REV. HAIRSTON SAYS RALEIGH UNPREPARED FOR INTEGRATION Minister Is | Nstitute’s I Panelist j j By ;staff Writer P; rficipating in an Institute of Religion class panel discussion Monday evening. February 1.7, the TP:v. Otis L. Hairston expressed thr fear that this city will have j übho school integration without any preparation having been made lor il. The subject under discussion n.-u. “The Responsibility of the Community Regarding the Recent Court Decisions.” The panel, composed of Rev. W. W, Finlator, pastor, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church Mrs. P..rUe Thomas, president of Raleigh’s' fTA, Association; Jesse O. Sander son, supl,, Raleigh's Public Schools, and the Rev, Hairs ton. pastor of Brook&tcne Baptist Church, Henderson, was the feature of this week s Institute of Religion’s current “Study of the Raleigh School System.'' #* * * During his remarks. Rev Hairs ton said that all of the actions of 1; ONTTNTJED ON PAGE S) Judge Tells Nashville To Desegregate NASHVILLE, Term. A feder al c ouri judge has ordered the city r-chool board to submit a plan for the complete desegregation of all schools by April 7. Judge William E. Miller Tues day tossed out the latest attempt, by the school board to avoid com pulsory desegregation The board submitted * threr- Rcbool plan all white, ail Negro and Integrated. Judge Miller ruled that the proposal dupli cated a plan previously propos ed and rejected. Judge Miller also said the Negro plaintiffs cannot get relief under the .tat" pupil placement law pass * i last year. He did not rule on the kv fcuji.>.&sri the board "appeared Held As Mother Dies In Wake Fire Ati elderly woman perished in flames which completely destroy ed the home in which she lived near Momsville early Monday morning. Her 58-year-oid son Jon Har ris, a menW.l patient., is being held in the Wake County .Tail as a re sult of the fire. ♦ * * * Mrs. Rosanna Mills Harris, 83. died in her room about six inches from the hearth, ac cording to Coroner M. W. Ben nett's report. Mrs. Harris, an invalid, lived with two of her sons. * * » * t John Harris was the only other Ifyeupant of the room, according fio reports. (CONTINUEP ON PAC.r, 21 FULL CITIZENSHIP MEANS RESPONSIBILITY TO VOTE YOU MUST REGISTER ready vrhen voting time comes by registering now! You may register at the home of your registrar or the Court ! !■’ i ' a< any t ime convenient to the Registrar Re a full ritiren: Be Registered; and hr counted st. the Polls. It is your responsibility. —-....... .. i ,,- —.— —. v — I . _ BREAD LINES IN TENNESSEE. A lon* line of needy wait lurked” to find M> per cent of Memphis* eMtow need fro*- food tor surplus government food in below frewrin,? weather at Mtwphh, (UNITE,D PRESS PHOTO), Tenn,, last week. Senator Albert Gor**. (B*Tenn.) said hr was 'rtis- LA WYER S VOTE CASE TAKEN TO U. S. SUPREME COURT THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 17 NO. 21 RALEIGH N. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1958 PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c Local Woman Warned Os Suicide " *sgiigß& '■? - TkSS|s?. • *w*& EXAMINING BOOT —M. M RrnnM' Vak C«t«pl C «>« left and Deputy LLeriff R, ?A. I-n .on ; .*Js:s.- r ' ». . #ds r- lx., „~>.A ajina. Mills Harris, who burned to death (his week in a fire at her home near Monlsville, in Make County. Her mentally deranged sou is being held in Wake County Jail in connection with her death. Question Five Men In Charlotte Bombing Try CHARLOTTE Gastonia Po lice Monday questioned five men | held in an alleged attempt to dy namite a Negro school here. The Gastonia authorities were inves tigating an attempt to dynamite a Jewish Synagogue there Feb. P. Charlotte police continued to question the five admitted Ku j Klux Klammen and Mecklenburg County Police Capt. George Ste- | Davie St. Presbyterian Wins Top Bonus Money Top Church Bonus- Money tins month will ho awarded to the Da vie Street Presbyterian Church, which reported a total of $557.44 in purchase slips or receipts pftens said “we're up to our necks” in the investigation. So far. promised further arrests in the Saturday night bomb plot had failed to materialize. Stephens also cleared up the question of the Klan connections | of the five men Monday. He said I the men belonged to a splinter {OONTTNPBD ON PACK n The First Congregational Chris tian Church, reporting $3,674.04, 'round up in second place as the rule ■ o’" the contest stipulate that no church may win top Bonus Money more than once in success ion. Because of the tremendous effort on the part, of the First Congrega tion*! Church. Th» CABOT.,TWAN will award its members an addi fr.OVTENTifcD ON PAGE .