* |&- r ' : ; ‘ • Tar Heel Elks Open Convention In Asheville Sunday 4 4 4 4*44 444 HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR HEARD HERE THE CAROLINIAN VOL 17 NO $2 4 Ligon Senior Wins Bi-Racial Prize 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mom Killer Blames Whiskey White Y outh Says Mother j Was Drinking With Negro ] ADVANCE—A 12-year-old boy j n-as arrested near here 'Monday in the fatal shooting of his moth-! er today—and authorities urnne-l 'Lately began lengthy Questionin' | to clear up conflicts in various; stories of the shooting. Th* boy, James William Cline, | ias arrested at the home of a j Negro family about, one mile from I his home where his mother. Mrs j Berta Rebecca Cline, 39. was fail-1 eo b' * blast from a 12-sruage j hotgun ■ Methodist Citiisfis Protest Running Highway Near School j , METHOD Member* of fee J.efe.ed Civic League have lodged •• complaints with Wake County’s | *upt of schools, Fred A.. Smith re err ding the proposed new highway vhieh could run through the prop- j erty of Berry O Kelly High School j if approved by the State Highway Commission Aw ajuimmcem-ent was made last, week that the Meihod route wa* owe of several being contemplated by the Commiss ton s.j an altercate route for Highway No. 1. Superintendent Smith ha* boon Invited by Mrs. Harveleigh White • of Method to confer with the par- j cuts of this area Frsdaj' night in a j question and answer session The Wake County Board of Edu- ; cation had already chosen an *r- : chitect and made, other arrange- j mentis to ha*>e a new gymnasium ; f.retced on the Berry O’Kelly | ground* and surveyors were seen ! there, lust last. week. Smith Mid that the Wake j The Wake County Board of Edu woold protest rigwouily any attempt *« run * highway through the, school’* property. ‘Berry O‘Kelly rioe* not hsve j sufficient land fur feel." he i The niperintendeiV 1* scheduled Nat’! Officers |, Is Raleigh For Shriners Meet I final plans are being completed for the North Carolina Shriners 1 Convention which will, he held I here Friday and Saturday, May 16 j and IT 4 (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) 1 * ' * ' r* :.' /W " " ■ ■• * - +'<*“***?* .■■" :.?*,.*~> A «*r* • /■■ '■liU?' ticiAd i«u ■{&•<>:-.jHLrSukL.-* ,i.4w >. (w .. 'Um-u -•»’. JJ -«i.tJ..-v ... •.» . .tSP/ / iVC'*. LOCAL GALA- DAT PLANNING COMMITTEE FOE SHRINE MEET Thin grreup Is making plans for the State Shrine Conves tUa. which will be held here May IS and It. From left to right are. iNsble Ralph Campbell, Past Potentate J, E. Lytle; Past Potentate RALEIGH, N C.. SATURDAY, MAY 10. 1058 Davie County Deputy Grime*. Hancock said he took the bov ■without incident at the bom® of Clifton Peoples near Ad vance, Young Cline was taken to Mocksville to undergo ques tioning in ihe slaying. Police said the boy told them j i the shooting was accidental. But.!! ! a witness to the shooting. Charlie i ; Mason, was Quoted as saying tier' I boy shot his mornei from a dis- | I CONTtNttES ON PAG* 9* 'j tc .m.ee* vith the State Highway i .Commission Monday. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ») Mrs. Bates To Speak During NAACP Rally | NAAOF-Tarheelia is making * i strong bid to bring three thousand i freedom-loving race citizens hers 1 1 for the. annual Fighting Fund For ; I Freedom rally scheduled for Sun - : day. May ISth, 3:00 p.m. in tnrri i Memorial Auditorium Kelly Miller Alexander, pres ident of the North Carolina NAACP Conference, and him (CONTINUED ON PAGE *1 ODDS-ENDS j By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ; POLL TAXES AND VOTING I i REGISTRATION There, has been , 1 a small Increase, m the number of | Negroes registered