. . BASEBALL 800 IBU) IN ALTO THEFT Nett York Polk* reported last weekend that former New York Giants’ third baseman Henry Thompson. 33, has beers arrested for auto theft, Police sav Shompwn, who lives at 940 St. Nicholas Avenue, Manhattan, took an automobile belonging to Walter Jones of '•tit7 VV. 142nd Street, Manhattan and gave it to two friends, who were also hooked for auto theft. Thompson appears perturbed as he is booked in New York January 29, (VISITED PRESS PHOTO). Man, 80, Heidi In Death Os Apex Woman! Ernest Buffaloe. 80. of Willow] Spring.- war charged with murder; Friday after officers said he con- • fessod to the December 14 knife- j slaying of Mrs Atene Elston. .40, • of Ape;,. * * » » Mrs. Elston’s body was dis covered on the railroad tracks near Apex on the morning of December 1.5, Her throat was icllegetUv rut ’’from ear to erir,’’ •** » » Connie. L. Holmes, deputy slier- i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Sgspy?■-, ; :*■ ■«- me* tsajgSM? 1 ! IXVUS MORRISEY Condition Os iude Woman Said “Fair” Mis s Ruby Le* Bridges Moor**, 39. of Apex, Route 3, was admitt ed to St, Agnes Hospital here i Sunday after being found naked j and unconscious in freezing wea- ; 'her on the back porch of a resi dence at 826 E Davie Street, lo cated in the "Burma Road” sec- j tic*n of East Raleigh. * * <* Police reported that Mis* Moore, whose condition was KONTTNtrn ON PAOt 2) nation’s Elks j Gatfier Nearly, j Thousand ' HI B. HARRE.V PJ tILADELPIiIA. Pa. The i rrincip; 1 highlight of the mid- : Vinter conference of grand lodg" | officers of the Improved. Benevo- ; lent and Protective Order of Elks 1 es the World meeting here Jan- j Uiiry 30 thru February 1 war the : ‘ completed report.?'* to the mem- j ii onunleo on i»Acr ;*> R / Bonus fcfr Moil’ll ‘O-Z26> • - it' bt • jlj« Louisville, Kjyt. THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 17—NO. 19 I Love Triangle -• Told To * ‘Come In, ” Man I love Affair Said Cause !0f Shooting j WARSAW Another love tri- | j angle W3s brought to light in this j eastern farming section Saturday j J morning, when McKinley '.Scotts | j Wiggins fired a bullet into the heart j j of William Lew is Mornsev. after j finding him in the company of his j wife, at the home of Willie Vann, ! located on the outskirts of town i According to arresting officers > Wiggins suspected Morriscy of pay- , ing too much attention to his wife j and it is believed that he had j warned Morrisey about his di ike : of his association with his wife. j * » * * It was also reported that Wig- ! gins and tats wife, Narcissus, j 1 quarrelled Friday night and that she left home and spent the night with her sister, Vann’s wife, Wiggins is report to have gone to Vann's home, about 10:00 O’clock Saturday i morning. with his two year old rhiid. * » * * ! Mo is further reported to hove knocked at the back door arid was • told to "Come in". Persons in the | bouse arc reported as saying that > : Wiggins did not come in. but knock | | ed again. Mr? Vann is alleged to { i have repeated "Come in", in * loud • nr tnnp • | i Wiggins is then reported to nave j opened ard began "blasting away": itti tv o »fcets from a .32 Calibre ! automatic pistol One shot is said jto have g<yie wild and the other j struck Morrisey in the bottom of | the heart, causing death instantly, i ! He is said tri have grabbed his leg ! i and started toward Wiggins, but ! i turned and felt on his face. with ! ' hi* legs in the dining room of the j <contwufo on r\r,K *> Mayor Enloe j Greets Ala.’s Dr, M. L. King D&leigh'a Mayor W. G. Enloe, extended through a letter to The CAROLUs IAN last, week greetings ■ to Dr. Martin Luther King. Ji leader of the famous Montgom ery Alabama bus boycott, who I will speak here Monday. Dr. King is scheduled to make i two