■w- . HAPTFY DAY FOR HIM • - Ernest Green. rente, ■ a seni< r-i <'••;><,.»■ " '•• s. bool. 1 D'.o r»»-k \r)< slv'TVis off his sebnn! books to friend- after fit- and rich! «•* c- '• i rt el Mi n w'-re :u|m tlrri. I, b the aid of federal troops, to the school. Eollooinc: a «ve<>k of s: id'. 11 v Negm children have not fcpoifed mr serious tnridrnt* inside the school. Crowds have eesised taunt the students sinre the ar ljv.»t e.( tenons it'MTt.O PRESS TELEPHOTO. f \ |’l piifii nf* 1 i'i •§• f^l ‘ ■" 1 ”' * r p ft ft-f J% fr CREENSBOTIO -■ four sms- j r;':cT.s hf;?n 'TJOsHoJKd. rboiH ! d yin smite blast v??vt <>ff ; ; r, f~:snt of the hem* fii 3 Negro I Wiikins, Marshall' lb 3p., In Charlotte For NAAC3 CHABLOT TT—Two of th» n> • tior.'s leading fighter-- for equal, . ,'t-f,-ir Ne.eTces will jtpeak if: this city next week when the N C. chapter of the National Associa-! Ton for the Advancement of Col-‘ ared People holds its 14th annual' convention. Theme of the cOfjvent :on 5? •’Civil Right? In Action' Freedotr. o<i The March." Tinv H'ilkins. pat tonal ev. cu live secretary. >. t.\f P wall be ‘Satchmo’ Changes Tune; Sends ike A Congratulatory Message DAVENPORT. la. 'ANT’' - Tn the jiwv language of jazz, Louis vSatchmo 1 Armstrong last week told President Eisenhower to “Cool it.” The colorful jazz musician.; whose "hot’ 1 trumpet, has delight- ’ ed fans throughout the world, : pent a telegram to the President congratulating him on his decis ion tn use troops to put down dis order and enforce integration at Little Rock’s Central High School. A few days before lie bad eriticized the President and abandoned a proposed Slate Department - sponsored good mil! trip to Russia, Now be says he may go to Russia af ter all The telegram bore the popular Armstrong trademark. It read: “If you decide to walk into the schools with the little colored kids, ƒsdfe Ml-TPRs ATTEND AA-.T Three-sisters in “si air- step” order in r% * .''to ’<»o« are jttondtn? A.f T j College, Tfesv are th*- Martin sisters from Sharon, Pa., from, left to right Flora, ■ ■mb in ms in Soct- Ts Mtredjtfc, a junior In nursing and Iva, freshman L"- nursing. J, T '' , : ,;i r.: (i T'" a" 1 ™" 11 * -.• i: ii r-, 1 .j t t -• * ■ Lou isvilU > hy* couple. vlv>:-> two ehiM: <-e beiar Officer* said the dynamise heard Friday. Oe»ohct i! it 3 p ni Thurgood Marsha!!, chief counsel for the N f ACT', v.id (>e the keynote speaker for the Sunday, October 13 ses sion at 3:30 p.m. Marshall is called hy many America's greatest civil rishts l.iaycr. The meetings will be .stoned at :’r.e Patk Center, 310 N. Cecil Atu.sic will be nro\ irieri Hv spec - (r riviTvi ?;t on' p ft take me along, daddy. God bli .s you.” ((’On iivi i n os' park n Hearing In Holt Case Is Delayed A federal judge set a hw m,-, j probably for later this month, on j the Raleigh City School B< ,>rd> | motion to dismiss a young N« rro's 1 suit to prohibit racial segregation !in city srhonip. (CONTiNtirn on !'\r,r i . I'Hfior tijrou r* of planted iv Jro*»l of tUc.» hovn 4> . There V'.y. a lok i blast in iront of 1 u< :fft v* i>.. f tijah Herring’s s'f‘S • O! ;• nt#hi. Thp t'OiO' f v b f-rt.i te.i for the it bit, alone wHh their ch*l -3 ~?a, • m tp* hemp were ; • . • 1 j Herrin#., .Tr lh; j-tussob' | ! *• ir*<r*i;ift Jv loljon inj the hbvl ,i! available polirr offi i n‘rs wore rushed to the scene, inil < tr’v investigation reveal- j r>\ no injuries and no proper?' <: , r.-' -rp \ , ;ir was chased [ v’ >m a* '« seen leaving' the j scene. t i . v:m vt.