“Naked Nativity:” t SAY ALLEGED LOVER KILLED WOMAN HERE .... . . ~‘V - - : ” ■ ■ - - - - ■ 12c * —i iS C | lnN - c *-16 PAGES Elsewhere VOLUME 17 RALEIGH. N C KKK Chased Out WAR PAINT IN MAXTON >v V ■ .*>% .. . . ...... ««r t ■*■•*»'*«*' ( I _ * JL JL J* -Lr JL i Happy Khmer New Year. RUFUS WRIGHT . . . denies murder of woman f Nude Woman Brutally ! Beaten; lies In City | By Staff Writer A career of crime which dated hark- to 1943 ended abruptly car-! ;* Saturday morning for Mrs. I Bernice Curley Johnson. 29, oi! 1130 Coleman Street, when she j skimped over dead in a chair after b ’h— revagely beaten and exposed j to the elements without a “stitch”' of clothing on. Rufus Wright, 29, whose re- j curd shows he’s had some 12 run-ins with the law. was scheduled to receive a pre liminary hearing in the case, j Monday, but the bearing was postponed until Tuesday, at No Damage As Dynamite Is I r Found At Little Rock, Ark. r LITTLE ROCK, Ark. An un-i capped and unfused stick of dy namite was found in an empty locker at the i teg rated Central High School. Little Rock, Mon day. Superintendent Virgil Bios-, win called it a weapon of terror to; force the school to close out of j fear. Relatively harmless, the dy namite in its state, was found Tan Applicants Receive No Word From U.S.C. Registrar COLUMBIA S. C—Three Negro students seeking admission to the Nil-white University of South Car olina waited Saturday to see what the university would do with their applications received by mail Fri day. Twice this week the university refused to furnish application forms, or to accept completed APPLY wT S. C. UNIVERSITY—Five. «f these seven students presented application blanks last! week for admission to the University of South Carolina, but the all-white institution refused to accept j them. They reported submitting more applications to the University. The group 1* shown here filling out l he forms. They wouldn’t Rive their names. (5- «TEI> PRESS TELEPHOTO). I WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, IQSB MRS. BERNIC E CURLEV JOHNSON j . . . victim of savage killer which time he was bound over i to Wake Superior Court to S await trial on a first degree ! murder charge. Many of the ! witnesses subpoenaed for the j hearing Monday morning were 1 unable to appear. Authorities said that. Mrs I. Johnson died from internal hem orhaging) caned by s punctured: liver. Her face and head covesed 1 with cuts and bruises, many of which could allegedly have cans- i rd he:- death. Some of the cashes i were two or three inches deep, (CONTINUED ON PACK T.) - —7 after a 90-minute search by city police and federalized Na- I tsonal Guardsmen. An anony mous telephone call to a local radio station manages, Roy Bartlett, ignited (he carch for the explosive. The discovery of the dynamite climaxed a hectic first day of the (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?1 I forms the Negroes had obtained j elsewhere. The Negroes mailed the appli cations Thursday night and Prof XV. C. McCall, director of the Uni- j versity’s examining and counsel- j mg bureau, acknowledged they- re- j ceipt Friday, (CONTINUED ON PAGE J) “r w T + + Ask Measure To Ban! INAACP On Tax Lists ir , . m < ___ j j Passage Os j Bill Sought ! By Va. Group | | RICHMOND. Va.