PAGE SIXTEEN ~ w *.j ' ' \:M • .: . .\»TO!\ IMKXT «■— Or. Ii.:• .. cl IL Robinson, fhpimaayi of the Sniial Science Departffirnl at A <-.i u T College. Gre« Mshnro. has recently named weninjr «j >!w advisory commit• (>;' U' the t:.u Training School fur the Feebleminded to he op ened soon H Goldsboro. Hi? ap l. ■ niyneot a;;-i announced lasi "s: ■ n ', „.v Luther Hodges, gov vr v« jrr-^-v-w- State Colleg&f * -.yi " 3 TO, HOMEMAKERI "Win fiuti. &t/yitxS ’S i.. • • PA f ? 1 ' C l ' •■'• N BKA tIT IV Y YOl.’R \t i>a :-i ; i ri'j& '■ n /M .v look ’ to your o;rsi»,' :>■ i tv;r?y 'vrr, wont to try f- f •‘•tii: r.• ;• p nri‘t to *.»o it. • •. Yoa v***' sjrit-'.i the color, finished 1 »-> *•?. ■( **)<>*,■• f>c if 'n‘ f, r Os •it; w, ;; (Viit.r; or the wood trim y them r. >" fully, .-•/-.- ; - \ -if room -- ■ n o North .fly co"!ftr colors; South.' cop! ". v v >.,-r s room has many open vs. -• woodwork and Hi. Gave Up A Greai 1 DfflFiTiGtHf ? t GfWiTsißoi! I i ff * toss «i I ? Tah City > fli W| Hai! nnd f I tiL J|© ftie bright | |^HP^Sf4( ',* ' . bf'-vaiiful.utar! Ati' jy |;•- • V.f | ' ’*** ¥ 4 \/ Jfe* | | y ■ *3* i turn vfra HOPE-MILES PAUL DOUGLAS sar)OT‘W»«®ii^. ifelH Ullt. i. '*t# !| no IS-M > n«it -Hi V* «**sß s 9(tti!Sl * Mr^'4'ifr"'*« Mutt 9*. fc«j> Mr '%art tV*Wk • 5 JAM>j|fl Ji * * > 'ff* WR9&*‘ nw..;:![.^ STARTING SUNDAY K'S£> i 3 ff 3 gVjSNgg^ijM i IlO^riuu|| ,'Trior of North Carolina. Or. ilobin.son teas also recently .ip painted a In> mher of the North < irollna Committee of the Am mean Social Hygiene Associa tion and a member of the board of directors of the Greensboro Community Council, The soeio i legist held bis present post i .h A and I College since 1951. T Dark walls should bo used ! only in a room with large window ■ j areas, and i. is desirable to have light ceiling and furnishings. Da r k I walls make a room look small. I 4. White or oft while ceilings | reflect light 5. Colors are affected by the use ; | of other colors. . i IS. Plan :> complete color scheme ■ for rooms opening nto each other Mj Neighbors *'Thc trouble w ifh the union was those darned honest pep, pie we let in s*’ TIP TOP | VOIfNG DOUBLE BREASTED HEN gft .w«-»t>c^«!»iiKT*:g.t»a«»* m«»»—tm*nnnswy»»y>t«ijjij«^. 83c Sausage Lb. 49c II MOKREEL'S BRIDE - fJ. S. CHOICE SPRING j LAMB LEGS m. 63c 1 1 F. S. CHOICE RIB 1 1 SAL ES s 49c sUG/iF"" 98c | WHITE HOUSE I Apple Sauce 2 a 25c 1 vS , ttwWTnuga«Mvir.w w.'W'.B^wisifwaww*"r-im "biw> }| I MAYONL’.ISE s 49c |! SARDINES 29c N** & BEANS I ? flat cans No. 303 Can | i Beef s 1 lb. 19c I POTATOES ■ ~ 24c | I SCO'! r COCNTY T " ' ” ! | RradvTo-SiTve SCOTT COCNTY N ,“ :-„ p 29t j« * 2—14-025 BOTTLES 1 GEADIOLA CUMBERLAND’S—OId F»*hin | WHITE OB BCTTERMH K ; FROZEN vCAL. ill BISCUITS DESSERT <» 10c 59c "1 IMII Mill■■■ lull ■>■■■■ i«r ’smtaavrrrrr-aasrsi>*r.mmnumrwsmM J n r |-| jr ! Nw Ber« Avenue Store SHOP AT A AI 11 ( Opetl Daily Until A P“1 tr> moip ‘'s -f-AL T‘vf points Sinre Open ill I’" j 0... UtiP.i! 6:30 Daily and a vn cmn T C3i fTr 4 * iy fi .3, A V- 1 * »y> & vi', ; **»*■*» fILKS CONVENTION SIDELIGHTS || RV .7. B. IIAKREN , PHILADELPHIA, Pa. The closing session of the 58th grand t lodge convention of the Improved j Benevolent and Protective Order; of Elks of the World, ' IBPOEW) ; was graced by the presence of a : fraternal greetings composed of | fifty Daughter-Elks from the j grand temple who were led by : vice grand daughter ruler Ret.a Cornell of Newark. N. J. A similar committee of Bills had j previously visited the grand tem ple where grand daughter ruler Nettie Carter Jackson and the more than 800 Daughter-Elks wt :- corned them heartily Walker Case Again Like ‘Bangor’s Ghost', W". II “Sarge” Walker, ersf while grand traveling auditor, whose home was variously listed as being in Buffalo, N. Y„ Wash ington. D. 0., and