, -■ *■ *4, ’" ■ .4- * ' ■ ' jj*.-.. - .*;• " • Vr; - > *•••* •*•'■■ • «• tAMTOR R HODV FOUND- The body of John Bronson wn found tn a wooded area near Fayetteville about 100 va,rd# ouf sida the Spring Lake area last Body Os Janitor Found; Officials Rule Suicide fiig Pastors’ Cosiest Ends Isi Two Weeks | Fiding high m style Fe>- B R Richardson. pastor of Shiloh Bap t:?.t Church Goldsnoro. is floating c•• er the nave crest in first place i in the Minister's Popularity Con test 'sith a total of 18.-u.30 votes; (C O? TJNIfiD OR! PAGE it Bonus Mousy Rules ' Ail purchase slips or recttoti presented to »our cnurcb must come from stores advertising in the CAROLINIAN EauJ *eeK carries a date m the Bonus Manny period Purchases eligible must oome iro.-n the store during the week the 'ad'' appears. No purchase slip:, representing a oiulnes* should he submitted All receipt.- mu;.; come from individual purchases. Ah tiiurcnea w ga .tr.g'a and Wake County are eligible Ah pure 111:-e slips must bear the name of tils store from Eon us Money the following regulation is expedient. No church of < .er > members will n e av/arded Ist Bonus Money consecutively i.e should a i: \urcfc of 209 or more members receive Ist Bonus Money after the first period, it v.ould have to waif untii the third Bonus period to be presented Ist avtsrr Efi.n. except where a church has 200 or less members, then it could win top Emus awards consecutive!; Hryever, this does not mean that second and third awards cannot be sought consecutively. Consequently every church grou. h*a he opportunity to secure an award every period. No purchase of over S3OO from any one merchant durins a week can he counted Theie N * ceiling of $35 per person a week tor grocery purchases In the cient of tit- some amount of purchases by more than one entrs. rhe *svard will be divided. Weekly purchase totals should bp shown on earh packet and iota! placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the period's entry along with name and address. Bonus money earners will be announced in the issue following the closing of ei h pencd Al! entries remain the property of The f AKOLTVIAN .41! tallying is tmcJ when the name.- of the Bonus Money earner* are an count ed in The ( 4HOUMAN. amt no responsibility is accepted by thi9 news paper beyond that point. No receipt* from bank* will be considered, except payment on mortgage*. Icmiag- - -g.winra^-ij«.weaeßwa«wM»,--e-w Jr^-sy.:w.ie...~.|-Tr --—r inmningi ii n rtri ri rn —rum . CAROLINIAN’S MINISTERS ~ POPULARITY CONTEST Begins Thursday, March 20; Ends Thursday, June 12, 1058 Pastor's Name Address ! Name of Church „ COUPON WORTH 10 POINTS Clip this coupon and as man:' as you can gather for vour pastor and send it to THE CAROLINIAN each week At the end of the contest period, the. minister having accumulated the most points bill receive $20!).n0 i two hundred.’ Second, an entire wardrobe, consisting of suit., shirt, tie. hat. shoes and socks. Third. SICO wrist or pocket, watch. Listings will be made each week. Send in vour coupons *o that your pastor will get his weekly rating. All COUPONS most reach THE CAROLINIAN no later than Tuesday of earh week. Address THE! CAROLINIAN, 518 E. Martin I ntreet, Raleigh, North Carolina. This Week s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus * Monty Stores PAUSE 2 A.’nteA!>»*!lOi Tbestre ? Lilt:; dip Cat* tfird'i el lUlvisb l: h »‘!etStui,. Co Security Realty Company l. ....-.-.as : L*3ie« Shoi BALE 16 Blooswiirtb si tijurlsit Horns food Store* Mectunit* & Farmers Sink r.. ..