« lost several miles = A. ' ■’*>• ;-c of white parent?? have j : . t-rl their children from the , ;«ji. ,Srp. ; .nl sir.co the colored : Cutset In 2 murders Bound Cver Fsr Trial i CHARLESTON, S. C. ~~ Mrs. ’ j(• Kis;,in 1,1 Good ley was ordered ; ■ over to General Sessions j , . ;!>•> -.vithout bond on a double • . nri'fch;n-,;- Monday by Magis- j i W. Ft Dickey. Mis Cnodlry was charged •-V .- !( shooting of two other women Sunday in a dis turbance at a North Charles ton service station. The dead women have been identified as Vtr* I,noise AD j ston, tv. and her daughter. Tire. Mu - Mire Thompson, 29. Witness reported that the fight j i faulted from an argument over • I tre bo hand of Mrs Alston. the In N. P” ' 16 Elsewhere VOLUME 17 RALEfOH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY OCTOBER V 3957 NUMBER 1 W ' '% J&xudfl & '’fkr "jSfee <f 4? % rfere iHFts a @ s * e « 1 ft lllf ill I 1 wlr|*«V WWall j WASHINGTON. D. C —ln all ; likelihood the federal troops that! are now on duty at the Little ; Rock Central High School would ' have been withdrawn Tuesday had not Governor Orval Faubus included two words that left a qir-stion in the mind of President, Dwight D. Eisenhower as to the covcrnoi s • incei ity North Carolina’s chief m ecutivf, l.uther H. Hodges, ae companied by three other Southern governms, called on the President Tuesday at. the i finite House in an effort to j persuade him to withdraw fed era! troops from the school. Eisenhower is reported ‘w bait' isreef to do so had sot the eoeernor’s pledce upset him trovTfNt’EP oy rants n Miss Counts In Private Pa. School CHARLOTTE Miss Dorothy Geraldine Counts. 15. left this city Sunday for Philadelphia, where she will attend a private, inter racial school. She quit the local Harding High School, where site was the first and only Negro pu pil, The only failure thus far m “token integration" a* far as North Carolina is concerned came when Miss Counts’ fath er announced her withdrawal, integration is progressing smoothly in Winston - Salem. Greensboro ami in three other former all-white schools here. “We dont’ want to give the name i of the school Gn Philadelphia l | (CONTINI K» ON PAGE 21 Awards Go To Churches: All New Bonus Money Program Announced OoDs~EffDs By ROBERT O. SHEPARD A STRANGE BREED A local wit, commenting nn the trial end subequent acquittal of the F. prison ers who were recently on trial here for ihe fatal knifing of a fellow prisoner. - lid, "lawyers are a strange breed Now just look at, those nine high class lawyers do ing all of that arguing for them convict? ” ‘You know one thinr 1 I! betcha eitner one of them would have been glad in nave, had the job trying tr convict them." DON'T LET THE OPPOR TUNITY CASS: Parent* "f (CON f INTER ON PAGE ?) i Schoolgirl Killed SPARTANBURG, S. C A si ven-year-ntd Negro girl was struck bv an automobile a* she waited fni a school hits on U.S. j lligcwav m, three miles north 1 oi' Innuir. The highway patrol identified the victim as Patricia Ann ' Pearson of Route Three, Inman. 1 Ttie driver of !h* automobile 1 ! William It Burnett, Ik. la be- : Inc held without bond rand ier m.f.nm r> of * epi-npff's tit vcetlgatton i ƒsgsgf ALL’S QUIET NOW Passing the Little Rock, \rk.. Crnir.