NEW CIVIL RIGHTS BILL INTRODUCED; MAY FORCE INTEGRATION fe /S ; : . HERBERT JUDGE LEWIS ...brought from from New York Local Man Nabbed On Jewel Rap City Court iudgr Albert Poub .found probable cause last week* • cr d again?* Herbert Judge Lewis, 29 ben*' known around Raleigh ' Fair! Harbor' and bound him f er to the nw.t term of Wake Su pr-rior Court under a $5,000 bond l.e-.-is, who is now languishing in the WOf County Jail. ‘‘'as return* ■ r-o to Raleigh last week by two lo cal detect'd es from New York City. a ft *■ » ft" is aeruscd «*f entering Basse's Jewelers on Fayette ville Street last year and steal ing merchandise valued at sn, non tsorvie of the jewelry si as al legedly sold by Lev's thus leading officers to start a man bunt for trim. •, # * * iF.enni'rti on cage :> *>-V' - ;.' ' • ' •;.'>’s ; ... ■’■ : ' vI p LIVINGSTON? COl- T.EGr PRESIDENT Dr, Sa.m n®! Duncan. above ws* named H;e new prrhidrnt of Livingstone foMcire. Silitbury. Wednesday of fills week. Dr. Duncan, state supervisor of high schools, w>U succeed Dr,. W. .T. Trent, who reined ta>t rear. Dr, Duncan t* a graduate of the IME 'lAon i.aiJ Hutton. GODSENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ORCHIDS TO THE MAI OR: Orchids to Raleigh's Mayor, His Honor, William G. Fnloe. for his | forthrightness in issuing a letter , of welcome to the Reverend Mar tin Luther King. 'Hie letter was svritten after a member of Ra te igh's City Council, over which Mayor E-nloe presides,‘had suggest ed there might be trouble if Dr, King came to this city. That the action of Mr, Enloe expressed the feeling of the overwhelming ma jority of the people, he* was pro ven by ihe enthusiastic welcome the overflow' crowd gav» Dr. King fCONTTKVRP OH PAG* 7* • '!«©'• • A ss&{& ' jjf. v&s£!&\ **" • ? /'" v, *y J ' ‘^‘^ EAST RITES FOR WOODROW - Pallbearers are shown above carrying Hm body of Woodrow Montague info thr Mount Calvary Holy Church, Battle Street, Sunday. The famous music-maker a,id dancer on the streets of Raleigh for many years, succumbed Thursday of last week after a short illness Hundreds packed the church to hear some 10 ministers pay (Whole to the troubadour- t STMT PHOTO JJT CHAN R. JONES), “PEARL HARBOR” HIT THE TRAILS END Th £ Oar o lin i. ; VOL. 17. NO. 20 KING HAILED! ' ~ ~. _y~ '.|i Cl Elll'S HM.PKPS Look-alikes* hut unrelated are these two Bennett College students who eni pieV this method to remind everyone that I'ebruarv 14 is Valentines h»t. Left to right: Misses Barbara iia-Ji-"vod ' aloe of Win ton Halrm, and Elisfe ima Madison, s freshman. from Miami, Florida, Negro A 7 U Agen t Is Key To J *Slammer ’ln Flo wers f Case j By STAFF WRITER Spectators and I leaned forward j ■‘.lien the alleged bootleg baron. Perry Flowers, took tin' >jtano in . contempt of court case last Friday afternoon. He apologized to j Federal Judge Don Gilliam and to ; the government." « * •* * But we waited in vain foe this same- Flowers to tell Wil liam Tolbert a Negro 11. S Treasury Department under rover agent, he was sorrv for allegedly calling him a "a Slack s o h" and adding "HI fix you if you ever rnme down here again.” * * * * Tolbert had been a witneg* in j '.he famous liquor conspiracy* trial Sold recently against Flowers A FEW MINUTES after Flow- j ■rs left, the stand. T heard Federal : Judge Gilliam sentence the repul- j <-d bootlegger to 18 months in the Atlanta Federal Prison. It was then that I saw Flowers wither , like a vine jarred from its pedes- , tat of arrogancy to a crumpled : -.'••ip of vegetation. During the (rial. AH' Agent Tolbert, of Philadelphia. Pa. took the “land and said he tvas reading ». newspaper Friday. January SR when Flowers *p nroncbcd him. After cursing him, the ATI* Agent said Flow ers told hint that he would SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1958 ii\ him if he ever cam' down | here again Accm dine to the Agent, the ! threat of Flowers was made dur- ! Four Children Perish As Fayetteville Home Borns FAYETTEVILLE Four small) i hiidren perished Wednesday in a | fire, which swept a Dvr-room frame Douse hero. The victims were children of a soldier at Ft. Bragg and his wife Authorities said the children had been left unattended in the house while Ihr mot her. Mrs. Elsie May Church Bonus Money Month Ends; Winners To Be Told • l The current Church Bonus Month ended Wednesday of this week at j midnight. Winning churches will j i be announced in next week's edi- • tion of THE CAROLINIAN Participating churches must *ub -1 mit, their purchase .’