—Dei. John B j j Boatright this week introduced a ! ! measure that would prevent per ! sons from deducting contributions ; to the NAACP on their state in -1 tome tax returns. i** ‘ * The bill would require tb.u : persons contributing to any j corporation which “instigates, j or supports, or maintains liti gation of any character to j which such person is not a par <CONTINUED on rar.K r. \ , : »**' ‘ ■ ‘ -~r. • r ’■ Man Buried Alive Under j Dirt Here Preston Collins, 4b, of Garner, ! working in a ditch at a Coley For- j cst plum Ming project, died of stif- i location kite Monday afternoon ! ; when he v, ns buried alive, j Collins died almost instantly j f while co-workers tried unsuccess fully to free him from the 10-foot ditch *«*•** A residenl of Garner stiver (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) i. ■ 1 ■—’ i - - IN THIS ISSUE ; 1 C A R O VS CA-ROW-LINKS LOW DOWN ON THE j UPTOWN” (See CA-ROW LINES, Page 1 JUST FOR FUN CORNYARD'S CAPERS i | -See JUST FOR FUN, Page it j j NUMBER 17 ! Klansmen “Scoot” As | IN. 0. Indians Shoot LUMBERTON The Grand Jury of this county Monday S indicted t#o Ku Klux Klansmen, and others allegedly of their | 1 group “unknown to the state”, on charges of inciting a riot in j i connection with the Klan rally which was broken up Saturday; I night by the gunfire of Indians. They were J. W. Cole and J, G. Martin. MAXTON A sheriff who warned the Ku Klux Klan against. ! trying to stage a rally here amid ; ill feelings stirred up by alleged j Klan threats to the Lutnbee In j dians went before a grand jury’ j Monday to ask that Klan Wizard S James W. Cole be indicted for in | citing a riot, Same 300 whooping Indians, soim of them with paint i streak on their faces, tone ti ed off a wild melee at the ral i l.v Saiurdey night, scattering 1 a group of 40 Klansmen and several hundred spectators. Four persons were nicked by j pellets or bullets. There were no serious wounds. 7 Die On Highways in N. Carolina, Va. j Seven persons, six in Virginia I and one in North Carolina lost their lives on the highways last week. Mrs. Rena Roberson, 47. of Ply mouth, N. C. was killed when the car in which she was riding went out of control and tumbled down an embankment Sunday. Officers said the driver lost control of the car on N. C. | Hwy. 32 about two miles east First Votes Counted; State j Ministers’ Contest Growing ; | Runners in the Ministers Popu | larity Contest are now moving Into | the second lap of the eight-week j course over which the race will be ! i 1 CORRECTION! j ! i Last week it was incorrectly j 1 reported to the CAROLINIAN that A Iphonza Vance, former i exalted ruler of Fidelity I,edge. No. 27? of F,!ks has retired frr.ttt ettie® during the past year. The story should have read that Mr. Vance, who served for j eight years, was defeated hv i ■ ■Hudson T Phillips of Garner 1 (CO STINTED ON PAGE 'll j " CAROLINIAN’S MINISTERS i; POPULARITY CONTEST j! ! r BEGINS THURSDAY, JAN. 165 UNITS MONDAY, MARCH 1(1, IRAK ! t I I i Pastor's Name j _ Address i Name of Church . COUPON WORTH 10 POINTS I Clip tiiis coupon end as many as you can gather for ;.-jur pas tor and send to THE CAROLINIAN, each week. At the end of the context period, the minister having accumulated the most points . will receive MOO.OO (one hundred). Second, a. Botany suit; 'Third, a Oleneoglcs topcoat. Listings will be made each week. Send in your * COUPONS so that your pastor will get his weekly rating. All COUPONS must reach THE CAROLINIAN no laler than p Tuesday of each week. Address THE CAROLINIAN, kid E. Martin I Street, Raleigh. North Carolina. j f f Bbhus fit *fo»y The Klansmen fled in dis order. Highway patrolmen and depu- I tics with riot guns ahd tear gass i I broke up the demonstration and j j cleared the field of the milling, j i yelling throngs. Indians snatched: |un Klan banners ad parapher- 1 aha as the Klansmen fled. One Klassman. who was drunk j v . i also charged with inciting to [o .it. when he sobbered up. ho re-. Xotmced the Klan. j District Solicitor Maurice Bras 1 ; well said, the grand jury was in I j session at the Robeson County: | Courthouse in Lumberton and i (CONTINUED ON P.vr.f! 2> of Eden