v., I M|: |t S*B||| . sw!w (li REV. ROBERT L. SHIRLEY Presbyterians Elect Raleigh Man Meieratnr The Rev Robert L. Shirley. min.- ; ■star. Davie Street Presbyterian Church, was honored by the Cape Pear Presbytery at its 72nd yearly meeting held last week at. the i Chestnut Street Presbyterian ! Church in Wilmmgtcm by being j chosen as Presbytiry Moderator ! for the sew church year. . The Cape Pear Bod v j» one «f Use largest Presbyteries in this state. It comprises 45 churches is & geographical area that cov ers practioftMr all of Eastern North Carolina and extends to the "Virginia state line The cities of Raleigh. Wilnung- ! ton, Fayhtevilif. Lumfcorton. New i Bern Beaufort, Rocky Mount, Wake ! Forest and several others are in- | chided in this large and growing i church body. Rev Shirley is : a native of Char- \ iotte add attended the' public : schools of that-city He u a grad- | tiate of the College of Liberal Arts 5 -t Lincoln Uniyerißy and hold* the ' bachelor's degree in theology from Lincoln. ' H* came te the Darie Street Church last year after serving, for 3 t-2 years aa pastor of the Siteam Presbyterian Church in El&ahelh, New Jersey, The Rev J H Costen of Rocky I Mount is the retiring moderator of j Me Cape Fear Presbytery. The Rev, ! h. T WeFftjlaeS is the stairu cierk Race Problems Face Delegates At Convention ;j CHARLOTTE—The 58th General ! A—emfcly of the Presbyterian j church. U. S. will convene here Thursday and face a senes of con - ersia! .jrpfibaals growing out of racial tension. The assembly also will' act on a 1 complete revision of the first third ; of the denominations book of church order. L ••> ill takf up a proposal to lib- I erallze chur-. b laws concerning re- 1 marriage after divorce and an- i other to re-emphasize the observ ance of the sabbath. Ato of .*OB eomndnstonerd bale tv certified to she as «n»Ws *•** Plwb'jtte'mn _ fCOJJfEffc IJEI> ON PARS *1 Food Show I Opens Doors On May 1 ! Much inters has been-manifest ed in The CA .iNIAN'S big 6th AnnuaJ. Food ;id Horne' Show which will get underway' at•• the i Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on I Thursday, May i and closes Friday I night. May 2. Talent froas Raleigh and Wafcft Osmty will eons pet* for nrli.es in- the show. All of the high schools la the city and , County hare be- contacted iar representatives as vreil as the two colleges in ItiSeigh. Shaw Lnivemlty and gt. Angnsthne’s College. Competing for the awards will be clerical and .popular music tal- rcnN'HNCFn on pauk n Lincoln SCENE OF BOTK 'FIRE Th# stove seed* shows the remains of a house, near Dunn where six caMi-eo. all under eight tt+jtf. «| sgf, perished to a fire that swept the residence otrl.v Sunday, Fite- W“” the«rf|ed that the blase was started by * faulty *ri? lamn as the house was not wired with rtrrtriri*'' . • , ■> ... ■ Surprise Witness Upsets Parks' Trial Teacher Ss ! + + + + + + + + + + J" To HIT-RUN VICTIM STILL UNCONSCIOUS i ' SMITHFIELD—After entering » { plea of guilty to first degree mur- ; I dor in the Johnston Superior Court 1 here last, Friday, Frederick 1- Parks, 31-year-oIc! former science teacher at. Richard B. Harrison '< High School, Selma, was sentenced ! to spend the mi. of his life in pru j on. Judge W. C. Hall presided at ' j the three-dsy trial. After the State had produc ed another eye-witness tr> the ■shooting and shortly before the noon recess. Parks, through At ■ tOVTW EO on PAor It Wetzel Case Witness Jailed Robt. Terry i Facing Trial For Assault ROCKINGHAM Robert Lee j Terry, the only witness m the rs | cent trials of Frank Edward W«fc» j rel, twice sentenced to life impri j sonment in the deaths of two N C. | Highway Patrolmen, is now* lang uishing iii the Richmond County Jail as a prisoner. When questioned, Terry admitted I that he had been arrested for "do- I mastic" reasons Terry is allegedly a lay preacher 1 of some note Mack Wallace, Richmond County Jailer, reported that retry had