=. Mufflrr Shop H-ater Well Company :-.gt l i Cavenesi Insurance Ageiit* - ;■ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh **’ •-ita IV ’.vsflteti uirollna Bulldeis Curp C. C-uutn furniture Co n’aUoo’e Seafood <6 Poultry Co In: i Crnttead Transfer Co. a Food Store i us Ru ■ Hitter* v Cleaiurt Billon Motor Ftneace Company f : r.v - -«•** Dunn's Esm» Service ». »rr*to» ilck Company Ridgeway'* Optician* Cruder* 'soto’ i ompan: Warner Memorial* ■ ■ ■■ t, Bitu-V Furnitiof t v noluie Hotel 0 4OE P PAGE <1 C xenial kto res Flettrirat Wholesalers, for •• If". funeral Home PAGE 16 tlvelU Bp^u l . - toller? The Hood System littlustrlal Bank Mat Wat: b Shop Hunt General Tire Company First-Citizen* Bank A Trust Co. Acme Realty Company r'r C Kart Llrhttnan S M. Voti/ts Hardware PACE 1 I Famous Bakery A •*, P Super Market N. C Products ffmiw WANTEDT r ™Hil ■ ■■!■ polls NEGRO VOTERS SAT. week. Brunson was the .janitor for the Spring Lake F.lcpenfarv School. Brunson's death was ruled ? suicide by authorities Shown in background are Cum berland County Officii’!* By E. RIiDT YORK SPRING LAKE The bloody j j body of John Bronson was recently ! found in a wooded area about 100 yards outside the Spring Lake city I 'imits. Bronson was janitor for the Spring l ake Elementary School. On j (he morning of the 20th he left ’ home as usual a' 5 a in. to open ! tne school. He did not however. ; return heme for breakfast as he had 1 always clone. Bronson the father of 7 children was found -hot ore? in the chest jat dose range with a .12 gauge i shotgun -Spots of blood n ere found on the ground in different place? and scuff marks were a prudent as (CONTINt'EO ON PAGE 2} "Brains" 0! Shkesdale Robbery Held + + + + 4* + + + sdfsfa bond {CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) High Court Reaffirms Rulings WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court Monday reaffirmed the right of Negroes to serve on grand jur ies, ride on unsegregated buses, and ; attend integrated public schools in ; (he South. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 Bonus Money Enters Third Week; 3 Left Churches that have «on Bonus Money cash awards in the past are loud in then praise of the Carohn :an Bonus Money Program which, j since last fall, has helped their ' treasuries (CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Tenth Week Popular REV. B. R. RICHARDSON, Gold Shiloh Presbyterian Church REV H. W. CUNNINGHAM, Halt First Congregational Chrisuai ELDER J T. POWELL, Durham Seventh Day Adventist Chun | REV. 1.,. S. PENN, Raleigh . . . St,. Paul AME Church REV WESLEY MIDDLE. Roxbor Mill HU! Baptist, Church REV CLYDE B. WALTON. Gar St Amanda Church REV. F. D. FULLER. Guilford Reynolds Chape! Baptist Cln REV P. W. BUTTS. Jamesvillp Ptney Grove Dtsooles Chuvcl REV ROBERT I, SHIRLEY. Ri Davie Street Presbyterian Ch REV R V. HORTON. Pitt;,boro Mitchell Chapel AMEZ Churr REV. J w JONEU. Raleigh FayeUeville Street Baptist C REV G R LOVICK, SR . Pantegf Antioch Disciple.'; Church REV. JAMES PUGH. Pantego Lily of the Vnlley Church REV JOSEPH JAMES. Jamesvil St Galilee Church REV FRANK PATTERSON, Clarl Pilgrim's Hill Church Contest Ends WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 31, ! r OS RALEIGH N. C. IP l TWEI DOESN’T SEEM BOTHERED Theodore Hunt. ». | * fw* dwMl'l seem bothered hr a huilet hole in his hat made 1..y policeman Wayne Horning: in a tussle during Hunt's can iOTiaflfaMP’ ture in Chicago tost week. Hunt was suspected of drivin; * s t°'en auto when policemen tried to question hum he ■ , * ar * , 'd off quickly, knocking Horning to the ground titer jj •«ddN^- s ' * chase through the loop. Horning made the capture •. i* H elPp an ass * s< f roffi several pedes train.. Hunt is beiny held for | ri: ess telephoto). s ■ JK| ’• £^''' '• f *' v ' te 1 ’ * '' "* '- *|§f..., •ijs < Greensboro Has Right To Sell Pools, Judge ’Fells Negroes GREENSBORO—FederaI Judge ; Edwin M Stanley has ruled that I the city of Greensboro has the ! right to sell it;- two controversial I public swimming