THREATS WON’T STOP US: THURGOOD 4- 4. 4. 4,4» + + !B 4 + + ( Dr. Trigg May Head New System t . 1 1 1 ' l l 1 J■■ i m» i « "■■» '' 'll 11 - ~ 16 PAGES 12c In N. C. VOLUME 17 RALEIGH. N C Teacher Slain As Lover Is Told He’s ‘Not Good Enough!’ Former Prexy Sets Nod For j Prison Post Word has mad?, the Circles that, j !):•. Harold L Tngg, former presi- j nepl of Eli2sbeih City Teachers College. Augustine's College ] "«ei ex-.upervisor of Negro High I ! ; -choolb. in the stair, is soon to tcurn to the state, in an educa tional capacity. j n-'e CAROLINIAN learned Wed- ! grom a reliable source that • ths announcement will be made ' from the Prison Department in the i rest rlav. It is expected to 3a. v that j ! Dr. Harold Trigg, well known Ne- j | Rro educator, has beep named as j ; the coordinator f that, young Whitaker had decided to continue his education, j foseph Whitaker, a resident of ! of Sfl? Manly Street, told police ♦hat bis ton. Albert, came, home badly bleeding and bruised after the melee Saturday night. The youth is reported to hove begun having convulsions shortly after midnight. He was rushed to Saint Agnes Hospital where he lost, consciousness. The youngster ! was released from the hospital j early this week According to a witness *0 the t:ta'ing. a gang of three or four boys attacked Albert. Tb* witness, who was re‘ iden tified sud they had .jumped him I because had decided to follow the ! fCftWMNVTO py park « v i \ I iL .. u. SHOOTING VICTIM TESTIFIES Robert Clay. 24. of Chain- j p*igne, 111., is carried into court to testify before the Grand Jury nt Urban*, 111., recently. Clay was shot more than a year ago and had his spinal cord severed Miraculously, he survived, hut is now para lyzed. His assistant is charred with i deadly weapon assault and intent to kill. (UNITED TRESS TELEPHOTO!. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 195«? %t- , ,f' • 7 | . | '*’,*? - - ■ . * . \-£ AT ASSM LT TRIAL Claud Cruel), right ‘s shown chatting with Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Turner and their daughter, Marie, during Hip noon recess of Iho trial in Greenville, S. C.. last week of tl white men charged with entering (hr Cruel! hom" and assaulting the ( ruelbs. The Turner children were staying with (he Cruclls for the night as their moiher was hospitalized and the father was'staying with her. Several of the men were sentenced to jail'terms. 1 UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO!. Coroner Says Woman Found Dead In Bed Did Not Meet Foul Play Wake County Coroner Marshall W. Bennett ruled this week thal Miss Flossie Smith, whoso body was found half-nude in her bed Mrs, A. E. Brown Suggested j For Housing Authority Here The Raiejgh Ministerial Alliance headed by (he Rev Paul H John son admonished the City Council 1 through a letter, last week to ap , last weekend, dud of natural 1 causes, John Davis Phillips. 12, of i point a Negro to the position vs- . i rated hy the resignation of Attor- j ; nry R Mayne Aibiighi white. Mr.- A R R.-o-cr,. local busmeiM.- tcovTiM rn on page ?.) State News IN Brief i ; - I MOLT CASE MOTION DENIED RALEIGH .Judge Dun Gilliam 1 of (he federal court domed a mo tion o f the fedora! court for sum mary judgement in ihc Joseph Holt .Jr. segregation case Tuesday. He jet next Thurs j day a? a tentative date for a pre j trial hearing. The motion was fjI (CONTINUED OS PAGE Z1 | QDDS-ENDS By KOUMIT G. SHEPARD ! MORE THAN PASSING SIG ' NIPJ.CANCE: The fact that Mr/:. j Yolda Mciv. foreign minister of ; Israel, is planning a vi-it to As- j rica next month lon the purpoe; ! of inaugurating a miniature 1 “Point 1 Program ’ In the hide- j pendent African countries, is far j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) NUMBER I* Lnuisiana. who was being held on an open charge, pending the outcome of the autopsy, is now fared only with a vagrancy charge alter admitting bring being with the woman shortly before her death * * * * Miss Smith resided in what has Seen described as a "cluttered con demn erf apartment” »i SO6 Rail oart street. Her body was discovered by neihgbors who became concern ed about hor a fan not hearing from her ali day They gained en trance to the locked up epartrrmit (rONTTNUEO ON PAC.V »> Revs. Cunningham, Shirley And Stokes Lead Ministers’ Contest Rounding into the last leg of ths j vote., according In return** count second lap of the Most. Popular 1 «d *' 5 r m. Tuesday. Jammer 2 1 *-. Minister's Contest, the Rev. How- There are still, six lap* ahead | rii-d Cunningham, pastoi of First 3(lr j w^o !