been arreKs-i twh* within the past. week on charges of aasaultißg his wife It w* £ alleged that Terry’s wit* i Ho** ever, it was not revealed just ! ! D'cre out warrant- for his arrest 1 | when he will face trial Terry was the hitchhiker who (CONVINCED ON PAGE 21 Interracial Booze Raid At Charlotte CHARLOTTE —Two months of undercover work, paid off in 33 ar rests here Thursday night in Char lotte's second big liquor raid in two months. • Some 23 Charlotte police and state ABC agents swooped down on the alleged bootleggers in a raid that ranged throughout the city, from the baseball park to the local jail The defendants—white and Ne gro, male and female—were charg ed with illegally selling taxpairi liquor and moonshine. Authorities also confiscated 6h pints of liquor. Authorities said -cork by three fCOMTSTNUEn ON PAGE Sj Husband Killer Tried COLUMBIA, S C. A 34- vesr old Negro woman Satur day began serving a !?-yea* settience at the state prison here for the bedroom slaving of her husband last February Mary Mobley pleaded guilty to rnanoialighter Friday in the shotgun killing of Paul Mobelcy a* he waa getting out of bed. ; Mobley died in his wife’s arms. — T ađfdf VOL 17 NO 30 RALEIGH, N C. % SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1958 Golf Course ‘Mixes’Quietly t- AVWO roa HON The perrons shown above a.r» on their way to expand the 4ME iEten Church in *he 'Virgin Islands and South America They left from Idle wild Airport Thursday morning, aboard a Pan-American Clipper for th* mission fields where they will study the needs of the deno mination and perfect a, program that will expand the work in those areas. Bishop R. L, Jones, who presides over the work, will hold two annual conferences while, there. They will return on or about May : Ist Shown rtom left to right are: Rev. L. B-. Rog-rs, Bristol, Tennessee; Mrs. l aurel Smalls, Washing ton. O C.; Ain. Lillian Reid. Salisbury. N. C.; Bishop Jones, and Mrs. Carrie Taylor, Salisbury N C I Partly hidden, Mrs. Barbara Jones Taylor, Cleveland. N. which they found the bodies did not show any definite clue to how the fire might have started The only clue they had was the report of an excited d year old boy the borthfr of (he eix u be died. Deputy Sheriff John Flits Warren said Bobby Rob inson told officers be saw a. lamp smoking as he ran from the biasing fire-room frame house j His brothers and sisters. Shirley, 7. .Tei'cv, S; Eugene Alexander. 4, ■ Lillian Doris. 3, Willie, 2. and Re* • beers. 1. were burned to death. Warren said their parents. Ar chie and Stella Robinson, had gone to a neighbor's Saturday evening about 9 p rrs. He quoted the father (CONTrVtIEO O.V PAGE 21 -• » w a m2* vs** a W 7 fe- Passenger Sits In Lap Os White Woman, Is Jailed MONTGOMERY - , Ala A Nr- ! ! gro woman was .tailed for alleged- I ! ly sitting in a white woman's lap j ! on a city bin Friday touching off a I | fight, I The Negro Mrs. Rosa Wilson, was : charged with disorderly conduct j and assault and battery on a war- f rant signed by Mrs B. A Gray. She was .released from city jail un der a S2OO bond Mrs Gray told officers she and . another white woman were shar- ; ing « seat on the bus when several ! Negroes boarded it on Dexter Ave nue in the heart of downtown Montgomery. Mrsv Gray said that as she leaned over to raise a window (COKTINGED ON PAGE 3) ! Fifth Week Popularity Contest Standings KEV. B. R RICHARDSON. Goldsboro 7880 Shiloh Presbyterian Church REV. H. W CUNNINGHAM. Raleigh 38ti0 First Congregational Christian Church i i ELDER j. T. POWELL. Durham ... . B 7 0! Seventh Day Adventist Church REV. L S. PENN. Ralelah r/m 1 St Paul AME Church REV CLYDE B. WALTON*. Gamer 580 ! St Amanda Church : REV WESLEY BIDDLE. Roxboro k 3O Mill Hill Bgptlal Church REV. R W BUTTS .lame-ville 480 Piney Grove Disciples Church ! REV. ROBERT t, SHIRLEY, Raleigh 225, 1 Davie Street Presbyterian Church j REV G. R. LOVJCK. Panlego . 