*) ODDS ENDS I By ROBERT O. fBTPARB | And God said, let thers b# light j snd there was light” j WHAT PRICE SEGREGATION ! The proposal in South Carolina. Georgia, and other southern states to do away with all compulsory school attendance laws so that no child could be compelled to attend. frONTTOt EB ON PAGE ST Victim’s Aunt Says She Had Dream Os Man’s Death The real cause why Floyd Rob ertson decided to end it all in the bathroom of his home while the members of his family w ere a vvay might have been interred i with his body, Tuesday afternoon, ! at the Good Hope Cemetery, but | his aunt Mrs, Swanee High, 705 E. Martin Street has a thrilling story to relate about how his death was revealed to her, just before she. re ceived the word that he was dead. * * H * Mrs. High is very deepseateci in her religious beliefs and feels that God has his way of warning a Christian about events that will happen. She tells of how she was recover ing from a slight illness on Friday morning, is hen she had * dream that disclosed to her 2Tar Heels Die A 4 Cold ! Hits State j RALEIGH North Carolini ] arts shivered again Tuesday in the grip of a cold wave which already has caused at least 13 deaths in the state. A middle-aged Negro woman Mrs. Priscilla Kamsour, was found dead Monday at her hovnr in Hickory and authorities said she had frozen to death. Carl Sherrill, 32, Negro, had died nf exposure over the weekend- at Denver in Lincoln County. Temperatures which dropped io | record lows across the state weie expected to drop even lower. It, appeared likely Shat the all-timr record low of 23 degrees below zero recorded early Monday on Ml. Mitchell would be surpassed. The oi l record of 21 degrees be- Assaulter Os Nude Woman Gets Two Years f Jamas Edward Bland. 142? Gar ner Road, convicted of brutally beating a woman snd dumping her nude on a sleet-covered back perch hurt week was sentenced to two years on the roads in City Court Monday. * * * • Sir* Ruhr s.*** Bridge# Moore, the victim, Just releas ed from the hospital, testified *ha.fc abe was returning from Frans Bottom around 4 a.m. «n the morning of February 2. Three men accosted her, *he reported, and ripped her clothing from her * + * * Two of the men fled. Mrs. Moore testified, but Bland re mained and began beating Her about the head. She said she be tCONTDvTJEH ON PAGE 2) that something wa* going i« happen. She awoke from the < dream and felt an urge io read the Bible, She. not only read the Bible, according to the in (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) Ag. Leaders Os 16 States la Guilford I GREENSBORO The lnter-Re ;; otial Conference for Supervisors ' and Teacher Trainers in Aerieul* * torsi Education moved into its sec ond day at. North Carolina A&T i i , iltege here Tuesday. * The conference opened Monday ; with about. 70 agricultural lead- j ers from 16 southern states in at- j tendance. The session will dose . Friday. Monday, Calvin L. Beale of Washington, analytical statistician for the U S, department of agri culture marketing service, told the i delegates that the families of well i 1 educated Negroes in the U. S. are j i averaging less than two children I | per family, and that these-highly j j educated Negroes are not "replay j | ing themselves ” (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) | Pastors' Contest Draws Many New Entries In Slate i Although one more entrant, the , Ministers’ Popularity Contest | Rev. T. C. Hamans, entered the ! race, Rev. Howard W. Cunning- | ham. pastor of First Congrega tional Christian Church. Raleigh, is still freewheeling in first place. * * » » His vote now stands a-t 4.000 as counted at 5 p m. Tuesday. * ' ’ T j Rev. M. W. Morgan, pastor of, j First African Baptist Church, j j Goldsboro. has moved np tnfo j i second place with 1390 votes i Dropping hack into the third j .place spot j* Rev. W P Booker, j pastor of -Tones Chapel Church, j Roxboro. with 1.2Q0 vote*- Still bolding fourth pin## Is! Rev, Robert. L. Shirley, pastor of East Davie Street. .Fresbytemo | Church. Raleigh. with 830 votes,! At. the same timr. Rev. Stokes, j who tied him the fourth week, has j dropped back into