Mi ■ H .* i ft i 4% ’ . ttSl«*h 'f% |« ft » ' State Baptists Begin Quarter-Million Dollar Drive Seek Funds To Assist Shaw Univ. In .'in enthusiastic executive meeting of the planning comrnil* f ,-r I.r tli - Onei-al Baptist state Convention of N C.. Inc., held ai Ihe denomination';- headquarters building in Raleigh, Thursday. Jan. 2. there was mapped out a com prehensive program for the early launching of an intensive fund raising campaign foi Shaw Uni \ ersi i v. 4Vilh a goal of S'JSO.OOO.OO, tl<is effort is designed, specifi cally, tor Christian education and therefore, represents an amount over and above the General Convention's regular budget for other objectives. The over-all plan of this drive (CONTINWin ON PAM' •>> (CONTINUED ON P/V F >1 ... TWO GIRLS RAPED; VET HELD 11 R. ALEXANDER H. Alexander Bus. Manager At Shaw Univ. Dr. William R. Strassrier, presi dent of Shaw University, has an nounced the appointment of Har vey Reginald Alexander as busi ness manager of the University. Mr. Alexander is a native of Georgetown, 111. He received his college education at Fisk University and the University of Illinois, The B.S. degree in industrial management was conferred upon him by tne Uni versity of Illinois. Ho received the ME. degree at Duqut. ne University, and has done (CONTINUED ON PAGF. 9) JUS&JSLiE.. 4%^#!||^h:' .•.;>• ■■.. J dt^ ;■''&s \> / V flß^vt.' * I'Vs^f i ’ : • **v ••-■•>' • : /. '■ ir '' ju . , nlt %a,, 1 ,- ftWl , *jjwf/ * •*. . • &• '«.. Wirbi Kgf* 5 M iJff /<W i~ ffnfSt .ffei-g-j .flpj ► * ,T ■• 1 V .v. ,v. •; • | > -' ;: Va: ~- ' vv • : ‘^| IIER SON DIED IN FIRE On the verge of collapse. Mrs. Vcstron Figaro, center, is assisted from the teenc early last Thursday, after her 21 -year-old son. Michael, died hi a fire that swept a five- Story tenement at 9E. 117th Street. The distraught woman was taken to Metropolitan Hospital. <UNITED PRESS PHOTO). WOMAN, THREE CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH 12c —i hiN.C. J ~ 12 PAGFS 1 ifc Elsewhere r(th M(MyRy VOLUME 17 RALEIGH, N C. WEEK IN DING SATURDAY. JANUARY 11, I«SR g NUMBER 15 City’s Policemen To Use Riot Sticks Ex-Sergeant Accused By i 7-Year-Olds BY J. B. HARKEN >: ROCKY MOUNT This To- I hacco City' was shocked last week | I when it was learned that two sev- j I en-year-old colored girls had libcen allegedly, brutally, criminal* |j ly assaulted by a Targe man’ driv- ■ |i ing a late model car who had lur- j - Ilea them into hLs auto and taken'] l| them t-o an isolated farm house in j | the country. With the report to the local ] police department being made. j Sunday night (December 29th), the entire detective j force went to work with the i. I meager description given of ficers by the frightened chi!- < drew—who had been given a ’ dollar and released in town By Wednesday afternoon of ficers had rounded up 44-year old Mailie Howard, a resident of 500 Cleveland Street, and a veteran of 14 years in the armed services where he Siad attained the rank of sergeant —and charged him with the crime. On the basis of testimony by of ficers Howard was remanded to Nash County jail without privilege i |of bond on the two capital 1 j charges of rape; and had bail fix | ed at $3,000 in each of two counts i of crime against nature with the i same two little girls, j Howard, who, police say, ha ] operated under the alisa of Haz i el Howard in the past, was also | charged with assault with intent ■to commit rape on a 15-year-old | unnamed high school girl of the (CONTINUE!! ON PA Cl 9) wjzr&lf r;i zm? % s "“ ' ' *■# ».•*• •, fr im s tP* f- t > > ® E■: Y WS'r '-^E, % ~ AREA Cl \.' x; :> rr - city rated on the side of Lucille Hunt tall weeds, trees and holes that < ■ many .’. ears, ii v. as also a hasard to ami from school. < S TAFF PI Dr,, i. H. Ba Os Am eric 2 WASHINGTON. D C. The uerican Public Health Associa ■n elected Dr. H Barnhill ol rth Carolina to membership, ’-ring him the first Negro to fc: . ccogaiaed. The American Public Health Association is not only a so ciety of professional persons organised to further their col ledive interests and advance employees are jjichin i above last Saturday cleaning up the area lo ! r School, located >j East Raleigh. This section, which was filled with tmtained rals. had Siren a menace to residents of the neighborhood for i for young children who used a path beside ihe growth for traveling HOTO BY f HAS. lx. TONES). irnhill New Member an Public Health Ass'n agency concerned with the in- j dividual standing of each public health in our her.iis- member. ! phere, it is also a