appearances in North Caro- I lira Monday, He will deliver ad ! dresses at Needham Broughton | High School here and Bennett College. Greensboro. The local ad i drers is rcliedu’ed for 3'.15 p.rr Th- letter sent by the mayor | and a story on Dr. King follows: On bchall of the City of Fm croNtiNt rn on r/V'P J) Mayor Enlae And Raleigh WELCOME DR. KING 4 -f -f+ 4" + 4* 4- . + White Defendant Alleges CASH OFFER REFUSED IN CLINTON RAPING BY ALEXANDER BARNES ] CLINTON —One of the most sensational trials held in Samp- ; i son County for sometime got underway here in Superior Court j ] Monday when Devane McLamb, youthful married white man was ; i charged with the rape of Miss Lula Belle Lamb, 10, student of] I Rose boro High School, on the afternoon of Nov, 11, last. SWIFf CAN'T TALI! j DURHAM Sheriff E. G. Helvin'? office loid th< CAROLINIAN Wednesday that Di. Leroy Swift had not recovered sufficiently to lx questioned as to how he was wounded in his ] home hen Friday morning, about 1:05 A.M.. when he is reported as teaching his wife how ito shoot a gun. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1958 I ~ " r '■ a ■.,« ft # \ •; I AT SLAIN LIBRARIAN'S FUNERAL A p-ftion of ih,"approximat.ly 700 persons ... the Johnston Piney Grove Baptist Church, near Clayton, last Saturday afternoon and spilled onto Oh grounds to attend the funeral of Miss Lois Ernestine Tomlinson ls pictured above. X hearing for j Frederick L. Parks, alleged killer of the 27-year-old librarian, was waived last weekend and he was bound over to the next term of the Johnston County Superior Court. Walter Michaux Simmons, fiance ! of the dead librarian, collapsed in tears at the lest rites and had to be carried from the church after | | viewing the body. Miss Tomlinson was killed January 28, (STAFF PHOTO BY t iI,AS. R. JONES). Mothers’ March On Polio Hets 5678.05 In Raleigh The 1057 Mothers' March on Po- i | l,e> here on Thursday, January 30. j j between 7 and 3 p m. netted the | coffer* of the National Foundation | for Infantile Paralysis the amount j i of $678.05 This >.« not th* complete report. I since contributions are still com- j u;c in, according to George E. Ne- j well, director o th* Raleigh and Prs. 0. L. Hunt Ben C. Ogle ! Co-Chairmen Os Heart Fund Dr. C. L. Hunt and Dr. Ben C. j Ogle, local physicians, nave been ! | named co-chailmen of the Ra-! | Icigh 1958 Heart Fund Campaign,! : which beagns February 1. • The announcement waa mad* i today by Mrs John Q Ada nut of! Willow Sprints, Wake County; Heart. Fund chairman, along tfiiJ;j Heart Fund Drive chairmanships Dr,ATM ON THE ROAD The bodies of 11-year-old Roland !-anglais, of 5 Jefferson Street. CopUgve, L. 1., New York, and hi* -dos. He on Sunrise Highway, near Bay view Avenue last week after both were struck down and fcilir-d. The driver or the death ear was identified as Andwcr L. Casali, 33, of Maxsapeqti* Park. \„ i. The hoy and dog apparently stepped from (he center island into the highway. (UNITED PRESS PHOTO). The doctor has been confined to Duke Hots- j P»tal ever since the shooting and the sheriff’s office said that attending physicians had as sured Airs. Swift that he would recover. The; I interview revealed that his .iaw had been shat- 1 tered by the bul’et and that his windpipe had (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) I Wake County division of the March of Dimes. Captains reported, according to Mrs. Lillian Freeman, chairman Os Mothers Captains, a* follows Mr*. G F Newell, 318.95; , Mm fniia Miller, 38 33; Mr* Mary Alston, St 1 00; Mr*. *J fCONTtNTIBB OV FAfSK *5 for other county towns. * « * * A large porportion of the fund* raised in Raleigh through the 1958 Heart Fund Drive—which runs through the month ;f February—will be used here in th* city and fCONTtNUBr* ON PAG* ?