In Federal r.l:> >rt Court, s 11-n. nt: he had be*;-- beaten up when he asked fur vendee m s whit,# restaurant «uit was fißd hv Mr. -rd Mi'*- M.ift Johnson of ‘- -'■ aiinma f ity i-i behalf «*f ih• • t sun. O C Johnson, The nut claims that on July 9, 1057, the yourh was struck and Veit ten on the head and body by P D. Hollis, opera toe of a rest au* . t- tr ' r , ■ O! A ' i.r, Tire r>.?rst.;i?r. .alleges ’hat- Hollis p s■■ -r: m orions rod unlawful ar-ault." causing yo-Hg Johnson to suffer a brain eoncusMC-n and possible ebcesr. The e'-frit*on state?, that the ''out.h f i!d kno ,nr b® n '?? ?.ny a”'* r°g rC v T l > T * r» o> cir}* i 5* Sx-Conviet Murfers Sir! Friend, Cousin > hr.fvMt To CABO LIN IA NT KINSTON i MIB > - Please don’t, shoot her no more." This is ;be statement, that was heard hv } ;-messes as an excited woman pleaded with an e>.-convict while lie shot hi?, gul friend to death curin'.: a lovers’ quarrel and then turned on his second victim, her ipum. a? she pleaded with him Wednesday right T H'prUs ‘iijl of Prison Appeal Fails, II C White Man Upset WINSTON-SALEM-- A Winston - Salem man whose attempts to ap peal a school board integration decision apparently went, awry raid he Is undecided as to pos . sib> further action against. the e -ion An apparent mix-up result ed when Fred E, Evans Jr wrote a letter to the Winston- Salem school hoard July 29, i ' ms said hr had intended the letter as an appeal front the hoard’s decision to permit & Negro girl to attend pre viously ail white Reynolds {COvriNvrn ON PAGE 2) Second Week Os lew Bonus ieney Month Starts Thursday Purrhxrt shps or reonprs must f»mc from n-,"rrhs»i<•: advertising in sin- CAROLINIAN the week the. advertisement appears Any person or f.imilv :<* the same address is eligible in use ihr mtal m>r of.- ■ - made from rfm home Only one name should be used in suumliri;-; >'o pnrthase of over S3OO from anv one merchani during a »r.i rn b« niv'-'ii Toeve 1* 3 ceiling of s:i,7 Os) per week int cror**rv pitfefjases, AH Entries must be in the office of The CAROLINIAN Monday noon folio" liu: < 1 ir'r it ion date of the current bonus money period Entries mu si be >0 par,a ted by the week and enclosed in an envelope ivdh the neme and address of the entrant In the e*. ens of the -.mu amount of ourchasea b% more than one cut* • , the award will be divided All entries must bear the name of th« store front which purchase « ■ n,v AM entries must abid* by the rule* or same '‘ill be disqualified It on's mm VC,, tor- f 1- observed it«H pure base tori’- should be shown on •seb ovkct ~nd tots! jwx-pd 00 ” 'lt-.•■:«. of the envelope o,.trvir>the period' rwo -lor-. nth name and a ’1 - L ss Cm’.nt motv v earners »)!! be announred In ’he issue following the clo <; Os f t h period All ■••• remain the property of the CAROLINIAN As! tallying i; fipa! when the names of the .Bonus Mono- tnm are m, o' ' ns- in The r AHOMVLW, and 00 responsibility Is v.replrd n- this ne« u p* ;-sr hs’wad that point - receipt* from banks will be considered, ex* opt payment no mom-age* Cne ;-econd week of the fifrh —— period of Bonus Money partleipa »„,.. vi *f*Li, v ,»i««. i >tei montn coirtf* a *■ *i j <*l ,!;rr>o:.e hU ai midn^rwrd i« 'day. Ancurf 38 The current (coNTWiir.n on page z\ This Week s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus .Money Stores i'AGC 1 Ridgeways Optman* K ‘ iotitinf Company Pcpsi-Colr Bottling Co , o! Hair’ ;h > ACT 2 Warner Memorials em Watch Shop