-I High School this week, a Negro girl stops to look following th< inter vention of President Eisenhower how sent In federal Troops to en orce integration. Negroes had been unable to walk near the ht;;h school for fear of mob violence for almost a month, federal troops were withdrawn this week and replaced by the state’s National f.o.inl. (UNITED PRESS PHOTO ) i Beginning Thursday, October 10 : the Bonus Money program will be- j ! gtri a completely new method of ! operation. Churches in the Raleigh ; Wake County area will receive the ! bonuses instead of individual fami- j j lie* as in previous months. The awards will be as fol lows; S&O, first place: $25. «er ond place; sls, third place, and Id, fourth place Rpad Bonus Money rulrs on page 1 of this edition. f. hurch members tri the city ■ | county area are urged to turn in j p trrhasr slioi- or receipts to a com- : mi-tec appointed b.v the pastor, j I Th® slips could he turned in every j I Sunday morning .At th* end of the Bortov Money fCONTINHEB FROM r.Aur I) 85th Assembly Os Disciples 01 Christ Planned PANTEGO— The Eighty-Filth ; Assembly of the Disciples of I Christ of the Washington-Norfplk I District, comprising Eastern North | Carolina and Virginia, will con i vene at, the Antioch Church of I Christ, Pantego, October 8-11 The theme of the four-day session will be “Supporting The Christian Ministry,” Hort pastor will be Elder G. R. Lotork. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ■*> State News Bits MAN. NON ASSAULTED GREENSBORO — Local police Thursday arrested f--ir N '"tot's on charges of attacking a white man ami his son when the pair went to purchase gasoline for their car The four fled when oth er Negroes in the community came to the rescue of the whites. Ac cused of attacking the pair a ret Jack B. Hall. 19; Lonnie McNeill, 18, Herbert Kitt, 21. and Preston Hicks, 17. Police quoted the fath er, Frank McDaniel. 45 as saving tcoNTiNt ro ns p.xr.f ;»> Convict Hangs Self j A Hfi-vi ar-olrl• convict, who ha* been under a psychiatrist's care, hanged himself Saturday j with his hell in a hr,spit il iso- 1 latino ward at Central Prison. The convict was Nelson Cri'p. | sentenced in September, in, VI, j fteoufort County - to i.hirt" year? tor .prnnd Jrgtfe mur i -le- 3 injured In Ahoskie Gun Fight A HONK IK Tw 0 rut n Kill ed and three others wounded ur eijp hr, 1 tie Hint erupted ■ Ne gro roadhouse nenr her' 1 Rundaj night, police reported. Coroner t croy E»itier said Utc proprietor. Hunter New some. ordered three patrons ai his place. "Rirdland" to leave because they were ere al.ing a rlisturhance. Orif* of t.hr p/itvons dro'v s Vctufc* and nnothor a gun and started carving Newsome up,” Fuller sani , drew two accoicl .rr i,o Fuller, and started shoot rrn\’rrNTKi) ox v.\t » Baseball Bulletin! In the first same of the World Scries between the New York Yankees, and the Milwaukee Braves, fan stars marie a repu taWe show ing. Elston Howard. who he ! ri down first base fnr the Yankees, hi! a single early in the game, played’at Yankee Stadium, and the Braves' We* Covington hit twire. one for a two base run and hit a single. Hank \aron hit nnre lor the ' Braves. W hitey Ford, Yankee pitcher, 'titled the Braves' pnw er. The Yankees von the first game hy a score of 3 to 1. New Bonus Hour/ Rules All purchase Mips or rcee.nl' presented ’o you. ■-•in.-:--' .t.u.* to roe fro.w slore“ advertising ■ 1 the CAROLINIAN Each, week carries a date in the Bonn- Morey - e.:£ must come from Ire store during the week t,-r ad am-n-r- No purchase -tips repre ontin.s a bus-inosr, ..iouk. ••• - •• A i must come from individual purchase ; . All churches tn Raleigh and Wake County are ■’ ' •' •’ All purchase slips must bear the name the ’trite .rum vmon - n '... - All nnrehnsc slips should be subin't:-'d in site name n; the rou.ch ’hd ; should be. in the office of the CAROLINIAN re Mone.js foi.o,' mg c ose .'