150 Antioch Disciples Church REV. J. W. JONES, Raleigh is(j Fayetteville St. Baptist Church • REV JOSEPH. JAMES. Jamesville ...... in St. Galilee Chui'ch ; REV. R. V. HORTON. PittabOTO 50 Mitchell Chapel AMEZ Church ! REV. FRANK K PATTERSON. Clark ton 30 i Pilgrim’s Hill Church REV. JAMES PUGH. Pantego , ,n Lily of the Valley Church Contest Ends June 12, 195 S Bonus Money Month Enters Fourth Week The CAROLINIAN 1 * hug? Church ; Bonus Money program entered its fourth week Thursday of this week. This week will come to s close on Wednesday. April 30, at midnight. The contest, which con sists of five weeks wiij end at tnid ; ni„ht, May 8. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2J PRICE 12c IN N. C: ELSEWHERE 15c ** ! . ! No Incidents As Facility Opens To All MIAMI lntegration of the city owned golf cour. s here was carried off without incident last week, Officials at the Miami Sanngs Course reported that some 14 Ne groes and 120 whites played. Pre- | Viously, Negroes had been allowed \ to use the course only on Mondays ■ white persons the remainder of the week The Miami city commission recently lost an appeal to keen sfoif course patrons segregated when the Federal District j Court *jf Apnea!* in New pr *c*n* upheld a lower court ru! In# The commission then d« eided not to make an appeal to the V. S Supreme Court and order»d the golf course inte grated Club house facilities, however i have not been thrown open to Ne , groes The city recently leased the • club bouse to a private operator. * Negro leader- have protested this f | was an attempt to evade the court ■ } ruling ] j Accomplice Os McCray | Gets Life j BOWLING GREEN, Va Rush i ; Reager. 20, was found guilty in the I j rape-murder of a white ladysmith j j Va., widow and was sentenced to j I life imprisonment recently. | Reader's accomplice, Jermiah i j McCray, 25. was executed Friday ! in the electric chair for the blud- I peon slaying of the woman, Mrs. j Jeanette M, Griffin. 49. at her home | near here last Feb. 3. i fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2* i State News ~rw— Brief SCOUTS’ SPRING CAMPORER RALEIGH More than 500 Scouts, Explorers and Leader* in the Wake Division of the Occonee chee Council, Hoy Scouts of Am ! erica are expected to attend their ! annual Spring Camporee May 2-8 |in Apex, The Scouts will pitch ! their tent; Friday after school and i remain through out the camp fire lon Saturday Night, announced G. I (•'. Foxwell. Camporee Chief Sat -1 urday morning will be devoted to i Second and Firm Class Rank Re > ouirements. The advancement Committee headed by P R Rob j ( (CONTINU|BI> ON MGK ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. MIfcFAKB GOOD PROGRESS, From ah ; indications, very good progress, it; j being made with the efforts to in- I crease Negro registration in Wake I County. As of April 1, there was only 6600 Negroes registered in ! the County, a fraction over 16 1 per cent of the county's estimated ! 48,000 Negroes. Figures are not i available to allow what the actual'! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Driver Os Car Admits j ( Lzttlf Barbara Abne Cooper of | 2 13 N. Haywood Street, - who was I Ot* victim of st hit-and-run driver ! Friday afternoon remained in cri i Heal condition at St. Agnes Hospi i #s late as Wednesday noon. | Arrested after an intensive search j h.y police and charged with the in j •' arv was Trubie Evans of 90« S. j East Street. Police reported that witness?* had positively identified Evans as the driver of the 1963 Olds mobile which struck Barbara at I the corner of Idlewiid Avenue and Jotse* Street about 3:30 p. j is. Evans, who police iaid was ! drunk at the time of bis arrest, has admitted the accident. i R® told us several conflicting j I l»les'\ Patrolman W. D Miller [ asid “He even said he would pay I ON PAGE J) Leading Pastors Contest Still holding his own. the Rev. B. P Richardson, pastor Shiloh Pres : bytwian Church. Goldsboro, paces ; m Place with 7=lßo votes as i counted Tuesday at 5 p, m | Running strong in the second ! spot IS the Rev. H W Cunning i l‘ an ' castor. First, Congregational | Church, Raleigh, v.