> The trial was expected to stir the community because of the . circumstances attending the alleged rap!’, Due to this fact a j special venire of 50 was empaneled to hear the evidence, includ ; mg five race persons, three women and two men They were all] ; excused by the defense and twelve white men were selected to! 1 (rONTINUBH ON PAGE X) PRICE I2t IN N. C; ELSEWHERE 15c sfś ON “THIS IS YOUR LIFE’’ ; —J)r, Retails Branch, a native i i of Raleigh, was honored by the j : American Medical Association j in Hollywood, California, this ■ week and surprised on the “This I H Your Life” television Wed nesday night, February 5. Or. j Branch, who practices medicine in Newport, Tennessee, was r lected ». member of the Term. Chamber of Commerce in 1935. He has server] the Newport community as & physician for forty-three years. He began his career as s bootblack In the old Yarborough House Barber Shop { here. 1 7 *7777^^ UK. LEROY SWIFT Rev. Cheek Quits Shaw Alumnilast, ant'dlosc. on i '"M'LL/ : Sha"- tfftLVbPsUy • ‘f’V j cifct on W la) M Os this j year. Tgp&iS i During !hb vend vws that <CONTINUED Cr*- PAGE J) State News Brief ; __ I RALEIGH Eugene Brown. 27. ! j who resides at fi N. Poi.licrrw : j Street here told the CAROLINIAN j j this week that he is not the Eu- f j gene (Slim) Brown. 87. who was j : tried in Oily Court last week or. ; j charges of forrufication and a- ] ; dupery. The 37-year-old Brown ; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ODDS-EHBsli i By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ; O Thou by whom we come to God. ! The life, the truth, the way, j The path of prayer Thyself hast : trod: i I Lord, teach us how to pray, j NEGRO H ISTO R Y WEEK: ; Next week, February 8-16 is Ne- j CCONTINUEI) OK PAG* 7) | Rev. Cunningham Is Still Leading j Pastors 9 Contest Competition Is getting “hotter” \ \ in the Pastors’ Popularity Contest! i as four new ministers entered the • race, and one of them moved at I once into second place during the j 1 past wees. * <i< * »• But R«*v. liov - i-i! i ' ■•in'” - ham, pnstnr of the First Con gregational Christian Church, still holds the lead with 1.650 votes, a s'jh'tanlial increase over the preceding week. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> li Gt'ARDS BROOKLYN Si liOOl, -• Students leave thy John Mat* l shad Junior High School hi the Crown Heights section »f Brooklyn, N. V., last Thursday for their lunrh recess as Patrolman Pereira I , Nolen, of the 77th Precinct, -tatid* guard. The school bus bad a. po jjiee guard since January 7?*. when »tv principal, George Goldfarb, t committed ••uleidr before he was scheduled to appear for the third ! time at a beuriitu of a cram! jury invosUgaf ins efimr in Bruofelra ! schools. (I NI Ti l) PUKS.ti PHOTO) Seek ian Who Tried To Disarm Statesville Cop ffTATESVILLfc A .sr.i-cb «v„. underway Tuesdays.»- a Nesr© man who erappied with a police nr.ui for the oiftai's cun. The weapon freed twice, dus’ins?! the .struggle and officers L. T Last Week Os Church Bonus Money Program Is Started ). ■ySe-J’ifth and imui week the t Wake County Churches cbp ‘SfJm.ntSi .Eunm Monrj Ploy’; b :, 0 i ~, n ■*>, treasuries by im BjWhAlf.. f( . ~ n%M. frnNTxmifch on f.»A<«*r ?> " " ' yp " ~~ Ml Witch i. *: Mips or •'•“ rip' at, ••.ited to ur cjufich man com* t»s» states advertising at ihtt CAROLINIAN Each week carru:- a rtstic in tic Bonus storu- • period. Purchase* eligible mast come from the .store during the -cck !..<■> ••-id" appears No pu:e!eu,c ; lip.