pools.. | Stanley handed down the rulin'- in TJ S. Middle District Ce 2do oh ih'irch o 240 150 ! die 120, •kton 70 3 June 12, 1958 TAKE TIME \NI) VOTE There conies a time in our live? when we must .do 'what we ought to do.” Our duty is clear and we arc urging nil of the 7,000 registered Negro voters in Wake County to go to the poih (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Girl Friend | Killer Gets 20-25 Years STATESVILLE An 13 -year old operator of n email business, j | with no prior police record, was) sentenced last week to 20-25 yeai s j in prison for the. shotgun, slaving j of his 16-year-old girl friend. Chester I,re Little, convicted I of second degree, minder, stood i with bowed head ifter ,!».dge L. Richardson I’reyer passed (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) State News Brief "-.-•f-minßirr t-- - -’■raoclMn^eHMWbvMW.vwJ INTERRACIAL. COUPLE HELD ON ADULTER! CHARGE Charges of fornication and ad ultery were filed against, a white : women and Negro man who were placed .in Wake County -Tail Tues- I day, according to the Raleigh Po- i (CONTINUED ON PAGE » < PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c ... >, .. .'.. ■ ... ■ . .vj „H % ,’iis^3pE«^^iyv>wV V'J-. '*-> '• ' V*'-■• >v-' -• iT ! ‘V •■;'■ "f\ ' '‘fff' WARNS POWELL ON THREATS New York v Borough president Hulan .lack. mak*« a statement during his press conforencr in New York lasi week lack held the conference to reply to Kep Adam Powell'* statement that "Carmine (HeSapiol and Hulan lack better not walk up and down Harlem i Streets ton mtirh.” .lack said he will hold Powell responsible for the safety of hi# family. U NITED i PRESS PHOTO). _ _ State Also [ In Bis Suit A*# GREENSBORO Parents of two I children Thursday filed suit in fed- j rral eoov* here asking for the end ' of segregation in all the 'public j schools >n North Carolina (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?,) 8 Arkansas Students Promoted I LITTLE ROCK. Ait,—The eight Neurn students who attend Cen tra! High School have completed the term with passing graces and (fONTrmmn on cage 2? ODDS-ENOS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ' OK HERE AFTER HOLD YOUR PEACE," Nn, no one is getting married—we arc addressing these remarks to any of you who for any '••'a."on might, fail to vole next. Sat urday, May 31, The phrase, “hold (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Man Admits l ie Planned Bank “Job” GREENSBORO A ST-yaar-old man, called the ‘engineering brains” of an $18,426 Stokerdala bank roboery JaM week, surrender ed to police Sunday after telerho rmg that he was ready to “coma jn. ’ * Elbert Eugene Smith, ’‘’ho gave lur- aiidrc-f as Baltimore. Md . and Madison, N C, called the Guilford County sheriff's office at mid-af ternoon. savin? he would surren i d.~r voluntat il.i 'te told officers he • was at a house at 317 W Bragg St. The sheriff* office, sent dep uties and a Greensboro police car ♦« the house and picked up the sport-shine,«| Smith. Offi cers who talked to him *r the time sa»d h» admitted being implicated to the hank roh tCONnmJKP ON PAGE 3> <. • • f 3?SJfb sf> DK D. v CHAFMAiV i . . to Kataigh June 3 Or, Chapman To Be Cues! At Banquet Dr. Dariial AhmLmg Chapman, Ambassador to the United States and permanent Representati-e to ihe United States will visit Ra leigh, Thursday, Tune 5 At that time, he will address a group of citizens sponsoring a banquet la lus honor. The banquet will n» held m the Dining Hall. St. Au gustine's College Horn 6 00 to 8:09 p.m. The Ambassador will be corned by the. following individ uals: Major William Enloe- Dr. J A. Boyer. St. Augustine's College, Dr W. R. Strassner. Shaw Univer sity: Aitv P. J Carnage, Citv Schools; Rev P. 7? Johnson, pres ident Raleigh Inlerdenommation (rONTlNUliO ON P4Ci! *V