NC Baptists Set One-Day Session Here THE CAROLINIAN VOL 17, NO 31 Doors Open For Food, Home Show + + + + + + + + Dying Man Screams, m You’ve Killed Be’ Food Show To Fete A Hind Demonstrator 'Fhen the doors of the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium swing open at 10;S0 Thursday morning they will signal the opening of the most interesting extravaganza ever pre sented to the people of Raleigh and vicinity, in food preparation, sales promotion and educational entertainment. It will be the Sib annua! Carolinian Home & Food Show and will feature cooking, wash ing. sewing, eating, drinking and a parade of the best music al and acting talent to be found at St. Augustine's College, Shaw t'nlrersity and the high schools of Haleigrb, Method. Apex. Fu 7U3V' Spring’, G&mfir. ’PTake Forest. Zebulau and the State (CO.VTWCEO OF-’ FAG* S) Officer Is Witness To NC Murder GASTONIA Baxter Lee Sbea !y 25, of Gastonia, was held Sat urday ona murder charge in con nection with a slaying which an off-duty Negro policeman wit nessed but was unable to prevent. Police said Shealy, a truck driv er, had admitted jhooting another fCONTfNUEB ON FAGS St Omega Frat’s Social Action Group Reports The 1958 session. Bth district. O *»ga Pai Phi Fraternity, eompris- Jbg North and South. Carolina, pre sided over by the Hie". J. H. Nelson Bishopville, $. e„ closed it* three fCONT&TDED ON PAGE v s!*.%. ir «I2¥s' W^^^fwl' «ss^s^^' ; '%.«.'vt.* ‘r^^r?*-*^ MB. AND MRS LEON THOM- | AS break down as they are told W * policeman that their four * . RALEIGHH, N C„ SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1953 - . -y... " ' -- . . • ' f : ;' "' l-— ... 40. -■.. •*-»»•«£! ,i^Jlsifcite&'s<-*(wJL:.. JfL.'sli!»ksißb. vying a pis tol in his • ifihi hand at. his side a* Stale’s Shriners To Raleigh Pay 16-17 For 10th Heeling North Carolina f Shriners will converge on Raleigh May 16-17 for their 101 b annual convention which on an overnight visit, and was ; one of %ix people who died In the blare ~~ (United Press Pho to). | talie P. Wimberley. Negro Home Demonstration Agent: and Dr C. B Middleton, chairman of (be Negro division of the Wake : County Cancer Crusade Gregory unlatched his door to let him in the store. Young Hunt, who had gone to •he store for candy, said he saw Davis unbreach th® shotgun, drop down on his knees and twist on his side as Gregory vanished ‘hrough the door of the store Officers found a hole in a wood fCONTINUED ON PARE 3) will be hosted by XabaLa Temple No. 177 A. E. Brown if Illustrious Potentate. One of the highlights of the con vention will be the Potentates Ball, scheduled to be held at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on Friday, May 16 from 10:p. tr until 2:a. m. A parade wfl" be held j stabbing Sunday morning of James ! j Gibson. 48. Mrs- Hatchet). 51. of 807 Cam den Street, denied remember ing stabbing the High Point na tty* but admitted having » tight with him between 8:30 and 0.00 a.m. Sunday. Gibson’ ! allegedly died in the front yard of » '•hutch, located at the cor of f Ma»-«v4«f4 end Bladen Streets. j Bet or* hr died. Gibson is alleged io hr -f screamed. 'Oh, you've kill- | Strickland, Olliers Study City’s Slums J. E Strickland, vice-president i and manager of the Raleigh I | Branch of the Mechanics and Far- ■ i mers Bank was named by the City j Council last v eek as one of t.he five members to look after Ra leigh's proposed slum clearance . program. Others elected to the City Urban Redsvolpment Commission were: Charles Davis, Hayes White, Dun Stewart and Victor Bell. Former State Senator James H • Pou Bailey, a sixth nominee, was designated by Mayor William G 1 Enloe as an alternate choice. The slum clearance program, which was adopted last Men (continued on”page t) £y J. E. STRICKLAND Delegates To Hear Shepard Give Address The Annual One-Day Session of the General Baptist State Conven tion will be held at the First. Bap tist Church, Dr. O. S. Bullock, pas tor, May 6. This meeting marks the culmination of the combination fi nancial drive for Shaw University and State Missions. An outstanding preacher. Dr. Marshal L. Shepard of Phila delphia. will be the guest speak er foe the one-day session. His fCONTTNiiETt ON PARE *> cd me." Police officer* reported that (CONTINUED ON PAGE 7} MRS. Vlv. . !.