<1 ■ ffisj l ; •'•*''W< ’■■iit .V «■; '•wi'3s)|B£rfi ' >:' ' > fjy \ way "' •■ * wi^Sb^w si W/w ! »- ; . • w ®‘*silsij? :&! ;j ■ 4#: Hl life*., . r?v!"‘. ■ *g • ■ ' W " ‘ * ! -■,: FVr v: liiOM * HOOTING OF V STI'OF.NT- - Some .100 r»U ;• rv paid final tribute t•> Joseph fame- Cross, -I a oar old .VAT Col ]’•.■ -tuf-mt. top photo. September 11 tho Shiloh Baptist ' hutch hi M 1 1|i ?j i .inn. Funeral attendant stand- *t head of cv-lief io absence <1 military honor guard. which was ,iot available " Cross was si lo rtl • lain nv s deputy sheriff over white wcinwi'. Bottom photo ;'. "• < •■ . w reeked auto. \ bullet hole in the r IIAR'RFN'), Describe Slain Student * \h An “Ideal Person” By .1 B, H.iJtltfN l’. .■‘ern-tai.e-d cih ■os paid final i ye r old ex-sendee man and arts- | in. senior student at A and T. 1 t a :; v id) VTITT tU FC. F.n C '"hr had repetodiv been! .-••.•• 3 i! the r-umrne: i'm Norfolki I • :•.: pi for two brief visits home : - •’•• :h coi.’-'-ge. when he -,.-. slain , ••••r.be-r 7th in a sheriff's posse i p >;t for someone reported as .;. been attempting in ’date' . >'omv Roberson a white wait- 1 10 Nabbed, 1 At Large In “Mixed” . ► dorals Cases In Both Carolinas ELKIN—A Sunday morning dis-. turbanrp at. the home of a Jones - vitie Negro resulted in the arrest of fo'ir white Yadkin County resi uCTit.S>» One of the whites, Mrs, Donna Fare Billings Forester, "■is found nude in the col ored m in's bed bv an arrest ing officer. The incident was •'■ported by Policeman Charles .Montgomery of .Tonesville. Montgomery said fellow officer Ve: ie Simmons answered a call to too basement quarters of Luke Blackburn, 35, about 130 pm. Sunday. The caller had told Sim mons « 'bunch of drunks” had Man Faces Attempted Rape Count + , tocy,' msvnt~ . d Lpo 3? has been charged with at tempted rare end hfirglary last v■ ok .0 a es&e involving an If*. yet.r-nld married white woman here. according to Police Chief J I. Nichols. Given a prelimtftsry hearing In L corder's Court here Monday morning. King was bended over to the Edgecombe Grand Jury, which is expected to hear the case this wsoik. Thf woman has been identi fied .is Mrs, Annie Barnrs ( i pclnrul Chief Nichols re ported that King bad been (CON TIN l' tv 11 ns VAC, I ?) Segregation At Grid Game Poses Big Controversy ATI, ANT A— Chairman Robert O. Arnold of the Georgia board of regent?, said Monday the stands ‘ wr'i be sesregated’' when the * ? ri r in football teem mer • Navy at Norfolk, Va„ on Oct ift However, a spokesman at the. r J. S. Naval Academy said that ,'.tvv had a clause in its football con.'.'a-•• •- for soul,hern games that there would be freedom of ifi pi'i’ts. S'.'.d non-segregation of seat in'." for all spectators seeking »d --1 ).-•: •' •'■•.ft 21-o is r'hMuH to ' ’. r.O OK eV' i IV, 0* i j here. Many citizen* fee] it was ‘ People tn all walks of ijfe f'orp thf rn io : !'ii l-ir.-e) i« Y.t-T College ;in -idi nf V-'.-ir tooih TGibhs g.tvc the ic <■ eased apprentice carpenter an j excellent character rvtorprxce. S'ref tyro. .A. Holmes extolled the virtues of .foe frws ibr-vt-.; his last year in tiie lorii Haves high school mu) since entering college. Prof. I J Hayes, n- iivi p-rp. pal of the school Whi !’