Kramer's Jeweler* The Hood System Industrial Bank A..in ' ado* Theatre Kurt t eneral ( ire Company • 'inous Biherv r. e. Quinn Fnnltnre company i iv i 1> Sr (lord Compirt CAGE 13 'j, Hrt-i Wp«s Bank K Trait remnant Helllg-I wine Furniture I ~n|ciO’’ ▼ i.'T t ' ir-K* s. fit. Young Hardware -r 4 ttelev insurance Agearv Tin- OKlrttratnrs, tat R ' ;, ‘ ■ * AGf. S'. .i tl-Ts Hand h>ephcny»n Appliance romp*os r - Ueqrre 0 • vis Vogue r Super Marker Raleigh Funeral Home > 'on*. Store* LACE 17 1 Hr ’ r- Scott's Tourist Hume E Country tire Sftvlce Tom Ashworth's Tin- Eer«dr -1 1 - Virltis wholesale Builders suppl 1 Icoav/orth 8t Tmsftst Home 'Hudson-Beik Company tr M"; ,i *!( company iuek Frver to?" *Atencv onset Stator Company -’"v Z-.-.o FervHe Hollow ell's cash Grocery f. ralisji Builder* Co-p. PAGE f» :■ • • afcod L Poulti'' Co ter. The ihjhlir jtmc« Company o! >'■ C. Ifiii’.tosd luar'er Co l. Jolt Btore PAGE 80 TA'.ioz Motor Finance Company Tip too rood Store* ' li ■ eo ||! just « - bAI’TI r AVO.M! N MS.F I .M T ' ltornr, left . n f Winston-Salem is aheap, dr cu .wng the t.Mf.crv.-ful convention held ; ,n he? rifv : e.-etr-rfed ’ 0 another, ic-n-t jij presjgent -••••< > i hundred t? 1: -- ■ -.Head'd ■’*“ tueetlng. Jacob Brewer, year-old ex-convict of 1115 !.:;•<• do Street and only two wwoui of prison, is in l.rnoir < aunty jail without privilege of bond, charged with the riottbif imir der. Dead are Mi.-.- Alia. Thorn; j Session, 30. and her cousin, Mi: ■ Gladys Collins. 35. The S; -: , woman died instantly with ; charge in her heart and the oil ier woman died at 9:4ft p.m. i ! Lenoir Memorial Hospital or : wound in her left chest. Th | cirient occurred at. HOT Fr l Street. Witnesses Leonzs Suti-us. 17 and Beit Hudson. sb. both of the residence where the shoot in* occurred, told officers that Brewer went to bis rooming j house at 1115 Lincoln street to get his gun after an curlier quarrel. He returned to the house and apparently shot the Collins woman firs! then turned his gun on the second victim as she pleaded with him. When Brewer surrendered [ local police officers at 6:05 a.r | Thursday, after first fleeing ti ! scene of the crime, he was ouotr | by Officer B. O. Bros dwell a.-, s.m j ing he fired the shots during I lovers quarrel. Denies Romance He said the Session woman accuser! him of being friendly with her cousin, -which he dr | ------ {CONTINUED ON PAG! ») TO TEACH IN INDIANA - - Miss Frances 51. Butcher, d-utch- - icr nt >f:s. Ada F. Butcher and f-he 1 • t- Jopes f\ rjutrlicr of Dai >';h. l,:is breu jppoinlcd to | ! |ii i:n !! v t rf.i-ag position in 'Mary. Indiana for the school year -hg, A native of Ra leigh. 31 :-:s Butcher was grad *-•' ' 1 "in ■- ■s 1 Augustine's D.Jh - ;iv «. |*)s“ with a ; B-A. de?rec in eJementary edu i ' tary cdtn-.at ion. She has been as- , sumed I- - (he Barfield School, where s-b«? v\ ill thf sw ond R?*ad<. Grssiisbpro’s Gslf Course . jII %i' H CR} ; .ENSBORO - The city. | ipvned GiUf-iri.ue Park Golf Course I AVi.-j re mail , closed ir. the face of ; an integration order. tt a. mr-rfing this week the ray council adopted a resolu- i lion eitinc a number of far loss’ why the city could ‘‘not ** l era to re-open the 18-ho!e course -.ihi'h was rloscri tone hi alter a Federal judgr ruled ih.> I a pr.vate ehti* opemling th course could not enforce re ial segrcc.tiion. Jhe course was closed just, i one Nation’s Shriners Meeting In Phila. PHILA.DELPHIA • (ANPi Henry John.