to vote j n Ral eigh. As a matter of fact, the pre ; asset showing the biggest increase in Wales County ie the predomin i antly Negro precinct No. 26. De | spite thus increase, the fact remain: i that Negroes in Raleigh are net in 1 forested in registering and voting. - Tliie lack of interest is most no j tieeablt among the young of our 1 group. I The majority of young Negro j j women aproached will say they do j | rot understand what it is all about, i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1} I"' ‘LijMiimtiiMmunHwrm-'-t r*y --». • • • ... ... , flll§si, -!l FAMILIES EVACUATE HOMES Families in the Roosevelt see lion of Dallas, Texas evacuated their homes as Hood waters forced some 50 families from their homes during the past week Here re*i dents load their furniture and bedding on trailer and haul to higher ground. (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO'. Leaders To Hear Ike In Big Summit Conference WASHINGTON, D r —Presi dent .Dwight D. Eisenhower is scheduled to deliver * siginifieant address or> fee opening day of the New Church Bonus Money Opens May 15 The final week of the The Car ! man’s Church Bonus Money pro ?m ended at midnight Wedr.e*- ir of this week. Participating eJuudu* ara asked to submit their purehaae rilps or receipt* at the offices of this newspaper, SIS E Mar tin Street, no later than coos Monday, Winning churches will be announced in fee next edi tion of THE CAROLINIAN (rONTTNUSD ON PAGE V F. .1. Carnage; Chief Rabb&n Jesse Blanche; Illustrious Potentate A. E Brown; Past Potentate N L. Perry; Past Potentate D. D Brightwell, Noble Anderson James and Peat Potentate. € A Hay wood, Sr two-day sessions of the Summit I Conference of National Leader* . 1 May 12 and 13 at 'he Raleigh Ho -1 tel here Promising to be t,n* most signi- j j ficant gathering of colored lead- ! i ership in the past SO years., the con- j ■ fcrence was called by the National Newspaper Publisher Association. ! The Association sent invite (rONTTNUED ON PAGE t) \f m%is \ m Mo jN I • j PRICE 12c IN N. €.; ELSEWHERE Be « Andrews Is Questioned By Citizens The administrator of (he Wak® Coum v Hospital, which will be eon- Stme'ed near Rsloioh smi dressed r group of Negro citiaens at th? B1 Dodworth Street YMCA Tuesday night Willi -m f Andrews explained lUM ho the hospital would be built ••!--'>-.?d pictures of the In terior ¥jt , tror o' th» facility an® 'exr 7 ;»d how tbs pwtir.ntr would be fed When questioned about tbs arrangements for arromods fions for Negroes. Mr Andrews said tint he was hired is »d --fCONTINUED OV PAGE 3> Miss J. Cooke Named Winner In City-G’nty Miss Jocelyn Yvonne Cooke daughter of Mrs. Elisabeth Wilson. T 26 S State Street, this city. w as declared the winner of s SBO U. S. Government Bond as first prize winner in an interracial High School Essay Contest. A 12th grad® student »* ? W. (CONTINUED ON PAGE »> | HISS .1,, , COOKE Seventh Week Popularity Contest Standings ! REV. P R. RICHARDSON. Goldsboro 12 330 Shiloh Presbyterian Church REV H W CUNNINGHAM, Raleigh • €.120: First Congregational Christian Church ELDER J T. POWELL. Durham * 2,810 ; Seventh Day Adventist Chureh REV. L S. PENN Raleigh - 1.380 i 8t Paul AME Church REV. CLYDE B. WALTON, Garner 1-Uoj St. Amanda Church REV P. D FULLER. Guilford M 0 Reynolds Chapel Baptist. Church • REV WESLEY BIDDLE, Roxboro . . *3O; Mill Htll Baptist Church REV. R W BUTTS, J&msavtUe • »001 Pine-y Grove Di.sctpl.es. Chureh REV. ROBERT L. SHIRLEY, Raleigh • • SIS! Davie Street Presbyterian Church REV R V. HORTON. Plttsboro 260 Mitchell Chapel AMEZ Church REV .1 W. JONES. Raleigh 210 Fayetteville St Baptist Church REV G R. LOVICK. SR. Pantego • ISO