service , icontimiro ON PADS IP I, , —— j ~ I fwo Frozen Sadies Found |As Cold Wave Hits State || WHITEVILLE Officers reported, Ij ! hat the body of a woman who ap- : - parcntly died from exposure had j 11 been found Monday at the under-! i pass on U S. 701, ,! Police Chief Wad'- White said the • j j body of Mr s Julia Mcares of 11 Whitevih- was found partially cov- j Ij ered hy weeds growing In the area. ; Officers are continuing Iheir m-j ; vestigation but said they believed i ~ ’ ——— • Police Arrest Youth , 14, In 5. C. Shotgun Murder Sj -CHARLESTON, S. C -A Char- I j lesion County grand jury returned j a true bill indicting a 14-year-old J boy with murder Monday in con j ncerion with the shotgun slaying [ of a 18-year-old youth. ! Lawyer Announces Pre-Trial Date For Holt Hearing Here - - ——— Attorneys for h Negro youth | .seeking admission to all-white Needham Broughton High School said Monday that a pre-trial hear ing in the case in Federal Court had been set l'oi Jan. Hi. Attorney Samuel Mitchell said the hearing will seek, to determine the issues in the case. "Wo are trying to boil it down to a situa tion where there are no issues ex cept those of law. In that case, then a judgment is t.he next i step,” he said. Mitchell and his partner Herman Taylor, nrr repre senting 16-year-old Joseph (CONTINUED ON PA(,r; Sj :-ht> riir-d of exposure ill t.bo .nib freezing weather of Sunday night. Near Fayetteville Monday the frozen body of a 32-year-old rmm was found on a. creek bank Coroner Alph Clark identified the victim as Jesse Lee Freeman of Spring Lake, The body was found beside Barrow Creek, near i Manchester, about 12 miles north (CONTINUED ON fAU? 9) Herman Smith, ot James Island, is accused of shooting to death Bern-line Davis. Trial was schedul ed to follow in the January ter in of Charleston County General Ses sion'! Court. ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD IS A CURFEW NEEDED?— Some American cities have found it expedient to use a curfew law as a weapon against juvenile ( de linquency. In the towns and cities where this type of curb Is used, I a notable decrease in teen-age I offenses have been recorded. Al though enforcement is practically (CONTINUED ON PACE 9) l Mob Rioting lot Reason, Officer Says I Raleigh police officers Tues ! day began putting leather st-rair; lon riot sticks which have been ! packed away at the Police Station | for a number of years. “They're almost ac deadly as a shotgun if handled right,” Officer C. H. *utter Geld reported. The officer denied T P- / newed Us of the not sticks nad ( anything to do with the mob dem onstrations. The riot sticks will ! bo placed in patrol cars to be used only in cases of emergency. Eugene Willis. 39, of 210 Cam den Street, and James Worth, 34. of 423 S. Bloodworth. Street, were sentenced to a. year in prison (OONTTNtIKn ON PAGE 9) : j blight Club Owner Kills ! A Customer \ i KINGS MOUNTAIN - A night- . club owner was held on a murder j I charge in the pistol slaying of a j patron Saturday night. ! The victim, Vernon Odell Me- : j Cresry, 20, was instantly killed hv a ,22 calibre pistol bullet in the j heart. | Oakley J. Si-iv-nek. 46. owner of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) ! State News —IN— Brief FOUNDER S DAT SPEAKER j RALEIGH -The Rev. Tollie L ' Caution, D.D. executive secretary, ! HAPPY KHMER NEW YEARS REV. TOLLIE CAUTION Home Department, National Coun cil of the Protestant Episcopal Church, will be the Founder’s Day speaker at, St .Augustine’s College, Raleigh, Sunday, January 12, at 11:30 a.rn. in the college chapel. The public is invited to hear him. | URGE TEACHERS TO APPLY FAYETTEVILLE —Less than two weeks remain fur prosper (CONTINUED ON PAGE !>) VNFJOIT TASTE OK VICTORT Manhattan Borough President ftui?*) K. lack, enjoyed t stew dinner after being sworn into one of th* nation’s top offices four years ago. Mrs. Jack supplied the. culinary art. Hc-clccted in November. Mr. Jack was sworn in itgairf'‘oit*T>e» ccmber 31, and this time had caviar, no doubt. > V V. WSMPTMTa » PHOTO). Faulty Stoves Prove fatal Per 4 Persons STATESVILLE Three chil- children but managed to put) dren weir burned u. death into „ n ly two of them from th* ; Saturday night when flames; blaring house. James Edward swept, through their four- non. Mathis, 5.-and his sisters, De frame house about a mile east of light. 