ion. The vehicle swerv ed from the highway on a curve and plunged down an j embankment. Two other per- j sons were injured i tiihe acci dent. In Grafton. Va. three persons I died in the collision of two cars a t I ! a highway intersection, j highway intersection. (CONTINUED ON PACK 2) run., and the Rev Howard Cunn*|i : ingham, pastor of the First Con-; i gregational Christian Church, f | tai.cs the lead with 200 votes. , Running next in order are the i following pastors who say that ! they are lust getting wanned up: j,' Rev. Robert L. Shirley, pas- tj , tor of Davie Street Presbyter!- |i ! an Church, Raleigh, 50; Rev. G. S. Stokes, pastor of Riley Hill Church, Wendell, 20: Rev. Joseph James, pastor of St. jj Galilee Disciples Church, J&wmillc, 20; and Rev. L. S. Penn, pastor of St. Paul AME Church, Raleigh, N. C First prire is 5100. A botany N ■■<. > ~ - .. jl a *® r * V • : gm JRHHigMnHMBMMMMnnjjMBMMHMM|^^Mag Sis' 1 <»Bga^%'aaiig]ii^^gmM^i^^S .«£ 4-l»Mill«W t: SB ; ; ; - " INDIANS INVADE KEAN RAMA —Liunbec ind ms, armed and angry, advanced on members of the Nh KJux Rian after the Indiana attacked a KKK rally near VI ax ton last Saturday night (in to? pbo* to).,Four persons were injured slightly by stray bullets as some one hundred Indians used limn? and tear gas to rout the outnumbered Kiansmen In bottom photo the. armed and angry Lumber Indians ad vance on a Rian member guarding the lights just before they were shot out during the attack. Some one hundred Indians stormed the rally with guns and teargas. Four persons were hit by tray bullets, (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTOS). Refuses To Q.v| Bu,s Seat To White Man, Passenger Is Shot CHARLESTON, S. C -Police are holding a 21-ycar-old white man | in connection with a bus seating j incident which left a Negro pass- j enger with s pi.-ito! wound in his I left arm. The scuffle and shooting occur- j red aboard a bus on U. S. V7. six j miles north of Mount Pleasant. The ; bus was enroute to Wilmington. j North Carolina. * « * » Charleston C’«umy PoHcv Di rector Marion .1. Schwartz said tames l.amrr Gaskins of f h-sr- Klansmen To Alamance Jan ua ry 25 1 BURLINGTON —The rr.c if? Alamance County said Monda.'* “W<? are going to be on band to maintain order” at a scheduled rai- 1 ly of the Ku Kiux Klan here Sat urday night. | Th" statement by Sheriff Jot i Cole followed the announcement j by the Rev. James (Catfish Cole' ! no relation, that the latter 1 ? band fco»;'nvr h* os; page ji State News Brief — ' SIDEWA.I.K ON STRI ET RALEIGH The City Council voted Monday to give the state of North Carolina one more cbaliee to erect a sidewalk on Tar boro fid. before taking other action. W, H. Carper, city ir nager, read a let - I ter from Frank Turner of the De partment of Administration which told the city to take the first steps in laying down a sidewalk “If we (CONTINUED OV CAGE St ODBS-ENDS! R.v ROBERT G. SHEPARD j! The law o? nature is, “Do the i thing and you shall have the pow- j er."—EMERSON. "‘PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY: The! right of the people to assemble peacefully is a potent part of the 1 1 First Amendment to the Federal Constitution It should be carefully I j j i (CONTINUED ON PACK 2) • < leston save up Ms seat to a w <| mart passenger and then asw rd Herman Young, 2fi, Pawley \ island Negro, to move to the rear of the bus. * * * * “If you want to sit down, ye New Week Starts In Big Church Bonus Money Month Churches of Rakish are begin ning the third week qf the Third Month ot the CAROLINIAN Church Bonus Money Program, and they can bolster their trea.-- ureries by united, concerted, and organized action. The best thing io do is to buy from merchants who advertise in the CAROLINIAN each week. Church Bonus Money Rules All ptirths.