Cleveland, Ohio, will not down. He keeps 1 bobbing up with his case of ! trying to get a receivership for the organization on the grounds of mismanagement, fraud and the perpetuation of officials in office through de nial of the secret ballot, | Some of Walker’s testimony ap peared to have bordered on the i ridiculous. For instance, when as ! tute Raymond Pace Alexander | drew from him the admission j that he had repeatedly charged ! fees of SSO per day, plus ’travel I expenses to and from Washine | ton, D. c: even when he was | away from Washington! This tes timony tended to indicate that Walker was over-charging the lodges. He, himself, admitted that there had been complaints about the charges along with some com pliments ori his work. When a fee of $lB3 was named, for auditing a Cleveland, Ohio lodge for a disputed period of one or two days of work and travel; and a, $750 fee for a Gary, Indiana lodge audit which Walker said "had an income of over SSOOO per month it became apparent that Walker fudged that the lodge's ; income justified the charges. Only 35 Bills and one Daugh | ter-Elk attended the hearing in j Judge John W Lord. Jr’s Court ! in the U. S. Court Room on Mar | ket. Street. At one point during the hearing grand secretary W. ('. ffucston could not restrain himself when “Sarge” Walker testified that he “did not know for a fact that 2000 copies of the grand lodge minutes were published and copies sent In all subordinate lodges'' prior to ! the convention. Hueston ex claimed in open court: “Yes, they did’” as attorney Alex ander cautioned him, .fudge | Lord did not reprove Mr. Hcus j ton. however. Curiously enough, neither of ! the three petitioners to Walker's ! complaint, nor any of the eleven | co-signers of a last-minute pe t tit ion (tending to prove his claim |of “class action”) were present in : the court room. Walker had te.?- t tified that there were 410 Elks lodges and 750 temples during his , period of auditing lodge books. He estimated the total member ! ship as being as low as 50,000 tor the Bills and about 40 percent more for the Daughter - Elks. Grand lodge officials have vari -1 ously estimated the international membership at from a half mil lion to 750,000. Lodges are report edly located in most of the 48 states. Panama, Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas and overseas. Not Class Action Judge Lord advised the grand lodge officers to give the proper! right of suffrage to all members) as he dismissed the case for lack of sufficient class action being shown by plaintiff Walker. Parade Statistics According to Dr. Simpson A. Smith, chairman of grand lodge) awards committee for more than ! j.ten years, there were a total of j ! 42 winners in the 38 categories of j ; awards .judged during the 58th i IBPOEW convention here last ; week. Philadelphia units were not eligible for awards. Monarch lodge band of N'ew York City non the best band award for music; and the Hen- j ry Lincoln Johnson lodge band also of New York, was .judged the best dressed hand, and the largest band was Greater Capital City of Rich mond, Va, In the same cate- Bennett To Reopen Wed. G REENSBORO - Bennett Col- | lege will reopen for the fail sem- > ester on September 11. with fresh- | men and new students reporting ! . by 5 p.m. the following day. Following a period of orientation. ; they will register on September j ! IP. Returning students will report | : ‘ and register on September 17. Clas- ' • i sen will begin at 8 a.m on Sep , I ten; her 18, . i I Cool eggs keep better, bring : more money. j GIVE GOD A CHANCE! Go To Church SUNDAY! j llilll fjm — .ll -.1. 