sixth luxation. j Rev Ha mans is the man the j readers “have got to watch," and hr is the dark horse in this tent of speed. (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Fifth Week Popularity Contest Standings REV II W. CUNNINGHAM. Raleigh I.DCO I j First Congregational Church I REV. M W MORGAN. Goldsboro 1 .WO ! First African Baptist Church ! REV. W. p. BOOKER, Eox boro 1 JOC i J Jones Chanel Church I REV. ROBERT L SHIRLEY Raleigh • 380 ! j Eaat Davie Street. Presbyterian REV. T. C. HAMANS. Raleigh S7O Manley Street. Christian Church REV. G. 8. STOKES, Wendell 400 j Riley Hill Church REV. R. W. BUTTS. JamesviUn .... ... *330 i REV. F, ID. FULLER, Guilford IDO j Reynolds Chapel Baptist, Church REV. L. 8 PENN Raleigh 1?J j St. Paul AME Church REV. EUGENE BLACK. Guilford >2O j Raleigh Cross Roads AME Church ! 1 REV. M. L. JOHNSON, Guilford . 100 ! i Persimmon Grove AME Church REV. JOSEPH JAMES. Jamesville 100 St. Galilee Disciples Church REV. A. R. WINBORNE, Plymouth 7,1 I Chapel Hill Church REV. T. B. HOYLE, Elizabeth City . BO ! , Church of Christ ! ' REV. L. C. CHAPMAN. Kinston . 10 1 j St. James Free Will Baptist Church ' CONTEST ENDS MARCH 10. IMS Att’y Walker To Nation’s Highest Court Attorney James R, Walker, Jr., whose efforts to help several Northhampton County residents m getting registered i n 1956 caus ed him to he arrested and convict ed on a charge of assault, has ap pealed his conviction to the U. S. Supreme Court. Walker's attorneys have notified the attorney generals office that they were appealing to the highest court a decsion of the State Su preme Courr, The lawyer was found guilty in the Northhampton Superior Court of assaulting .Mrs. Helen ft. Taylor, registrar in North hampton’s Seaboard precinct. He was ordered to pay a y.iflO fine and costs of court. His convirtion was upheld by the State's high court Mrs. Taylor said Walker became upset when she turned down two 1 of his c bents when they attempted to register. : In his appeal, Walker -aid that | he was being penalized for as he was h eim; penalized for , j listing his clients in exorcising j their right to vote. Accused Arsonist Is Held | Wiiiiaxii Stokes, t,3-year-old lo cal man accused of arson m con- j nection with a fire that destroyed a seven-room house %!- 802. Dover j Place last week, was bound over; to Wake Superior Court follow ing a hearing in City Court. He is j being held without bond. * * * •- Stokes, according to wit nesses, threatened to burn down the structure twice be fore actually completing the act. Neighbors reported that he followed through on the re port around 7 o’clock in the morning when he poured kerosene about his room and set the fire. * * * * Twelve people, including several, children, were forced to flee to .safety m the freezing temper, 1 turps, according to Mrs Essie j Dunmore owner of the uninsured property. i The fire is reported to have e- ; j suited from an argument between - Stoke $ and his wife. ! The Lucille Hunter Elementary [ ! School, W, Hurdle, principal, col | leered many dollars worth of food | | and clothing for the victims. j State News —IN— Brief POLIO REPORT INCOMPLETE RALEIGH Last week the en lj.r« list of capt-nns m (h* Moth ers’ March on Polio should have carried a complete list that was not I included ip the story running th<* j w eek before. Mrs Lillian Free' •••an, I chairman, mforn -d this pubhea | Hon of the error, but it was not I published. The complete list fol low?. Mrs: Lillian Robertson, 810. 70; Mrs, P. H. Johnson, 11 60, Miss Alzoria Perrjforri, s6.Sit; Mr.- Vio {CONTINUED ON PAGE .?> S| i TT ? ' t. iHr&Xii". it' -V. 4*. v;v... ,ji ... „ . . •■-.-.y-A.v.gjVj PERMANENTLY EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL Miss Miwk ff Jean Brown. It,, above, one of Hie “Little Rock Nine'’ who integral d |§ Central High School under protection of federal paratroopers I*4 I fall, was permanently expelled from the school this week because >f 9 alleged trouble makine. She has allegedly been involved in five rasiiJ ■ incidents in the school since integration began last September, Per- ■ manent .suspension was reeommeded to the School Board last we k I by Virgil T. Blossom, superintendent. Miss Brown has been suspend- & H from the school twice. U NITED PRESS PHOTO). Carolinian Apologizes j To Constable V. V- Coley On March 30 1357 The Carolin- : Tt» 1. •- headliner- earned on tl« || ■nn published a .itory eotv-crmiig a| i, ._>nt page <•; tie Martui JO, 19 .1 I v. arrant which i ■• a “T'.'igg o ' has)- M V V. Coley, eh , cur, hi re w»h on fi assault with a drably weapon. «• ontinukp on FAt-k at Church Bonus Money Buies | All pure have ,mps or rs-i-mp,: presented to your church must come frtm H stoics advert i :ng in the CAROLINIAN jffi Kacii we< k e..i-, 1.