3- and Catbline, 1 s Siatesviib ; months died before she tonld Their mother, Mrs. Virginia j .... Mathis, tried l» save her five (CONTINUED on PAGE »i Big Ministers’ Popularity Contest To Cpen fiext Wk. I * K-’t \ ■ - o ■ i-PP it ! a sprinter knows that*a perfect ; and quick takeoff puts him ahead of his rivals. So it is with the con testants who propose to take pa>t in the Statewide Ministers Popu larity Contest which begins on Jan uary 16. Organize a newsboys club in your church this week, so that your pastor can make a Sputnik take off and zoom into the lead for a test run of eight' weeks. The con test will end on March 10 at noon, f irst prize is Sioo. A Botany -.11 it will lie given as second prize, and a Gleneagli's topcoat will be. the third prize. ! Winners will be announced in the j issue of March 15, and the winners I have the opportunity of selecting i the style, pattern and color of the i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) First Congregational Church Wins Top Church Bonus Money THE FIRST CONGREGATION-j Submitting $4.121. in pur |AL CHURCH of Raleigh won the chasm slips from BalHfcb first prize of SSO in ibc CARO- merchants advertising in ft* i LIN IAN Church Bonus Money CAROLINIAN, the first Co* Program for tire second conic..f, i period ending January l (continued on page »> Church Bonus Money Rules V i pun:!;,,: • slips <•>) receipt ’•••••.( r,i< ,i te mm vturen m Jit ramr trow (tores advert v-atu? in the I'AROUMAM _ Each week carne a date in the bonus Mcn»y perie-d Purchase* eligible 1 mus>' conic from (lore during Lie week the ",,d eppearr. No purchase -.lie lepichentln.: a bo.xmr- . nhnulrl be submitted AH receipt* , must come fi'tiri individtm! purchases All churches in Raleigh mid W 'kc Count*.- »r« eligible All purcii.iM si (us must bear the mum oi the store from which the pur chase was mad" AH puich.i o slips should hr suhimth-<i m tti- name or the church; *»d should hr m the other at the CAROLINIAN Use Monday following clou* of ' Bonus period. In order that smaller churciic nn.v hao an equal opportunity to than SB I the Bonus Money the follow ins regulation is expedient: No church group will he awarded r,i Bonu- Money cot -.ecu lively, ie .iiovid a church receive Ist Bonus Morn 1 at'lm the fn.,l period is. would have to welt until the third Bonus period lo he nrcsonied Ist a waul os-ain However, lids dors rofIWUR that, -.entd and third awards cannot hr sought consecutively. Consequently cvi.i v chineli group Ims ihe opportunity lo • retire mi mwn every period. No purchase of over S.3<*« from any onr merchant during « week can fc» counted. There Is a ceiling of *V> per person i week fro grocery purr ha sea (u ipc event ol tin same amount »l purchases by more than one entry, the award will Pc divided. Weekly pun he.se totals should hr shown nil each packet and total planwd *» | the outside ot the envelope carrying the period's entry along with name and | add res > Bonus moiuey u.-utiers will be announced In the Issue following Ui# rinsing of finch period. All entries remain the property of Thr C’AftOtINIAN. All tally it ik Is final wlirn the names of the Bonus Money earner! s.io aa oonnood in llic i AIIOMNIAN, and no responsibility is accepted by this news paper bc.vond that poilil No receipts from banks will Hr rousidcred, eM,cpt payment on mortgagee, This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. PAGE :i Carolina Builders C.'orp. Ik f. Quinn furniture Company j Watson's Seafood & Poultry Co,, Inc, Fllrd's Department Store Unulead Transfer Co. ft rood Store Carolina Power ft Light Co. .. ... ~, ~ PAGE 5 Dillon Motor Finance Company Hiidsoußclk Company Dunn's Esso Service Mechanics and farmers Bank • Ridgeway's Opticians PAGE « Warner Memorials N. C, . redact* Deluxe Hotel Burnett's Soda Shop "AGE 9 Colonial Stores Southern Furniture Company is The Hood System Industrial Bank I’AGE 10 Gem Watch Simp Keith Super Market H M. Young Hardware Company PAGE IZ | page 1 Acme Realty Company Flrst-Cltterng Bank <V. Trust Company CiveJla Beauty College A * P. Supei Markets Mr. C. Karl Utchman l>\Gi: H I Raleigh funeral Home 8100d worip Si. Tourist Home Hunt General Tjre Company j Heater Well Company Mr. Elvis Rand I Cave ness Insurance Agency ; Ambassador Theatre ■ PrpaM'ola Hoitlln* Co. ot Relac.h . Town * Country Tire lervtfs Confessed ■ 1 Rapist Is 1 Indicted | WINSTON -SALEM - A For i-yth County Grand Jury thj> I week indicted a High Point, Ne i ;;m on a chru ;p of raping ilv young wife of Wake Forest. As .aslant Basketball Coach A1 D* Porter. The true bill was returned s • 1 gainst Charles Moore. 27. who po lice said admitted "in a boast* (I ONTINUED ON I’Al.r 9)

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