- rer I'-cnliivr » barli-t. isouief bf; submitted. Ait reee>pt* mus( come (com indn idual ourcha: AH churches in Raleigh tu id Wake County air eligible, Ail purchase slips must hear too name of the stove from which the our* chase was made. All purchase slips should be submitted m the name of the church: and should be in the office oi the CAROLINIAN the Monday following close of Bonus period. In oilier that smaller ehurelies may have an equal opportunity to share in the Bonus Money the following regulation is expedient: No church group vil: be awarded Ist Beaus Money consecutively, ;c. should a church receive ltd Bonus Money after the first period it would have to wait until the third Bonus vi rod to be nrcscnUti |*t award again However, this docs not mr.M» I that second and third awards cannot be sought, consecutively Consequently ‘ every church gioup has !hr opportunity to secure an award every period. No purchase of over SiPlfl Irom any one merchant during a week tan bs counted. there is a • riiins of Mi per peison a week for grocery purehnsej. In tin cvrnl »f Hu same amount os purchases by more than one entry, th* award will he rihidril Weekly pun lic.-e lotah should he shown on each packet and total Plac'd "It the outside «f the envelope carrying the period's entry along with name and ; address. , Bonus money earners will be announced in tba Issue following th* closing of ca !i peril ,1. All entries remain ihr property of The. CAROMNIAN. All tallying is linal when the names of the Sonus Money earners ire on* aounced in The rgnoi.lNUN, and no responsibility is accepted hy this ur.wt* paper beyond I hat point. No reecipis from bank-, will be. considered, except payment on mortgage* This Week "s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores PAGE 2 | (). X, Ctotiling (n ■luvir a- Bailey Furniture ( i VGI i Mother a Daughter i Winn-Oixtr Food Store* , Kdlsigb Savings and i < ->n PAGE i ’ Hudson-Brllt C’ompanv i Wholesale Elertrtr re. PARK fi l Goodman'* i Capitol Appliane* i K K. Quinn Furniture Cun , I Electrical Wholesaler*. Inr. < r> iijr i i Eamou* Bakery I EfUd's of Bale!ih ' Central Drug Sloro i l page s ;i Colonial Store* I Fir'.t-CliGetis Bank A Trurt Company > I It M. Young Hardware Company l N. C. Products 1 l Gem Watch Shop i i PAGE e ; i The Capital Cora-<ol* Bottling Pn., Inr ’ i A. & V. Super Markets Ambassador Theatre i Town A Country The Service «*-*e*w> 1- nir nai iiionii —»i—iiiani himhi ■ ihiimiiih ij.j . ucrt*M iii n in >ni ■ ■■■'—uowimwWrß—iTTirwruMurninw—iMoiiobimihw—iwlj—Hi—mj—>uiwiai_ ~inyywi—y CAROI.INIAN’S MINISTERS POPULARITY CONTEST BEGINS THURSDAY, MV 16; ENDS MONDAY, MARCH 10, 19,1 N Pastci s Name . Address . Name of Church COUPON WORTH 10 POINTS Clip this coupon and as many as you can gather for your nan tor and send to THE CAROLINIAN, each week. At, the end of the contest period, the minister having accumulated the most points will receive SIOO.OO (one hundred'. Second, a. Botany suit; Third, i Gleneuples topcoat,. Listings will be made each week. Send in your COUPONS so .that your pastor will get his weekly rating. Ml COUPONS must reach THE CAROLINIAN no later fha« Tuesday of rarb week. Address THE < AROUNIAN. SI3 f. Martin Street, Raleigh. North Carolina, - v -" " id hp fnpd 3 '. ,1 sh* at tiie Ryan as thp latter lied. McfOhf said he was attempUaf U> am- t the man v.-Merday for H ONTfNI Eli ON PAtSK f> page m 'Mood worth St, Touitat H r »n• «■ Uwhanirg ,2nd Fameis B- ■> x Hester Well Company Uvenou Insurance Ageat.r r»pv«-i:el* Settling Co. of ‘ ir"Uoa Builders Cnrp WitiUl'i Seafood A Poultry Co., tsc < u>*t?i<J Traavfer Co 4t Food Ster# fMlloo Motor Financ* company Dunn's Esso Service Ridgeway * Opiscian* Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel PAGF J1 Mr, ,io««ph Winter*—P r (ADS >yf •p y PAGE 12 Hetlh Super Market page « Midas Muffler thoo PAGE !«, Carolina Power 4- LijM Comperr Raleigh Puoeral Bum- Rlvelta Beauty College Mr (. Karl IJtrhman Seme Realty Uomp.ui* Muni General Tile lomnativ The Hood Si sir 111 Indlistfi.il Bank

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