DR. BULLOCK RESIGNS; NEGRO PRESS CELEBRATES 131st YEAR Pastor Os i 27 Years Quits Post BY STAFF WRITER After 27 years as pastor of First; Baptist Church. Raleigh, Dr. Oscar Sidney Bullock, 82, will "step flown” from the Lord’s Holy Place end retire from the ministry effec tive July 31. 1958. , , ♦ * * * These years when added to the 15 years he spent as pas tor of the First Baptist Church of High Point, from 1906 to 1921. will round out Ift years to the ministry. Ho# . y ' Aoiaflßre’ r :*•• PwiFtt jftirYftdltjtr AOSni- ’ -t DR, 0. S. BULLOCK This announcement was made i public at; a general meeting of the I church, sponsored by Group • No. j (CONTLVUEP ON PARE ?) Airman Held In Hit-Run Road Death GOLDSBORO Airman Bobby F Holloway, 21. attached to the 82nd Airborne Division at Sey mour Johnson Air Force Base, is bung hole without bond in the Inf-and-iun highway death of Mrs. Corrine Stallings, 67-yeai ild white practical nurse of this -- * V V F. Carter, detective eap 'tain, said Holloway baa ad- i miHed being the driver of a ear which ran over Mrs. Stall ins Saturday at a local street intersection. Holloway was ar rested by Lt. Simon Hare when he returned to the base Sunday at 4:55 a.m. Officers were looking for an- i (CONTINUED ON PAGE ftl State News —IN— Brief ! SHOT DOWN ON STREET KELSON—James H. Dudley, S 3, was shot down on a sidewalk here by James C, Morrison, 50, follow lowing a dispute this week. Dud ley died shortly after reaching the hospital. Morrison, who admitted that h* shot Dudley with a .38 caliber pistol started walking to police headquarters to turn him self in. Before arriving at the sta tion he was joined by Negro Pa trolman Lee Williams, who accom panied him the rest of the way, according to Chief A. A. Privette. Morrison was quoted as saying the incident arose when Dudley threat ened him with s knife. Morrison waived hearing In Recorder’s Court this week, *t » • NCC CHOIR SETS RECITAL ! DURHAM The annual ipring concert es North Csro ( CONTINUED ON~ PAGE *! ‘ f DEATH CAR The demolished auto shown a hove is the one in which four children were riding ; In when their lives were snuffed out during a three-car collision near Fuquay-Varina last Saturday 'night. Larry 1, Fattie Joe. 4, and Arthur McClamh 3; and .so-Anne McQueen were killed when the < passenger car was struck hy an auto carrying two white men Both of the white* perished in the crash. + + 4 , + , HhHh + ‘T MAN GETS LONG TERM IN LOCAL RAPE TRY I*. 1 .;!} ..!' 1 i| : !.? : |.j."g**T?^v"'! 1111 l 111 -1 VOL. 17, NO. 25 Over SSOO In Prizes Offered: 3rd Ministers’ Contest Begins + 4* 4* 'f + + + County Coroner Reports: Whiskey Kit Woman Alleges! Liquor Victim Found In Bed Mon. A. M., Funeral Wed. Tire fcrutfa of what caused the death of Mrs, Eva Howard, who was found dead in her bed at her home, 1004 Parke rStreet, Monday morning, might not ever be known, j However, she was funeralized from the Raleigh Funeral Home Chapel Wednesday afternoon, with re’%- : fives mourning, friends sorry and ; two sons still bewildered. MgtpgyMUß 'The mystery began from what llpP, v ll Bennett describ- W ,as m as A drinking ! tw g an in the late llours Sunday afternoon. The Coroner told the CAR OLTNIAN . (hat he was call • -"•* imr .. P( j by some one j MRS. HOWARD Monday morning jto come over and investigate a i death at !h*> Parker Street address I | and that when he began question- j tCONTtNUED ON PAGE R Four Kids .1 j Perish In 3-Car Crash One of the worst wrecks In Wake County’s history claimed the lives of four Negroes and two white pei-sons near Fuquay Springs Saturday night. Killed In the three-cap crash were Larry, 7, Pattle Joe, 4, i and Arthur I- i ened to miniated throughout the i state «'<* in ibis ronlr i will he * •• than In an;. Die is... proceeding programs. The fimt pri/.r will be 5209 in cash and will go to thr minister whose church members and friends aid him in garnering the ; greatest amount of votes, sec ond nri/e is a complete ward robe consisting of a suit, shirt, tie, hat, shoes and socks. Third prize will be a Hamilton pock et or wrist watch worth oroNTUvuun on page *> E FREDERICK MITRROW MRS. ARNETT A WALLACE White House Aide, Tenii. ! Educator NOTA Sneakers The Vfth AnrftiiJ Convention of the North Carolina, Teachers As sociation will feature, addresses by two of the » it,ion's outstanding leaders to government and educa*! tional affairs, *•<*«## The keynote address j Thursday evening: March 2?th vHi be given by Mrs. Arnetta G. Wallace, President of the ; Tennessee Education Con* i cress, in Memorial Auditorium. Mrs, Wallace b»* had wide esiierienee as a teacher, vnri er in e'vic organisations, Or. Hampton Hot Re-Appointed To School