• hr :s his j 1 name, spoke feeling of the eleven i VPrii's Cross offended scitoo! d'ir ipg his ••idnjinir-li'ctir.ri. Haves arc! : : the Rev. G. r Utli. who d-divr >••-.,) i (Covttm i.rt on r* \r.f ’> t been heard fighting there. Upon arrival Simmons found ! and arrested the following white Keck, Murchison, Davis, While Earn Top Bonus Money Awards Purchase slipv or receipts must ca CAROLINIAN the wee h the advert] si* in Any person or family at the same chases made from the home. Only o: entry No purchase of over s>'o from an ; counted. There is a coiling of % ; VGA per w» All entries must be in the office of 1 ing the expiration date of the runout Fntiies must he separated by the ' the name and address of the entrant in the wont <»f the same amount of award will he divided. \\] rnMe; mis f hc.ir the name of {> All entries must abide by th» rules f. : variance is» observed. Weekly purrha'.c tof should be the outrode of the envelope carrying t I address. Bonus money *?mer« v fII be tin tint ; of ear h period AU entries r*m<&la the property* of Ail tallvint; is final tvh-'n the name nouurrd in The r; A KOI A MAN, and no paper hevotjd that point No rer.cjpi from hanK s«il| he com Winn:? 1 of Borntr Mon»*v for fho i month which ended at fnidnight ; Wednesday, September 18, are as j follows: This Week’s Advertisers The rneirhunts listed bcl Money Stoics. ! raoiE 3 i hll l»i Store ; Goodman's Lad!*'? Shop I'AI-K S ■ Mudsno-Belk Company PAGE S Surs-Ei! {• ,u Oour Center Mans Plano Company JeSSC .Tones Sim. agr- Rogers. So tin Shop ■ Tw in Inn Gil Service DdOhi'j. Esso Service ! Gresham s Esso Scrvlre iPACK 1 O K Clothing Company I'amoll.? Hikfrv Colin. Gowrr I’ontnr Coioi'Mir Twin !tin Oil Servlrr Gus Russos ILiUors A- l"l'-,rmiij PAGE It Pepsi Cola BoHUn . rnmpa"' Hunt Grnnnl lire (ninp.in Vtrgne It. [, Onlnn Pi'rniture Cnmp.in om IViiili Shop It r%: L riov.fl Shop Mr. Elvis Rani) Tnwr ft. Country Tin- Hhviu Thf Hord System Industrial Rank PAGE » A A F Sv.pt r Market! l .tr.ii]! Cori-Cn*T B'Vi’lns Cii Toe. ' it Fv.ner.il Horn* Jones A ChrlfJmas Puts. Oil St-rvie* A "lit SfvHrf t'.r- nte.r Cut'. Equip’.-.; r.* Conip.?,iiy i J/;hri.:on Jfivrlsr* IMI nm ffc B viyAil mm BBk ip J| aU WzWs 111 i 1 &$w m H mJm m r®!! MmSi «H s Wr* s m M ir M mW™ 1: rS 3*w UM m WW Wok Wnll W w lIlAw iv> . f 'k || v*A tr | By hate Common-Law Husband The Carolinian 12c 15c | : 16 PAGES Us *’ , ’ ,,r# ! VOUI'MF; JC RALEIGH, N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER ?1 .' r,: ' NfJMBF. K ■! • ‘ROOT DOCTOR’ FACES TRIAL j i "b Hh 4’ + 4 1 4 Hh + 4 s Urge Ike To Take School Stand Poisoning “Doctor” COH MBTA. F C A Colum bia white woman and ? Negro i self - styled 'root doctor“ are ! sdi'id.iiiMi'i for trial this week in Richland Comity General Sessions : Cnurt jn conned ion with the deaths of two white men. Mi-s. Ila if.V Seot | Fott. "ft. is ■'is'.''