; * ■ mm . m i nr. .fames >i. nabrit . . . Winston • Salem spanker Dr. Nab Hi Speaks Sun. In Forsyth WEST-TON SALEM -Dr. .lamps M Nabrifct. Jr . famous civil rights i lawyer arid director of public r?- > lat-ions at Howard. University, will rps aV; at New Bethel Baptist Church here at 3 pm., Sunday, Nov. 3, during this sixth annual . celebration of Race Progress Day »nd the 33rd anniveisanr of the Effort Club. The public is invited. Dr. Nabrit has been active as a civil rights pioneer, educator, writer and national and civic lead er for more than 20 years. He argued the District of f'oHimbia School Case *Boll utg vs Sharpen the Oklahoma >.' risfration ( use (Lane vs, tVilson), and the Jaybird Pri »n»r> Case State News Brief PLEADS NOT GUILTY HIGH POINT A young 'nan | accused of shooting down his girl- j I friend on Sept 4. entered a plea ; Monday of innocent, to a first de- j I gree murder charge Willie Mack j j Oliver entered the plea at his ar- j raignment. at the, opening of the ; Superior Court criminal term, The solicitor said the. state will a°ek the doslb penalty for the 21-year old accused killer. Oliver js said to have pumped seven 22 caliber bullets into the body of hie girl friend, Miss Cora Colson, 21). fol lowing f> lover's pat on Septem ber 4 He allegedly went to 'be j plant where the girl worked, (continued ov page m alleged criminal assault, attempt by 17-year-old Robott Moore, Jr.,; of 1108 Douglas Avenue as the child traversed « pathway by a error tar y on hm way home from school. According to police reports, the Clark girl had beome ill at the Eppes School which she attends and was excused to journey home about 9:30 A.M when she was Joined by the Moore youth as the two traveled a pathway home ward when the alleged attack at tempt took place. City employees heard the girl's screams and ran to her assistance to see a man. later i identified as Moore, pick lip the girl and run towards the ermetary. Being: hotly pursii- i rd, it 's said that the would be attacker dropped the girl »»id hotfooted it away as one, j (continued on r\r,r„ ?> f Btjhus # !°r 9 Light Voting Settles City Hail Issue The City Hail bond i.-.-'.io . t-.l down in defeat Tuesday m the thud tunc a;; ’.'l 097 pi .- n- >. . ’ against the measure. «n,i 2.217 vot ed for it Raleigh mayor W C- Union, when informed of the von c.r.t come. appeared to oe upset and ex pressed his disappointment Unofficial tern n -- showed that all of the 27 precinct* in Raleigh »rported. The tnj.d vet - 54 4 (CONTINUED ON PAGE ») Griffin Takes Wow- Sap Georgia Guard Will Never Flgiit Jim Crow ATLANTA, Ga. Gov Marvin Grifin vowed Monday that t.hf Georgia National Guard novel will be used to enforce school in tegration in his state To prevent, this. Griffin warn- d that he is prepared to oppose any attempt to federalize the Georgia guard by discharging it, and form ing a state militia in it - place The governor, a, leading spokes j man of southern segregationist..?. : declared in an article in the new issue of LOOK Magazine "If anyone started to fcderalnw : the guard, I could just discharge j it., then form a state militia under j the second amendment of the ! Constitution, the right to bear arms. •No Georgia bov can be made to turn his bayonet a gainst a fellow Georgian. These (CONTINUED ON PAGE ') “I Killed My Mother, Man Cries GAFFNEY, S, C* - Cherokee j County Sheriff Julian B. Wrigh* said this week he was checkin.’ out. the story n( a 34-year-old concrete pipe worker who claimed he killed hi? mother 15 years ?*o because she gave Ms brother SI a week and :;».vr him only 25c. B, .1. Bridges came to the Sheriff's office with the con fession today, saving the slav ing had been bothering bis conscience and he wanted to “G<‘( ji off mv chest.'' Mr:-. Linn Bridges was killed .tan. “9, 1043 by a shotgun blast. ; in the tenipje A> the time of her (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) Southerner As President Is Seen By Hodges TALLAHASSEE, Fla, Gov, Luther Hodges of North Carolina predicted this week that the na tion will look to five South for presidential, timber “much sooner than we realize,’ but and he doubts a southerner can win in 1960. Hodges also told a news confer rtice there La "No support" In his j state for a third party The North Carolina Govn nor j and his, wife -lopped here, over fCONTTNUPD ON PAGF, TWO) d ‘SATCITMO'S’ NOT WELCOME Shown he»e with his wife, Lai, v>h«?n they arrived in London early this year lor a European tour. Louis Armstrong is no less upset by the rerent notion o! the University of Arkansas in cancelling out the trumpet star's sched uled concert on the campus. Armstrong's blast against Go*, Faubus of Arkansas made him "too controversial." the riudents Alleged. (Newspross Photo), MON'l GOMERY. Ala The. out station WSFA-TV and pre- F£>l Monet.