•• i order "that smaller churches rnav have, an , ! oupm limit.v to snare n the Bonus Mnnev the following regulation is > >;Ocdieni N > churrn group v - 1 ;be awarded J.-t Bonus Muncy er.-dr-cutlvrlv. 1 r Minutd n ( : :Utrn ret m'. e ,sl i Bonus Money after the first pc nod it would mo •• to t m,. , , O.rJ Borne period to he presumed Ist award acatn tlow-ver ■ <>'.<■ no.' nor j Dial second and third award* r.nmu be s'-t- >u mice" ’• < mtcou-m.. rverv church croup bar the opportunity In s«we ’ aw uu 1 > No purchase of over S.H’O tnr in an) one merchant eurm* * wee* *tn be ‘""'There Is a celling of »*•«" per week tor cm. *•.«• pureb*’-*‘ i r the event «t the same amount «! piinb'scs by m«ie -htn "nr ent t * W *Weekly purrhVsr'toUts should be <hi»wrt •»« »nh n,r-kr» and on ' a,* outside of the envelops carrying the period i entrv dong with nam. s..d ! money earner' will bn annmmred lb the letus tnUo’. tr.g the closing j * all entriei" r*m»!n the property of the r ’>ROLL-TAN ah u living l« final when ths name* Bonn* Mon*-- earwerr ir, an* tinunr.ed tn The CASOMNJAN. and no responsibility Is accepted . ■ this n«e.s C,, ’’|»o harbe wHI b» contHlered ev.cpt p? merit on martgSt**- This Week's Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE 3 jo k Clothing Company ! i i;"n riitnitur* Companv T A 1 ('lower Shop PAGE S <h....1- Store ft i; Quinn Furniture (.ompanv Zenith Dealers Peebles Crown Service .PAGE S Hudson -Helk Company Gnomon's Grocery A Med Market I dumbo's Buber Shop j Atlantic Seafood Company .lohnsou-I auntie Company Klertrlf il Wholesalers, lnr„ CAGE fi Mother <S Daughtet sum a Wavjtde Furniture COmuif- Peebles Service (enter Macon’s Barber Shop Southern Bell I Town & Country Tire Service PAGE 7 s.tndct s Mo*or Company CAGE « The Hood Svstem Industrial Rank !c. s Tin ker Brothers Furniture Co | Hurd General Tire Company ('em Watch Shop 1 Raleigh Funeral Horn* iRAGE a A a P Super Mirk.r'- i Moras. Grocery r*> Market I Goodman's v,, .jnhn W winie*-, , , -r rij aotrs Lewis Radio A- TV Clinic page l n Bunn s Esso Service i ethos .Mo^y me MArnv I. UTHFR Ki vr* ma j?• i,s.tl S’ ( a r*p®afa*?* % # Baptists la Hear Famed Clergyman ~~ ' O' FAIRMONT--The eof North C.-.roijßA F.:.pti.‘ r . vui! b- uirr.'-d ! rv ... -,.,j TT- fmAn F (.'C i, *'d A r where »he 90t-F. Annuo'. Session of ihr- Geroval Baptist State Cor.* vention will mens wit,h the Fi: .-1 Baptist Church, the Rtnerend J. ,t. Johnson, pastor Messengers, representing 1700 churclrCs and »’vrrT of Ihr. state, are. expected to attend i !-i; =. tht." -d" its; e;;pg A 'losi'nvtd *o encotu' i.v? and strens* (i-iPf, the siinporf n f e<iUcationr.l , rovi -s >t n os p,s' ? y- Blood worth St Tourist Home ! Heater Weil Company • i ivt-ncn insurance Aceacy i , r il'iij Hiltlders Cerp Wataob v Seafood A. Poultry Co. Inc. Cmstcod Traatier Co. a Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway's Optielans Popsi-t o!a R .ith’if Co., al Raleigh i W iroer Memorials j Deluxe Hotel I PAGE U : tamo'll Baker" the Capital Coea-CcU Bon! t Co. lag. ‘ liter':, Int F.restent Stores '■Vishin-ton Terries Apts rir Russos Matterv a Cleinera Twin Inn OU Service I page 13 Keith Super Marke* • infer Motor Compm vamn Wholesale Builder* Supply Roger « Soda Shop 1 PAGE 15 il.irrlv Wholesale. Tn* Page IK Security Realty Com Ran-, ; Rhode* Furniture Ca Clvclla Benun I ollege Mr ‘ Karl Lltchman K.jmev r .Ictvclrv s c. Products rirst-ctdicht Bittk A Trust Cumpany '■me Itca't- Compaajr ’. P top Food Store* Mart rss.iddi Theatre m Voting aatdwan* e.atartaf 'lr. EWi Pars

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