-lip to the of t I tec a recess of the trial following | | which he was to take the stand < CONTINUER ON PAG* ?' 1 Weaver, went to the home of a neighbor about a block away. Two passersby discovered the fire, hear ing the children's screams and see ing smoke, pouring from the win dows. Firemen found the house Filled (CONTINUED ON PAG* D if ice of the newspaper MR E. Mar i tin Street, no later than noon Mon | day. (CONTDftlffiO «TN PAG* »l State News --IN Brief LIBRARY SPONSORS DISCUSSION APEX The Apex Public Li brary is sponsoring its -second dis cussion lr. the Adult. Education Program series. Tuesday. Febru ary 18, at 7:15 p.m. in the library. The topic to be discussed is “Ne gTies—Past and Present.” Mr. Charles B. Robson, professor of Social Science, Shaw University, will serve as consultant, Follow- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PRICE 12c IN N. C.: ELSEWHERE 15c Civil Rights Bill Goes To Senate WASHINGTON Sixteen sen ators comprising a bi-partisan group, introduced a new civil right* bill in the Senate Monday. This bill may touch off a new North-South fight over racial i;-> j sues, according to informed sour ! CCS. I Congress struggled for months | during the last session before pas ! sing the first civil rights legrls i lat-ion in more than 80 years. <* * * * Eisenhower’* administration ha* declared if. will not spon tCONTOft'Kn ON BAGE ») Move To Sell Fool In Guilford GREENSBORO A Citizen •« has penetrated the top leader drive to raise funds to purchase a city-owned swimming pool that the city has decided to sell rather than face posisble integration attempts. The group said it. is interested in purchasing the all-white Lindley park pool. The organization, Greensboro Recreation Assn., laid plans for a fund raising campaign. tcovnmttcr* on pack Cop Fighter Gets Sentence In Statesville STATESVILLE Clement Paul Gaither Jr., 27-year-old Statesville Negro, was sentenced to 30 days in jail city court this week on a charge of disorderly conduct. Gaither- allegedly bragged about scuffling with a police officer who tried to arrest him on the charge. fPOVTUfCETt ON PAGE *1 More Ministers Enter Big Popularity Contest j Four Addition*! ministers on- * twee tton* Ministers' Popularity i Contort tfcis week, bringing the j i total number of contestant* to ! | fourteen. * b * Hi Rat thle d«** not worry Re* o©w*nt Cunning ha®, paator r>t the First Congregational Christian Church. Raleigh, sinee he has been cruising in first place, ever since tbe first Fourth Week Popularity Conlesl Standings REV. H. W. CUNNINGHAM. Raleigh 2.830 First Congregational Church REV, W. R. BOOKER Roxboro 7IP Jones Chapel Church REV. M, W. MORGAN, Goldsboro 810 First African Baptist Church P.EV. ROBERT L. SHIRLEY, Raleigh 370 East Davie Struck Presbyterian REV. G. 8. STOKES. Wendell ■ .. . 370 Riley Hill Church REV. P, D. FULLER, Guilford 170 Reynolds Chapel Baptist Church REV. R. W. BUTTS. Janaesvitl* , 160 Plney Grove Church REV. L. S. PENN. Raleigh .* 120 St. Paul AME Church REV. EUGENE BLACK. Guilford 120 Raleigh Crosa Roads ME Church REV. M. L. JOHNSON. Guilford 100 Persimmon Grove AME Church REV. JOSEPH JAMES, JamesvMe ■ ■ 60 St. Galilee Disciples REV. A. R. WINBORNE, Plymouth Chapel Hill Church REV. T. B. HOYLE, Elisabeth City • ■ 30 Church of Christ REV I, C CHAPMAN. Kinston . 10 m James Fro* Will Baptist Churrb bottom right picture, the Speaker is shown shortly after he alighted ! from an airplane at <he Raleigh-Durham Airport. (UNITED PRf s « PHOTOS i. WJ tj * Hundreds Turned Away As Boycott Leader Appears BY MARCUS B. BOtTLYTAKE By A P.M- Monday, this writer witnessed a. scene that .rldom re peats if. Hundreds of people, who had come to hear Dr. Mai tin Luthei King speak on “Non-Violence and Racial Justice, were turned away, because every one, of the 1,300 seats in the Broughton High School auditorium was filled, U r it * Another 56ft heard the ad dress and proceedings over a PA system at The United Church on Hillsboro Street. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?> Grand Jury Indicts Man In 5 Deaths BOWLING GREEN, Va. - A Ca roline County Grand Jury Monday indicted Jcrmlah McCray, 25, foi (CONTINUED ON PARE J> lap HL» veto new stands ft 9,§3« *,* counted at 5 ti.jn. Tuesday, * » w * Rev. W R. Booker, pastor of Jones Chapel Church. Roxboro, moved into second place two weeks ago and still retains this position With 710 votes. Moving tip to the third, top --pot ftfWftNTJISD OS PAGE 2> Clnsrcli Bonus Money Rules Au pu, chase t!