* - investigated the saß- vented viewers in central a n d aacr of a meal broadcaa oi •, r-euih A; bania counties from see- , t 7. t . 10,, ;v.":‘ '!’• NBC pio..,am Look Here" ,7‘V-m'”*’' «I"V,V im-'n,,,, 1 conducted bv commentator Mar- Montgomery Nearw integration , 1 , l in AqronsKi. : ' ',’ Jf .... ...... Tic blackout did not interfere ’ ’ I! '.,’' ' ' ■“" with the network's telecast which . Ju *- ne Arabiann Power Co. cans- . ‘lrk ?» short circuit which knocked (roNTivuKD on rftor .?> Fourth Week Os Church Bonus j iotiey Program Mow Underway Church Bonn.-- Money partici- . partis are working eagerly to ; ' bring home the banner" for their respective churches as the fourth ; ■ week of the new chinch Bom: Money Program begins. Officially, the new week be gins Thursday of this week md lew Bonus Money Holes AH ptirch.i t slip or »-cco*r»b pi* ented to your church must, come from r-ini'. advert*'Ji'R in the CAROLINIAN L-jo.i week ; a uat in the Bon;- Money prrrod. Purchases tiigibl* 1 must conn- from the store during the w< * M the “ad" apt-ears. Nr purchase slips > cp?r •nf n a bus'.*v - should b> suhiOittr- d Ah receipt* 1 must cf-'iTc from individual purchases. AH ' hiui. ;vr in Rairi-di and W*>ke Onait;v are ehpible. All puii'!w)a' mu,>t bear the. name <■( the store from which th* our ich f? • w.!? '<■ ma d tt . All purchase Up *K-uJo hr in the osm.e of th* church; and >no«.i br m Hu- officr- of |n ; : CA.ROL>>- ! |Ais the Monday folio ■•jn.c close of • Bonn.- penod. v I ■ Gif j. : that f*i uslifr'vf.rehr.- v.> hot »n equal opportunity to share in the Bonn Mor.ev the folioAing regulation 'sNo church group will h* au g . derj j- 1 Firm's Money con nr cut ively, ?t> should a church receive let Monii if ■ Inc first per sod n would a • to wait until the third o'”. - pe\ mri to be ore -entec) It a-a -irrl a ram this dee? riot mean J ton* rennej and •/.)"■} ,iwards car-not be sought cdW'mcutlvelv Consequently i every church group has the opportunity to secure an award every period No pui> has* of over $M{! from any one merchant during a week can be ] ffiuoff d roe re H a **eiiwg of per person a weeV for grocery purchssss Im the event of the same amount of purchases by more than one entry, the } awt the envelope carrying the period s entry along with name and > address. Be run mom*, earner* will he announced tn th*: issue following the closing * of nch period ) Ml entries; remain the prupeity of. The CAROI TMAN \ AH rallying r. <»/».•! wlu’n the ni*n«es of Mir pninu Money cuiimj aw aa xtomteed in The ( ABOLINIAN- -ind no responsibility U arcepred by this nawt* paper beyond that point.. No receipts from h&nks will he considered, ►\rept payment on mortgjgef. This Week’s Advertisers Thr merchants lifted below are CAROLINIAN Bonos l Money Stoics. 11*An r. Worb.;,!r t B/lrlit s liruith-rn Furnituro ■ I 'ucnln f i! Nr Firm's H. Brown P ‘OF l I hjrlps Store j Carolina Power A Light Cu. Halls Gull I pace •. Southern Bell ! llroon riram-rs 1 Mr. .Joseph Wlnlors ■ PAGE 1 • - Famous Bakery . Sanders Moth- tampan;. Oils Russo* Flatten A flrar.i > , Conn-Gnwor Poniln' fiimpam i Sir Waltoi Chevrolet |PAGE 8 i I 0100 la I Slmrs 'The H'-od Sysiem tndustr'.l Bent) ■ i j Hunt G‘ neral Tll'e Comnaßv rent Watch Shop Lltteoln cah Company ' I Evan’a Shell Service Station l.ifiroin (.ri'l Wi.shinalon Te j -» r e Apt, Burnett's Soda Shop tints at midnich*. Wednesday, ip Month ends at, midnight i November 13. •. ■! dieatton points to the fact fivii church!-■« are progressing to* 1 v net the end of the current month, (CONTINUED o.v PAGE t\ 'Hr E'.vi* Rand PAGE 'I » A P Soper Market* P teuton) Stores lird’s ol RaJelsh •hi' t iptt 0 Co'i-Ctb BoUU&l Co 'OF |l> iiiinn'' Fsri Berv|e« (•'londworth St. Trnirltt Bnmt M ater Well Compans Uavenest InMiranrr A.-.eney Carolina Builders t'orp Watson’s Seafood A Poultri Co hie. I instead Transfer Co. A- Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Compin'- : It Plci".va\ s Opilelafts I'opsl-t.ola It itilina < n., ol R '.’rtth Warner Memorial* Heinvo Hole! PAGE It W\ all-Una rlrs i uiotlinan's Eleetrlcs! Whole-•*le i - ’iv' /i-nlll! Dealer PAGE 1C Varina iVholesa)- Builder* Supply ; Keith Super Matket ■ ciuser Motor Comparts' PACE JR i Civella 1 lean to College Mr c Karl Litchmun • Town A Cnuntty Tire Servfeo | Acme Rectt> Compans ; Tip Top Food Stores ; V C. Products ’ S, M. Ynyng W’rdx-ate Cnmptftl liS