11 X ’.H.'I •V;. : **' SCHOOL AGAIN FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY [make extra money j SELL I —1 he — I Carolinian I Your own state newspaper, with' news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission I ill out and mail the coupon below at once. • The CAROLINIAN • 518 E. Martin St. 1 j « Raleigh, N. C. 1 Please send details of how T can earn money selling . The CAROLINIAN in my community, I think 1 can sail ! . - copies weekly. j jj I NAME ... 1 jjr ADDRESS *-[ 1 11 1 CITY OR TOWN ..... * xm£, CAROLINIAN gorics among junior Elka hands were, Pride of Camden, N. J„ Bluff City, Memphis. Tenn., and Farrell, Pa. The best eonipped Purplp Cross Nurses’ Unit was a hospital unit from Dee Cee. and the best deco rated float was Queen of Anthra cite temple. Scranton. Pa. The bathing beauty awards went to the following: First place, Edrena Grennell, Natchez. Miss.; 2nd place, Peggy Ann Scott, Pla teau, Ala., and 3rd place to Betty Young. Asbury Park. N. J. Resolutions Excerpts During the Civil Liberties meet ing a resolution was adopted which “requested Gov. George M. Leader of Pennsylvania to con- ) tlnue to exercise every office at | his command to restore the fine > inter-racial relationship that lias existed in Pennsylvania, and Bucks County for the past three cen turies” in the protection of the William Myers family in their right to residence in Levittown, Pa. A resolution empowered the grand exalted ruler Robert H. Johnson to “communicate’' with | Ghana-—the new African nation and other foreign countries rel ative to the establishment, of ! IBPOEW lodges and temples with i those who desire same. The grand 'ridge, whose leadership Is predominantly Republican, commended Pres. Bwight David Eisenhower “for his stand and insisfance upon a strong Civil Rights Bill.” Also covmnended were Atty. General Herbert Brownell. Sen. Douglas of 111., and Sena tor Dirkson, of 111., along with other liberals, for their stand in pushing through Congress the first Civil Rights Bill in 80 years." i I>r Martin Luther King, Jr. See BURT FOR ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Sntisfaetion Guaranteed! Burt's Garage #2B So. Blount St.. Dial TErnple 4-9175 RALEIGH. N. C. and the NAACF came In for com- \ mendation on the part of Elkdom for the firm stand in the con tinued fight for first-class citi zenship for ail people. In the area of housing, finan cial institutions which lend and sell on the basis of color were soundly condemned by the IBPOEW as were railroad unions which discriminate. Again, Eisenhower was com- i I mended for his recognition of ca pable colored Americans when he named "the Rev. Archibald ,T. Ca rey as chairman to the Govern ment's Unemployment Practice Committee." “Dr. Charles G Gomollion and j Iris Tuskegee Civic Association'', were commended for their copra-! scons stand as they fight, efforts : to abolish the Negro voting rights' of the community. The 914 members cast their se cret ballots in the election for trustees and other subordinate of j fleers for the first time in sev eral years. mi ■ m hiiibumiii ii >miii n ■ J | BEAUTY COLLEGE Full Course in Beauty Culture and Classes in Personality ant] Charm. For Information Write. ■ Mrs. Christiana J. Pitt* President 40# FAST MARTIN STREFT Raleigh, N. C. i - ~— dgsrrsjUC' ■ : S '. •■'wm k OL& | s™e| THE "? crop BotmßfSrfU f . kentuckU S f 1 ij v- Jit I ■ || * t I s^4s M M OLD (TACO KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON »s ?»tnr • stags oisr. co„ frankfort, Kentucky wm?k»»B«sbs^^ WEEK E.NDITTC MUECAE', S r ?T~ "ER 7, 1057 PATRONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS KRAMERS "THE HOUSE OF DIAMONDS' Corner Martin and Salisbury Stre-Ts DIAMONDS - - WATCHES J E W E L F. Y Easy Budget Term’- Attended Quality foi Quality Nobody But Nohodv Undersells . . . KRAMER’S "the house of diamond'-" i wm / \ CULTURES * STRAiGHTEPG —— mofa pi&cess INSIST ON POSNER'S PROCESS « YOUR FAVORITE. BARBIR SHOP Al drug »l*mt «nd ’ i yj4s •r