Antioch Disciples Church REV. FRANK K PATTERSON, Clarkten 70 Pilgrim’s Kill Church REV. JOSEPH JAMES, Jamesvills ••• - 83. St. Galilee Church REV JAMES PUGH, Pantego 30 Lily of the Valley Church Contest Ends June 12* 1358 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE HONORED—At the Honor Awards Ceremony of she Department at Health. Education-and Welfare, held in the Department's auditorium recently, Mrs. Eunice Rivers Lau rie, public health nurse of Macon County, Ala., received the Distinguished Service Award highest hon or the Department bestows, and the third annual Ovefa Culn Hobby Award, consisting of an engraved certificate and S2OO. From left to right ar» Dr, Leroy F Burney, Surgeon General f« the Department, Mrs. Laurie, and Edward Fn»e Wilson.,,assistant secretary of the Department. The awards were Sd''en Mrs. in Washington, Elks To Converge On Asheville Sunday For Annua! Convention BY f B. BARREN ASHEVILLE —The 38th annual convention of the North Carolina Association of the Improved Be I nevolent Protective Order of Elk., of the World < IBPOEW) will b- ’ in session here May It-14 with the Rev. Kemp P. Battle of Rock ■ Mount. State President, presiding over the male lodge and Mrs. Lf tiria, Smith, Daughter-Elks Prey dent. Hickory, in charge of the women's division Fawndale lodge No. 363. th° Rev. Otis E. Dunn, president; and- Rhododendron Temple No. R? 5.; Mrs. Sallie Acker, Daugk, »- Wul-1 nr, are,.'olnt. hosts to the ;. veo tick »nd have proimred the.-d-h?- gates a gala affair while here. The convention opens with Memorial Services oundav at 11 o'clock in the AME Zion i Church with State Chaplain Rev, Otis E. Dunn delivering the. eulogy. The Civil Liberties program directed by Rev A. D. Moseley will feature an ad ■ dress by grand director of 1 civil liberties, Hobson R Rey nolds of Philadelphia. (COS rtNtIED ON PACK D | Rev. Richardson Leads Others In ; Pastors f ( a test > j Bhiloh Presbyterian Church’s • paidor, Rev, B. R. F’chardson, ofj Goldsboro, has .let-propelled him- , ! self further out. front "to clinch” I first, place in the seventh lap of I the Popularity Contes sponsored j by The CAROLINA Vota counted Tuesday st ft pm. show ed he had 12,530. Trotting steadily like >h« persistent turtle,” the Hew H. W. Cunningham, >»ast First (CONTINUED ON PAC»e at I State News —IN— |! Brief | j j! I i FACING BURGLARY CHARGE i LENOIR Fritr Norwood, 34. at j i being held here on the capital ! j charge of first degree burglary af (CONTINtJEO ON PAGE *1 6th Food And Home Show Is Enjoyed By Audiences Raleigh hoysewiv,., wn highly , elated over the 6th annual CAROL- • DNtAN Home & Food Show, which ended Friday night at. the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium The show’ began on Thursday morning when talent from the high schools and colleges of Raleigh ard Wake County took pari in the r "St intensified contc-' t» d 1 in" the tat"- is? UnA sc.ba.'ls thu has >»*OT*r t been held fn th» city. Thp Exhibits were the best ever Church Bonus Money Buies All purchase slips or receipts r r *3ent«i to your church must :oat from stores advertising in the CAROI4NXAH Each week carries a date in tne Bonus Money period Pujcassas eligiol# mu.; i corr.e from the store djiring the week the "ad ' appears No purchase slips representing a business should be submitted Ail reeeipt; must come from individual purchases. All churches in Raleigh and Wake County are eligible All purchase slips must bear the name of the stove from which th* pur* chase was made. Ali purchase slips should be submitted m the name of the church; anti should be in the office of the CAROLINIAN the Monday following close ol Bonus period. In order