-hn polled 7320 | votes. ■ In third place is Elder J. T. Pmv jell, pastor. Seventh Day Advetv 1 REGISTER SATURDAY ; - i | Church Bonus Money Rules •tores advertising■'uf S tj?e 10 TOUr churca must cem » trure ! Z U,l ‘ I must *"° uW b ‘ iUbrwttßd *“ »“«»** A!1 churches in Raleigh and Wake. County »r* e»*.i>ri chi PS MU * t beHr tiJK Bame °* ihs from which the «B --AU purchase slips should be submitted m *he name of the -ht-ch .-a i Bonus* period. t " ,S °“‘ Ce °* Ul6 CAROLINIAN the Monday' fa U owßf*Stom*ls «« j chuwh'oremr wUI ** awarded Ist Bonus Money consecutivelv, te should i i «*?»»! n ’ ore , mf! 7 l , ne |’ receive Ist Bonus Money after the rim pert d I l would nave to v a-it until the thud Bonus period to be presented i-t a-mA j aSMiin. except where a church has, 200 or less membersthen iflSniH ; Bonus awards consecutively. However, this doe' no*mean t* at° s&rmA liS j third award.? cannot be sought comwcutivaly. Consepußntfc' »very ! has the opportunity to secure an award every period * eountetl PUrChaS ’ ° f OVer SMO ,rom »"- v 508 »«*&*«* d««n* a wees «„ h» Jl'li' 13 * cwW ®* MS Pec parson a week for tract-? pcf-haie «Mrt w‘li e 'br e Jttv,ded S ** m * M * nMt ° f purrhlM;4 ** ««« enoy. ih* .. Weekly purchase totals should h« *ko*v» *ja packet & n d. t/nt* J «** of the envelope omyteff the periods eiK of each U parics‘‘ y Wltl b " ** aoanc ' Ml in th. issue foUowtng the Motto* All entries remain the property of the c AitOUN LAN. Au tAHylne n final whthe names of the Bonus Money earner- *l-3- «* - "•*"-««* 1* Acca^S Wo TCCe>t,ts ffQl*«w»iasm || *isi | i n *i | —*w*Hii>iin—isn—hbpmjmu—l— imli—a—— This Week s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus j Money Stores. PAGE 2 Tip Top Pond Stott* Page 3 ; Rowoe-Griffin ihee Ompan Aftibsssader Theatre PAGE I Hudson Bulk Company PAGE « Carpi ink Power, A Light Company Rhodes New Dacota Case PAGE 1 Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co Tattle Appliance Co. O. K. Clothing Company PAGE S Flrst-Cttken* Bank h Trust ( it. Gem Watch Shop Clvella Beauty College Raleigh Funeral Home Mr, C. Karl Uchtroiu Colonial stores PAGE 3 A. A P Super Slash it The Capiul Coca-Cola Settling rp B. E. vumn Furn:j,nre Co. MRS, W. H. PEACE jMrs, Peace !s |Of Precinct 25 Mrs. W H. Peace, 116 W. S&ztS Street. w«* appointed last. Wedz.se day as the firct Negro registrar *■ Precinct No, 35, located in th' Wake County Health Building corner W. Davie and McDovei Streets. She will begin her seme* on April 26, at which time th* book?, will be open for registration The two judges for the pre cinct are A. 3. Turner, a Dem«- ! cp at and Mrs, Lillian Wikox, a Bepuhllcan All were jtvaru in Wednesday morning at this I rourthouse. A native of Greensboro Y~s i Peace attended the public sehoolt 'f GNTTNUKO ON PAGE 21 fist Church. Durham with a total of 1570 voter. Fourth place pastor is the Rev L S. Penn, pastor, St. Paul A.ME Church, Raleigh, with votes PROM THE LOOKS of thinjf*, an;- thing can happen in this cov>- kc st. Who knows, if you enter your pastoi i.n the racf;. he may b<* thf “dark horse ’ to win, ON PAG* SI . PAGE 13 KloodwotU* at. tom-i Eta unit j Mechanics A Farmer* Bach llester tteli Comp-ay ! Cavenesa Insurance Ageac* Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of RUiSaA Carolina Builders Coro. Watson's Seafood *• Poultry Co., lac Umstead Transfer Co. & Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company Dunn’s Esso Service Ridgeway’s Optic lans Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE I! Pepsi-Ooi*. Soitiing Co. | Creative Home* Corp United Novelty Cons pan- t I Famous Bakery ; PAGE IS ; N, C. Product* - Acme Realty Company The. Hood System Industrial Sauls Hunt General Tire Company Efird » of Raleigh 8. IW. Tc-ur,. Hardware