.rert with nuirdrring one of her husbands And i hoy friend !o collect insurance money a in. ‘‘root doctor." Mrs. Susie It oss, is charged with furnishing the arsenic for (be k oviim i:i> on p\c,r. ?i i persons: Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (CON-TIN! Kf> ON PACE 3) suif from merchants advertising In The lent appears. address, tv elk IMe to use the total nrtr nic name should he used jn submittins ■’ olte merchant during 5 week can be eek lor grocery purchases. The l VKo I..TMAN Monday noon foilow bonus rnotie.s period, week and enclosed In sn envelop* with i purchases by more than «no entry. Ihe h, s!nre tr-.rn which purchase was marie, or 1 niifi wIU be dlMjtsaliltcd ts only one hnwn o 0 ear it packet ajnl tot ?) pH-ad on the period's entry along n-tth name and burred In the Issn* followinf t.h» closing f The CAR'll. MAN es of the Bonus Money aarner* »r* »n --r c.ponsrblllt'y is act opted by this »ew»- rlered, esrepi pa merit on moMnese* Mrs. Thelma Kock. 118 S. Petti (COVTEVI.'FH OS PAGE *> low ore CAROLINIAN Bonus PAGE 30 j I ifLci-vr Well Company 1 c.jLvenrs* Insurance AseUcy i Carolina Builders <;orp. iv.j 1 von j? h< flood A. Poultry Co luc. I.’mstead fraitf?fer Co. A Pood Store Billon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway ’a OpHriatia P*Vpi > -Coia BottlitiK Co., ot Ralfigb 1 Warner Mesoortals l Deluxe Hotel ; PAGE 13 ! MasLcnhiuy Grocery Keith Miner Market | criiser Motor Company I Hollow ell s Canh Gton'ty ! Vttruia W'hoL’&alo Builders Supply j S*oH's Tourbt j Hudson-Hclk Company I PAGE 14 | IVerl/s i sha.iv rniverslty Supreme BiMke UN PACE I'Wn'l Dorothy Counts Out for Good, According To Dad CHARLOTTE - Mr- D-u-th ! Geraldine Counts. 15. who was the center of an integration controvci s.y here, will definitely not return to ull-v/hito Harding High School, from which she withdrew, her fa- j S tbor disclosed Monday. Leave integration Alone, Kasper, Followers Told NASHVILLE. TENN. Scare- ; ritnini.t crusader John Kasper and nine of hi? confederates were under pndinnn.iry federal tnr.tnr t•'ii Tuesdav to keep their bands I off Nashville’s first cede Integra : turn process I ijr ; ! f '■ w Ife-* , , J : Sm - f zL ■ 5 M i ROUGH FIRST DAY—Felice officer escorts unidentified Nbfrc wofh*‘ts *rd their children home after they were targets for a pot boftie thrown In a minor incident dupet the star* of flirt jtad# tsifo .-at'.on it* Nashviib* September 9 Ne ro firs! i-ider? entered nyea s-snolf Smile white patents kept their offspring bitrai. J pt»F6H PROTO. | Mother, 38, Victim Os Axe Blade ROCKY MO'.JNT - struck .0 th'- Dunbar car.*. .:uty jof Edgecomoe C'fijjrit-,' Sat night | Mrs Lucille Kill mother -if ! sPoxv*ti sons by ?. previous ‘’"at* ! nsge. was allegedly ruth!*?.*ly sU\rx by John H-n v Lvom s.-.d to ha;-.? been hf, >y •'lo-.r-b o bsr.d, hom •n nr she. had Kvan sfpirstsd for son-p tim*. Mr.* Kill vas 36 j ypsi s-oid Reportedly. Mr’- HJP had been itteliir r *3 return tn her paramour -mder f' f .e g K u t ICOS’Tf-'.! Hi nv ps.c-s 3? FRT;aIOENI DWIGHT r> HSI.MihV'Ts. ««>»• rar 'finning in Newport R ! wo urged this " f d. I*y the Quakers to speak op radio and television ha sap port of public '.(Iiool integration c ’ and to take action icunst per sons who Hid not uphold the nil in" of the \ nttod States i m»r(. The P r ■- Herman L Court** told newsman his daughter s state rn-ntr on ;* Washington D C. television program Sunday had heen misconstrued. Dorothy, when (COVTIN’t r: I * ON PANE TWO) Fedi ' 1 l uucp William I Mills? ■?-ued tn* order Monday naming 10 of the 2 persons he- had placed under i* npo-ary restraint last week folio” inc three days of (CONTINUED ON PAGE J)