-.ott. 33, local business nun and former Potentate ol py ramid T'cin.pip No ', ::: general l rhairman for Ligon Coach Among First To Duke U. George L Foxwell. Kl 5 Wash- j iiGton* Terrace, basektball coach ! and assistant football coach at ! Ligon School, completed on Aug. 10, a course at Duke University, ■ sponsored by the National Science j Foundation. The course was in math and phy.'ncs. Foxwell en tcred the 9-week course at Duke June 10. He was among the first! 5 Negroes to attend school on! Duke's campus in the history of the Methodist, University. Foxwell is a native of Edcnton.' • CO'TIM E!) ON PAGE 2) : '■ # ...: I J; atHKOV 1.. FOXWEI.I, ! i BY ALEXANDER BARNES ! SMITHFIELD-—Under a sombre I | sky and with bowed heads, a large j group of friends stood with the | family in the local cemetery as the Rev. n w Todd intoned the last sad rites for Russell A Wood ard. veteran undertaker, here Monday. Mr Woodard succumbed to a complication of diseases in the Walter Reed Hospital, Washing ton, D. C„ August 15. His body was prepared for funcralizing at the Watson Funeral Home, in the nation's capital, and was then brought f.o Ligh trier's Funeral Home, Raleigh, where it remain ed until Monday morning when it was taken to the local First Baptist Church at 9 45 wheie it ! was viewed until 2 p,m , when the i final rites began H* was born in Wilson Coun ty 48 years airo. the, son of (CONTINUES ON PAGE 2,‘ f 1 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST H i%? STlvj'f’ED FROM VISITING FRIEND 3i\ angry mob surrounded Philip Hunter fright) as be tries late August 14th to visit his friend and former neighbor, William Myers Jr., the first Negro to move into the previously all-white, community at, I,evil,town. Pa. There was no violence as Hunter left the 1 scene without seeing fck friend. But after a two-hour discussion late August 14th. township solicitor William Carlin said the hoard would take no action against Myers, who has been the victim of abuse since he moved to I.evittovrn. The board’s ruling came after a plea by angry residents to take action against Myers, his wife and three children. {UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTOi. Clinton Principal Moves To N. J. j j State News -IN— Brief _j ALLEN YOUNG CLINIC CLOSES RALEIGH Mrs. Kathryn Y Shepard, director, awarded certi ficates Saturday to the pupils who attended the four-week Allen Young Clinic, conducted at 42 1 S. Blood worth Street. Courses in reading and arithmetic skills were taugrt by Misses Mary Lillie Woods, Jessie Ridley, Alley M. Young and Mesdames Jeanette Fields Harris, India Smith and Eddie Smith. A school-closing par - (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) A WORD FROM THE SENATOR SUndinr a*w her father. eirht-yca r-old Tt '.tty Bin*, 1o«* * M listened tus Seal Richard Russell (rear, facing earneri) talk* to newsmen tfter the Senate paved fir*? ci»il Hjrbts bill tinae reconstruction da#s. Tally's dad la John T. Blue. (UNHEP PRESS PHOTO).' I l! ELIZABETH, N. -T. - <‘ANP)- Prof. David J. Brittain, who was I principal of the Clinton, Tenn High School during the tempes tous efforts to integrate that in i stitution, has moved from Clinton ■ and will reside here in Elizabeth He brought his family with him. His wife has secured a [ job teaching in ihe Grover ! Cleveland High School here >n Elizabeth anti Brittain bimseif wilt pursue a doctorate at New- York University. Mr. Brittain said that the many : kreals' made against him during he disorders in Clinton sparked oy John aKsper, had been one of the causes for his leaving toe ; South. The primary reason he said, : however was the fact that he was ; offered tlm fellowship evidently i by sympathetic, people who appre ciated the impartial stand which . hr mad*' for law and oidn dunru; ! the Cliriton c- ims 15c Elsewhere NUMBER J7 iODDS-ENDS i By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ANOTHER SEASON The re- j fusal this week of the Raleigh [ City Council to heed the plea of ihe Negro residents on New Bern Ave. not to desecrate their home =■ i>y ailowinc office buildings, etc in that area indicates another ; .ood reason why Raleigh Negroes Louie, show more interest in the selection of the persons who art lo serve on this council. There are . evoral thousand persons of voi .no age living in the precinct of which this area is a part. Ther» i liould he at least 5,006 Negro vot- j ers in that precinct. What coun-l cil would irfme to hear and fa- | vorably consider a petition com- j mg from 5.000 voters There is j (CONTINUED ON* PAGE ?) ! jjg^" Wants Name Cleared, Lee Tells Press NEW YORK (ANP>—For Lee Calhoun recently if »-a; a case of first, thing* first. The 1956 Olympic 110-yard hur dles champion married his -.0l- Iccr sweetheart, Gwendolyn Ban nister, on television, as he had planned, then waited until it was a’i ever to vent, his fvrafch on the Amateur Athletic Union The V-\l.t hgrt ruled that I,cp would h<- ineligible to fompetf m future amateur athletic events if he goes through with his ‘'eommsr ciaiized" wedding on NBC's "Brld<* and Groom" show Calhoun --• t d he v?.s certain to snpe •'• the ruling made by Fred Sadriy, secretary of the AAU. and added 1 want to get my name cleared " Calhoun and his bride received Sifts on the show totaling $2,500 ' and a free honeymoon and Saddy interpreted this as commercial izing or. his athletic ability. How ever. the network pointed out that any couple tnarryinr on the. show irevives similar gifts. Race Killing Causes Near- Riot in Fla, i ! SANFORD Fla, Seminole County Sheriff Morgan McClel land fatally shot a Negro during a scuffle Sunday and the incident nearly touched off a riot in a Ne ; gro section near here McClelland 50, mid he did, not pull his gun on George H Dau mier, 23, un d the Negro attacked j him alter the sheriff stopped Danner on « drunken driving : charge. The sheriff said hr was !«- vesfigatinc a minor accident in the Negro district smith went of here when Danner's vehicle sideswiped .another ea? and drove over the man's foot. He said he ordered Dan (CONTINUED O.V PAGE S) Charlotte School Board Explains Actions At Meet CHARLOTTE---The city school board has detailed reasons for re fusal to assign" 20 Negro students to white schools here Among the masons was, that seven pupils failed to comply with the state pupil alignment act in that they requested a ’desegregat ed school rather than a specific .school." This position will probably be the target of any court appeal by Negro parents. The school board has sent let ters to the parents of the 20 chil dren explaining its action in each ca.se, (coNTtMuen os page d Accidental Shooting Described In Detail For Statesville Jury STATESVILLE A coroner's jury, composed of Rev A N Gib -on, Arthur McDowell, H B Good son John Ha ’ good. Louis Ren wick and Champ McKee all race members empaneled here last week, immediately after Robert (CONIINUSD ON PAGE ?•