- .1 date in the Bonn- Morse? period. Purchases ci.-giH* B must n.nic (rorn ihe .--tore during the week the "ad” appears. No purchase slip:- representing a busings- should be submitted. All taceip-a fl must lio n uidividiu-ii purchases, I Ail churches in Raleigh and Wake County arc eligible B A. duvcl . .- iipi must biar the name ol the stove from -which the our* fl chase was fl Ah nuH':..--f Po- , : , .<1 be subopiied in thr »amt of »he c'vrrlv. ai.r) fl Gould > - Ihe ofticc 01 tie.- CAROLINIAN ti Monday following close .it B Bonus period. H In o de; '■ P - -nn ■•burches ux-iy t\'( m equal opr -I'iuni yio -.'pare in IS Hie fie e, . ,\ ,r.e\ rPc foi'o .vmg ixemiuiior, is cxpedu-al No chuich of •:'. -r H 2'*o no . be. b<- i-.-jr-d I ' Komi- Money couserutively 1 e vhould * einm-h oi •■ 'or more mernhci-• ro-civr Jst Bonus Mum-•• alter the fi-«i perif d. is| il .>oi,hi 10 y;\r oniii tin third period to hr p: -.r-v.cfl Ist. awa;d H again cxrcpi where rhuivu Par. 2GO or ie iv.tmher-. then 11 oottTd Win 1p U Bonn ■ • s;-: e- ' ee'P ivciy However, -hi - foe pot mean ih.P second aid M ih-vd ■ b, -r,,: f : i-,,nseeiitivel- Con-e/jpen: !y eve ; cbmeh group ■ |i.r- Pie oppp> 'uroiy i,» -ecore an award every period u No miri iusv ol over irom any one merchant during a veek tan -js oouno'd. sk There <•> a res!wr. of pei person a week for- groce-y purcliasrs ' lo (in , «et>; ot Mi< ,ame amount oi purchases by more than one entry, Cm H award will be divided. H Weekly pnrrh.-se .utais r-Itmild he shown on each packet and toi.d piar.ed <•» ■ thr oni-.ide of the rtnriupe earv.ving the pciioil'-, entry along whh name a] 4 H address. Bom,a money earners will he. announced (n (.be Issue following the desk if B ot each priied. B AH entri- - ri'inain Mir property of The CAUOLIJfILXN. mi Ail tallying 1 final v.iieo uir names of the Bonus Money earner* , S r* an- B nouneed 10 The CARO I IN IAN, and no responsibility is accepted by this news- B paper beyond that point. ~ No lecelp.a from banks will he eonsidernd, except payment on mortgages, B <: \ KOI INI A N’S MINISTBRS I POPULARITY CONTEST | BEGINS THLRSHAI", .JAN. lb ENDS MONDAT. MARCH 19. ISSR M 1 'n Manm tamm ■ Add) p's- 9 Warns: of Church —— <» m COUPON WORTH 19 POINT* S dm Uir '••■tupon and a--, many as vwt caa gather for tout K. lor ,ltd •.»!,(! i» IHE CARt 'TINIAN, each week. At. the end of «ht ■ contc.-.i i-e ;• J Hi* minisiiT bavins accumulated the most poiutt fflj will 1 ccrive SIOO,OO (one liundrcdL Second, a Botany suit; Hurd 9 a Olencaslee topcoat. Li.-Lni.;-; will lw> made each week. Rend in you* 9 COUPONS fio that your pastor will get his weekly rating. All COM’OV.s muO reach THE CAROLINIAN later than |gj Tursdav «*f earlt «->• 1- Adrirex* THE GAROLINIANr MS A M.irtto 9 fltrcl. Raleigh North Carolina. • : This Week f s Advertisers 1 The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus 9 Money Store*. PAGE Z |PAGE P M f,p yop ren-f Sfor-w r AfUbassadnf i AGK i A A P Super Market* jB Eifffj'f, of RMnqp Goodman’s rnntous »ak*iv Wairiyh savings «*d l oan A -'nation H Pnhlir bon• .re try i)| s i , (*,<.. PAGE 1® pyrsp; 5 isioadworth 61. Tourist Roms Sgj The Capital Com-Cola Bottling Co., Inc filecbanlcs and Farmera Bank Hudr.on-Belb Company Heater Welt Company Ivrfteigir Kuner i! Home Cavewesa Insurawco Acesr.y Eg P,\OK f, Ur!, Bottling Co. of SUialga H Carolina Power 4 Light. Company Carolina Builders Corp. yg£ Licet rival Wholesalers, inr ! Watson's Seafood & Poultry Co., las. M PAGE 1 ! IJmstcad Transfer Co. <5 Food Stero H Mr. C, Karl Lite liman j Oillon Motor linanee Company raj Joyce a Bailey Furniture ( ~ I Dunn’s Esso Servire H Caw Is Motor Company Ridgeway's Optician* IB Snakenburg, The Tailor i Warner Memorials g| PACK g 'Deluxe Hotel Colonial St or, { PAGE Ift ||® First-f (M ens Bank A Trust Company I Acme Really Company BH S M. Toung Hardware company Conn-Gower Pen*tac Con-pan? HH f3em Wah-b Shop ! « B. Rultui Furmtura Company SB N t Peoduets I Che Hood Svstern Industrial 8p fivella Beauty tnllsga i Hoof General Tits Company B|