\ HATCHED. &•. ' ■ " " : ■ . -v. y. mil JAMES GIBSON Bonus Money Month Enters Final Week The fifth and final week m the current Church Bonus Money month began Thursday, Mav 1 and will end at midnight Wednesday April 30, The month consisted of five week* Awards to winning churches arc as follows; SSO, first. $25, second; sls. third; and $lO, fourth The bonuses are now being made (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) T -rrnrr,. r, - State News —BN— Brief AUTOMOBILE SILLS BOY HAMLET Dennis Gregory Quick 5, was instantly killed a bout 3rp. m Saurday when struck by an auto a? he was crossing High way 77 near here The small boy suddenly darted in front of a car driven by David Blevens. Route 1. Hamlet, Coroner fUymartd Marks said. He termed the accident un- ODDS-ENDS| By ROBERT G. SMEPARD | ■EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!’* Governor Hodges has been quoted ac. saying in New York recently that everything possible was being done to bring North Carolina's per capita income up to the national average by 1960 What the governor mean;: by the (CONTINUED "on PAGE 2> '• ‘■awa'W*’* t.e . rMruiin. *> ■- jflBB&MflL ~ riEgaiflEag inSnYrTni ■• ' ,^ :V HOME WITH MOTHER-IV 1, AW—Mis* Mattiwilda Dobbs, well-known Metropolitan ar tist and the wife of Bengt Jan ron, bead of the press at the Swedish Opera in Stockholm. Votes Still Coming In As New Pastors Enter Contest One more pastor. Re- t D. Ful ler. Reynolds Chapel Baptist | Church. Guilford, entered the Min- , isters’ Popularity Contest this week 1 as the race moves into the sixth ] week He at on-e moved up in sixth place with 550 votes. Stnl leading, however, is Rev. B R Richardson, pastor of Shiloh | Presbyterian Church Goldsboro, j with a total of 9,470 votes as count ed Tuesday al 5 p m Closing the gap between first Church Bonus Money Buies All purchase slips or receipts presented to your church must corns from etiwes advertising in the CAROLINIAN. - ka '0 week carnet a dam m the Bonus !to*w period Purchases tligtblo thust Lou*. from tee. store doling the veek has the opportunity to secure an award every period. No purchase of over S3GO from any one merchant during a week can tos counted. There Is a celling of *33 per person a week for grocery purchase*. In the event of the. same amount of purchases by more than one entry, the award will he divided. Weekly purchase tnlais should be shown no each packet md total placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the. period's entry along with name ami address. Bonus money earners will be announced In the Issue following the elating nt each period. Ail entries remain the ptopeitv of The CAROLINIAN All tailring Is final ■« iirn the names of the Bonus Money earners are an. noun- e;i in The < AJtOLINXAN, and no responsibility Is accepted by this newt paper beyond (hat poln* No receipts trow hanks wilt be considered, except payment e a mortgage*. CAROLINIAN’S MINISTERS POPULARITY CONTEST Bering Thursday, March 20; Ends Thursday, lung 12, 1958 Pastor’s Name .... . Name of Church „ COTTON WORTH 10 POINTS Clip this coupon and as many as you can gather for you? pastor and send it to THE CAROLINIAN each week. At the end of the contest period, tire minister having accumulated the most point* will receive $200.00 ( Raleigh i Carolina Builders Corp. i Wattes’* Seafood Poultry 05... tut. I tier stead Transfer Co & Food SttoP* union Motor Finance Company | Dunn’* Esso Service 1 magewa.y’r Or.Ucuw* ] Wsr’V'r Memorials ! Deluxe Hotel ! PAGE 1? I Carolina BulcV Co, Sniders Motor Co ! .Joyce A- Bailey Furniture Cs 1 PAGE £■> j Acme Realty Company Carolina Power & Light Company i Wcsse .Jeweler* The Hood System Industrial Bank Sunt, Geß Tir* Company V. C. Product* 8 M Fount Hardware , * Central Drug Store