•• *, ••• Tomlinson, 27. was slain by Frederick L. Parks, shewn in the custody of Selma Police Chief p, f. Moot* to the top photo. The shooting took place Tuesday inmntee in the school building. Parks claimed he shot Miss Tomlinson, shown in the bottom left photo, because she planned to marry Walter M, Sim mons, pictured at right. Selma Science Teacher Fits Former Sweetheart SELMA - Con stern at ion gripped the faculty and student body of Richard R Har rison High School here Tuesday morning when a jilted lover fired four shots into the body of the librarian, as she sat typing; be hind the counter of the workshop, after she reportedly told the killer he was not good enough for her, Frederick I. Parks. ,51, described by M.c tin Luther Wil-ort principal, as a mild itianutrcd man, v;ho h-ys been » map her of i the local faculty for five years, is reported to h-;v< gone to the library, where Miss Lois Ernestine Tomlinson wa having a home room program, and told hn he win led to talk with htr Miss Tomlinson h\ reported • it* have told him she had no ! thing to tell him arid did not want to discuss the matter with him. Ii vm then that P'rks is reported to liavr nutted a pic— . - i prehended before reaching Ra leigh. Upon arriving there he is re - | ported as having seen Motorcycle Officer R L. Buna on the street, and went over and told him wh ; he had done and that he was giv ing himself up. He was taken to the local police station and the j Johnston County officer® were notified. Sheriff B. A. Henry, a ; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) -i; | Mg X . V X : DODGER CATCHER BREAKS NECK Los Angeles Dodger catcher Ro.v faivipanclla broke his ueck early Tuesday when hi*, automobile skidded on a slip j pery street and crashed into A j light pole. Campanefia. who be i gan his career bt major league, baseball more than 10 years ago, was placed on the critical list | It had not been determined at | Drew; time just whelhcr Cam - i panelia would completely rc~ i cover. or between Faubus and the Presi dent and brought about a meeting between the two last fall a New por, R. T, "The one regret, f have how,” ho told the. North Carolina Press As* I sociation Saturnay night, "Ts that (CONTINUED ON PACE .»> Fourth Week Os Ch urch Bonus Program Undenvav ft* Th’s to i rhe r-htro ’"- to i"h a e-i'sent a*t*k ends met,-X of THE CAROLINIAN S j Wednesday, February *ar 0«d --bif Church Bonus Money l*rograir» * begad Tim*, -day morning of thi;- (toOTNiilco on pass s% Church Bonus Money Buies All purchase slips or receipt? presented to your church mup come fro* store;; advert ising in the C AROLINIAN Earn week carries a date in the Bonn- Money period Purchase* eligible mi!; i dopie Mom !;:se - iip: representing a businca® should be submitted Ail recupt* ipi.i'-i cume ii ooi individual pin chase s All rhnrcoi;, in Rakish and Wake County are eligible Alt purchase slips must bear the name of the store irom which (he out cha t was made. ■MI purcimsr slips should be submitted in the name of the church; and -boitir. 1 be in the office ot toe CAROLINIAN the Monday following close of ■.Bonus period I■' order that smaller churches may have an equal opportunity if* -her* in . Hie Bonus Money the following regulation is expedient. No cburch group will he awarded Ist Boiiiim Money consecutively i.c should a church receive Ist ■ Bonus Moisey after Hie fi v.s period !• would have to wait until the fluid CIS oil !u. t\ r t tr. L/ . W 11, «\ t -I Sr~ > —% l ■ -, t . ..1 —. r< ■.. .. r T I , , if U1 .. t* w., i. ..«■ Bonus period to hr oresented Ist sward again However, IhJi-