v$ - £§yKT^ Lack Os Interest Our Greatest Danger; Chance , « 12c x — y 15c In N. C. I—'sar 24 PAGES '** s=i Ebewhers VOLUME 17 RALEIGH. N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1957 NUMBER 13 Council Urged To Save Two Pools + + + + + + + + + + Aubury Evans Dead • New Killing Shocks City! Argument Over Driving Leads To Death Here Ihe pre-Christmas weekend was marred hy a killing 1 Saturday afternoon, bringing to four the number of murders in this city in (he past three weeks. Aubury Evans. 17. of 627 Quarry Street. was pronounced ‘.tad upon arrival at Saint Agnes Hospital from a bullet wound > i the heart. He was allegedly shot by Junious Stewart, 32. ot Raleigh. Evans was one of the “famous Evans boys” who live In the 700 block of E. Davie St., known as “Evans Bottom " Al Bt'RV EVANS • . . killed ny own gun ■HJMOUR STEWART , . , wm shot by Evan* Students Ignore Educator’s Plea To invite Dorothy Counts Back C H ARL OTTE Apparently fht’o will be no move by students ■ I. Harding High School to Invite former pupil Dorothy Counts to return. Jennie Ty>» Satterfield. 17. pres ident of the student body, said “'the majority of the student body 111 iiM wKßßmmm. ■. i ■ j£y&EfS§i gßa 'v J4> . EES m®r'' i * "'- nr mtrwmh />. . Taßg 11$$ |$F -■./ * 4 SSI Iffo A BIG MOMENT-~P<ww Pius XU lecotu bn Gostatorial diair to pot « dhJldf h©W «feft M during mow <rudi»nc« of pilgrim* irons various parte of the world in St. Peter's Vah>J! Cih. As m fanner y®os*i, ti» Christmas season drew hordes of worshinmm to th« v<*™ «»4 to PolestuM « Jerusalem all during the month of Docm^TSiSS^ lftSpJ ' i Stewart, who resides at 219 1 Smithfietd Street, is still confined | at the hospital where he is being i treated for a gun wound in his j left thigh, resulting from being ; shot by Evans. The two men exchanged blows : and pistol shots after they became j l engaged in an argument near Ev-1 ans' home. The argument is alleged to have started when Stewart, driving south on Quarry St., passed Evans’ ear, also head ing south, and eut back too sharpiy into the. lane, nar rowly missing thp Evans ve- . hide. Evans and Stewart alighted from their autos, according to j witnesses, and Evans is reported i to have started cursing Steward; and threatening to beat the; younger man up. "Man, you're too old to fight, j Go on.” Steward is alleged to have told Evans. At this point Evan?; ran into | i his house nearby, a detective said, j | and came out with a ,38 calibre j j pistol. A bitter argument ensued and! | Evans hit Steward on the side of i his head with the weapon. Steward then appealed to Evans to "fight fair, "Evans handed his gun to Calvin Madden, of 823 E. Cabarrus j Street, who said he had just i (f ONTINTTED ON PAGE 5b is not interested in asking her back." Miss Counts. 17, was the first: Negro assigned to Harding. She I attended classes for less than a i week and then dropped out be (CONTENIJED ON PAGE 2) i : \. ■ > L e i‘i «*»( LOOKS FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS Mrs. Susie Smith is preparing to celebrate her 104th birthday in Chicago on Christmas Day. Mrs. Smith was born on a plantation in North Carolina and was! soid as a slave at the age of X. She said she ran away and lived in Arkansas until moving to Chicago 13 years ago. (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). Rev. J. W. Jones Victorious As Popularity Contest Ends Reverend .T, W .Tones wort the CAROLINIAN’S SIOO Christmas present this week. Holding first place continuously since the rivalry began, Reverend Tones, pastor of Fayetteville Street Baptist Church, Raleigh, had- polled d. 710 votes when the CAROLIN IAN Most Popular Minister's Con test closed last Saturday, Runner-up /or second place wa* Rev. Howard Cunning ham. pastor of First Congre- ' gationai Christian Church. Ra leigh, who received a total of j; 3,000 votes. Third place honor went to Rev, [ E. 1... Brodie. pastor of Mitchell |i Chapel Baptist Church, Louisburg. jt who won 930 votes, while in four- ! th place was Rev. W. R. C'uth- | bertson, pastor of Greenville Tub- I crnncle AMEZ Church, Charlotte, j who canvassed 790 votes. Other contestants polied votes as follows: Rev. Robert L Shirley, Ra vie Street Presbyterian Church, ij Raleigh, 410; Rev. F. f>. Fuller, i Reynolds Chapel Church. Gull- ! ford. 190; Rev. J. E. McGrier. j First Baptist Church, Warren- ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 j Hearing In Holt Case Now Set For January Attorney for Joseph H. Holt, Jr„ j 15 who is seeking an injunction to | allow integration and his atten- j dance at Broughton High School. ! white, said they will request a j snecial hearing of the case some- J times -,n January. Attorney Herman Taylor. I £ BohtJS wt Moray (Interracial ( lUroup Tries To Save Poofs GREENSBORO —The Greens i'oro Interracial Commission call t nn the City council to reserve its decision to close ahd sell pub , lie swimming pools here bg* week. Tire Commission, a United Fund Agency which says it does