that smaller churches may have an aqua! opportunity to share In the Bonus Money the following regulation is expedient: No church ot ci'M JN) members will he awarded Ist Bonus Money consecutively, t.e should a church of 200 or more members receive Ist Bonus .Money aftei the first period, it would have to wait until the third Bonus period to be presented lit award again, except, where a church has 200 or less members, then it could win tc-p Bonus awards consecutively However, this does not mean that second and thud awards cannot he sought consecutively. Consequently every church grou.» has the opportunity to secure an award every period. No purchase at over S3OO from any one merchant during * week can be c.oonled There is * ceiling of $33 pee nerson a week for grocery purchase* In the event of tile same amount ol purchases by more than one entry. tho award will he divided. Weekly purchase totals should he shown on each packet and total placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the period s entry along with name and address. Boons money earners will be announced tn the issue following the clo*iMK of each period. All entries remain the property of The CAKOUNIAh. All tallying Is final when the names of the Bonos Maaev earners ere »*• notmred in The CAROLINIAN, and no responsibility Is accepted by this a«w»- paper beyond that point No »»eeipi» from l»3nks will he considered, except payment oil mortgage*. CAROLINIAN’S ' MINISTERS POPULARITY CONTEST Begins Thursday, March 30; Ends Thursday, Inn* 15, l»si Pastor'* Name : i Nams of Chuich .... COOT ON worn U POINT* j ‘ ! i Clip this coupon and as many M you tan. gather for wr pastor and send !fc to THE CAROLINIAN each week At the end of the contest period, the minister having accumulated the moss points will receive S2OO 00 (two hundred). Second, an entire wardrobe, consisting of suit, shirt, tie. hat. shoes and socks. Third, SIOO wrist, or pocket watch. Listings will be made each week. Send in your coupon* so that your pastor will get his weekly rating. Ali COUPONS must tenth THE CAROLINIAN no later tha* Tuesday flf each week. Address THE CAROLINIAN, 51$ E. Martin Street., Raleigh, North Carolina. This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Sor'ihs Money Stores. PiOS t Carter's. tea Joy* fle*t*o''?.sf Klrt’» at Raleigh O. h Clothing' Co. PAP® 18 Mr. John Printers btoodwortU at toarlr: Home Page i I Mechanics *. farmers Bank Goodman'* Hester Wall Company PAGE a 1 Citaw insuranis Agency Hudson-Be!k Company : pepd-Coi* Bottling Co. of Raleigh 1 r&llon* Carolina Builder* Cotp PAGE ft ... Watson’* Seafood A Poultry Co., tat. : Carolina Power A Light Company f?mstead Transfer Co. & Food Stop* I *. E Ouins Furniture Co. OUicn Motor Finance Company j PAGE ! Diinn'4 Esso Service ! Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co. Ridgeway's Opticians PAGE S Warner ’Memorial* Raleigh Punetr! Home Deluxe Hotel ! Mr C Kir! Uchtmaa ~ i Gem Watch Shop ‘ 9 C’veU* Beauty College V. C. Product* : Colonial Stores The Hood System tadtsatrial Eank •Mrst-Citicens Bank £ Trust < o Hunt General Tire Compsay PAGE " 8- M. Toon* Be..’ •'are 1 A & P Super Market V. C. Mutual Life JBsuraaM Co. Ambassador Theatre Acme Realty Company . I , displayed. Pepsi Cols and Coca j Cola represented the drink prod "Gr and the psopU a,sr* pieced i at the presentation made, by the J ! companies, J. Nicholas. Public Re lations man for the Pepsi Cole Company and thru the courtesy os j Peps- Cola Bottling Company oi j Raleigh, Inc., saw i Q u that, every 1 person present got s.t — -«cb. n* the r,'o.' ft I. as they could parfshr of t A bevy of lovely girl: vas oafhead (CONTINUED ON PAG f S'