Board; IAACP Blamed GREENSBORO The lone Ne gro member o fthe Greensboro City School Board will vacate the post April 1, to be replaced by a white member. The Greensboro City Council failed to renew the appointment of Dr. William M. Hampton to the board in a meeting Monday night. Dr. Hampton will step down as of April 1. * * * * One councilman. William Folk -lr., said one reason for (CONTINUED ON PACE ?) SAYS HE WAS FORCED TO CONFESS Seated with his attorney of now and 23 year? a*,., convicted murderer Gcither “Trader" Horn chats with John ilnrrigan. Horn testified in a recent heai •»K Pasco. Washington that he was forced to confess to the 1935 first degree slaying of » 16-ycrr old transient by a midnight threat of sheriff's deputies to “bury him alive.’’. \U the records of tie trial have disappeared mysteriously, the court reporter’s note*, were ordered destroyed, and tho’e she kept as mementoes weer washed away by a .food two years ago, leaving no written evidence, n< t even the murdered man’s name. Horn seeks a retrial. UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). Judge Orders McDaniels To Serve 12 To 15 Yrs. After Mental Exam George McDaniels. 26, of 2131 N. Tarboro Street, a dishwasher ! and laborer, was sentenced Mon ! day to serve 12 to 15 years in , prison by Judge William Y. Bsrk | ct.t in Wake County Superior Court after McDaniels pleaded ■ guilty to charges of attempting ; to rape a 10-year-old girl in . vacant lot near the Lucille School on E Davie Street. McD-niel was charged with assaulting and attempting In rape the young girl, whose name is withheld! by this news paper, as she and ner young brother were returning home and used the school lot as a shortcut about dusk on the evening of last January 4. Judge Raymond Mallard signed a court order sending McDaniels to the State Mental Hospital, Goldsboro, for examination, dur ing the January term of criminal court. T.i : s move was made to determin if McDaniels was eom (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Womens National Organiza tions. and other national, so cial and inter-eultura! or* g imitations. Hon. E. Frederick Morrow, Aide to the President of the United Stater-, and Administrative Offi cer for the Special Projects Group m the Executive Offices of the President, will address the 2nd public session of the convention Friday evening. March 28th at Upon High School. m'oxt Nir:a on page zi ODDS -ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD FULFILLMENT Paslms 3R 3 I "The Lord wall perfect, that which eoncemetli ine: thy mercy, O j Lord, endureth forever: forsake ; not the works of thine own hands.” • (Continued nn Par,* 11) ‘Catfish” Cole Says He’ll Continue KKK Activities LUMBERTON James W. 'Catfish! Cole was sentenced to Ik to 25 months imprisonment litre lasi Friday f i»v ; Tin Top Food Stmts iPAGE 1 : Goodman « | Pam nun Bakery IPAGE V 1 9uds«m-Be!k Comrtn I Raleigh Shiner?! 8»n« | kt Monica's School 1 8 E Quinn Furniture t |PAGE b ! W"renn-Fba»r Store ! Ktertricxl Whole-tiers fur j Carolina Power ,1 tight f« 1 The Capital Coca-Col# Bottlini r n 1 Utmi'% of Raleigh | Thompson Lvnch Co. I PAG K 7 I Joyce & Bailey Furniture C" W PTC PAGE * Colonial Stoic* F'irst-CTtlren-. Bank * Trust Co CLella Beauty ( ollege PAGE 1 ■nouni pm u1 in in-mt. -- irtrr._xar.aws>*. mi j CAROLINIAN’S MINISTERS POPULARITY CONTEST ' Pastor's Name —•— - Addict,: : - - —• Name of Church * ——- COUPON WORTH 10 POINTS Clip this coupon and as many as you can gather for your pas tor and send t,o THE CAROLINIAN, each week. At the end of thi contest, period the minister having accumulated the most point: I will receive SIOO.OO (one hundred). Second, a Botany suit: Third 1 t Gleneagles topcoat. Listings will be made each week. Send hi youi COUPONS so that your pastor will get his weekly rating. AH COUPONS must reach THE CAROLINIAN no later fh«r Tuesday of each wi-ek. Address THE CAROLINIAN, 518 E- "5131-1131 Street, Raleigh. North Carolina. hm 1M ir ~Tif—ncrlHifV near Maxion several w erL? ago. lvhuv asked sf » hi* 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE *1 N C Ptodurtt \ A r- Super Mifksto bale !g It Savings &. Less Ajpucjjt!o*i r-Ai.F, in si-ri'j worth St. Xeciitt Home 11 • -haturi A F 1 mors Sank B'.-atvr Well Cvrspapy Caveaesa Invuraace Agent y Pensl-ColS. BortlJng Co. Pi S-lltigb Carolina Builders Corp Watson's Seafood * Poultry Co.. t»c. j Urn stead Transfer Co. A Food Star# i ntjlpß Motor Finance tiorapaay ! Dun-.’s Esso Service ! Ridgeway's Opti-latu Warner MeniorUiU Deluxe Hotel : PAGE 1* Ambassador Theatre Hunt General Tire t> The Hood Syst**m Industrial Bank S. M. Votmg Hardware J Gem Watch Shop | Mr. r. Kerl Irttihmtn : Arm* Realty Co..