-r.:. ax reqripv r.'-etfriteti' to you* church must eon*.* from stores advert's eg m the CAROLINIAN Each week carries a date Ist the Bonus Money ported Purchases eligible mu-t come from the store during She week the "ad ’ appears. No purchase slips, representing a business should be submitted Ah receipts must come from individual purchases. AH churches tn Raleigh, and Wake County are eligible AH purchase slips must bear the name, of tire store from which the. ctl> chase was made. AH purchase . lips should be ..nbiruMcti m the name of the church, ard should be in the office of Urn CAROLINIAN the Monday following close of Bonus period. h, order ihst . m ,iitrr churches may have an equal opportunity to share in the Bonn Money the following regulation 1 e neater,! No Church group \c il he awarded Ist Bonus Money consecutively, is should a church receive lit Bonus Money after the first period it, would have to avail until the third Bonus period I-. bt pioented Ist award again However, the does not in«a;.> that second and tlurd awards cannot he -ought consecutively. Consequently every church group bar the opportunity tr. secure an award every period No purchase of over S.3PO from any one merchant during a week ran be counted There is a retting of *.'is per person ». week tor grocery purchases to the «rcnt of the same, amount of purchases by more than one entry. the award wilt be divided. Weekly purchase total* should hr 'hewn on each packet and totaj pUced e# the outside of the envelope carrying the period’s entry along with nanny tort address. Bonus money earners wil! hr announced in the issue following the closing of each period Ail entries remain the properly of The < AROLfNIAIN. All tallying is ftn-i when the names of the Bonus Money earner? «* «s* noimced in The CAROLINIAN, and no responsibility is accepted by this new*, paper beyond thal point No receipts from hanks will be considered, caret* payment on mortgages. CAROLINI AN \S MINISTERS POPULARITY CONTEST BEGINS THURSDAY. JAJN 18; ENDS MONDAY, MARCH IS. 1981 Patter*# Name . ««*». Alfl? V*r to ... ......■ i.»■,»- ■»........w.- ffrlrr Name of Church ....~au COUPON WORTH 10 FOUSTS <"Up this coupon and a* tnacy as you can gather for your pa*- tor and send to THE CAROLINIAN, each week. At the end of the contest, period, the mini afar haying accumulated the most point* will receive SIOO.OO tone hundred). Second, a Botany suit; Third, ,i topcoat listings will be. made each week Send in your COUPONS so Uml your pastor will got bis weekly rating. A>! COUPONS must reach THE CAROLINIAN *»« later Msa« Tuesday es each week. Address THE CAROLINIAN. St* W. Martin Strevit, Raleigh. N’orth Carolina. This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonut Money Stores. I PAGE a l lover A Ballsy Furniture Cr PAGE 3 ' Wayside Furniture Bouse Tire Sates •! Service Pn ! Gut Russo Hatton *• Cleaner* ; Town ,v country Tins Smite Washing ton ret me Apts. f'\3% 5 The Capital Coc*-C ol* Bottling r«. Inc. j i lludf,ots-Be!k company firestone Stores Carolina Power *< light. Company G. S. Tucker «t Bros. Furniture Co. | PAGE S Famous Bakery Sure-Fit Seat Coyer Center R. E. Quinn Furniture Compart' PACK ; 1 Sanders Motor Company j Carolina Bltlck Co. i PAGE a Colonial Store;, i Gem Watch Shop i If. C Products j GiveJta Beauty Cotier* 8 ftl. .I’ttt'tig Haitiv;*,s t ompAU.r Home Bums; Floe Escape WINSTON-SALEM Flams* * ept through a small frame hous-t early Monday when a tour-year* old boy 4-iifctofed .hen cosjs from a n ONTtNI'CD ON PAGE S> r nst- CttLeens Htutk *. Teart Company PAGE 9 Raleigh Savlnge wi Lo*o Haileigh Fiusera! PotHf A & P. Super Market* PAGE M Bioodworth St. Tourist Homs Mtehaniee. arid Farmers 6auV Beater Weil Company Caverns Insurance Agency Pepsl-Cttla Bottling Co. of lUlfrfgfc t.’« roltna Builders Corp. Watson's Seafood & Poultry Co., tin*. (!t»su-ad Transfer Co. & Food Storo Dillon Motor Finance Company Dunn’s Esso Service Kldgevay’s Opticians Warnrr Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 Mr. Joseph Winters—Promotion PAGE IS Mr c. Karl Utrhinsn Tip Top Feed Stores the H'>od Svatcno tnduitr'al BiyV worn General Tire Company Acme Realty Company

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