- sins oi rt-.r :• r ---nted to your church roust '.'am* wsi dtorc • advertising Jn tiu- CAROLINIAN. Edfh week carrier a daw in the Bonus Money period Purchase* •ugible i muet crime item the store during the week the “ad” appears. Hu purchase .dip: representing a business should be submitted AH receipt* 1 mus! unit from individual purchases. AO <■ , inches in Raleigh sod Wake County are eligible AU slips must hear the name of the store from which the out ■ ..-have was made. . , \yi puirhas? slips should re sub Pitted tn the name of Ut» churen; sad ..uoislcl be i>. the office of the CAROLINIAN the Monday (o'.-owing close of Bonus period. , . jn order ti as smaller churches may have an equal opportunity to *»» m the Bor."- Monts the following reguiatian is expedient. No church Stroup utß : t,« ? warded Ist Boons Money cofUccutively, i.e. should a church receive let Boi os Money rtiivt me first period it would have to wait until t.hn third Bonus period to be presented Ist award again However, this does not mead : mat sc. cud and third award* cannot bo sought consecutively. Consequently everjf church coup has th** opportunity <o secure an award every period. No purcUaw* or over |3ne from any one merchant during a week tan be counted. . , flier* is * ceiling ol fIJ per person a ween for grocery purchase*. In the event ot the name amount ol purchases by more than one entry th« award will it divided. Weekly purchase total* should be shown on e.v< h packet and total plated (in (he outside n< the envelope carrying the period s entry along with mat and acJdfOv Horn)* wiftftftf earner* will be tanovnwA iff the issue following the viewing : of r »rh period.. All cwtrifs remain the property ni Xh« CASOUNWH. ’ill uiHiii ' u final when Uu» name* of the Bonus Money earners eve an* nnunerri in The CAROLINIAN, and no responsibility U accepted by tbi* new*. paiier beyond that point. No receipt.' from bank* will be *»»»i«ered, eacrpt pay men* on nutfltag**. This Week ’s Advertisers The merchants listed below ai< CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. /■ . PepxKCola Bottling tin. cl Rriylfh Kn'id's of lUiieigti t arotina Builders Corp PAGE 3 Watson's Seafood £. Poultry Co tor iltniher i Daughtri I. 1 "'stead Transfer Co. * Food Stott i ,1-irr v in, Utilon Motor finance Crnnwiu PACK 5 ' •«'« Esso Service HiniM-Bilt Corop*''' rtidg*way's OpehJjteßi Atlas fccwlns Ctnt.fr Warner Mrmortal* I PAGE r, luxe Hotel II e Qulnu Kimi’tiu* Company \< V If Carolina rower a Light Co IVotnble, Inr. PAGC 5 .erhanlts end f'ariw, r- > • Carolina Buirk ure fit Boat Cover Center PACK * ’ araous Bakery Colonial Stores TAGS 12 Hrst-Clti/em Bank <t Irust Com pan; , Keith Super Market S M. Young Hardwar* c<irnji*ii.v PAGE U N. C. Produets Mi.Jas Muffler Shop Burnett's Soda Shop PAGE IIS Gem Watch Shop McLeod A Watson Cattipjc PAGE 9 Rhodes, Inc. A A H Super Marktt- : Hunt General Tire Cotnpan- Dillon Supply Company Tiie flood System Industrial Bark Town A' Country Tire hr, nr Raleigh Funeral Home PAGE Id Acme Realty Company Woodworth 31. Tourist Borne Cive’.U Beauty College Heater Well t ompany Mr. Elvis Rand Citdiest Insurance Agency Mr. C. Karl Lltehman j vart tit by me.'' Youn4 was quoted j as saying. The seat next to the ! Negro was vacant. The two men scuffled and a -hot tang out. A sailor. Paul M EfF* tCONIINUED ON PAGE 2) Churches I hat have won the Church Bonus Money Awards can tell how much these checks helped in their church programs. awards to churches ARE SSG. first award; $25. second: sls, third, n«d fourth, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

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