not “take sides in debatable issues, - ’ also asked the Council to set up an interracial group to advise the I mayor and the Council on race j relations problems. The Council voted recently to | sell the two public swimming j pools, one white and one Negro, rattier than run the risk of h iv ! ins to desegregate them. Ttie Interracial Commission said (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Youth, 18, To Stand Trial For Assault LEESBURG, Fla—Another rape case with dramatic overtones a gain focused attention Friday on Lake County. Fla., scene of the not >rious 1949 Groveland case. Authorities held an 18-.vear-old Negro nephew of Florida’s most publicized integrationist on sus picion of criminally assaulting a 38-year-old white woman, de ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ~ rpCj-S-v. J > r tv ir-.i , who represent* the youth, said he would request the hearing. "I have not had an opportunity to confer .with my partner, Samuel Mitchell, on the mat- Clty 120; Rev. L. S. Pen, St (CONTINUED CN PAGE ?> S j * y tU 'r . c «, 1 n vo,, ' l ' s »f the -Mth Infantry Division, famed concert 5. \ r ,', ‘(Hinson leads (he «.iv viib a so? - somewhere near the front lines in Korea High, lights ot the renowned artist s tour through Soul hr Ist Vs.a will be shown on a special “Nee It Vow” shc ,Sr sro O »! hP , rBS / H :'' : rV nH ' vnrk - • ••b rhe Ify.ftQO mile tour, arrange! hv ANT.A ter PHOTO **»aiimcn.. !<•<>« *nr suuicr through seven countries in Southeast Asia, (UNITED PRESS W. G. Change, Former Principal, Addresses School Masters Club • WASHINGTON. N. C. “The j greatest danger that cm come to • any nation is a waste of its hu ; man resources " declared \V. C | Chance, retired North Carolina Shas.Tifkifix, 27, Is Bound Over On Rape Charge WINSTON-SALEM A High Point man waived preliminary hearing Saturday and was held for superior court, trial on charges of raping the attractive wife of Wake- Forest assistant basketball coach A1 De Porter. After waiving the hearing' in municipal court here Charles Moore. Jr.. 27. of High Point. \v,.; returned to jail and held without bond for trial in Forsvth County Superior Court. A trial date has not. been set. Moore has been held in jail in Winston-Salem since hfc admis sion of the attack a week ago on Mrs. Lucy D. Porter. 25. Police (CONTINUER ON PAGE 2) ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ‘ GO TELL IT ON THE MOUN TAINS": Christmas is a symbol of something that, has to be ex pressed spiritually if it is to be meaningful: and it is full of the utmost Mgmficence and the moU profound meaning. The story of Christmas is the story of sacri (CONTINUER ON PACE 2) State News Brief HUNTER IS ASSAULTED RALEIGH - Mac Bunch. 1062 Cross Street, told police officials that he was assaulted by John Gat ling, 59. of 131 i Mordocai Dr. who also took his wo birds dogs valued Hi $l5O each. Bunch said that Cal ling beat him with his hands and fists and lrim' to choke him. Next, Bunch reported that Gatling car ried away his dogs ir, the back of his cai. When arrested, Gatling ar <CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 White Students Walk Out After Bi- Racial Fight ST. LOUIS. Mo. - The peace- j fiil integration scene broke out. m | turmoil on December 18 when be. j tween 30 and 190 white students (CONTINUES ON PA tit 2) : school principal, in an address re cently before the local School Masters Club here Disturbed by thr apparent inactivity of Negro citizens, ■'ll’. Chance said. “The great est danger to «r liberties to day is M.I I•>■•.' >»i .interest in matter's affecting our citizen ship." He further added that the re : fossil of the Negro to accept the ian Robs Movie And Tries To Cash ‘Bum’ Cheek Here MORGANTON- A young Mot - later and charged with armsd rob- K=;s=; r ■* ;;To «r,ss* swi ss Wednesday night-all in one hour., _ h 1 He was captured <\ iuw hours (continued on p*gv t) Last Week Os Church Bonus Money Program Now Underway I The fifth and final week of The 1 Church Bonus Money Program ! i will begin Thursday, December ! 1 26. and ends at midnight, Wed nesday, January 1. 1958. Church members, who spend j their Yule season dollars with j merchants who advertise in I WEEKLY ADVERTISERS OMMITTED The regular listing of CAROLINIAN advertisers is omitted this week as practically all merchants arc using their space to extend greetings. *3r C Cm SSISm4 ir* i Errand mnriii' . ■ - - * right;- guaranteed him by the Con stitution today might well be lost to him tomorrow." Climaxing his message, Mr Chance declared, "Legal seg regation. as formerly practic ed in the. South, is dead and ma \ there be pcec« to it* ashes, We lannot chant at it* passing, neither is there fcontinued on r\nr. n The CAROLINIAN, can mak# their money do double duty. Best of all. they can help theW churches get ahead in the Church Bonus Money race. The month is composed of <CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)

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